Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Straterra working- but son still fidgets

Posted by kirick on February 5, 2004, at 18:58:09

In reply to Re: Straterra - No other takers? » zenclear, posted by kdg on May 18, 2003, at 0:44:50

My 6 yr. old son has been on Strattera for 5 weeks. He has just started to show some signs of improvement. I do like that he eats and does not get headaches. It has not helped with some of hyperness. He can't sit in his chair in school. Does anyone know about taking other medications for the hyperactivity?


Re: Straterra working- but son still fidgets

Posted by Siraris on February 5, 2004, at 21:04:49

In reply to Re: Straterra working- but son still fidgets, posted by kirick on February 5, 2004, at 18:58:09

Everyone is different, so I would suggest consulting your p-doc.

I have been tapering up on Strattera for the past 4-5 weeks. I am at 60 MG now. I notice around mid afternoon, about 2 hours before I usually take my dose, I start bouncing my legs really fast like I am about to take off. Don't know what it is, but I'm not that worried. Other then that, it works great!


Re: Strattera for Inattentive ADD ?

Posted by aviolet on February 7, 2004, at 18:34:06

In reply to Re: Strattera for Inattentive ADD ?, posted by polarber on December 27, 2003, at 13:14:51

Hey Dreaman,

Just wondering how you were doing on Strattera. I was just diagnosed as ADD-inattentive in my last year of law school and my doctor prescribed Strattera. I was a bit disappointed because I would like to start Ritalin. I was started on a starter pack of 18mg and have now moved up to 25mg and will soon move up to 40mg. So far I haven't noticed any positive effects :-( only the common negative side effects of dry mouth and constipation. I've only been on it for a week and a half so I guess its too early to tell.

Just wondering how others with ADD inattentive were doing on Straterra?


Re: Strattera for Inattentive ADD ? aviolet

Posted by Dreaman on February 8, 2004, at 0:39:21

In reply to Re: Strattera for Inattentive ADD ?, posted by aviolet on February 7, 2004, at 18:34:06

Hello aviolet

I have been off of the stratt for a while now. Basically what happended is that it wasn't all that effective for me. I only took it for about 5 weeks and probably not at a high enough dose (30mg). But the thing that made me decide it probably would not work out for me was a lessening of its effectiveness even when I increased the dose. The meds main positive effects were to keep me awake during the day. Also in the beginning it slightly improved my motivation, but it wasnt much help with my inability to focus and my mental sluggishness. Ritalin was much more effective for these until it pooped out. I am pretty sure my problem is my dopamine system not my neuroepinephrine(strattera works on this).

If the stratt doesnt work out and you have similar symptoms to me you might want to look into an MAOI called selegiline. It has worked reasonably well for me since I started on it. Otherwize just go with ritalin.



Re: Straterra working- but son still fidgets

Posted by micro on February 9, 2004, at 9:07:07

In reply to Re: Straterra working- but son still fidgets, posted by kirick on February 5, 2004, at 18:58:09

> My 6 yr. old son has been on Strattera for 5 weeks. He has just started to show some signs of improvement. I do like that he eats and does not get headaches. It has not helped with some of hyperness. He can't sit in his chair in school. Does anyone know about taking other medications for the hyperactivity?

Please purchase the followimg texts- Healing Add By Daniel Amen M.D., Driven to Distraction by Hallowell, M.D. and Ratey, M.D. as well as Answers to Distraction by these to authors. After reading them, You will be able to help your son in many different ways. Good Reading! Regards. Micro
P.S. There are too many meds and combinations to discuss here so go to and request a copy of Add: Guide for Primary care Physicians. It has an algorithm for the medicating of add patients. [the July issue of Primary Psychiatry vol. 5 no.7, 1998]


3 Stages of Strattera?

Posted by liquidchakra on February 11, 2004, at 14:46:59

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

I am on 25 mg on day 7 right now, and although I have gotten surprising results so far, the side effects are still somewhat annoying (Although they are slowly getting better)

I've noticed 3 distinct stages after I take the pill in the morning around 7. From about 7:15 to 9:30 I am in NA rush mode, and get rather pleasant tingles on my skin, but often a strong sense of vertigo. I am very focused on my work, and do everything methodically and slowly in this state

From about 9:30 to 12 I'm in 'Oh my god is this going to give me a heart attack' mode. Pulse is high, vertigo is replaced by a splitting sinus headache and hot flashes, as well as a seemingly irregular heartbeat. I say seemingly, as I can feel it beating oddly in my chest, but when I hold my hand over it, it is beating normally, albeit a bit stronger. Around this time I start to get rushes of anxiety, but I can tell that it is simply my NA pumping (Flight or fight anxiety is the best way to describe it)

Maybe that has to do with food, since lunch is at 12, but after 12 I feel for lack of a better word...normal. Concentration is fine, I'm not tired, and everything is just great. My ideas flow better, my anxiety is almost non existent, and an odd feeling of Zen seems to descend on me. I don’t feel any irregular heartbeats either, which is a relief.

I'm taking is slowly just because of the heart problems (I was supposed to be up to 40 mg by now, but I am waiting until Sunday to do that now. Do these ever go completely away?


Re: Strattera and splitting caps?

Posted by Ashlea on February 19, 2004, at 10:36:35

In reply to Strattera and splitting caps?, posted by Palbella on January 23, 2004, at 18:57:27

I have a 5 year old on Strattera. He can not/will not swallow the capsule so I started opening the pill and putting it in chocolate milk. I called Eli Lilly and of course they read their script and tell you that opening the pill is not advised and it was never tested that way. My doctor said their would be no problem in opening it, but that it has a very bitter taste and can cause a burning sensation in the mouth. So far, the milk seems to coat any burning and my son has not complained at all about it. I do know that my son is taking 25 mg dosage. Maybe you can request the 25 mg capsule instead of the 40 mg or 60 mg. Anyway, Good Luck...


Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by Forest Gump on March 12, 2004, at 9:02:06

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

Okay, I started out on this medication and it really calmed me down. However, I am constipated and my libido has went into the crapper. Anyone, having problems with erections? I know this is personal but I need to know. Thanks,


Re: Support Groups

Posted by Forest Gump on March 12, 2004, at 9:04:37

In reply to Re: New to Straterra, posted by dazed on February 4, 2004, at 12:00:20

I'm from Columbus area and I noticed they have a support group for adhd adults. Anyone ever been to a meeting? is it worth while?


Re: Straterra approval. (Male Issues)

Posted by Lightshifter on March 12, 2004, at 23:21:26

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by Forest Gump on March 12, 2004, at 9:02:06

> Okay, I started out on this medication and it really calmed me down. However, I am constipated and my libido has went into the crapper. Anyone, having problems with erections? I know this is personal but I need to know. Thanks,
> Forest

In reply Forest, I can say that indeed I had erectile dysfunction issues as well as urinary retention and difficult orgasms (anorgasmia i think its called). I have backed off to taking it only a couple of times a week and it seems to have helped.. For me, Strattera works for a very long time. I can go days and still feel as if I'm on the medication... perhaps my norepinephrine depletion isn't as bad as most. Maybe when I take it too often too much backs up and causes problems.



Male Issues

Posted by Cheraw on March 14, 2004, at 20:36:00

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by Forest Gump on March 12, 2004, at 9:02:06

> Okay, I started out on this medication and it really calmed me down. However, I am constipated and my libido has went into the crapper. Anyone, having problems with erections? I know this is personal but I need to know. Thanks,
> Forest


I'm there with you, brother. Beyond the libido, orgasms are bizzare to say the least! Almost painful. I'm not sure this medication is worth all of the negative side effects. I haven't slept in days.


Re: Male Issues

Posted by Forest Gump on March 15, 2004, at 7:58:55

In reply to Male Issues, posted by Cheraw on March 14, 2004, at 20:36:00

Okay, I'm not crazy then. Thanks for the reply. I mean this medication is great but my orgasiums are better. I may ask my doctor what he thinks I should do.


Re: Male Issues » Cheraw

Posted by King Vultan on March 15, 2004, at 10:17:20

In reply to Male Issues, posted by Cheraw on March 14, 2004, at 20:36:00

> > Okay, I started out on this medication and it really calmed me down. However, I am constipated and my libido has went into the crapper. Anyone, having problems with erections? I know this is personal but I need to know. Thanks,
> > Forest
> Forest,
> I'm there with you, brother. Beyond the libido, orgasms are bizzare to say the least! Almost painful. I'm not sure this medication is worth all of the negative side effects. I haven't slept in days.

Based on my experiences last year with three tricyclics and Strattera, one thing I would suggest is considering adding an alpha-1 blocker, such as Hytrin or Flomax. This will tend to counteract the adrenergic agonist effects that NE reuptake inhibitors can have in the penis and prostate. My experience was that this improved erection quality and made ejaculation vastly more comfortable. You might also consider adding trazodone instead, which has a built in alpha-1 blockade and will also tend to counteract the insomnia problems you are experiencing.

Beyond this, and as I've mentioned before, my experience was that desipramine had very similar therapeutic effects to Strattera and much fewer side effects. The insomnia was not nearly as bad, and desipramine also did not cause me drowsiness during the day. It was also much cheaper.



Re: Male Issues

Posted by Forest Gump on March 17, 2004, at 8:55:32

In reply to Re: Male Issues » Cheraw, posted by King Vultan on March 15, 2004, at 10:17:20

Interesting, I'm not sure what all that means but its sounds as though my problem is with my medication. I really like the way I feel on Strattera however the sexually side effects frankly are not worth it. I'm hoping my doctor will have some suggestions when I see him for a follow up visit Monday.


Adult Male on Straterra

Posted by New2Meds on March 21, 2004, at 10:07:11

In reply to 3 Stages of Strattera?, posted by liquidchakra on February 11, 2004, at 14:46:59

I have noticed that there isn't a lot of info out here about adults on this medicine. I have decided to post some of the experiences I have had on Straterra to hopefully generate some additional comments.


Re: Adult Male on Straterra

Posted by New2Meds on March 21, 2004, at 10:40:09

In reply to Adult Male on Straterra, posted by New2Meds on March 21, 2004, at 10:07:11

When I first started Straterra, the first few dats were very intense. I was told by my doctor to take 40mg for seven days and increase to 80mg. I guess my ADD was kicking in, because I ended up taking 80 mg for seven days and then decreasing to 40 mg...after a week on the 40mg dose, I went to my Dr. The Dr. was holding back a laugh I could tell but I suggested I try a 60mg dose and see how that worked.

Needless to say, when I initially started with the 80mg dose for a week I had several side affects.


Re: Adults on Straterra » New2Meds

Posted by spoc on March 21, 2004, at 12:57:15

In reply to Re: Adult Male on Straterra, posted by New2Meds on March 21, 2004, at 10:40:09

Hi New2Meds, I am not on Strattera but at the bottom of this I have pasted some very interesting dosing comments I came across, that I was going to check out further if I ended up trying it. I am an adult female and haven't tried all that many meds of any kind either. A pdoc recently put me on Ritalin based on a conversation only, and I suspect it's not agreeing with me and may not even be the class of meds I need, or at least by themselves. I thought of Strattera since I have seen mention that for some it has an anti-depressant effect too.

I didn't look into anything about the "standing" of the website I copied the following from, but the info on it seemed worth investigating. Note that the site author certainly shoots from the hip, which I like if credible too! He and his friend are patients at the Amen Clinic (haven't read the whole site, and don't know if he claims that all or part of his info derives from there). The site is called
DOSAGE: ...This is where people get completely hosed with Strattera. This med can work wonders for more people if they and their doctors would just have some goddamn patience!!! The initial dosage is 18-25 mg. Got that? 18-25mg. Not 40mg. Not 60mg. 18-25mg. Unfortunately some bean counter in the bowels of Eli Lilly's accounting department determined that it was more profitable to restrict the size and number of 18mg and 25mg sample packs (only four capsules in each now), and let some people just fail with this med. So most of the sample packs sent out now are only 40mg capsules. It's more profitable for Lilly if Strattera doesn't work for everyone it could work for!! Isn't that crazy? Even the Amen Clinic where Mouse and I are treated gets very few of the 18mg and 25mg sample packs, and only because they treat kids! And they're in real tight with their Eli Lilly sales rep! Anyway, the highest an adult should start at is 25mg a day and just stay there for at least two weeks. Wait at least that long before going up to 40mg, and then only if it's going to make a big difference, not a small difference. Here's why - if you don't have enough norepinephrine to reuptake, Strattera starts going after MAO. And not in a good way, like an MAOI would. That is why people will feel wiped out when they take these outrageously high starting dosages. Then if they go back down to the previous dosage, they still feel crappy and give up. Well, it takes about two weeks to get over taking too much Strattera. Once again, have some freaking patience. Anyway, once you get past the 25mg a day barrier, dosages are as follows: 36-40 mg a day, 50 mg a day, 60 mg a day, 80 mg a day, 100 mg a day. Doses are usually divided between morning and afternoon, but some people get drowsy with Strattera, while others get hyper, so the dosing can be really flexible. I take my 40mg all in the morning.

DAYS TO REACH A STEADY STATE: For all of the extensive pharmacokinetic testing Lilly did and data they published in Strattera's PI, far better than that done for most meds, they neglected to actually publish the steady state figures! I truly commend Lilly for its research. From reading the PI sheet you can tell they went above and beyond to get good data on any dosing differences required based on age, gender, ethnicity, taking Strattera with meals and trying to determine the difference between normal and poor metabolizers of the medication. However it looks like we've got information overload! With Strattera's wacky double metabolism (see half-life below) and identification of the poor metabolizer population, the numbers may be too variable to pin down a steady state. I couldn't find any number for it anywhere else.

> When I first started Straterra, the first few dats were very intense. I was told by my doctor to take 40mg for seven days and increase to 80mg. I guess my ADD was kicking in, because I ended up taking 80 mg for seven days and then decreasing to 40 mg...after a week on the 40mg dose, I went to my Dr. The Dr. was holding back a laugh I could tell but I suggested I try a 60mg dose and see how that worked. > > Needless to say, when I initially started with the 80mg dose for a week I had several side affects.


Re: Adult Male on Straterra

Posted by vasdef on March 23, 2004, at 22:01:57

In reply to Adult Male on Straterra, posted by New2Meds on March 21, 2004, at 10:07:11

> I have noticed that there isn't a lot of info out here about adults on this medicine. I have decided to post some of the experiences I have had on Straterra to hopefully generate some additional comments.

I've been taking 80 mg of Strattera for about 3 weeks now. While I do notice a difference as far as focusing a bit better, my forgetfullness and scatterbrained thinking is still there too.
As far as side effects, definitely the dry throat, difficulty urinating and how would I say this, my ejaculation is off kilter. (hope I didn't offend anyone)
My pdoc doesn't know for sure that I have ADD, because I am Bipolar and also have Narcolepsy. He thinks that I might be displaying ADD symptoms with out having the ADD. But nevertheless he treats it the same.
I don't know if taking Provigil has a helping hand in all this, I take 400 mg of that a day for the Narcolepsy. I heard somewhere that Provigil and Strattera have a synergetic relationship, that can only help the situation. I Don't know this for a fact though.
I also take 80 mg of Prozac and 900 mg Lithobid a day as well.
So, as time goes on I will post updates.


Re: Male Issues

Posted by Cheraw on March 24, 2004, at 6:44:55

In reply to Re: Adults on Straterra » New2Meds, posted by spoc on March 21, 2004, at 12:57:15

Hello again everyone,
Well, two weeks have passed since starting the big "S" and I can't say I'm really any better. The side-effects have diminished quite a bit (thank God!) and I am sleeping. I am focusing a little better, but it's not like it's a wonder drug.

I agree with the dosage info. My doc started me on 40mg per day and then wanted me to double it to 80mg after four days. I didn't do it because I knew I couldn't handle it. 40mg were making me crazy already! I also changed my time of day taking it. Before I took it at bedtime, now I take it first thing in the morning. That in itself seems to have made a difference for me. And not to offend, but since the topic is "male issues", I am happy to report that "wood" has returned. Orgasms are still a bit strange, but not like at the beginning.

> I didn't look into anything about the "standing" of the website I copied the following from, but the info on it seemed worth investigating. Note that the site author certainly shoots from the hip, which I like if credible too! He and his friend are patients at the Amen Clinic (haven't read the whole site, and don't know if he claims that all or part of his info derives from there). The site is called
> -------
> DOSAGE: ...This is where people get completely hosed with Strattera. This med can work wonders for more people if they and their doctors would just have some goddamn patience!!! The initial dosage is 18-25 mg. Got that? 18-25mg. Not 40mg. Not 60mg. 18-25mg. Unfortunately some bean counter in the bowels of Eli Lilly's accounting department determined that it was more profitable to restrict the size and number of 18mg and 25mg sample packs (only four capsules in each now), and let some people just fail with this med. So most of the sample packs sent out now are only 40mg capsules. It's more profitable for Lilly if Strattera doesn't work for everyone it could work for!! Isn't that crazy? Even the Amen Clinic where Mouse and I are treated gets very few of the 18mg and 25mg sample packs, and only because they treat kids! And they're in real tight with their Eli Lilly sales rep! Anyway, the highest an adult should start at is 25mg a day and just stay there for at least two weeks. Wait at least that long before going up to 40mg, and then only if it's going to make a big difference, not a small difference. Here's why - if you don't have enough norepinephrine to reuptake, Strattera starts going after MAO. And not in a good way, like an MAOI would. That is why people will feel wiped out when they take these outrageously high starting dosages. Then if they go back down to the previous dosage, they still feel crappy and give up. Well, it takes about two weeks to get over taking too much Strattera. Once again, have some freaking patience. Anyway, once you get past the 25mg a day barrier, dosages are as follows: 36-40 mg a day, 50 mg a day, 60 mg a day, 80 mg a day, 100 mg a day. Doses are usually divided between morning and afternoon, but some people get drowsy with Strattera, while others get hyper, so the dosing can be really flexible. I take my 40mg all in the morning.
> DAYS TO REACH A STEADY STATE: For all of the extensive pharmacokinetic testing Lilly did and data they published in Strattera's PI, far better than that done for most meds, they neglected to actually publish the steady state figures! I truly commend Lilly for its research. From reading the PI sheet you can tell they went above and beyond to get good data on any dosing differences required based on age, gender, ethnicity, taking Strattera with meals and trying to determine the difference between normal and poor metabolizers of the medication. However it looks like we've got information overload! With Strattera's wacky double metabolism (see half-life below) and identification of the poor metabolizer population, the numbers may be too variable to pin down a steady state. I couldn't find any number for it anywhere else.
> ========
> > When I first started Straterra, the first few dats were very intense. I was told by my doctor to take 40mg for seven days and increase to 80mg. I guess my ADD was kicking in, because I ended up taking 80 mg for seven days and then decreasing to 40 mg...after a week on the 40mg dose, I went to my Dr. The Dr. was holding back a laugh I could tell but I suggested I try a 60mg dose and see how that worked. > > Needless to say, when I initially started with the 80mg dose for a week I had several side affects.


Re: Male Issues

Posted by micro on March 24, 2004, at 8:58:11

In reply to Re: Male Issues, posted by Cheraw on March 24, 2004, at 6:44:55

> Hello again everyone,
> Well, two weeks have passed since starting the big "S" and I can't say I'm really any better. The side-effects have diminished quite a bit (thank God!) and I am sleeping. I am focusing a little better, but it's not like it's a wonder drug.
> I agree with the dosage info. My doc started me on 40mg per day and then wanted me to double it to 80mg after four days. I didn't do it because I knew I couldn't handle it. 40mg were making me crazy already! I also changed my time of day taking it. Before I took it at bedtime, now I take it first thing in the morning. That in itself seems to have made a difference for me. And not to offend, but since the topic is "male issues", I am happy to report that "wood" has returned. Orgasms are still a bit strange, but not like at the beginning.
> > I didn't look into anything about the "standing" of the website I copied the following from, but the info on it seemed worth investigating. Note that the site author certainly shoots from the hip, which I like if credible too! He and his friend are patients at the Amen Clinic (haven't read the whole site, and don't know if he claims that all or part of his info derives from there). The site is called
> > -------
> > DOSAGE: ...This is where people get completely hosed with Strattera. This med can work wonders for more people if they and their doctors would just have some goddamn patience!!! The initial dosage is 18-25 mg. Got that? 18-25mg. Not 40mg. Not 60mg. 18-25mg. Unfortunately some bean counter in the bowels of Eli Lilly's accounting department determined that it was more profitable to restrict the size and number of 18mg and 25mg sample packs (only four capsules in each now), and let some people just fail with this med. So most of the sample packs sent out now are only 40mg capsules. It's more profitable for Lilly if Strattera doesn't work for everyone it could work for!! Isn't that crazy? Even the Amen Clinic where Mouse and I are treated gets very few of the 18mg and 25mg sample packs, and only because they treat kids! And they're in real tight with their Eli Lilly sales rep! Anyway, the highest an adult should start at is 25mg a day and just stay there for at least two weeks. Wait at least that long before going up to 40mg, and then only if it's going to make a big difference, not a small difference. Here's why - if you don't have enough norepinephrine to reuptake, Strattera starts going after MAO. And not in a good way, like an MAOI would. That is why people will feel wiped out when they take these outrageously high starting dosages. Then if they go back down to the previous dosage, they still feel crappy and give up. Well, it takes about two weeks to get over taking too much Strattera. Once again, have some freaking patience. Anyway, once you get past the 25mg a day barrier, dosages are as follows: 36-40 mg a day, 50 mg a day, 60 mg a day, 80 mg a day, 100 mg a day. Doses are usually divided between morning and afternoon, but some people get drowsy with Strattera, while others get hyper, so the dosing can be really flexible. I take my 40mg all in the morning.
> >
> > DAYS TO REACH A STEADY STATE: For all of the extensive pharmacokinetic testing Lilly did and data they published in Strattera's PI, far better than that done for most meds, they neglected to actually publish the steady state figures! I truly commend Lilly for its research. From reading the PI sheet you can tell they went above and beyond to get good data on any dosing differences required based on age, gender, ethnicity, taking Strattera with meals and trying to determine the difference between normal and poor metabolizers of the medication. However it looks like we've got information overload! With Strattera's wacky double metabolism (see half-life below) and identification of the poor metabolizer population, the numbers may be too variable to pin down a steady state. I couldn't find any number for it anywhere else.
> >
> > ========
> > > When I first started Straterra, the first few dats were very intense. I was told by my doctor to take 40mg for seven days and increase to 80mg. I guess my ADD was kicking in, because I ended up taking 80 mg for seven days and then decreasing to 40 mg...after a week on the 40mg dose, I went to my Dr. The Dr. was holding back a laugh I could tell but I suggested I try a 60mg dose and see how that worked. > > Needless to say, when I initially started with the 80mg dose for a week I had several side affects.
> >
> >
Hello, For those of you that have pdocs inappropriately rxing straterra, Have them rx you 18mg caps and titrate very slowly. Also, consider bedtime dosing to help with the side effects as drowsiness is very common. If you are on multiple meds drowsiness my not occur depending on the mix. Regards, Micro


Re: Adult Male on Straterra » New2Meds

Posted by Viridis on March 25, 2004, at 2:19:41

In reply to Adult Male on Straterra, posted by New2Meds on March 21, 2004, at 10:07:11

I'm an adult male with ADD who took Strattera for about 6 months. Initially it was promising, and improved my mood quite a lot (and concentration a bit). It DEFINITELY requires a slow increase in dosage (based on my experience); initially it caused mild nausea, muscle aches, and dry mouth, but these problems did fade out with time.

I eventually got up to 80 mg, and it seemed OK for a while. Then all the positive effects disappeared, and I had the very weird side effect of slurring my words frequently and sometimes being incapable of speaking at all. A few others have reported this. I cut back to 40 mg and this improved somewhat, but since I saw no benefits, I discontinued it. I had no withdrawal, and all side effects stopped within a couple of days.

I never noticed any sexual problems, but it was just too weird for me. When I discussed this with my pdoc he said it's not appropriate for me, and seemed rather concerned in general about prescribing it based on my experiences.

It was good at first, but for me at least, I find Adderall vastly better for ADD and antidepressant effects. Strattera could be great for others, but I recommend gradual dosage increases (not more than 25 mg every couple of weeks) and close attention to side effects.


Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by nana-int on March 30, 2004, at 11:11:46

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

grandson 8 yrs. old having good results but fights about taking each am. i know it can be taken am or pm but what are results if taken later in the day. says it upsets his stomach in am, but will take in pm.


Re: Anything Good to Say about Strattera?

Posted by stellajones on April 24, 2004, at 16:07:46

In reply to Anything Good to Say about Strattera?, posted by Susannah on May 28, 2003, at 16:11:27

> Does anyone have anything positive to say about treating ADHD children with Strattera? My 9 year old daughter has been taking Adderall XR 10mg/day for about a year now and I have not seen any improvement. Before Adderall XR she took regular Adderall (15mg/day bid) for about 2 years and that worked much better; however our doc insisted that we switch to a once a day formula. She took Ritalin once, very briefly, but had an increased heart rate from med and was promptly taken off. She is already very small and thin for her age, she is only 50lbs. She has trouble falling asleep at night ans is subsequently tired and irritable in the mornings.
> Her therapist thinks she will do better on Strattera because he claims she is "sad" as well and this med should treat both ADHD and her sadness. I'm taking her to the psychiatrist on Monday and I am going to ask him to switch her meds. I have read boards similiar to this and only see bad things. Does anyone have anything good to say or has anyone or their child had a positive experience with Strattera?
> My daughter has a relatively mild cause of ADHD, more inattentive than hyperactive although her symptoms can change in response to social situations, school, ect.
> Any information would be greatly appreciated.

> Have you considered any alternative treatment?
Studies have shown that many children and adults with ADD have low levels of essential fatty acids.There are EFA oil blends for children and adults specifically marketed for focus and attention problems-ADD, that are available in most health food stores.Heres an article that describes some of the creative genius many ADD'ers posess >


Redirect: alternative treatment

Posted by Dr. Bob on April 26, 2004, at 3:40:54

In reply to Re: Anything Good to Say about Strattera?, posted by stellajones on April 24, 2004, at 16:07:46

> Have you considered any alternative treatment?

Sorry if it's confusing, but I'd like follow-ups about alternative treatment to be redirected to Psycho-Babble Alternative. Here's a link:




Re: Strattera 2+ months » ciejae

Posted by Cattzo on June 4, 2004, at 23:19:12

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months, posted by ciejae on April 27, 2003, at 8:04:29

Wow...deja vu! I have been on Wellbutrin for the past three weeks for Depression and minor ADD. However, upon checking up with my doc today he suggested I try Strattera. I left the office with a sample pack containing four 25mg tabs and 14 50mg tabs. I took a 25mg tab after getting home, and i have to say it made me really tired. It was strange because when it was first coming on I got a sort of head rush, became a little dizzy, then the dizzyness turned into a strong desire to take a nap. =oP Anyway, the reason i'm responding to your post is because of how you mentioned disliking being a passenger when driving and how you had a fear of flying...I too, do not like being a passenger, nor do I like flying, and I guess I just wanted to see if you were still on strattera and if it was still working for you, how long it took for it to work, etc. My plan is to stop taking the Wellbutrin in order to give the Strattera a fair shot, as i've also had the misfortune to learn that mixing Strattera and Wellbutrin is a no-no. Any comment would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. =o)

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