Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by maxx44 on December 23, 2003, at 20:26:04

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by temery on December 20, 2003, at 20:27:34

remeron for a 9-year-old? what are your child's problems and how severe?


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by jpal on December 25, 2003, at 9:15:29

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by oeps7 on September 9, 2003, at 8:22:43

I am in the middle of trying to get off Effexor XR and just started taking Wellbutrin XL. Nauseous all the time, but I don't know if it's from Effexor withdrawals or the new Wellbutrin as nausea is listed as a wellbutrin side effect. This is making me nuts, having trouble functioning. Anyone had similar issues, any advice would be appreciated.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by karlou on December 27, 2003, at 8:33:17

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by jpal on December 25, 2003, at 9:15:29

It's been 13 days since stopping my Effexor. The first week was pretty awful, and many times I thought I had made a mistake in making the decision to stop. I read the suggestions from everyone on the discussion board...the meditation, the benadryl, the welbutrin...and found the bendryl helped the most. The welbutrin, I never did go back to.

When I began taking welbutrin before I was lucky enough not to have the nauseau....I have attributed my queasiness to the Effexor.

I am proud of the fact that I have made it 13 days without Effexor. I wasn't sure I could do it as I tried before and couldn't handle the side effects. For me...cold turkey was the only way.

As each day passes...the side effects of coming off the Effexor become less and less. I don't think I would have kept at it if I hadn't found some glimmers of hope here, that eventually I wouldn't feel so yucky and there were some things I could try that would help manage this.

Thanks! What a great way to be facing the New Year for me---drug free!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by bobbyd3 on December 27, 2003, at 10:54:22

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by jpal on December 25, 2003, at 9:15:29

I have stopped taking Effexor for about 2 weeks now. My withdrawal symtoms include the "electric" shocks that alot of people talk about, flu-like things like nausea ,clammy feeling,loss of appetite,and the shits. I havent taken a normal dump in a week.I dont think it really is the flu because it doesnt really get any better or worse .It's just an annoyance,droning on,day after day.My highest dose I was taking was 450 mg./day for about ayear and then I dropped to 150 mg. with not much of a problem except for mild electric jolts that I also felt when I was just a few hours late of my normal daily dose time ! Anyhow ,they went away after i popped my pills,but they are not going away now !The shocks are even accompanied now by sound effects that only be described as little zaps.In silence you can actually hear them and when there is normal daily noise ,they change the frequency of the said noise ,so you notice them that way .I think the stupid drug helped me before,but I dont know what to do now .i have a call into my shrinks office, but its saturday and he hasnt called me back yet .I think I am going to start taking it again but I dont want any nausea of starting the drug again .I didnt gradually stop it,Iwent from nothing but what the fuck difference does it make,since i am reading about people that take 2 months to spool down to 75Mg. then cant go down from there because it makes them feel like shit . Just to let you know,I am no little pussy or hypochondriac either,I can spend a good night out drinking and partying to the wee hours,then put a 16 hour workday in a hot kitchen during a heat-wave(I'm a chef).I cant do it the way I feel now.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by CrazyMe on December 27, 2003, at 22:57:55

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by bobbyd3 on December 27, 2003, at 10:54:22

It's been 20 days for me. I'm still getting the occaisional shock but it's not debilitating. The bowel movements are finally returning to their normal rhythm. I'm only taking the benedryl and dramamine once a day, if at all. I'm still taking the b-vitamins, sam-e and 5-htp but at bedtime now with the rest of my regular meds.

I have to admit to some very black days emotionally leading up to Christmas. I was subject to on and off weeping and am still very sensitive emotionally. I went to see Peter Pan (on day 9 of my effexor free life - it was a free preview of the movie)and came out of the theater tear stained and swollen eyed from all the times the movie made me cry. My daughter was completely mystified at my reaction. I think it was the whole maternal thing, and my own regrets at no longer being a child - both things she wouldn't understand. But I digress.

Watching the Kennedy Center Honors last night had me weeping all over the couch, but I managed to control myself at the Build-a-Bear Workshop today. I was nearly a weeping mess the first time we went there over a month ago when I was just stepping down the effexor. Today I was actually cheerful - a definite improvement.

I'm going to go back to my doctor soon, I think I so still need help with depression, but I am never going back on effexor. If you are in the really bad part of this withdrawal - just try to keep in mind that there is an end to it. It just takes time. Good Luck and Happy New Year!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 14:12:31

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by CrazyMe on December 27, 2003, at 22:57:55

I am on day 3 and i am a total mess. I was at 225 mg per day and then went to 150 and then to 75 and now none and i feel like i am going to jump out of my skin and I am crying all the time. My husband does not understand and thinks i am just being silly. I need some advice on how to handle the next few weeks without losing my mind. Please help me.

> It's been 20 days for me. I'm still getting the occaisional shock but it's not debilitating. The bowel movements are finally returning to their normal rhythm. I'm only taking the benedryl and dramamine once a day, if at all. I'm still taking the b-vitamins, sam-e and 5-htp but at bedtime now with the rest of my regular meds.
> I have to admit to some very black days emotionally leading up to Christmas. I was subject to on and off weeping and am still very sensitive emotionally. I went to see Peter Pan (on day 9 of my effexor free life - it was a free preview of the movie)and came out of the theater tear stained and swollen eyed from all the times the movie made me cry. My daughter was completely mystified at my reaction. I think it was the whole maternal thing, and my own regrets at no longer being a child - both things she wouldn't understand. But I digress.
> Watching the Kennedy Center Honors last night had me weeping all over the couch, but I managed to control myself at the Build-a-Bear Workshop today. I was nearly a weeping mess the first time we went there over a month ago when I was just stepping down the effexor. Today I was actually cheerful - a definite improvement.
> I'm going to go back to my doctor soon, I think I so still need help with depression, but I am never going back on effexor. If you are in the really bad part of this withdrawal - just try to keep in mind that there is an end to it. It just takes time. Good Luck and Happy New Year!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by karlou on December 28, 2003, at 18:45:14

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 14:12:31

I have to admit that the first week was rough without the Effexor...really rough. I think the thing that got me through was trying to be busy. Cleaning, going for a walk, surfing the net. I really tried to stay away from the TV ... this time of year, even the silly commercials will get to me. Benadryl was very helpful for me.

The meditation mentioned earlier in this thread was helpful helps calm, and allow me to take a step back from myself...same with the postings here, they helped too...they showed me that what I was going thru was normal, that the side effects would pass, and that I could also get through it if I took it one day at a time. For me, I had to take pride at making it 1 day, then 2 days and then 3...I still have a ways to go, but each day gets a little easier.

Hang in there!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » Vasterling

Posted by bobbyd3 on December 28, 2003, at 20:44:01

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 14:12:31

> I am on day 3 and i am a total mess. I was at 225 mg per day and then went to 150 and then to 75 and now none and i feel like i am going to jump out of my skin and I am crying all the time. My husband does not understand and thinks i am just being silly. I need some advice on how to handle the next few weeks without losing my mind. Please help me.
> I dont know what to tell you because I could not deal with the withdrawal right now in my life because I have a big business deal coming up,so I wimped out and went back to 150Mg. I cant believe you are having a problem at 75mg. My highest dose was 450mg. Did you feel crappy at the 150? Some of these people are talking about benadryl and a single dose of Prozac but I have no idea what that will do or if it has been medically proven to help .Tell your husband to shut up , its hard for him to understand how you feel with this crap.It definately feels good to talk about it .I think you can make it through it,because there is an end to it,you just have to keep thinking that .I hope you feel better , Robert
> > It's been 20 days for me. I'm still getting the occaisional shock but it's not debilitating. The bowel movements are finally returning to their normal rhythm. I'm only taking the benedryl and dramamine once a day, if at all. I'm still taking the b-vitamins, sam-e and 5-htp but at bedtime now with the rest of my regular meds.
> >
> > I have to admit to some very black days emotionally leading up to Christmas. I was subject to on and off weeping and am still very sensitive emotionally. I went to see Peter Pan (on day 9 of my effexor free life - it was a free preview of the movie)and came out of the theater tear stained and swollen eyed from all the times the movie made me cry. My daughter was completely mystified at my reaction. I think it was the whole maternal thing, and my own regrets at no longer being a child - both things she wouldn't understand. But I digress.
> >
> > Watching the Kennedy Center Honors last night had me weeping all over the couch, but I managed to control myself at the Build-a-Bear Workshop today. I was nearly a weeping mess the first time we went there over a month ago when I was just stepping down the effexor. Today I was actually cheerful - a definite improvement.
> >
> > I'm going to go back to my doctor soon, I think I so still need help with depression, but I am never going back on effexor. If you are in the really bad part of this withdrawal - just try to keep in mind that there is an end to it. It just takes time. Good Luck and Happy New Year!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 22:05:20

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » Vasterling, posted by bobbyd3 on December 28, 2003, at 20:44:01

Robert, Thank you for the advice and i really appreciate the encouragement.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by nigel99 on December 29, 2003, at 12:12:13

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 22:05:20

> Robert, Thank you for the advice and i really appreciate the encouragement.

Hi - I've been tapering off EFF XR for the last six weeks. If it gets unbearable see about going back on at 37.5 if your doc lets you.

I have been tapering so slowly that below 37.5 I have been pulling apart the tablets and taking 1/2 of the granules one day and then a little less the next. I have been doing this until three days ago when I was down to ten of the granules (probably 5 mg of EFF XR) and then stopped altogether.

But it has NOT stopped the shocks!! They continue day and night especially after exercise. They have reduced in intensity somewhat, maybe 10% over the last two days, but it is still difficult to enjoy my vacation time when I am being continually zapped!

Gravol helps at night when I get nauseous, a bit of tylenol during day for headaches.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 29, 2003, at 13:30:13

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by nigel99 on December 29, 2003, at 12:12:13

Hi All...

Some of you may have followed a number of posts I made not so long ago about going cold turkey off of 225 mg of Effexor. I just thought I'd drop you a quick note to let you all know that tomorrow will be 6 weeks since my last dose of Effexor and....

I feel pretty great and I am now down to only one or two extremely mild "brain shocks" a day. How sad is it that I am grateful for only one or two a day?!?! This medication may work wonders for some, but for me the trade-offs of very limited success with it as a treatment while I was on it and then the nightmare-ish withdrawal problems have just not been worth it.

I, like most of you, wish I had known just how many problems people experience with this medication. What worries me now, is if there will be any lasting, long-term damage.

It is possible to successfully get off of this medication, the first week is the worst (with the middle 3 days being most dibilitating) and then it just slowly and steadily improved for me from there. I highly recommed the cold-turkey method if you can manage to allow yourself days 3 through 6 (or 7) as sick days.

Blessings, bounty and bliss for you all in the New Year!



Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Vasterling on December 29, 2003, at 14:51:07

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 29, 2003, at 13:30:13

What is a brain zap and how do they feel? I do not know if i am having them. I have been off the Effexor for 4 days and have the dizzyness, headaches, emotional instability and the quezyness. Sometimes i have a sharp pain in my head but it only last a second.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 29, 2003, at 14:56:42

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Vasterling on December 29, 2003, at 14:51:07

Have you ever chewed on tinfoil? For me, that sensation of chewing tinfoil is almost exactly what my brain shivers were like.

A "brain zap", "brain shock" or "brain shiver" are just a few of the names for the same sensation. The best description of it I've ever heard was that of chewing on tinfoil while shaking your head in a "no" motion very quickly all topped off by touching your tounge quickly to a 9 volt battery...and all of these things need to take place within a split second.



Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » Vasterling

Posted by KimberlyDi on December 29, 2003, at 15:29:55

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 14:12:31

75mg to 0mg is too much of a jump. If withdrawal is completely unmanageable, do yourself a favor and slow down. Take 75mg, then 37.5mg, then 1/2 of that... etc etc. Leave 1-2 weeks at each level.

It doesn't have to be that difficult.

KDi in TX


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by jerseydevil on December 29, 2003, at 16:38:20

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 29, 2003, at 14:56:42

Good description of the "zaps", Bliss. Mine have been paxil associated, but the same thing, up the current to 110 and add a blow from a ballpean hammer. They are survivable.
- jerseydevil


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now » Bobina

Posted by Sliver277 on December 29, 2003, at 18:17:23

In reply to Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Bobina on April 7, 2001, at 22:38:31

Jesus, I knew there had to be a reason I felt so screwed up. And to think that I was only on a low dose. It scares the hell out of me to think about increasing the dose (as my doctor wants to do) now that I'm reading what it's like to come down from this crap. I have to admit that I really *do* feel better emotionally when I'm on the Effexor even if the sweating and dry mouth were a little annoying. On the other hand, I stopped taking it while I was out of town last week and I've been a mess ever since...two major crying jags, explosions of temper at stupid little things, nausea, headaches, insomnia, weird dreams, complete loss of impulse control and a severe lapse into depression have all occurred in just a week off the Effexor. I thought I was coming down with the flu, but now I'm thinking it's just the withdrawal symptoms. What a mess! I was thinking of trying Wellbutrin XR since I read that it has limited sexual side effects (which are a problem *on* Effexor) but I've heard bad things about it's effectiveness. I don't know what to do about this, but I really hate to think of ever going through this crap again if I go off Effexor down the road. Yuck.

> I decided to taper off Effexor after 1.5 years (with my MD's help). Tried this morning for the first time to decrease from 75 to 37.5mg. Within 4 hours my head felt fuzzy and light and I couldn't concentrate on anything. My heart was racing. I put up with it for about 4 hours then took another 37.5mg capsule. I had failed cold turkey in the past with the same symptoms & was praying the tapering would help. I am so scared I will never be able to get off of it. I want to have a baby in the next few years and don't want to be on these meds. Any advice on how to taper successfullY???????


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Vasterling on December 29, 2003, at 22:57:49

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now » Bobina, posted by Sliver277 on December 29, 2003, at 18:17:23

I am in my 4th day of Effexor withdrawl. I read you can take dramamine and benadryl. It really helps enough for me to function. I can not drive, because i feel like i am intoxicated and cannot function when I am driving, but overall it does seem to be getting better


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by bobbyd3 on December 30, 2003, at 11:05:34

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by Vasterling on December 28, 2003, at 22:05:20

You are welcome.I keep thinking that maybe that was really me on the other side .The actual nausea ,and zaps were definately withdrawal,but I had lost all hope or ambition and I was crying all the time ,which was how I was before I started taking it. I dont want to be on it forever .My shrink only says"why not?".


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by Vasterling on December 30, 2003, at 21:29:35

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by bobbyd3 on December 30, 2003, at 11:05:34

I am now in day five of the withdrawl and if feel very agitated. I am still dizzy and have headaches. My muscles ache in my joints from my waist down. I do not think that i am having the brain zaps that alot of people talk about and i am truly grateful for that. I keep thinking there will be an end to this someday and that is the only thing that keeps me from going back to the effexor.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Bones3456 on December 31, 2003, at 3:28:04

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Vasterling on December 29, 2003, at 22:57:49

I am in day 3, zap like crazy, can't focus, head is very cloudy, I get very dizzy and nearly fall. Can't sleep well. I followed the docs orders but I think the doctors are as confused as we are. Someone be honest and say, we screwed up and you are going to be screwed up for life.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by nigel99 on December 31, 2003, at 8:28:27

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Bones3456 on December 31, 2003, at 3:28:04

It does go away but it takes time. I am now a week without. The zaps are more diffuse and less frequent. Don't be afraid to take apart one of the capsules and take ten granules or so - it takes the edge off in a few hours and the next time round things are less bad.

I agree with you about the doctors (God bless them but they haven't been through it). This site was my best warning of what to expect before I stopped and my best source of information on tips to get through it.

This will pass - keep your chin up!!

> I am in day 3, zap like crazy, can't focus, head is very cloudy, I get very dizzy and nearly fall. Can't sleep well. I followed the docs orders but I think the doctors are as confused as we are. Someone be honest and say, we screwed up and you are going to be screwed up for life.


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 31, 2003, at 11:57:23

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by nigel99 on December 31, 2003, at 8:28:27

Hi Bones & Nigel!

Yesterday was exactly 6 weeks off of Effexor and I really do feel much 90% recuperated. I'm told that last 10% can take a very long time (over a year for some) to get through, but it is very mild (hardly noticeable at all).

Day 3, 4 & 5 were the worst for me (right were you are Bones) but it just got steadily and dramatically better after those few days. Just let yourself be sick for a few days...lots of bedrest, lots of liquids, and know that lots of people know just how you feel. You will get through this.



Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Bones3456 on December 31, 2003, at 15:21:20

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 31, 2003, at 11:57:23

Thanks Nigel and Blissful. Last night I took an effexor (like a dummy). So I get to go thru it all over again. I have a call in to my doc about lower doses than my last pills or other options. It is not fun to hear that it could be a year before I am totally normal. Anyone taking other anti's or trying to stop? Next I'll be on the wellbutrin thread!


Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 31, 2003, at 15:46:48

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Bones3456 on December 31, 2003, at 15:21:20

Sorry to hear that you'll have to go through it all again. I made sure that I had absolutely no Effexor in the house when it was time for me to finish. I probably would have done the same thing you did if I'd had any. That's one of the sort of "addictive" qualities of this medication...a person will take more just to get the withdrawals to stop which just starts the whole cycle again.

You'll notice on this board that there is a pretty even split between people who think going cold turkey is best and people who think tapering is best. I personally think both methods work, although reading the historical posts on here, the tapering method seems to draw out the overall ill effects of the withdrawal symptoms although tapering seems to make those symptoms less severe. Cold turkey seems to cause pretty major withdrawal symptoms for approximately 3 or 4 days beginning about 3 days after stopping. I've also noticed that people who've gone cold turkey seem to start feeling better much sooner than those who taper off...but again, those who taper off seem to have less severe withdrawal symptoms.

How you get off of this drug ultimately lies with what you can tolerate. To give you an example, I tried for over ten years to quit smoking by tapering off of was easier but I never did manage to completely quit that way. Finally, I went cold was hard but I have not had a cigarette since and that was over 2.5 years ago. My physiology just does not do well with tapering off...but it does respond well to cold turkey. Personally, I'd rather have a high degree of suffering for a short period of time than a medium degree of suffering for a long period of time.

If you do decide to try cold turkey, ask your doctor if you can have a single 20mg dose of Prozac to take on the third day after your last dose of Effexor. Both my pdoc & my family doc agree that this is one of the best ways to alleviate the withdrawal problems associated with going cold turkey.

Again, I wish you all the best...I know that this is going to be tough no matter what approach you take but this too shall pass!



Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now

Posted by Vasterling on December 31, 2003, at 16:12:32

In reply to Re: Going through Effexor Withdrawl now, posted by Blissful_Girl_NOT on December 31, 2003, at 15:46:48

I am now on days 6 of the effexor withdrawal. The dizzyness is not as bad and neither it the nausea, however I still get agitated easily. The problem I am having now is that I can not pronunicate my words correctly. I am sluring my words and it kind of sounds that I am intoxicated. I did drive today and that seemed to be ok. There does seem to be a light at the end of this dark tunnel and I now know that the worst is behind me.

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