Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by jerseydevil on February 27, 2004, at 13:20:58

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by fastblackZZR on February 27, 2004, at 8:25:43

I know the fun, I just saw my pdoc and talked to my boss, I think my last step to 0 mg of Paxil begins tommorrow. So by about Tuesday or Wednesday I should be raving. I have a settlement conference on a case Wednesday afternoon, I hope I don't scare anyone... We all get through it, if we stay with it. And, posting here helps alot. I also go to Double Trouble meetings from time to time. They are associated with the other 12 step addiction programs, but from people who are dealing with multiple issues. Sometimes its good just to hear someone say, "been there, did that, I'm here today." Best wishes,

the devil


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 27, 2004, at 13:58:55

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by jerseydevil on February 27, 2004, at 13:20:58

ohhhh. i'm glad you told me you'll be without as of tomorrow. i will be praying for you big time.
each step-down i had with effexor, it'd be 3 days in and i would be hit hard. crying uncontrollably (i am not a crier), horrid dizziness and brain shock, nausea, feelings of doom, wanting to die...blah blah blah. i'd think i was through it and then it's start all over again.
honestly, i am feeling pretty good these last 2 days. i have had no effexor or anti-d's of any kind for a week now. not bad, eh? and yes, i think you (and I) WILL get past this and it'll all be a memory. have you had other addiction problems? (you don't have to answer that.)
i am to the point i wish i'd never seen a pill...


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on February 27, 2004, at 16:01:47

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by jerseydevil on February 27, 2004, at 13:20:58

> I know the fun, I just saw my pdoc and talked to my boss, I think my last step to 0 mg of Paxil begins tommorrow. So by about Tuesday or Wednesday I should be raving. I have a settlement conference on a case Wednesday afternoon, I hope I don't scare anyone... We all get through it, if we stay with it. And, posting here helps alot. I also go to Double Trouble meetings from time to time. They are associated with the other 12 step addiction programs, but from people who are dealing with multiple issues. Sometimes its good just to hear someone say, "been there, did that, I'm here today." Best wishes,
> the devil

Is this a settlement conference for Effexor. I would like to start one for my daughter in law, she didn't make it through her withdrawal.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on February 27, 2004, at 16:02:51

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by jerseydevil on February 27, 2004, at 13:20:58

> I know the fun, I just saw my pdoc and talked to my boss, I think my last step to 0 mg of Paxil begins tommorrow. So by about Tuesday or Wednesday I should be raving. I have a settlement conference on a case Wednesday afternoon, I hope I don't scare anyone... We all get through it, if we stay with it. And, posting here helps alot. I also go to Double Trouble meetings from time to time. They are associated with the other 12 step addiction programs, but from people who are dealing with multiple issues. Sometimes its good just to hear someone say, "been there, did that, I'm here today." Best wishes,
> the devil

Is this a settlement conference for Effexor. I would like to start one for my daughter in law, she didn't make it through her withdrawal.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 27, 2004, at 17:52:01

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Raggy on February 27, 2004, at 16:02:51

raggy - would you tell me your daughter-in-law's story? i'm so sorry...
jean - 33 yrs. old. mother of 3. aka fastblackzzr


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on February 27, 2004, at 22:47:25

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by fastblackZZR on February 27, 2004, at 17:52:01

My daughter in law was on effexor xr, and started having seizures, took her off this drug and a month later she committed suicide. This is a very dangerous drug. She was never suicidial before. After getting off this drug she became more depressed.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by jerseydevil on February 29, 2004, at 15:34:47

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Raggy on February 27, 2004, at 22:47:25

Some people seem to have no problem going off of Effexor, others go through withdrawl and others need to step down, ie, wean from the dosage over a period of time. I'm happily on my second day free of Paxil since beginning my wean in November 2002. I am still on a small dose of Effexor and a larger dose of Welbutrin, and a couple of mood stabilizers, etc. Getting off of Paxil has been really tough for me. In about two days I will most likely become very antisocial and have nasty headaches and again enjoy withdrawl from an ssri. But I had to do all this to get to today. Sorry for your loss, I've lost friends through suicide and tend to talk other friends down on a regular basis. I cannot judge what happened from you have written here. If you feel your loved one was miss treated, see an attorney who specializes in this area. Good luck to all.

the devil

> My daughter in law was on effexor xr, and started having seizures, took her off this drug and a month later she committed suicide. This is a very dangerous drug. She was never suicidial before. After getting off this drug she became more depressed.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 29, 2004, at 20:41:17

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by jerseydevil on February 29, 2004, at 15:34:47

> Some people seem to have no problem going off of Effexor, others go through withdrawl and others need to step down, ie, wean from the dosage over a period of time. I'm happily on my second day free of Paxil since beginning my wean in November 2002. I am still on a small dose of Effexor and a larger dose of Welbutrin, and a couple of mood stabilizers, etc. Getting off of Paxil has been really tough for me. In about two days I will most likely become very antisocial and have nasty headaches and again enjoy withdrawl from an ssri. But I had to do all this to get to today. Sorry for your loss, I've lost friends through suicide and tend to talk other friends down on a regular basis. I cannot judge what happened from you have written here. If you feel your loved one was miss treated, see an attorney who specializes in this area. Good luck to all.
> the devil
> > My daughter in law was on effexor xr, and started having seizures, took her off this drug and a month later she committed suicide. This is a very dangerous drug. She was never suicidial before. After getting off this drug she became more depressed.
i hear you , devil. i ceraintly wasn't sucicdal before the effexor. it was only after having gone OFF of it - expeiencing horrid side affects- that i began to see suicide as a "nice thing. better than this present hell". you're right, raggy. it's dangerous. far too many of us have come forward saying so.


Re: Going through Effexor (or Paxil) Withdrawl now

Posted by jerseydevil on March 1, 2004, at 9:38:05

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by fastblackZZR on February 29, 2004, at 20:41:17

That having been said, some people benefit tremedously from this class of ADs. Untreated depression or BP can kill ya too. There are success stories on other threads of this site. And the tv adds seem to be changing for this class to mention the "side effects" that can happen when going off the med. (Day three of no paxil for me and the zaps are starting earlier than normal, too bad I'm used to them by now.)

the devil


Re: Going through Effexor (or Paxil) Withdrawl now

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 11:28:38

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor (or Paxil) Withdrawl now, posted by jerseydevil on March 1, 2004, at 9:38:05

true, definitely true. i have sister who is on effexor. she has suffered for around 30 years with mental illness. her pdoc just put her on the effexor and she is benefitting greatly. my prayer is that she doesn't miss meds or have to go off of it.
how are you sleeping, devil? nights were the worst for me in the paxil w/d.


How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by MADMAN3070 on March 1, 2004, at 12:33:56

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor (or Paxil) Withdrawl now, posted by jerseydevil on March 1, 2004, at 9:38:05

Its been 5 weeks and Im still having dizziness and nausea, vision problems and headache. How long does this last? Should I see a neurologist? My symptoms are not as bad as the first week I was off Effexor but they are still here. Any advice from someone who has beat the big E would be appreciated. Madman


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 12:38:17

In reply to How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by MADMAN3070 on March 1, 2004, at 12:33:56

it took me about 5 or 6 weeks to stop feeling the withdrawal symptoms and i had only taken effexor for 3-4 weeks.! have you completely stopped the med or have you been tapering or what?


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by MADMAN3070 on March 1, 2004, at 12:56:56

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 12:38:17

> madman
> it took me about 5 or 6 weeks to stop feeling the withdrawal symptoms and i had only taken effexor for 3-4 weeks.! have you completely stopped the med or have you been tapering or what?

I have been totally off Effexor for 5 weeks. My Dr. told me to stop cold and start Welbutrin. I havent taken it though. Im to afraid.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 13:19:27

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by MADMAN3070 on March 1, 2004, at 12:56:56

Oh my dear God. I cannot believe he told you to cold turkey it. I am surprised you are still with us. I don't blame you a bit for being afraid of the wellbutrin, but you know it may help to give it a shot. Supposedly it's nothing like effexor (a.k.a.demon from hell) Are you able to sleep at night? SHEESH!!! I still can't believe he let you do that!! You should hear some of the stories!


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 1, 2004, at 13:39:24

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 13:19:27

help! someone please tell me there is something i can do.
i'm off effexor xr for day two now. i tapered from 450mg a day, which i discovered later is way more than the normal high recommended dosage.
i've gone cold turkey off paxil before and it was bad and took about a week.
this is way worse. horrible.
i had nightmares all night with shakes and hyperventilating. literally i was up about every fifteen minutes throughout the night.
now i've got the zings, only this time they never stop in between times. i have uncontrollable tears and dizziness. can't think, can't walk straight.
tell me there's something i can do.
i've taken just about every drug there is to take and i'm still on lamictal.
now i just want off it all because all i can think is that if it's this awful now what the hell is it doing to me when i'm on it? i've taken effexor for about the last year and a half.
okay, sorry if i don't make sense or i'm babbling. just really looking for some kind of help. anything.
btw- my dr wants to put me on wellbutrin next also and i think i'll refuse. this is hell. and WAY worse than paxil withdrawal which i thought couldn't be beat.
one more thing-- i asked my dr to get off effexor in the first place because a friend told me it had sexual side effects. i thought i was just weird that way. i must say that on day one of no effexor all the sexual side effects disappeared completely. of course, the withdrawal symptoms were not as bad yesterday as they are today. lol! don't think i'll be able to test that theory out again any time soon...


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 13:48:19

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 1, 2004, at 13:39:24

please know you are not alone in this. if we'd known what would happen, we never would have taken it. when i first began going off of it (and i was only on it like a month!) i had this horrible crying, feelings of doom, wanting to die, etc. it was a nightmare. i would shake and cry and could not get still.
There are some natural remedies i heard about, i'll go get the bottles from the kitchen and tell you what they are. i was skeptical but willing to do whatever. the supplements did seem to help.
if you could get xanax to help...but then again thats another whole story. you can email me, too. i am home in the day and can be here for you. it WILL pass. it seems to take forever and it's hell on earth, but it will pass.
i'll go get those bottles now.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 13:55:43

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 13:48:19

okay, write this stuff down.
the first one is called DHA.
the other is Choline and Inositol.
go to a health food place like GNC and ask for them. the DHA isn't cheap ($25 a bottle)
but it DID help with the symptoms.
also, i got ambien from the doctor so i could sleep. that was a tremendous help because at one point i went 39 hours without sleep.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by MADMAN3070 on March 1, 2004, at 14:01:12

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 1, 2004, at 13:39:24

> help! someone please tell me there is something i can do.
> i'm off effexor xr for day two now. i tapered from 450mg a day, which i discovered later is way more than the normal high recommended dosage.
> i've gone cold turkey off paxil before and it was bad and took about a week.
> this is way worse. horrible.
> i had nightmares all night with shakes and hyperventilating. literally i was up about every fifteen minutes throughout the night.
> now i've got the zings, only this time they never stop in between times. i have uncontrollable tears and dizziness. can't think, can't walk straight.
> tell me there's something i can do.
> i've taken just about every drug there is to take and i'm still on lamictal.
> now i just want off it all because all i can think is that if it's this awful now what the hell is it doing to me when i'm on it? i've taken effexor for about the last year and a half.
> okay, sorry if i don't make sense or i'm babbling. just really looking for some kind of help. anything.
> btw- my dr wants to put me on wellbutrin next also and i think i'll refuse. this is hell. and WAY worse than paxil withdrawal which i thought couldn't be beat.
> one more thing-- i asked my dr to get off effexor in the first place because a friend told me it had sexual side effects. i thought i was just weird that way. i must say that on day one of no effexor all the sexual side effects disappeared completely. of course, the withdrawal symptoms were not as bad yesterday as they are today. lol! don't think i'll be able to test that theory out again any time soon...
> rain
Rain I hope it doesnt last as long for you as its doing for me 5 weeks and counting. Still having withdrawal from E. Madman


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by baddog55 on March 1, 2004, at 20:00:09

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 1, 2004, at 13:55:43


just a note. If you have trouble getting ambien from the dr, or he doesnt want to refill it, I have found that UNISOM works great. It is different from nytol, etc. Different ingredients. But it has to be the 25 mg tablets that you only take ONE of. They work very well and don't leave you with a groggy hangover the next day. The Walgreens brand (WAL-SOM) is just as good, but again, make sure it is the 25 mg tablets.
Hope this helps. I am almost effexor free! But it took over 3 months. Well worth it!
Hang in, it IS possible.

> okay, write this stuff down.
> the first one is called DHA.
> the other is Choline and Inositol.
> go to a health food place like GNC and ask for them. the DHA isn't cheap ($25 a bottle)
> but it DID help with the symptoms.
> also, i got ambien from the doctor so i could sleep. that was a tremendous help because at one point i went 39 hours without sleep.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last? » MADMAN3070

Posted by roomy on March 2, 2004, at 6:22:46

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by MADMAN3070 on March 1, 2004, at 14:01:12

Madman, I have been effexor free since Jan.1 2004. I still get some withdrawl side effects popping up here and there, mostly with my lack of sleep. For the most part, I am doing quite well now taking nothing. I am slowly losing the weight I have gained and the sexual side effects are going away as well. Keep hanging in there.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by MADMAN3070 on March 2, 2004, at 8:40:55

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last? » MADMAN3070, posted by roomy on March 2, 2004, at 6:22:46

Thanks Roomy I will try. Just knowing someone has been off of it for a while and is still living helps. Madman


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 3, 2004, at 13:25:46

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by MADMAN3070 on March 2, 2004, at 8:40:55

i'm still living, although the world seems to be crashing around me.
still zinging constantly, i'm on day four of no effexor now, i think. can't think straight really. crying constantly, yelling, having severe bouts of anger with temper issues.
since i've been going through this on my own life is getting harder. my roommate is kicking me out asap.
just a note, before you decide to get off this horrible horrible medication, be certain you have free time, don't have to work, and have MAJOR support. this would include someone who will love you no matter what you may say or do during this time.
those that mentioned 5 weeks of this withdrawal, please tell me it at least gets a bit better during this time. my life has turned to hell.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 3, 2004, at 13:32:20

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 3, 2004, at 13:25:46

rainbow -
please please hang in there. i know all about the crying uncontrollably, the feeling in your head that's just plain crazy, the zings, the irritability, ALL OF IT. i can tell you that it DOES go away. the hell of it is that it takes awhile. i could not function and i have 3 kids. my husband was VERY supportive, as were other family and friends. if you've got no one else, you've got me. it was so bad i wanted to die. i'm glad i didn't do anything stupid, because it is SO much better now. did you read the health supplements i mentioned before? they do help as crazy as it sounds. i was willing to do anything to get relief. i am praying for you. i'm praying it will not last much longer. reading your post broke my heart. please talk back - fastblackZZR


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by caritasrainbow on March 3, 2004, at 15:24:40

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by fastblackZZR on March 3, 2004, at 13:32:20

well, it is upsetting that i have no support, but i am strong and i will make it. this is worse than anything i've done before though. nice to have someone who understands, even if it is just on the puter.
i'll admit last night while sobbing inconsolably i did actually line up all of my meds and make up a big glass of water. well, as you can see i didn't take them all. instead i put everything in a metal cookie jar and put it way out of my reach. of course i could still get to it, but it would take more effort than i have, so i think i did myself a huge favor.
i'll hang in there.
yesterday i took two clonezapam and that didn't help at all. today i took a vicaden (i've got a broken arm as well) and that hasn't stopped the zings, but i'm not crying quite as much and i've been able to call around to make some appts for finding help with housing funding so when i do have to go i will at least have some help for the kids and i.
sorry if i'm babbling or saying the wrong things on the wrong list.
anyway, i'd still warn my worst enemy (not that i have any, lol!) to never ever take this drug. i thought paxil was the worst, no way.
the psychological bits seem to be getting worse while the physical seem to not be getting any better.
tomorrow i will have my car and access to funds to go check out the supplements you mentioned. anything to help.
thanks for your support in this major time of need, i really appreciate it.


Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?

Posted by fastblackZZR on March 3, 2004, at 16:56:37

In reply to Re: How long does withdrawal from Effexor last?, posted by caritasrainbow on March 3, 2004, at 15:24:40

man, i had no idea you have kids, too. that makes it SO much harder...i know.
yeah, i thought paxil was the worst, too. ha. it was a cakewalk compared to this.
i'm sure the vicodin helps to mellow you out.
when you are going through pure hell, you will do whatever it takes to calm yourself down.
and no, you're not babbling.
are you able to sleep?

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