Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: someone help

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 6, 2004, at 9:56:18

In reply to Re: someone help, posted by Althea8869 on February 6, 2004, at 9:37:20

i began wellbutrin XL the day i began tapering off of effexor. i'm taking 300 mg. of the wellbutrin. i am guessing it's helping. you know how different we all are - i don't tolerate prozac well. it changes my personality for the worse. i agree with your comment on the drug companies.
when you were tapering the effexor and then not taking it at all, did you experience intense feelings of doom and uncontrollable crying?


Re: someone help

Posted by Althea8869 on February 6, 2004, at 12:18:28

In reply to Re: someone help, posted by fastblackZZR on February 6, 2004, at 9:56:18

> i began wellbutrin XL the day i began tapering off of effexor. i'm taking 300 mg. of the wellbutrin. i am guessing it's helping. you know how different we all are - i don't tolerate prozac well. it changes my personality for the worse. i agree with your comment on the drug companies.
> when you were tapering the effexor and then not taking it at all, did you experience intense feelings of doom and uncontrollable crying?

The emotional symptoms I had were not nearly as bad as the physical/mental ones I had - the "brain shock" as theyre often referred to as were really debilitating. Emotionally I simply did the best I could to rationalize the situation. Just a sidbar here, but I have found that happiness, to some extent, can be found in knowing that there is something to look forward to. Just try to concentrate on anything and everything that you have to look forward to(im sure that despite the way you feel, there are many things - not the least of which is feeling better - which you will - trust me).

Incidentally, how is the wellbutrin working for you, i think thats the drug Im going to try next. Im on remeron right now and it hasnt done a thing for me except to help me sleep, which seems to be tru of many who take it, I think its like trazodone in that way, great for sleep, not widely effective for depression. Speaking of wellbutrin, I found an excellent article on it online, I'll see if I can find it and post you.
Hang in there.


Re: someone help

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 6, 2004, at 13:26:56

In reply to Re: someone help, posted by Althea8869 on February 6, 2004, at 12:18:28

i think the wellbutrin is helping. it's the XL form. it provides a good bit of energy, so i take it in the mornings. i take ambien to sleep at night. eventually i want to be to the point where i can sleep sound and peacefully without anything.


Re: someone help

Posted by justjustine on February 6, 2004, at 16:44:14

In reply to Re: someone help, posted by Althea8869 on February 6, 2004, at 9:37:20

my experiences were similar - plateaus between improvements. i'm just past 4 weeks, and have finally started to cut back on the vicodin this week. in fact i'd be off it altogether if i hadn't gotten a nasty head/chest cold and can't get in to the doctor until tuesday. i don't need it to mask my withdrawal symptoms anymore! yay!!

and mentally i feel quite good. that's actually atypical for me - in the past whenever i've been physically ill, i've had emotional trouble to complement it.

i'm wishing you all the best.

> Well just hang in there - as I had said in an earlier post you really should talk to your doctor about adding prozac or similar to smooth the decline. Wont make what your feeling go away, but I can tell you from expereince that this WAS the key for me. Im actually kind of surprised that with all the bad press on effexor withdrawl that there isnt some 'best practice' method recommended for stopping. The titrating method of course works, but the cost in pain and suffering is immeasurable. In fact I would be willing to bet you that one of these drug companies will come up with a pill specifically designed to aid in the withdrawl off effexor and some of the other really bad ones like paxil etc. If they do, buy stock in that company and we'll both retire very rich. That said, chin up - it'll pass. What I found was not a gradual decline in withdrawl symptoms every day, but rather no improvement for a few days and then a very noticeable change. Then that continued for a few days with no improvement and then again a noticeable change....that type of thing. Good luck and keep posting on progress.


Re: someone help

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 6, 2004, at 16:50:43

In reply to Re: someone help, posted by justjustine on February 6, 2004, at 16:44:14

i have been taking lorcet. it's been helpful in that i have had some pretty bad lower back pain since the effexor withdrawal began, but like you, i want to eventually be free from it all.
it made me feel good to know i'm not alone in that either. i'm so glad you've been posting.


Re: someone help

Posted by bmwonice on February 10, 2004, at 9:29:42

In reply to Re: someone help, posted by justjustine on February 5, 2004, at 23:22:52

Wow, I had no idea that this problem is so prevalent.

I just went through Efexxor withdrawal and am amazed to find all of the symptoms listed by various people.

For what its worth, my nurse practitioner sister recommends the following. She has a lot of experience with SSRIs.

Dosage reduction should be in steps of 2 week duration. Typically cut dose by half in each step. If symptoms appear immediately return to previous dose and give it another week before trying to reduce on less of a dosage reduction.

With XR, once you get to 37.5mg, you switch to regular tablets twice a day and cut the evening pill in half, then after two weeks cut the morning pill in half, then after 2W, eliminate the evening pill, etc. THis takes a long time but is worth it to not have to go through the horrible withdrawal symptoms.

NOT weaning yourself gradually can result in very high blood pressure and increased chances of a heart attack and stroke.

Good luck


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on February 15, 2004, at 11:03:31

In reply to Sad story of Effexor gone wrong, posted by Roomy on January 30, 2004, at 6:18:03

> I apologize ahead of time for this lenghthy story but I need to share it to make myself feel better.
> My sis-in-law, her hubby, and their two children lived only 1/2 hr away. Our girls are 4 months apart in age so they are close cousins and we all spend alot of time together. Boyde, a very kind man, hard worker, overly loud and friendly (after a few drinks esp,) became withdrawn, paranoid, and downright angry in only a few short months. His personality changed so much that he even told his wife to not leave him home alone with the kids for fear that he may harm them. Long story, short, he shot and killed himself one year ago. The family moved away so as to not live in the same house. Not too far away, so we still get together quite often. About 2-3 weeks ago, she came to me with a question. This was at the peak of my Effexor withdrawl. I had been on the drug for about 7 years. Her question to me was, "You have been on an anti-depressant, give me some advise as to which drug to get my son on. He has gone to a doctor and started up one but I want to know your opinion. Is it a good one?" I was afraid to ask. Yep! Effexor!!!! When I asked her WHY? Why Effexor of all the drugs out there? She told me that when the police gave her back all of Boyd's personal belongings about 6 months ago, after all the police investigations, one of the things they gave her was his partially used bottle of Effexor. She didnt even know he was on it. She doesnt know why the doctor would put her son on it, since it OBVIOUSLY didnt work for Boyd. My question is, WAS he taking it and stopped??? Was it the withdrawl that made him kill himself? It certainly explains the nightmares I have been having over and over. The same stupid voice, chanting and laughing "ya should have talked to him! ya should have talked to him!!! hahahahaha" <- thats just sick and wrong. The same voice. Any dream, every dream, the voice is always there and always says that same thing! It's making me lose my mind! Now I have to figure out a way to get my nephew off Effexor.
> -I have been drug free for one month exactly. I feel better now. If the voice in my dreams would go away, I would be downright perfect!!!
> -Thanks for reading along. I just had to vent this.
> -Roomy

Roomy, you have my sincere sympathy. I too am going through losing someone who had taken this terrible drug. It has been almost 5 months now and it doesn't seem to get any better, she was so young, only 31 and so full of life.
Does ANYONE know what we can do to help warn others of the effects of withdrawal of this drug, as it seems that WYETH is only putting the warning out for children up to 18. I know there are alot of over 18, who have had more depression and are suicidal from trying to get off this drug. HOW DOES ONE FIGHT A DRUG COMPANY WHO MAKES 2.1 BILLION on this drug alone. SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by fastblackZZR on February 15, 2004, at 14:29:36

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Raggy on February 15, 2004, at 11:03:31

i took effexor for 4 weeks at the most - i think it was less than that - and i am almost a month into withdrawl and STILL tapering. it makes me have overwhelming feelings and thoughts of doom and despair.i cry at the drop of a hat and i have never been a crier. i can barely function. i am so angry that i was on it such a short period of time and am having to suffer for WEEKS to get this trash out of my system.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!!

Posted by BJlass on February 15, 2004, at 15:55:47

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects, posted by Aubrey13 on January 18, 2004, at 2:08:08

I'll ask again as no one answered my question but added other interesting info. Has anyone had a weird "spacey" sensation in their forehead after being off Effexor for at least 6 months or more? It's hard to explain-- it's a definite physical sensation.

I think the Effexor has done something permanent to my brain! My doctor (new) says I could have a brain scan but that wouldn't show any damage to neurotransmittors.

Is there any way to find out if this drug has caused change or damage to brain neurotransmittors?


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by BJlass on February 15, 2004, at 16:00:02

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by fastblackZZR on February 15, 2004, at 14:29:36

As far as the "zinging" "dizzy" effects of Effexor withdrawl, they WILL go away! Trust me. They're temporary. It seems like you're "doomed" to it, and you'll even feel MORE depressed, but trust me, they will stop.

What I am concerned about is long-term damage to my brain! I have a weird, "prickly" sensation in my forehead I'm concerned about! I've been off Effexor more than a year!!! And I have a hard time concentrating.

I'm not taking 10 mg. of Lexapro but it doesn't give me the "high" of Effexor at all. I've read that Effexor is actually a lot like cocaine. I've never taken drugs (except as prescribed by dr's.)

I wish we could all meet in person to talk about this horrid drug, Effexor!


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by BJlass on February 15, 2004, at 16:00:46

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by fastblackZZR on February 15, 2004, at 14:29:36

Sorry, I AM taking Lexapro now -- 10 mg.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!! » BJlass

Posted by bristol on February 15, 2004, at 16:06:35

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!!, posted by BJlass on February 15, 2004, at 15:55:47

I read your question about the physical pain. Seems odd as a reaction related to Effexor. Have you asked your doctor? Sounds more like something you would get from other drugs like Topomax or Lamictal or Depakote.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!!

Posted by BJlass on February 15, 2004, at 16:12:29

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!! » BJlass, posted by bristol on February 15, 2004, at 16:06:35

Yes, I have asked him. It's not pain, just a weird prickly sensation. He said I could have a neurologist look at me but probably wouldn't show much.

I think it's damage to neurotransmittors which won't show up on any diagnostic tests they have now.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!!

Posted by cpallen79 on February 16, 2004, at 10:22:51

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!!, posted by BJlass on February 15, 2004, at 15:55:47

Hello, I do believe that Effexor may have long withdrawal syndrome symptoms that are not yet fully understood. I myself have been off the med for about 3 months, but recently suffered from a horrible series of anxiety attacks that continue even now, making it difficult for me to function. My first reaction was that I was suffering from an anxiety disorder. However, upon reading and listening to other people's stories, I've been hearing that often times there seems to be a "rebound effect" (just like benzos, i.e. Xanax) with SSRI's and SSNRI's that is part of the long term withdrawal process which shows up a couple months after you've tapered off or stopped. My brother for example, went through the exact same thing I did a couple months ago. He's been med free for about 4 to 5 months now, but also gets the "spacy" sensations you mentioned, though his anxiety has been alleviated for the most part. I don't think the meds have a permanent effect on the brain (then again I'm not a doctor)... I think it's just the brain rewiring itself after being coaxed into doing something that it doesn't do on its own... suddenly the brain is "confused" so to speak and needs to adjust. I'm hoping this happens soon because uncomfortable would be an understatement to describe how i'm feeling now!

> I'll ask again as no one answered my question but added other interesting info. Has anyone had a weird "spacey" sensation in their forehead after being off Effexor for at least 6 months or more? It's hard to explain-- it's a definite physical sensation.
> I think the Effexor has done something permanent to my brain! My doctor (new) says I could have a brain scan but that wouldn't show any damage to neurotransmittors.
> Is there any way to find out if this drug has caused change or damage to brain neurotransmittors?


Has anyone gone cold-turkey?

Posted by aimeeb on February 16, 2004, at 11:46:28

In reply to effexor withdrawal - what i did, posted by fastblackZZR on February 4, 2004, at 13:43:51

I've been on 150mg of Effexor for maybe 4 or 5 months now. I've been on and off several different meds for years now and I want to get off of the Effexor. I want to be able to see if I can be a functioning adult without this crap. So far I haven't taken the Effexor since Thursday. I've been feeling rather weird. It's a fuzzy feeling, somewhere between feeling numb and dizzy. It starts shortly after I wake up in the morning and lasts all afternnon. By evening I feel pretty decent. I actually feel good for awhile in the evening. It's like a glimmer of the old me for a couple hours. Then by 10:00 I'm exhausted and need to crash. I was wondering if anyone has been able to get off this stuff cold-turkey? The reason why I decided to do it without tapering is because I don't want to make these withdrawal symptoms last longer than they have too. Am I setting myself up for disaster by trying it this way?


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on February 16, 2004, at 11:53:00

In reply to Has anyone gone cold-turkey?, posted by aimeeb on February 16, 2004, at 11:46:28

Do NOT get off this drug cold turkey.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by aimeeb on February 16, 2004, at 12:19:00

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Raggy on February 16, 2004, at 11:53:00

> Do NOT get off this drug cold turkey.

WHY? Is there really any difference other than prolonging the symptoms?


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by baddog55 on February 16, 2004, at 16:17:37

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by aimeeb on February 16, 2004, at 12:19:00

ABSOLUTELY! You will never be more miserable if you don't taper. I am in my 3rd month of tapering, having tried cold turkey. I only started at 75 mg, then went to 37.5, then to 18 3/4, now on 9. Tried to go with none after the 18 3/4, and the brain zaps came back. Even on 9, they are under control. If I have to, I will taper to 1 mg to get off. I'll keep you posted, but there's no reason to torture yourself during the process by going cold turkey.

> > Do NOT get off this drug cold turkey.
> WHY? Is there really any difference other than prolonging the symptoms?


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Raggy on February 16, 2004, at 17:16:09

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by aimeeb on February 16, 2004, at 12:19:00

> > Do NOT get off this drug cold turkey.
> WHY? Is there really any difference other than prolonging the symptoms?

It does say if you stop this drug, without tapering off you get more depressed and suicidal. My daughter in law stopped without tapering, on doctors orders because she was having seizures on it, became more depressed and took her life. Please follow the directions. Am keeping all of you in my prayers and also praying they can stop giving out this drug to so many without more trials on it.


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!

Posted by BJlass on February 16, 2004, at 18:55:57

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!!!, posted by cpallen79 on February 16, 2004, at 10:22:51

Some interesting info at the link. I do realize some people who read this message board really do NOT want to hear the "bad" things about drugs including Effexor. So... my advice is: Don't read it if all you want to hear is "good" stuff. But it's not good to live your life sticking your head in the sand or in denial. There are powerful sources who would probably love to shut down this wonderful website of Dr. Bob's. :)


Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!

Posted by cpallen79 on February 16, 2004, at 20:17:52

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!, posted by BJlass on February 16, 2004, at 18:55:57

That link was EXCELLENT!!! A msut read for those taking any type of anti depressant

> Some interesting info at the link. I do realize some people who read this message board really do NOT want to hear the "bad" things about drugs including Effexor. So... my advice is: Don't read it if all you want to hear is "good" stuff. But it's not good to live your life sticking your head in the sand or in denial. There are powerful sources who would probably love to shut down this wonderful website of Dr. Bob's. :)


Effexor - raising dosage and side effects?

Posted by jayt243 on February 17, 2004, at 14:44:26

In reply to Re: Effexor: Long Term Effects!, posted by cpallen79 on February 16, 2004, at 20:17:52

Ok everyone's talking about Effexor withdrawal... I'm interested in upping my dose ;-) I've been on 37.5mg for about 2.5 months and when I first started for about 3 weeks it made me really really tired so I just wanted to lie in bed all day. I started taking it at night to help with that, and now that the side effects are wearing off I'm having trouble falling asleep. I was thinking of going back to taking it in the morning, but wondering if i go up to like 75mg will the side effects come back? Any input is appreciated.


Re: Effexor - raising dosage and side effects?

Posted by antigua on February 17, 2004, at 17:18:11

In reply to Effexor - raising dosage and side effects?, posted by jayt243 on February 17, 2004, at 14:44:26

I've found that each time I up the dose I go through a tired period, but it usually settles down after a while. The last time it didn't so I dropped back down again (went from 150 to 225). I hate feeling like a zombie.


Re: Effexor - raising dosage and side effects? » jayt243

Posted by jimmygold70 on February 17, 2004, at 17:59:14

In reply to Effexor - raising dosage and side effects?, posted by jayt243 on February 17, 2004, at 14:44:26

You're taking a very low and ineffective dose of effexor. Taking the XR formulation (once a day) is better tolerated.

You shopuld START in 37.5 morning+evening and wait till the side effects subsides. Sleep problems go away after a week or two. You can use sleeping pills if you like.

At higher doses (above 150mg) effexor is more stimulating as it becomes noradrenergic too.


> Ok everyone's talking about Effexor withdrawal... I'm interested in upping my dose ;-) I've been on 37.5mg for about 2.5 months and when I first started for about 3 weeks it made me really really tired so I just wanted to lie in bed all day. I started taking it at night to help with that, and now that the side effects are wearing off I'm having trouble falling asleep. I was thinking of going back to taking it in the morning, but wondering if i go up to like 75mg will the side effects come back? Any input is appreciated.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » pala

Posted by cpallen79 on February 17, 2004, at 19:45:18

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by pala on December 13, 2003, at 16:28:19

Hi Pala,
I too am experiencing withdrawal hell on Effexor. I was on a very mild dose for about 13 months... I endured the withdrawal symptoms (i.e dizziness, "shock" sensations) for about 1 1/2 months (took me about 3 weeks to get off of it) ... but then about 2 months later... I've begun to experience rebound hell. Dizziness, anxiety, lack of coordination, panic, you name it, I've been there. It's like my brain is out of control and confused. Did this happen to you? If yes, how long did it last? Any suggestions on how to counter this? Before takign this drug, I didn't have anxiety problems like this! I defientely don't want to go back on the drug as this appears to be a vicious cycle that can occur if I cave in and go back to them.

> Jennifer,
> You are absolutely right, because your eyes get strained so much during the withdrawal,
> you can't read anything, this is all part of these deadly medications, we will
> have to ask these Psychiatrists first to experience this and then prescribe to others, they just victimize us.
> But certainly your mental shocks (or zaps) will totally vanish after 3 or 4 months, mild dizziness will remain for some
> more time, but all other symptoms will vanish too.
> If you have developed post nasal drip which I did, this takes good 6 to 7 months before you see
> this subsiding, try not to loose temper during these withdrawal days as it can be nasty as mental
> ups and down are pretty intense during this period.
> Start with mild exercise, don't breach excessively, as lack of co2 in the body may certainly cause
> you panic and more dizziness, once you are normal after few months, you can
> do intense exercise, which is exactly I am doing, you will feel awesome and your mind will not even
> think of touching those horrible medications.
> I wish you good luck and certainly you will need somebody's help when you are going though this
> withdrawal hell.
> Please, anybody who is experiencing withdrawal symptoms, I can offer some good suggestions
> which makes things more manageable as I have gained good experience going through this personally.
> pala

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