Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 302023

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Re: Seroquel

Posted by Fourdaystil on February 11, 2004, at 1:06:05

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by Sugarpuss on January 18, 2004, at 11:21:47

I'm new to this board..was just searching longterm side effects of Seroquel on the internet and found this thread. Hopefully I can be of help and get some answers of my own as well!

I started taking Seroquel six years ago for bipolar disorder and anxiety issues. It was my miracle drug, didn't make me feel drugged and didn't make me feel antsy either. I slept at night (usually within 20 minutes of taking the med) and could function properly during the day.

Since then I have learned new coping techniques and have been able to decrease me dosage significantly. I've been very successful in doing this up until the final point of going medication-free. I can't kick the sleeping problems. Looking back now I realize that even before any of my emotional problems, I've had problems with insomnia.

So, now I'm stuck taking a very tiny pill every night to go to sleep. I can't sleep without it. When I started Seroquel it was brand new, so they didn't know the longterm side effects of Seroquel. My question is to anyone who took Seroquel for a long period of time and successfully went off of it. I want to know if there are any side effects that don't ever go away. For example, I have noticed that I get migraines now that I'm off of the medication, but I figure those will go away with time. It's just the withdrawl reaction of my body. But I need some better treatment for this sleeping problem.

To answer some of your questions (which it's kind of late to be answering them), these are the only side effects I've faced with Seroquel:

1) The first week of taking Seroquel, I was totally knocked out for 12-15 hours at a time. It was very difficult to get up in the morning. This wore off after the first week and I felt refreshed in the morning.
2) They say that weight gain is a side effect of Seroquel, but I have never had that problem. I stayed the same weight for most of the six years I was on the medication. I had gained a few extra pounds from Zyprexa and Zoloft previously and lost those pounds very quickly. But once I reached my normal weight, I maintained it without major diet or exercise.
3) Seroquel doesn't work well with alcohol. I usually would skip my meds if I drank, which didn't really have bad effects on me. The alcohol put me to sleep, and I woke up pretty early the next morning without so much as a hangover. People never understood how I could wake up so early in the morning after a night out, but it worked out for me. Seroquel doesn't stay in your system for long, so you can be flexible with it and your lifestyle. If you are afraid of it interacting badly with something, you can skip out on it for that time...just be careful about how long that other thing will stay in your system.
4) I think you will find that Seroquel will help with your panic disorder. Actually, I found I didn't need another medication to help with the Seroquel.

It was my lifesaver for a very difficult time in my life, and I would recommend to anyone in a similar situation as I was and it sounds like you are very similar to me. Hope it works out!


Re: Seroquel

Posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 11, 2004, at 1:25:31

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by Fourdaystil on February 11, 2004, at 1:06:05

> I'm new to this board..was just searching longterm side effects of Seroquel on the internet and found this thread. Hopefully I can be of help and get some answers of my own as well!

Welcome! Seroquel has been a life saver for way more people than as a hassle. Some like myself didnt wish I we were alive the day/week I took it from serious side effects. (i.e. paralyzation, hearing screams, seeing beasts with claws, clawing me which I felt) You are very intuitive and it is great to see you realize you had insomnia before seroquel. If u cant sleep while off it, you may need to stick with it, change medication, or excercise. Heck, if the tiny dose of seroquel works for sleep , keep it up. Long term problems stem from long term D2 Dopamine 2 blockage. There are tests your doctor can do within minutes to see if you have any TD or EPS symptoms. It sounds like you tolerated a high dosage quite nicely. It's great to hear someone doing so well. Good job, use this board for info, but you should always check with your Doctor. Good Luck!

> I started taking Seroquel six years ago for bipolar disorder and anxiety issues. It was my miracle drug, didn't make me feel drugged and didn't make me feel antsy either. I slept at night (usually within 20 minutes of taking the med) and could function properly during the day.
> Since then I have learned new coping techniques and have been able to decrease me dosage significantly. I've been very successful in doing this up until the final point of going medication-free. I can't kick the sleeping problems. Looking back now I realize that even before any of my emotional problems, I've had problems with insomnia.
> So, now I'm stuck taking a very tiny pill every night to go to sleep. I can't sleep without it. When I started Seroquel it was brand new, so they didn't know the longterm side effects of Seroquel. My question is to anyone who took Seroquel for a long period of time and successfully went off of it. I want to know if there are any side effects that don't ever go away. For example, I have noticed that I get migraines now that I'm off of the medication, but I figure those will go away with time. It's just the withdrawl reaction of my body. But I need some better treatment for this sleeping problem.
> To answer some of your questions (which it's kind of late to be answering them), these are the only side effects I've faced with Seroquel:
> 1) The first week of taking Seroquel, I was totally knocked out for 12-15 hours at a time. It was very difficult to get up in the morning. This wore off after the first week and I felt refreshed in the morning.
> 2) They say that weight gain is a side effect of Seroquel, but I have never had that problem. I stayed the same weight for most of the six years I was on the medication. I had gained a few extra pounds from Zyprexa and Zoloft previously and lost those pounds very quickly. But once I reached my normal weight, I maintained it without major diet or exercise.
> 3) Seroquel doesn't work well with alcohol. I usually would skip my meds if I drank, which didn't really have bad effects on me. The alcohol put me to sleep, and I woke up pretty early the next morning without so much as a hangover. People never understood how I could wake up so early in the morning after a night out, but it worked out for me. Seroquel doesn't stay in your system for long, so you can be flexible with it and your lifestyle. If you are afraid of it interacting badly with something, you can skip out on it for that time...just be careful about how long that other thing will stay in your system.
> 4) I think you will find that Seroquel will help with your panic disorder. Actually, I found I didn't need another medication to help with the Seroquel.
> It was my lifesaver for a very difficult time in my life, and I would recommend to anyone in a similar situation as I was and it sounds like you are very similar to me. Hope it works out!


Seroquel/Effexor balancing act

Posted by Lyrical13 on February 12, 2004, at 6:26:26

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 11, 2004, at 1:25:31

Seroquel has been a miracle for me too. Back in Sept when i had maxed out my Effexor and was still having a terrible time with depression/ anxiety...couldn't even function at work..I was falling apart. Adding Seroquel turned things around in a matter of days. I got through the fall much better than I ever remember. I was actually happy about returning to work after Christmas break..usually I feel a little depressed.

Here's the question for me. Last year in the spring (approx March through June really) I was on 150mg Effexor. I was more hypomanic than I ever remember being. First time I ever felt euphoric. Lots of spending sprees and decreased need for sleep. At that time we still thought I had depression w/ GAD. Now realize it's actually BP2. Seroquel was first being used to augment Effexor for depression/GAD. Now we are increasing the dosage to use it as a mood stabilizer. Currenlty on 225mg Effexor, 75mg Seroquel. (I am very sensitive to meds and often require only pediatric dosage) Working our way up to 100-200 mg of Seroquel and then plan to decrease teh Effexor to 150 or possibly 75mg.

I have been absolutely crawling out of my skin. Hyper, can't sit still, can't shut up. Worked out yesterday afternoon and did some yoga..that helped some. But still very jumpy/antsy...flying high. I have read that Effexor can cause hypomania so I'm wondering if it is exacerbating my hypomania that's part of BP2. If Seroquel is giving the Effexor a boost is that even adding to that effect rather than stabilizing me? I left a msg for pdoc asking about decreasing Effexor now to 150mg as we continue to increase the Seroquel. Haven't heard back yet. Does that make sense to anyone else besides me? Has anyone had similar experiences or using Effexor with Seroquel to treat BP2? Thanks in advance for any feedback.



Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by Burgany on February 23, 2004, at 23:03:33

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 11, 2004, at 1:25:31

Hi there,
I'm new to this site but I am so glad to have found it..Its nice to find people with similar issues as I don't really talk to anyone else about this part of my life. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder recently after years of being told I was just depressed and trying numerous anti-depressants which never had any positive effects. I was originally put on Lamotrigine and Risperdal. I am currently up to 200mg of Lamotrigine and have yet to notice any effect but you increase so slowly on this drug. I just stopped the Risperdal as it seemed to make me more anxious and suffer more insomnia than before I was on it( I was prescribed it for help with sleep and it is supposed to work well with Lamotrigine.) So as a substitute I was given Seroquel...I have yet to take it but I'm a little nervous after what I have read here but the thought of a good night sleep is too good not to give this pill a shot. I too suffer from a eating disorder and am very worried about weight gain. I have heard that Seroquel can help with eating disorders. Does anyone know anything about that? My Dr suggested 50mg a night to start with maybe an increase later. Is it okay to start at 25mg? Also if anyone has any info on Lamotrigine I would love to hear as my searches haven't turned up much.
Hope everybody has a wonderful Sleep!


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » Burgany

Posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 23, 2004, at 23:39:15

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by Burgany on February 23, 2004, at 23:03:33

Seroquel and risperidone are antipsychotic/anti-mania pills at high dosage. In low doses, i.e. 25mg Seroquel, they can be prescribed for sleep. Everyone is different, and medication will act differently on an indiviudual basis i.e. look up effexor, some love it, some hate it, and some have high/little/no problems coming off of it. I was always taught to slatt at the lowest dose, and titrate up (up the dosage)depending on how the client feels a week later. Of course I can not see your medcharts, therefore I would never suggest 50mg of seroquel to start. I would prefer to start them at 25mg, and then after 2-3 days suggest 50mg, unless my client called me and said "I can't take this for these reasons ________ " I know some people who broke their 25mg pill into 12.5mg to start. When it comes to psychiatric medicine, there will always be people that range from loving it to dreading it. Some info FYI: Seroquel is the newest of its class of drugs to come out, with less sideffects, and less of an EPS (Extra Pyramidal Symptom) profile. (EPS symptoms: no motivation, tardive dyskinsia, shakes, etc.) Good luck, and bring these possibilities up to you Dr. They would never have u start at 50mg unless they had a reason to, so see why. Good luck!

> Hi there,
> I'm new to this site but I am so glad to have found it..Its nice to find people with similar issues as I don't really talk to anyone else about this part of my life. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder recently after years of being told I was just depressed and trying numerous anti-depressants which never had any positive effects. I was originally put on Lamotrigine and Risperdal. I am currently up to 200mg of Lamotrigine and have yet to notice any effect but you increase so slowly on this drug. I just stopped the Risperdal as it seemed to make me more anxious and suffer more insomnia than before I was on it( I was prescribed it for help with sleep and it is supposed to work well with Lamotrigine.) So as a substitute I was given Seroquel...I have yet to take it but I'm a little nervous after what I have read here but the thought of a good night sleep is too good not to give this pill a shot. I too suffer from a eating disorder and am very worried about weight gain. I have heard that Seroquel can help with eating disorders. Does anyone know anything about that? My Dr suggested 50mg a night to start with maybe an increase later. Is it okay to start at 25mg? Also if anyone has any info on Lamotrigine I would love to hear as my searches haven't turned up much.
> Hope everybody has a wonderful Sleep!


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by sugarpuss on February 24, 2004, at 5:41:30

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by Burgany on February 23, 2004, at 23:03:33

I don't know anything about Seroquel relating to eating disorders but it seems that getting the munchies is actually a common side effect; I dig that because it's easy enough to just ignore them and I'm VERY VERY not cool with pills that make me nauseous, I'll take the munchies over queasiness ANY day.

I take Seroquel as needed for sleep, and I've never needed more than 50mg to knock me out (and 50mg will REALLY knock me out for a long time). I don't take it daily; I alternate between that and just over-the-counter sleep aids so that they'll both still work.

The first like, two times I took the stuff, it gave me very bizarre lucid dreams/sleep paralysis, which scares some people but I've experienced it before and it didn't bother me, but again, even with an increased dose that only happened the first time or two. Other than that the only side effect *I've* gotten is some morning grogginess but you get used to the medication pretty quickly and that goes away (or at least it did in my case).

It's worth a shot -- for me, I take one, and I can stay up if I want to (although I feel very "flatlined" if that makes sense) but if I lie down and close my eyes I fall asleep very quickly. If I'm sitting reading a book or something sometimes I just suddenly wake up all, what the hell?

So far it's proven the most effective prescription sleep medicine for me. Hopefully it'll help for you.

I was on Risperdal years ago and it made me a zombie -- I have to wonder if since it's the same class of drug as Seroquel if Seroquel too will increase your anxiety, but (I'm no doctor, but...) it seems weird that an anti-psychotic medication would give you anxiety. It has the opposite effect on me, that's for sure.

But give it a go -- hopefully it'll work, keep us posted!


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » sugarpuss

Posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 24, 2004, at 20:50:51

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by sugarpuss on February 24, 2004, at 5:41:30

Seroquel is the newest antipsychotic and reports to have less of those side effects than others. Many meds including antidepressants/antipsychotics, can give anxiety for weeks because the brain needs at least 3-4 to "down regulate" which means less receptors. The more receptors you have the more stimulation u will get. That's why SSRIs claim 3-4+ weeks plus. The med works quicker, but the brain needs to reduce it's receptors due to the increased amt of serotonin. The brain creates extra receptors when there is too little, and 3-4 weeks+ it reduces the amt of receptors if there is a higher concentration of that neurotransmitter. They work (not antipsychotics) by forming a barrier in front on the transmitter, that way its only the receptor that can get serotonin, not the transmitter and receptor combined.

> I don't know anything about Seroquel relating to eating disorders but it seems that getting the munchies is actually a common side effect; I dig that because it's easy enough to just ignore them and I'm VERY VERY not cool with pills that make me nauseous, I'll take the munchies over queasiness ANY day.
> I take Seroquel as needed for sleep, and I've never needed more than 50mg to knock me out (and 50mg will REALLY knock me out for a long time). I don't take it daily; I alternate between that and just over-the-counter sleep aids so that they'll both still work.
> The first like, two times I took the stuff, it gave me very bizarre lucid dreams/sleep paralysis, which scares some people but I've experienced it before and it didn't bother me, but again, even with an increased dose that only happened the first time or two. Other than that the only side effect *I've* gotten is some morning grogginess but you get used to the medication pretty quickly and that goes away (or at least it did in my case).
> It's worth a shot -- for me, I take one, and I can stay up if I want to (although I feel very "flatlined" if that makes sense) but if I lie down and close my eyes I fall asleep very quickly. If I'm sitting reading a book or something sometimes I just suddenly wake up all, what the hell?
> So far it's proven the most effective prescription sleep medicine for me. Hopefully it'll help for you.
> I was on Risperdal years ago and it made me a zombie -- I have to wonder if since it's the same class of drug as Seroquel if Seroquel too will increase your anxiety, but (I'm no doctor, but...) it seems weird that an anti-psychotic medication would give you anxiety. It has the opposite effect on me, that's for sure.
> But give it a go -- hopefully it'll work, keep us posted!


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » Doctor Feel Good

Posted by Simus on February 24, 2004, at 21:23:46

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » sugarpuss, posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 24, 2004, at 20:50:51

>Many meds including antidepressants/antipsychotics, can give anxiety for weeks because the brain needs at least 3-4 to "down regulate" which means less receptors. The more receptors you have the more stimulation u will get. That's why SSRIs claim 3-4+ weeks plus. The med works quicker, but the brain needs to reduce it's receptors due to the increased amt of serotonin. The brain creates extra receptors when there is too little, and 3-4 weeks+ it reduces the amt of receptors if there is a higher concentration of that neurotransmitter. They work (not antipsychotics) by forming a barrier in front on the transmitter, that way its only the receptor that can get serotonin, not the transmitter and receptor combined.

Dr. FG,
Do you know if any permanent damage is done by ADs? Is the AD "withdrawal" actually from "up regulating", if there is such a term? How long does this process take? Thanks in advance.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by sugarpuss on February 24, 2004, at 21:29:42

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » sugarpuss, posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 24, 2004, at 20:50:51

<<Seroquel is the newest antipsychotic and reports to have less of those side effects than others. Many meds including antidepressants/antipsychotics, can give anxiety for weeks because the brain needs at least 3-4 to "down regulate" which means less receptors. The more receptors you have the more stimulation u will get. That's why SSRIs claim 3-4+ weeks plus. The med works quicker, but the brain needs to reduce it's receptors due to the increased amt of serotonin. The brain creates extra receptors when there is too little, and 3-4 weeks+ it reduces the amt of receptors if there is a higher concentration of that neurotransmitter. They work (not antipsychotics) by forming a barrier in front on the transmitter, that way its only the receptor that can get serotonin, not the transmitter and receptor combined.>>

Huh, I had no idea, you learn something new every day. Perhaps the reason *I* didn't have that side effect is that I'm on Klonopin, so anxiety is hard to achieve, not that I'm complaining.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 24, 2004, at 23:50:08

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by sugarpuss on February 24, 2004, at 21:29:42

Good call. Many people are prescribed ativan/lorazepam or clonopin/clonazepam, to get over the initial anxiety, or insomnia.
Not everyone gets side effects, or they may get different, or none.
> <<Seroquel is the newest antipsychotic and reports to have less of those side effects than others. Many meds including antidepressants/antipsychotics, can give anxiety for weeks because the brain needs at least 3-4 to "down regulate" which means less receptors. The more receptors you have the more stimulation u will get. That's why SSRIs claim 3-4+ weeks plus. The med works quicker, but the brain needs to reduce it's receptors due to the increased amt of serotonin. The brain creates extra receptors when there is too little, and 3-4 weeks+ it reduces the amt of receptors if there is a higher concentration of that neurotransmitter. They work (not antipsychotics) by forming a barrier in front on the transmitter, that way its only the receptor that can get serotonin, not the transmitter and receptor combined.>>
> Huh, I had no idea, you learn something new every day. Perhaps the reason *I* didn't have that side effect is that I'm on Klonopin, so anxiety is hard to achieve, not that I'm complaining.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » Burgany

Posted by katia on February 25, 2004, at 14:33:28

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by Burgany on February 23, 2004, at 23:03:33

I take Seroquel for sleep. The most I've ever taken has been 75mg. I started at 7mg for months. Lately I've taken 25mg and it's enough. I have had a little bit of problem with weight - just unable to get it off. Harder than before. My system is sensitive. Little does lots for me - good and bad.
It's been a great help with sleep.

> Hi there,
> I'm new to this site but I am so glad to have found it..Its nice to find people with similar issues as I don't really talk to anyone else about this part of my life. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder recently after years of being told I was just depressed and trying numerous anti-depressants which never had any positive effects. I was originally put on Lamotrigine and Risperdal. I am currently up to 200mg of Lamotrigine and have yet to notice any effect but you increase so slowly on this drug. I just stopped the Risperdal as it seemed to make me more anxious and suffer more insomnia than before I was on it( I was prescribed it for help with sleep and it is supposed to work well with Lamotrigine.) So as a substitute I was given Seroquel...I have yet to take it but I'm a little nervous after what I have read here but the thought of a good night sleep is too good not to give this pill a shot. I too suffer from a eating disorder and am very worried about weight gain. I have heard that Seroquel can help with eating disorders. Does anyone know anything about that? My Dr suggested 50mg a night to start with maybe an increase later. Is it okay to start at 25mg? Also if anyone has any info on Lamotrigine I would love to hear as my searches haven't turned up much.
> Hope everybody has a wonderful Sleep!


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by Burgany on February 26, 2004, at 12:00:25

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » Burgany, posted by katia on February 25, 2004, at 14:33:28

Thanks everyone for your input. I have taken 25mg for three nights now. I don't find that it knocks me out for quite a while but when It does I am out cold for 9 hrs or more. I find it really hard to get up but after a hour or so It wears off. As for the anxiety I have not felt any calming effects from Seroquel. Maybe the Lamotrigine will kick in soon. Sometimes I forget what it's like to be me....I'm not sure if I was better off before becoming a guinea pig. Everyday living and funtioning shouldn't be this complicated.


Re: Seroquel » iso_ananda

Posted by lauram on February 26, 2004, at 19:15:54

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by iso_ananda on January 18, 2004, at 13:23:52

I am on Lamictal 175mg and will go up to 200mg next week. Although I experience some anxiety with each dose increase, it eventually goes away.

I have been on Seroquel two years to help control my hypomanic episodes and it has helped. My sleep has also been great. When I first started it I was very groggy the next morning but that eventually went away. I always enjoy a good night sleep on the dose of 75mgs a night. If I take it on an empty stomach it works within 20 minutes. Sleep is very important as when I don't sleep I can feel myself starting to cycle again. My Pdoc says that they now are finding out that low doses of Seroquel are helpful for BPII in controlling rapid cycling. This is just my experience.


Re: Seroquel

Posted by Lyrical13 on February 26, 2004, at 22:52:59

In reply to Re: Seroquel » iso_ananda, posted by lauram on February 26, 2004, at 19:15:54

That's good to know re: Seroquel and BP2. That's what I'm taking it for (along with Effexor). I've noticed something..I'm not sure if it's the Seroquel or if it's BP becoming more pronounced. My irritable moods are more irritable than I ever remember them. I feel like I'm possessed by a demon or something. I really just get so irritated at times I just want to rip someone's head off. Unfortunately my dh is usually the target and I feel really bad about that. I don't know how he puts up with me. Sometimes it' like this volcano rising within adn you're trying to keep it from erupting, but the lava keeps rising. Until finally you can't contain it any more.

But, anyway, does anyone have jumpy legs? Feel like you have teh heebie jeebies in lower legs and ankles? This usually happends in evening. That's also when i get majorly irritable. Maybe Serquel withdrawal?

Thanks TTFN


Re: Seroquel » Lyrical13

Posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 27, 2004, at 1:34:43

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by Lyrical13 on February 26, 2004, at 22:52:59

I'd really like to give you good advice. However, I need to know what you have been diagnosed with, and how long you have been taking each med. Starting dose to current dose. I wouldn't feel comfortable giving you an answer without that info. Also, if you have been to a doctor to test your thyroid level, and amylase and lipase test.

> That's good to know re: Seroquel and BP2. That's what I'm taking it for (along with Effexor). I've noticed something..I'm not sure if it's the Seroquel or if it's BP becoming more pronounced. My irritable moods are more irritable than I ever remember them. I feel like I'm possessed by a demon or something. I really just get so irritated at times I just want to rip someone's head off. Unfortunately my dh is usually the target and I feel really bad about that. I don't know how he puts up with me. Sometimes it' like this volcano rising within adn you're trying to keep it from erupting, but the lava keeps rising. Until finally you can't contain it any more.
> But, anyway, does anyone have jumpy legs? Feel like you have teh heebie jeebies in lower legs and ankles? This usually happends in evening. That's also when i get majorly irritable. Maybe Serquel withdrawal?
> Thanks TTFN


Re: Seroquel » Lyrical13

Posted by PoohBear on February 27, 2004, at 12:20:02

In reply to Re: Seroquel, posted by Lyrical13 on February 26, 2004, at 22:52:59

Effexor can cause jumpy legs and arms. It gets better with time. I'm on 150mg Effexor per day and 100mg Seroquel per night for sleep and mood. The sleep is great and my moods are more even (My pDoc thinks I'm atypical Bipolar, not Bipolar II).


> That's good to know re: Seroquel and BP2. That's what I'm taking it for (along with Effexor). I've noticed something..I'm not sure if it's the Seroquel or if it's BP becoming more pronounced. My irritable moods are more irritable than I ever remember them. I feel like I'm possessed by a demon or something. I really just get so irritated at times I just want to rip someone's head off. Unfortunately my dh is usually the target and I feel really bad about that. I don't know how he puts up with me. Sometimes it' like this volcano rising within adn you're trying to keep it from erupting, but the lava keeps rising. Until finally you can't contain it any more.
> But, anyway, does anyone have jumpy legs? Feel like you have teh heebie jeebies in lower legs and ankles? This usually happends in evening. That's also when i get majorly irritable. Maybe Serquel withdrawal?
> Thanks TTFN


Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by bruce_w6 on March 5, 2004, at 12:17:09

In reply to Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by bruce_w6 on March 4, 2004, at 19:15:53

Is anyone taking this combo? I am up to 150 mg Lamictal and can't sleep well at night. I take my lamictal in the moring.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » bruce_w6

Posted by Emme on March 5, 2004, at 17:06:55

In reply to Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by bruce_w6 on March 5, 2004, at 12:17:09

> Is anyone taking this combo? I am up to 150 mg Lamictal and can't sleep well at night. I take my lamictal in the moring.

I've taken them together, with a couple of other things. I think it can be a good combo. Just make sure you dose the seroquel carefully so that you get the desired effects without being too sedated. If you are sensitive and find 25 mg too much, go ahead and chop up the tablets.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by bruce_w6 on March 5, 2004, at 18:56:04

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » bruce_w6, posted by Emme on March 5, 2004, at 17:06:55

What else do you take? Have you ever heard of Lithium Orotate?

> > Is anyone taking this combo? I am up to 150 mg Lamictal and can't sleep well at night. I take my lamictal in the moring.
> >
> >
> I've taken them together, with a couple of other things. I think it can be a good combo. Just make sure you dose the seroquel carefully so that you get the desired effects without being too sedated. If you are sensitive and find 25 mg too much, go ahead and chop up the tablets.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » bruce_w6

Posted by Emme on March 5, 2004, at 22:03:43

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by bruce_w6 on March 5, 2004, at 18:56:04

> What else do you take? Have you ever heard of Lithium Orotate?

I'm not taking seroquel regularly at the moment, but I have it on hand for occasional use if I'm having major anxiety/agitation. I keep it in mind as something I could go back to using more regularly.

At the moment: Lamictal, atenolol, Xanax, Keppra. Not sure if I need to keep Keppra. I'm also going to try memantine for a few days. I'm hoping to work out the smallest number of ingredients to do the job.

I've seen Li orotate mentioned, but I haven't tried it and don't have any plans to at the moment. Have you looked at the Li orotate posts over on Alternative?

> > > Is anyone taking this combo? I am up to 150 mg Lamictal and can't sleep well at night. I take my lamictal in the moring.
> > >
> > >
> >
> > I've taken them together, with a couple of other things. I think it can be a good combo. Just make sure you dose the seroquel carefully so that you get the desired effects without being too sedated. If you are sensitive and find 25 mg too much, go ahead and chop up the tablets.
> >
> >


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by Burgany on March 6, 2004, at 0:10:56

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by bruce_w6 on March 5, 2004, at 18:56:04

I am up to 225mg of Lamical and take 25mg of Seroquel a night. I think its a good combo. I didn't notice any positive effects from the Lamical until I reached the 225mg that I'm at now. I think with Lamical the effects are subtle, you wake up one day and realize you feel more stable. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder and was prescibed Lamical for the purpose of leveling my moods. I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and I found that the Seroquel does wonders for that. I was prescribed 50mg to increase to I can't imagine what 75mg would do to me when 25mg knocks me out for 10+hrs....someone earlier in this thread described the feeling when you wake up as " having your head held under water" that hits the nail on the head. I would recommend starting at 12.5mg and working up.
I know Lamical has a couple of different uses, does anyone notice or know if it has any anti-deppressant ability?
I think with most mood stablizers/anti-deppressants etc it gets worse before it gets better so its important to know there is a light at the end of the chin up everyone...Wow the meds must really be working I being unusually positive!
P.S Thanks to everybody who has enlightened me, I feel like I have a better understanding of the meds I take...The more you understand..the less you fear.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by bruce_w6 on March 6, 2004, at 10:30:55

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » bruce_w6, posted by Emme on March 5, 2004, at 22:03:43

What is atenolol and Keppra? Also what is Alternative?


> > What else do you take? Have you ever heard of Lithium Orotate?
> I'm not taking seroquel regularly at the moment, but I have it on hand for occasional use if I'm having major anxiety/agitation. I keep it in mind as something I could go back to using more regularly.
> At the moment: Lamictal, atenolol, Xanax, Keppra. Not sure if I need to keep Keppra. I'm also going to try memantine for a few days. I'm hoping to work out the smallest number of ingredients to do the job.
> I've seen Li orotate mentioned, but I haven't tried it and don't have any plans to at the moment. Have you looked at the Li orotate posts over on Alternative?
> >
> > > > Is anyone taking this combo? I am up to 150 mg Lamictal and can't sleep well at night. I take my lamictal in the moring.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > > I've taken them together, with a couple of other things. I think it can be a good combo. Just make sure you dose the seroquel carefully so that you get the desired effects without being too sedated. If you are sensitive and find 25 mg too much, go ahead and chop up the tablets.
> > >
> > >
> >
> >


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine

Posted by bruce_w6 on March 6, 2004, at 10:33:47

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by Burgany on March 6, 2004, at 0:10:56

Did you have the mind racing thing, especially when trying to sleep? When you reached 225mg of Lamictal did it help that?

> I am up to 225mg of Lamical and take 25mg of Seroquel a night. I think its a good combo. I didn't notice any positive effects from the Lamical until I reached the 225mg that I'm at now. I think with Lamical the effects are subtle, you wake up one day and realize you feel more stable. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder and was prescibed Lamical for the purpose of leveling my moods. I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and I found that the Seroquel does wonders for that. I was prescribed 50mg to increase to I can't imagine what 75mg would do to me when 25mg knocks me out for 10+hrs....someone earlier in this thread described the feeling when you wake up as " having your head held under water" that hits the nail on the head. I would recommend starting at 12.5mg and working up.
> I know Lamical has a couple of different uses, does anyone notice or know if it has any anti-deppressant ability?
> I think with most mood stablizers/anti-deppressants etc it gets worse before it gets better so its important to know there is a light at the end of the chin up everyone...Wow the meds must really be working I being unusually positive!
> P.S Thanks to everybody who has enlightened me, I feel like I have a better understanding of the meds I take...The more you understand..the less you fear.


Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine » bruce_w6

Posted by Burgany on March 6, 2004, at 12:04:11

In reply to Re: Seroquel and Lamotrigine, posted by bruce_w6 on March 6, 2004, at 10:33:47

> Did you have the mind racing thing, especially when trying to sleep? When you reached 225mg of Lamictal did it help that?
I definitely had the whole racing thing going on, always worst at night. I found sleep was near impossible..very aggitated and anxious. I think the Lamical has helped with the mind racing but its the Seroquel that has really helped with sleep, for the first time in a long time I actually sleep through the night and the process of falling asleep is a relaxing just kinda drift...My Pdoc said that the Lamical is usually first noticable once you reach 200-250mg. I find this to be true, so hang in there.

> > I am up to 225mg of Lamical and take 25mg of Seroquel a night. I think its a good combo. I didn't notice any positive effects from the Lamical until I reached the 225mg that I'm at now. I think with Lamical the effects are subtle, you wake up one day and realize you feel more stable. I was diagnosed with a mood disorder and was prescibed Lamical for the purpose of leveling my moods. I also suffer from anxiety and panic attacks and I found that the Seroquel does wonders for that. I was prescribed 50mg to increase to I can't imagine what 75mg would do to me when 25mg knocks me out for 10+hrs....someone earlier in this thread described the feeling when you wake up as " having your head held under water" that hits the nail on the head. I would recommend starting at 12.5mg and working up.
> > I know Lamical has a couple of different uses, does anyone notice or know if it has any anti-deppressant ability?
> > I think with most mood stablizers/anti-deppressants etc it gets worse before it gets better so its important to know there is a light at the end of the chin up everyone...Wow the meds must really be working I being unusually positive!
> > P.S Thanks to everybody who has enlightened me, I feel like I have a better understanding of the meds I take...The more you understand..the less you fear.


Re: Seroquel

Posted by Lyrical13 on March 6, 2004, at 19:15:02

In reply to Re: Seroquel » Lyrical13, posted by Doctor Feel Good on February 27, 2004, at 1:34:43

I just found your msg dr feelgood. I must have missed it before.

I am diagnosed with bipolar 2. I have had a history of depressive episodes predominantly in the fall for the past 15 years. My bad time is usually from about Aug through Jan. I also have a lot of anxiety during that time. Can't concentrate, insomnia, no appetite. for many years my pdocs and counselors thought I had depression with GAD. I have taken various med combos over the years. Paxil, Buspar & Wellbutrin, Celexa& Klonipin, Serzone & Attivan and finally Effexor and Attivan. The Benzos were always short term while waiting for the ADs to get to therapeutic level. I didn't start taking meds steadily until fall of 1996 when I almost had to drop out of grad school due to the depression anxiety. I thought I was having a blood sugar rxn one day but it turned out to be a panic attack. My endocrinologist (hypoglycemic and always borderline low thyroid, low blood pressure too. Other medical hx includes endometriosis and ovarian cysts. Family hx mood disorders)

I maxed out the Celexa after a few years. That's when I got on the Serzone. Maxed that out eventually. got on Effexor in Fall 2002. It was wonderful. But in the spring of 2003 was absolutely euphoric, sleeping only 2-4 hours per night, literally 15 projects going on at the same time, spending sprees, lots of goal-driven activity and the ideas were coming fast and furious. I asked my pdoc about it and he said it was "just hypomania" and that if we medicated all Americans who were hypomanic we'd have to medicate the whole country. I was on 150mg Effexor at the time. So I just went along, not sleeping much, very busy, spending more money than I should...there was money in savings but my husband was laid off work again. I spent hundreds of dollars on gardening and craft supplies. In fall 2003 I changed docs. My doc was inconsistent in getting back to me when I had a crisis. My Effexor was increased to 225mg. I was still having a lot of difficulty...crying jags at work, extremely anxious (taking Attivan as well). My new pdoc put me on Seroquel. Within a few days at 25mg I was much better. The next week I went up to 50mg. I stayed at that dose until January. In November I started getting a little hypomanic again. Some trouble sleeping. Talking louder, faster, more. Not too bad on spending...shopped with my husband the majority of the time and we kept it in check. In Nov. when I told this new doc about the symptoms that my old pdoc dismissed as "just hypomanic", he said he thought my dx was probably bipolar 2. The more I've read about it, the more sense that makes. It really sounds like me. Looking back, I see a pattern of hypomania in the spring/summer most years. Followed by depression on the fall/winter. I tried Lamictal a few weeks ago but got a rash so we d/c'd that. The plan now is to increase the Seroquel to about 200mg and use it as a stabilizer and back off the Effexor. Am now on 75mg Effexor and 125mg Seroquel. I'm feeling less irritable and am able to control my spending for the most part. Still have some urge to spend. Still talking a lot more than usual. It's so hard to tell what's "normal" and what's hypomanic. When you've been depressed so often, it's hard to tell what normal and happy feels like. What's a normal reasonable amount of talking? HOw much energy is "too much energy"? I've been sleeping OK since I started increasing the Seroquel. At 125mg if I take it past 11pm I have a hard time getting up. And at any dose, if I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, I'm very groggy and uncoordinated. I am usually quite sensitive to meds. For ex., in Nov when I was on 225mg effexor and 50mg Seroquel and having trouble sleeping, 1/2 of the lowest dose of Ambien knocked me out for the night. The first night I took 50mg of Seroquel, I fell down the last 3 stairs when I was walking downstairs in the early AM to let the dog out I was so groggy.

Anyway, that's me. I think I'm getting closer to the right combo and the right balance. I dont' know if I'll be able to go off of the Effexor totally. I'm starting to wonder if 75mg is going to be too little. I dropped from 150mg to 75mg a few days ago. Last night I went to see the new Adam Sandler movie (50 first dates) and in the kind of touching sentimental parts I starting crying and felt like sobbing. I cried a lot and it was basically a romantic comedy. But the sadness didn't last after the movie. I was OK. I thought as it was ending that I was going to need to go into the bathroom and have a little cry in one of the stalls but I was OK. When I'm depressed, I have to be very careful about the movies I see. Otherwise I find myself sobbing uncontrollably for 20-30 minutes afterward and feeling quite sad for most of the evening.

Well, I've rambled on long enough. I'm hoping that this combo is the right will be interesting to see if I can make it through next fall without a major depressive episode. That would be a miracle. I can't remember when I wasn't depressed in the fall.

I hope all is well with everyone.

Lyrical 13

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
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