Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by Ksmith on November 1, 2003, at 14:10:55

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by Ksmith on October 31, 2003, at 10:15:55

I believe the doctors do not realize nor do they take seriously the withdrawal agony one goes though on Effexor. It's easy for some to say it's a great drug, but the withdrawal is something else!


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 1, 2003, at 16:04:28

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by Ksmith on October 31, 2003, at 10:15:55

> I have been on Effexor XR for 4 years. I have tried on numerous occasions to get off it. I have discussed it with my Dr. I have reduced dosage to crumbs. I have added separately Ativan and Buspar to help get off the Effexor, with no success. The symtoms are horrific! Terrible shocks to the brain, dizziness, nausea, the worst being the "brain Zaps". I am afraid of brain damage. My husband and I are now discussing having me hospitalized to get off this drug. The drug no longer works for me, just makes me very sleepy when I get stressed, to the point that I have become agoraphobic. How on earth can I get off this drug?

Well the common name for those brain zaps are called brain "shivers" and they are very common with effexor with drawal. I know it feels awful and scary, but I was on effexor for almost 3 years, on maximum dose, and got off the awful drug, over a five week period. It was hell, I puked every hour, sweats to shivers, brain shivers, but it eventually went away, and got better. They compare it to heroin withdrawal, although no methadone! I used clonazepam for the worst times, just to try and stabilize my mood and take care of my son. Although I use clonazepam anyways, as i have severe g.a.d. It lasts much longer than ativan or xanax, and is less addictive. (I have used it for 6 years, no tolerance at all)
Good luck! Any questions just ask!


Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by KimberlyDi on November 3, 2003, at 15:19:39

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 1, 2003, at 16:04:28

Some people said they had a metallic taste going onto Effexor. I have an awful taste going off of it. This headache and sickness to the stomach that abates only alittle when I take my next allowable dosage is becoming all too familiar. My husband, sweetheart that he isn't, gripes and complains about the lack of fun I'm being. See my pdoc tomorrow. Have zero faith that she can make anything better.

THanks for letting me vent.
KDi in Texas


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 3, 2003, at 19:40:05

In reply to Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by KimberlyDi on November 3, 2003, at 15:19:39

> Some people said they had a metallic taste going onto Effexor. I have an awful taste going off of it. This headache and sickness to the stomach that abates only alittle when I take my next allowable dosage is becoming all too familiar. My husband, sweetheart that he isn't, gripes and complains about the lack of fun I'm being. See my pdoc tomorrow. Have zero faith that she can make anything better.

First of all, sorry for your husband not being understanding, my family had a hard time being overly sympathetic, but it is a pain that only other people who have had the same experiences can know. I never had a metallic taste going on to it, coming off of it, I had a yucky taste, I wouldn't say metallic, just gross. How are you tapering? What dose were you on? There has to be something to help you. Really, people withdrawing from Effexor should be hospitalized, that is why there are so many lawsuits now coming about, due to the nature of the withdrawal, and the company had to change the material in their insert to add side effects. I did it at home, as I am a single mom with a little boy, but if you have to be hospitalized, it is the best place to be, I would think, in order to be successful, and there would be other meds they could give you to make you comfortable and monitor you..
All the best, and make sure you don't hold back with yoru pdoc, and make sure he/she listens to you... I have had to come out and tell them to listen to what I am saying, instead of trying to rush me out of the office, they are paid to see me. Good luck!!
> THanks for letting me vent.
> KDi in Texas



Posted by KDinKC on November 5, 2003, at 14:50:12

In reply to Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by KimberlyDi on November 3, 2003, at 15:19:39

I started taking Effexor a little over a year ago after I had to lay off about 1,100 people. Since that time, I've gained 60 lbs. My doctor said I was one in about 8 percent to do so. Trying to stop taking it has been miserable. It was nice to come to this site and at least know that I'm not losing my mind. The feeling I have is very hard to describe, as others have mentioned. I went from 150 mg to 75 to nothing. My doctor now wants to half the 75 since after 3 days without it, it feels like I can hear and see the neurons firing in my brain (that's the best way I can think of to descibe what is happening). I am in such a foul mood, I don't even want to be around myself. After decreasing my dose, I did notice an increase in libido. While taking the drug may have had its advantages, I was practically unable to achieve orgasm.


Re: Effexor » KDinKC

Posted by KimberlyDi on November 6, 2003, at 8:38:32

In reply to Effexor, posted by KDinKC on November 5, 2003, at 14:50:12

In my withdrawal process, and being allowed to remain at 150mg for awhile, the awful effects have decreased. From naseau, headaches, and dizziness... I now just have to be careful not to turn my head too quickly. If I were you, I would go back on the Effexor at a low dosage like the doctor suggested. It will help. I wish you luck.


> I started taking Effexor a little over a year ago after I had to lay off about 1,100 people. Since that time, I've gained 60 lbs. My doctor said I was one in about 8 percent to do so. Trying to stop taking it has been miserable. It was nice to come to this site and at least know that I'm not losing my mind. The feeling I have is very hard to describe, as others have mentioned. I went from 150 mg to 75 to nothing. My doctor now wants to half the 75 since after 3 days without it, it feels like I can hear and see the neurons firing in my brain (that's the best way I can think of to descibe what is happening). I am in such a foul mood, I don't even want to be around myself. After decreasing my dose, I did notice an increase in libido. While taking the drug may have had its advantages, I was practically unable to achieve orgasm.


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by HisOwn on November 6, 2003, at 13:35:30

In reply to Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by KimberlyDi on November 3, 2003, at 15:19:39

Hi. I'm new to this board and am so glad to have found it! I am currently in the middle of "hell-week" (HOW LONG WILL THIS TAKE??) I guess you could call it...just jumped off 37.5 dosage of effexor xr after 4-5 years at 225 mg daily. The only thing is... I was put on effexor to control migraine headache ( I would have migraine daily for months on end). Has anyone else been prescribed this medication for the same condition? My neurologist told me that they put people on effexor BECAUSE the withdrawal symptoms are so bad--they want them to remember to take their pills--but he didn't tell me that getting off would be this bad! I have read some posts from some of you that have actually gotten you really return to normal?


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » HisOwn

Posted by KimberlyDi on November 6, 2003, at 15:47:46

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by HisOwn on November 6, 2003, at 13:35:30

> Hi. I'm new to this board and am so glad to have found it! I am currently in the middle of "hell-week" (HOW LONG WILL THIS TAKE??) <

sorry dude, more like H-month". (not sure if p-bab censors considers "that really hot place down south" a 4-letter word.)

>I guess you could call it...just jumped off 37.5 dosage of effexor xr after 4-5 years at 225 mg daily. The only thing is... I was put on effexor to control migraine headache ( I would have migraine daily for months on end). Has anyone else been prescribed this medication for the same condition? <

I've seen posts from people put on Effexor for certain types of pain management. It does everything! It slices, it dices, but wait... there's more! (if no-one gets the lame joke, an infomercial reference) Migraines, depression, Menopause...

>My neurologist told me that they put people on effexor BECAUSE the withdrawal symptoms are so bad--they want them to remember to take their pills--but he didn't tell me that getting off would be this bad!<

A doctor that admits to knowingly putting these people through this withdrawal agony should be horsewhipped, in my opinion. Driving and working through withdrawal is dangerous to oneself, and others.

>I have read some posts from some of you that have actually gotten you really return to normal?<

Most free from Effexor will NEVER take it again. Some will never take/trust any anti-depressant again. I don't know about a return to normal (was I ever normal?) but I'm sure hoping. I was suicidal before Effexor so I have to give it alittle credit.


KDi in Texas


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by HisOwn on November 6, 2003, at 20:39:09

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » HisOwn, posted by KimberlyDi on November 6, 2003, at 15:47:46

Thanks for the support. Sorry about the "H***" (theater term for the week before opening when you seem like you will never go home again or back to a 'normal' life). It is good to get some information on a time frame here. I have been stepping down off this stuff for the past two months and didn't really have any trouble until I hit 75 then had to stay on that for 3 weeks. Then stepped down to the 37.5 for 2 weeks then off... I've got to tell you, though, this has seemed like the longest 4 days of my life. The information I have found here has been a life-saver! I have the awful taste in my mouth, the electro-shocks, the heart palpitations, the bouts of crying, ect. I also have major pain along my spine-between my shoulder blades and in my neck, and a cough... flu or effexor...can't tell.


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by John2222 on November 7, 2003, at 22:33:18

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by HisOwn on November 6, 2003, at 20:39:09

After taking Effexor XR for about 1 1/2 years I am now reducing from a top of 112.5. I'm currently at 37.5 mg. I always reduced in small steps (from 112.5 to 75 to 50 to 37.5).

To get the 50 mg XR I took some 150 mg capsules I had and purchased some empty gel caps at the health food store (got a whole bag for about $5.00). I took one 150 mg capsule and divided it into 3 approx 50 mg capsules.

My recommendation from my experience is go really slow. Even the 37.5 to 0 is too much in my experience--so I'm planning after awhile to split the 37.5 into 2 ~19 mg capsules and try that for several weeks.

Why torture ourselves! Although Effexor XR really has worked great for combination depression and anxiety, the withdrawal is bad. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be finished.

For example, what do I do 6 months from now if I get a relapse or reoccurance? (which is common)


> Thanks for the support. Sorry about the "H***" (theater term for the week before opening when you seem like you will never go home again or back to a 'normal' life). It is good to get some information on a time frame here. I have been stepping down off this stuff for the past two months and didn't really have any trouble until I hit 75 then had to stay on that for 3 weeks. Then stepped down to the 37.5 for 2 weeks then off... I've got to tell you, though, this has seemed like the longest 4 days of my life. The information I have found here has been a life-saver! I have the awful taste in my mouth, the electro-shocks, the heart palpitations, the bouts of crying, ect. I also have major pain along my spine-between my shoulder blades and in my neck, and a cough... flu or effexor...can't tell.


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by ann33 on November 8, 2003, at 7:25:20

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 3, 2003, at 19:40:05

Hi, Hockeygirl

>but I was on effexor for almost 3 years, on maximum dose, and got off the awful drug, over a five week period.

I am curious about your impression. Do yout think that in a short time is better or try to go out slow would be better and have less simptons?
What happens after you finish with efexor? do you think that helps or you tried another one.

I am thinking to withdrawn it and I am a little insecure.


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 8, 2003, at 7:37:18

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by ann33 on November 8, 2003, at 7:25:20

> Hi, Hockeygirl
> >but I was on effexor for almost 3 years, on maximum dose, and got off the awful drug, over a five week period.
> I am curious about your impression. Do yout think that in a short time is better or try to go out slow would be better and have less simptons?
> What happens after you finish with efexor? do you think that helps or you tried another one.
> I am thinking to withdrawn it and I am a little insecure.
> thanks

The drug never worked for me, I mean I didn't have terrible side effects from the drug while I was on it, but I plead with my psychiatrist for over a year that this drug is not doing anything. It is indicated for generalized anxiety, which is what my major issue is, then mild depression.
If the drug is working for you, then maybe taper down a little for awhile, that is usually what docs do if there has been success for 6 months or more (at least according to my pdoc) Now my family physician says he has never prescribed it as it isn't very affective (in his opinion) and most of his patients that are on it, hate it.
Now, as far as tapering off, go SLOW! Not fast.
If you read the post about brain "zaps" well in the psychiatry world they call those brain "Shivers". I tapered down 75mg for a week at a time until I was off. I was very ill, throwing up every hour, sweating, it was not fun, which is not normal for me, I usualy had no problem getting off any of my drugs. I did switch to an MAOI, because I have exhausted all other drugs for my condition. BUt if you have found it worked for you, can taper slowly and successfully, and feel great, then there may be no need to start something else.
I hate to sound like a doctor here, like some people, everyone is different, this is just my experience. But according to my pharmacist, tapering slow, off Effexor, (or any drug where you are on a high dose) is the safest and will probably cause you less greif.
Now some people will post they cannot get off the drug, because they feel so awful, but if you can stick it out, and just remember it is temporary, you should be able to. I did it as a single mom with no support, so I think it has to do with will power. But if it is working for you, why get off of it totally, taking an antidepressant, in some cases for life, is nothing to be ashamed of.
I don't know if I have helped. Feel free to email me personally if you like,, and I will answer anything for you, and can give you some good sites to search!
GOod luck:)


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by ann33 on November 8, 2003, at 8:03:49

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 8, 2003, at 7:37:18

> Now some people will post they cannot get off the drug, because they feel so awful, but if you can stick it out, and just remember it is temporary, you should be able to.

thank you for answering.

about if the drug works or not. For me, it was exactly this opinion in the first year. It did not works! I thought - until I tried to get off once. I realized that there was really a difference between taking it and not taking. I am not saying about simptoms. of course they occur but I decide to have vacation to stop it. I had two phases: The first is the happiness to fell myself back. I travelled and was in a beach, sunny place, nice people, funny and so on..with the simptoms but was nice.. then Then I came back to my life, I was still happy but I reallized is that my brain was not working anymore. I felt lazy and I didnt want to talk really..then I started to fell like I wanted to stay in the bed the whole day.... I then I came back again to effexor... I got one month to get it working again.
With the drug I always fell like I am a little sleeping and disconnected of the world but I still can work.
That was my first try...


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » ann33

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on November 8, 2003, at 8:24:15

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by ann33 on November 8, 2003, at 8:03:49

What is it you are diagnosed with? I guess sometimes we are in the ultimate search for the "perfect" pill. I guess you have to way the advantages and disadvantages. But if the side effects are too bothersome, there are others to try. It is really about your comfort level and probably a good discussion with your doc wouldn't hurt.
I currently am trading insomnia and a headache for relief of what I am diagnosed with, which is anxiety. For now, it is worth it.
Good luck!


WOW! I am not alone with this effexor monster!

Posted by roomy on November 9, 2003, at 7:35:04

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » cybercafe, posted by melbob on October 19, 2003, at 16:50:59

You guys are all great. I have no clue how to use a message board and up until now I have had no reason to. I have been on Effexor for over 6 years. first 37.5, then 50 then 75 then we see a pattern here? It stopped doing any good for me. Besides that...I went from a size 8 to a size 12. The weight went on as quickly as the drug amount increased. Now, since my doctor has gone out of business and struggling to keep her ass out of jail for practicing without a license, I have taken it upon myself to get off the effexor completely. I thought I was losing my mind. I slowly weaned off it and got down to a 37.5 but this last little stretch of actually stopping it, well...I feel awful. Sick, light headed, dizzy when ever I move to quickly, nightmares, gassy, ringing in my ears, I even feel like I am crosseyed. It makes me want to give up and just keep taking it but I wont! Now that I have read the messages here and know I am not making these symptoms up, I will suffer the withdrawl and kick this drug in the butt! Thanks for helping. All of you!!


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » KimberlyDi

Posted by roomy on November 9, 2003, at 8:09:17

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » HisOwn, posted by KimberlyDi on November 6, 2003, at 15:47:46

Please tell me it wont take me months to get off this drug. I thought just days. I cant be like this for months. I cant even do it for weeks. I wasnt all that suicidal before being on it...I wasnt too bad WHILE on it...but this withdrawal going OFF it may just be my ticket over the edge!!


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms

Posted by HisOwn on November 9, 2003, at 23:16:16

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » KimberlyDi, posted by roomy on November 9, 2003, at 8:09:17

> Please tell me it wont take me months to get off this drug. I thought just days. I cant be like this for months. I cant even do it for weeks. I wasnt all that suicidal before being on it...I wasnt too bad WHILE on it...but this withdrawal going OFF it may just be my ticket over the edge!!

Not days...unfortunately. But, I can tell you, I have only been effexor free for exactly one week and one day and have come a thousand miles. The 'brain shivers' are less and less frequent, the bouts of crying happen far less, the flu-like body symptoms less severe. I guess the point is... one day at a time, even one moment at a time if that is what it takes.


Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » HisOwn

Posted by Roomy on November 10, 2003, at 7:31:15

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms, posted by HisOwn on November 9, 2003, at 23:16:16

Oh noooo, One week and one day? You are still have symptoms after one week and one day??? This is not a good encouraging thing for me. Days seem like years as I am sure you well know. Is there anything UNADDICTING that I can take for the dizzyness and lightheadedness until it passes?


Effexor Withdrawl: have hope but be careful » roomy

Posted by KimberlyDi on November 10, 2003, at 13:01:56

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » KimberlyDi, posted by roomy on November 9, 2003, at 8:09:17

I, for once, am experiencing some relief at how easily I'm decreasing from 150mg to 75mg. (300mg to 225mg to 150mg was difficult.) I've decreased this time by accident since my doc wanted me to stay at 150mg for awhile. I missed my morning dosages over the weekend. To my amazement, no zaps or sickness yet.

There's hope.

For about 6 days now, I've also been taking 25mg x2 daily of Imipramine so it either helps or it's just coincidence that I didn't suffer like I have in the past during a decrease.

Get on something else to ease you through the withdrawal. And be careful. I made a half-hearted suicide attempt just 10 days ago (I must have a high tolerance to sleeping pills). The despair can be overwhelming.

It DOES get better. Take the tapering slowly. It makes it much more manageable.

KDi in TX


Re: Effexor Withdrawl: have hope but be careful » KimberlyDi

Posted by Roomy on November 10, 2003, at 14:55:11

In reply to Effexor Withdrawl: have hope but be careful » roomy, posted by KimberlyDi on November 10, 2003, at 13:01:56

> I, for once, am experiencing some relief at how easily I'm decreasing from 150mg to 75mg. (300mg to 225mg to 150mg was difficult.) I've decreased this time by accident since my doc wanted me to stay at 150mg for awhile. I missed my morning dosages over the weekend. To my amazement, no zaps or sickness yet.
> There's hope.
> For about 6 days now, I've also been taking 25mg x2 daily of Imipramine so it either helps or it's just coincidence that I didn't suffer like I have in the past during a decrease.
> Get on something else to ease you through the withdrawal. And be careful. I made a half-hearted suicide attempt just 10 days ago (I must have a high tolerance to sleeping pills). The despair can be overwhelming.
> It DOES get better. Take the tapering slowly. It makes it much more manageable.
> KDi in TX
> I just need to be done! I am sick of feeling sick and dependant and needy. I have no energy, no motivation, no sex drive, nothing! I would sit here and cry if I even gave a rip! I have the worse hopeless feeling I have ever had. Its worse than six years ago BEFORE I even started taking the crap!!! Tell me that is normal. Tell me that is withdrawl. I have been weaning down from 150mg for about 2 months now and have been off it completely now for 4 days. Am I just plain screwed in the head now forever????


Re: Effexor - just started it - bad move?

Posted by Harlock on November 10, 2003, at 16:50:09

In reply to Effexor, posted by KDinKC on November 5, 2003, at 14:50:12

The negative stories about effexor withdrawal are incredible. I'm on my 6th day of taking the 37.5 dose (for aggrivated depression). Actually, I already feel better. Anyway, it IS giving me a decent amount of fatigue, especially the first few days of taking it. Seems better today, I think...

I'm also hungry ALL DAY. My stomach feels as if it is empty, most of the time. I'm trying to avoid over-eating, but it's pretty tough. I've already been to Micky-Dees more times in the last few days then I have in the last 8 months.

The horror stories of the withdrawal symptoms are really worrying me. Maybe I should quit now (taper off) before I move up to a higher dosage. I'll talk to my doctor and let him know how I feel about this. Eventually I'll have to come off this drug (it's just a reality) and I don't want ANY of the problems I've been reading about here (like anyone really WANTS them ;) ).

Even *if* I may not get all these symptoms, I really don't want to take any chances. Coming off Lexapro was horrible for me...although I made the mistake of stopping cold turkey (and I only took it for 2-3 weeks).

Thanks for the posts.

> I started taking Effexor a little over a year ago after I had to lay off about 1,100 people. Since that time, I've gained 60 lbs. My doctor said I was one in about 8 percent to do so. Trying to stop taking it has been miserable. It was nice to come to this site and at least know that I'm not losing my mind. The feeling I have is very hard to describe, as others have mentioned. I went from 150 mg to 75 to nothing. My doctor now wants to half the 75 since after 3 days without it, it feels like I can hear and see the neurons firing in my brain (that's the best way I can think of to descibe what is happening). I am in such a foul mood, I don't even want to be around myself. After decreasing my dose, I did notice an increase in libido. While taking the drug may have had its advantages, I was practically unable to achieve orgasm.


Re: Effexor - just started it - bad move? » Harlock

Posted by KimberlyDi on November 10, 2003, at 17:12:21

In reply to Re: Effexor - just started it - bad move?, posted by Harlock on November 10, 2003, at 16:50:09

I would not have quit Effexor if it didn't raise my blood pressure. That's the only reason I stopped it. Because I was happy with my medicine combo. I was happy with my mental well being. If it works for you, it's pure gold. I started laughing again. When your own laughter startles you because you haven't laughed in so long, you know it's working.

That said, I wouldn't recommend Effexor to be anyone's first try at an anti-depressant. I would say it rates high on anxiety relief, not so high on depression (except for depression caused by overwhelming anxiety).

It's a powerful medication that needs to be tapered off carefully when discontinuing. I'm 3/4's of the way there, and I have still functioned at work.

If you felt good about your experience with it before reading the horror stories, why stop because of what some other's experienced? The ones who are happy with it are out there living their lives, not posting here.

Just don't skip any dosages. :)

KDi in TX

> The negative stories about effexor withdrawal are incredible. I'm on my 6th day of taking the 37.5 dose (for aggrivated depression). Actually, I already feel better. Anyway, it IS giving me a decent amount of fatigue, especially the first few days of taking it. Seems better today, I think...
> I'm also hungry ALL DAY. My stomach feels as if it is empty, most of the time. I'm trying to avoid over-eating, but it's pretty tough. I've already been to Micky-Dees more times in the last few days then I have in the last 8 months.
> The horror stories of the withdrawal symptoms are really worrying me. Maybe I should quit now (taper off) before I move up to a higher dosage. I'll talk to my doctor and let him know how I feel about this. Eventually I'll have to come off this drug (it's just a reality) and I don't want ANY of the problems I've been reading about here (like anyone really WANTS them ;) ).
> Even *if* I may not get all these symptoms, I really don't want to take any chances. Coming off Lexapro was horrible for me...although I made the mistake of stopping cold turkey (and I only took it for 2-3 weeks).
> Thanks for the posts.
> > I started taking Effexor a little over a year ago after I had to lay off about 1,100 people. Since that time, I've gained 60 lbs. My doctor said I was one in about 8 percent to do so. Trying to stop taking it has been miserable. It was nice to come to this site and at least know that I'm not losing my mind. The feeling I have is very hard to describe, as others have mentioned. I went from 150 mg to 75 to nothing. My doctor now wants to half the 75 since after 3 days without it, it feels like I can hear and see the neurons firing in my brain (that's the best way I can think of to descibe what is happening). I am in such a foul mood, I don't even want to be around myself. After decreasing my dose, I did notice an increase in libido. While taking the drug may have had its advantages, I was practically unable to achieve orgasm.


Effexor is not bad while you are on it » Harlock

Posted by Roomy on November 10, 2003, at 19:12:51

In reply to Re: Effexor - just started it - bad move?, posted by Harlock on November 10, 2003, at 16:50:09

Sheesh! I read my last few posts and I sound pathetic. I didnt want to sound pathetic (I AM! I just didnt want to sound that way! lol )I was going more for frustrated I guess. I dont want to discourage anyone from trying it and going on it. For petes sake, I was on it for six years! I did ok on it and yeah it helped. I just started needing a stronger dose for awhile and then a stronger dose, and so on. At first there were only good things to say about it but the stronger doses didnt treat me well. I gained weight, I was horribly tired and yes, I too was eventually unable to achieve an orgasam. I knew it was time to quit. Its the QUITTING that is the killer and sounds like a ton of horror stories to you. Today is my 5th day (I think) of being totally off it. It is tough. It's not impossible. I have been dizzy and lightheaded but then I am not getting any professional help with the weaning off process. My doctor is currently facing jail time and has closed her doors. That makes it tough to get refills!! anyway....there were times today when I was feeling ok. I think the dizzy feeling and lightheadedness is letting up a bit. I will prolly live. I apologize if I sounded so pathetic that it is giving you second thoughts about going on it. Just be knowledgable, do your homework, find a good doctor, and if you go off it...go SLOW!!Good luck to you!


Effexor and Zyprexa

Posted by Peter03 on November 11, 2003, at 7:42:29

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawl symptoms » HisOwn, posted by Roomy on November 10, 2003, at 7:31:15

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has had any exprience with the combination of effexor and zyprexa? I've been on effexor for about 4 months now. I reached a dose of 225 mg before having to drop back down to 150, after becoming increasingly agitated. I had reached a point where I was no longer depressed but severly lacked energy. The doctor I am seeing suggested zyprexa as a booster if you like. I am now experiencing a sense of awakening, feelings like I have never felt before. I spent the best years of my life depressed. For the first time in my life I feel like I have real control over my life. The way I think is even different, i'm more alert, no longer feel fuzzy in the head, no longer feel and look as though I spent the previous night smoking dope. I'm interested in hearing other peoples stories, I guess i'm really looking for reassurance that the long term benefit of this combination is fairly consistant.



re:effexor and zyprexa

Posted by helenag on November 11, 2003, at 8:23:46

In reply to Effexor and Zyprexa, posted by Peter03 on November 11, 2003, at 7:42:29

Hi. I was on effexor and zyprexa combo at one time and found it to be helpful in mood stabilization. However, the zyprexa had side effects for me that warranted discontinuing the drug. Made me way too sedated. Glad you are finding it helpful for you.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
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