Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Strattera

Posted by Greg Ferguson on October 28, 2003, at 13:45:18

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by mshyper on January 27, 2003, at 22:33:05


I have just recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and was prescribed strattera. Within the first 48 hours ive noticed a number of side effects...and i am not sure whether or not to be concerned. Some of these include fatigue, fogginess, upset stomach, and some sexual side effects that i noticed after the first 24 hours that involve inability to achieve orgasm, and extreme sweating. Is this normal?


Re: Strattera

Posted by lessismore on October 28, 2003, at 20:23:54

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by Greg Ferguson on October 28, 2003, at 13:45:18

short answer, yes to all. I have been on for 2 months, and all my side effects are gone now. Last to go was the sweating, recently. Give it some time. Good luck


Re: Strattera » Greg Ferguson

Posted by Viridis on October 29, 2003, at 2:07:08

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by Greg Ferguson on October 28, 2003, at 13:45:18

The side effects do seem to go away. I'd start with a low dose (say, 25 mg) and move up gradually. That helps minimize the problems and allows your system to get used to it. It's best not to rush these things.


Re: strattera side effects » bige

Posted by PeggySue on October 29, 2003, at 18:47:07

In reply to Re: strattera side effects, posted by bige on October 11, 2003, at 12:02:13

Help. I give up. I don't like facing this. I want to be normal. Prozac 60mg and Concerta, 36mg (once in the morning on an empty stomach) is not getting it. Am still very irratible. Easily pop off with anger. Am not being able to sleep. Have no social life. Have no life at all other than work, eat a little, sleep a little, repeat...



Re: strattera side effects

Posted by lessismore on October 30, 2003, at 0:40:13

In reply to Re: strattera side effects » bige, posted by PeggySue on October 29, 2003, at 18:47:07

Are you taking Strattera also? Have you tried it?


Re: Strattera » Greg Ferguson

Posted by Lasagne on October 30, 2003, at 11:55:16

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by Greg Ferguson on October 28, 2003, at 13:45:18

> Hi Greg:
What you are experiencing is the same that I did last May. It took about 5-6 weeks for the obnoxious side effects to disappear and for me to have the full benefits of the medication. It was a tough road in the beginning, but the benefits have been unbelievable. I am much more functional than I have ever been. So be patient. Although, if the sexual side effects do not disappear after a reasonable period of time, you may have to try another ADHD option. My husband tried the Strattera and it made it difficult for him to achieve an erection and hold it. The doctor then switched him to a slow release Ritalin. As for me, I take my 80 mgs. in the evening. I have noticed that if I take my medication a little bit later and have sex around 10 p.m. then all of my parts work right, but if we wait until it's midnight or later to have sex then my orgasms are definitely diminished because the Strattera has had plenty of time to get into my system.
Good luck,

> I have just recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and was prescribed strattera. Within the first 48 hours ive noticed a number of side effects...and i am not sure whether or not to be concerned. Some of these include fatigue, fogginess, upset stomach, and some sexual side effects that i noticed after the first 24 hours that involve inability to achieve orgasm, and extreme sweating. Is this normal?


Re: Strattera

Posted by Mid- Life Crisis on November 2, 2003, at 21:08:40

In reply to Re: Strattera » Greg Ferguson, posted by Lasagne on October 30, 2003, at 11:55:16

I have a question about Strattera and exercise. I have been taking 60 mg. of Strattera for about 4 weeks and couldn't do my regular exercise routine (aerobics) because of a broken toe. I was finally able to go back to the gym yesterday and was disappointed to find out I had absolutely no energy when exercising...very different than usual for me, but then I might just be a tad out of shape after getting no exercise at all for 6 weeks. Anyone else feel this way??
Mama B, you mentioned you are a runner and on you think this is caused by the Strattera??


Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by Plucky on November 4, 2003, at 17:13:52

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by deLane on October 9, 2003, at 17:59:44

> I noticed that bige was in his third year of law school and is taking strattera. I am trying desperately to do well on my LSAT but am having difficulty concentrating on the passages without my mind wondering. Plus, I'm having to read over the statements continuously before I can even go to an answer. I went to the Dr today and he gave me a sample to try. I'm taking my LSAT on 12/6. I was supposed to take it on 10/4 but my score wasn't high enough due to my problem. How long is this going to take to kick in and how long will I have this side effect of an upset stomach? The upset stomach is pretty bad.
> My Dr wouldn't put me on adderol because he said I would have to take numerous tests to see if I really had ADD. Did everyone else who is on this had to have a ton of tests before it was prescribed to them?
> Just curious.....


I definitely understand your concern about your upcoming LSAT. I'm in my thirties and went back to school (pre-med) last year, but only after I was able to get myself on ADD meds.

I did not have to undergo *any* tests to see if I really had ADD -- I just had to go over a detailed history of my symptoms with a psychiatrist. The trick, though, was to actually find a shrink who specialized in adult ADD; when I had first spoken to my PCP, and then to another shrink, both had the outdated belief that ADD is something that only affects children (and boys, at that). Being an adult who should have been diagnosed as a young girl, but never was, I essentially diagnosed myself after reading books on the subject. I then sought out an adult ADD specialist, who recognized my textbook (textbook, that is, for an inattentive woman, not a hyperactive little boy) case of ADD in about two seconds. He prescribed Adderall after our first meeting.

My experience was that the Adderall worked immediately -- the best thing is that it just helps me get started doing the things I have to do. (And yes, it does help me stay focused when I'm reading) I did have trouble with the side effects at first (especially the anxiety, which seemed to increase if I took a higher dose), and as a result tried a bunch of other meds, but all had even worse side efects. So, I eventually returned to Adderall, and have now been on it for about two years. Of course, the side effects did wear off after about a month or two, but before they did, none of them actually reduced my ability to focus on reading.

Six months ago, I took a three-week "drug holiday" (that term cracks me up - as if going off your meds is some sort of a vacation!), and literally spent the whole time staring off into space.

If you want to try Adderall, I would encourage you to find another doc who is willing to start you on it BEFORE you have to take your LSAT -- it could help immensely. I am just starting on Straterra, so I can't offer much info to compare that med, but from everything I've read here, and from what my pdoc days, it seems to take *at least* a few weeks to take effect. Given that your LSAT is only a month away, you may find it more helpful to get going on a med that kicks in faster, so that you can actually benefit from it in time for such an important exam.

One more bit of Adderall advice: I started on Adderall before they came out with either the generic version or the XR, and have tried them all now, but find only the old-fashioned, brand name, standard-release one works for me, as it allows me more control over my dosing (I can take a dose about a half-hour to an hour before a class or an exam, and it makes a huge difference in my ability to focus). Also, I found the generic formulation seemed to kick in and out much more quickly than the brand name pill -- I had symptoms similar to OD/withdrawal (anxiety and itching all over my body when it kicked in too forcefully, then sudden, incredible sleepiness as it wore off ) two or three times a day. None of that with the brand name version. My pdoc initials "brand name only" on the prescription and it doesn't cost me anything more (with insurance).

Best of luck to you!



Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by MamaB on November 5, 2003, at 9:36:46

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by Plucky on November 4, 2003, at 17:13:52

I agree with just about everything that Plucky says. However let me caution you about something. Please do not compare your response to Strattera with that of Adderal. Straterra takes awhile to "kick in " and you will not have any drastic change in your concentration. I simply became aware after about two weeks on Strattera, that my motivation, and ability to concentrate had improved significantly.
Also I found that the stomach upset was pretty much eliminated if I took the Strattera with meals.
Good luck on your LSATs. Like Plucky I began postgraduate education later in life -- but WITHOUT the benefit of medication. (I made it, but it was VERY tough)


Re: Strattera

Posted by coopac on November 5, 2003, at 18:23:21

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by lessismore on October 28, 2003, at 20:23:54

I have been on strattera for a couple of weeks now i have noticed most of the side effects and i knew that i would have these side effects. i have also just noticed that i have had a discoloration in my eyes, and a slight burning scenation kind of like they are very dry has anyone else had these side effects or should i notify my doc.


Re: Strattera

Posted by lessismore on November 5, 2003, at 19:30:15

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by coopac on November 5, 2003, at 18:23:21

I haven't had that one. What do you mean by discoloration? I have had a dry mouth, and might have had slightly dry eyes...don't remember.


Re: Strattera

Posted by coopac on November 5, 2003, at 20:17:38

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by lessismore on November 5, 2003, at 19:30:15

by discoloration i mean the white part of my eyes look darker like an offwhite


Re: Strattera

Posted by MamaB on November 6, 2003, at 6:24:27

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by coopac on November 5, 2003, at 20:17:38

My recommendation is that you call your physician.


Re: Strattera

Posted by sadmom on November 6, 2003, at 9:41:00

In reply to Re: Strattera, posted by coopac on November 5, 2003, at 18:23:21

If the whites of your eyes, are getting yellow - I think it might have something to do with the liver.


Re: new to Strattera what to expect

Posted by sledwards on November 6, 2003, at 15:22:53

In reply to Re: new to Strattera what to expect, posted by catman on April 30, 2003, at 23:00:33

I can say one great thing about Strattera - I was heavily dependent on Xanax - 3 milligrams for 2 1/2 years, it was controlling my life; I was able to stop the horrible Xanax curse only after a few days on Strattera (40mgs) . For this reason only, Strattera saved my life. I realize medication works differently for everyone - but for me, Strattera served as a miracle ax)....I wonder if the medical field is looking into this phenomenon. As for ADD symptoms, I can tell a difference. Now at 80 mgs. I can hop out of bed in the morning instead of waiting for Adderall to "kick in". I also have more motivation to finish tasks.


Re: suggestion strattera side effects » PeggySue

Posted by Clayton on November 6, 2003, at 15:29:21

In reply to Re: strattera side effects » bige, posted by PeggySue on October 29, 2003, at 18:47:07

You really, really need support for your norepineprine levels. Strattera is an excellant option. Remaron will also enhance norepinphrine levels by enhancing supply, not blocking reuptake. The two in combination are worth every consideration. Norepinephron support will be synergistically enhanced. The results could be profoundly positive. Remaron also enhances seratonin supply so you retain some support of that neurotransmitter and can dump the SSRI, Prozac (that did nothing for me). Remaron also facilitates sleep. Ask for the sublingual form and pop it under your tongue at bedtime. Remaron works in three days to week. Best of luck, fellow traveler.


When is the best time to take Strattera?

Posted by Snowie on November 7, 2003, at 23:43:22

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by MamaB on November 5, 2003, at 9:36:46

My pdoc suggested taking Strattera with food, so I was taking it at lunchtime, since I'm not much of a breakfast person, but I could take it at breakfast with chocolate milk. Someone said they take it at night because it makes them sleepy but so far I haven't noticed that side effect. It seems I'm always tired during the day. I have taken it at night just recently, but don't know if that's good or bad. Since trying Adderall, Ritalin, and now Strattera, I haven't been sleeping well at night, and wake up tired. Any suggestions as to the best time to take it? Thanks.



Re: Straterra approval. » deLane

Posted by toddindc on November 9, 2003, at 15:35:18

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by deLane on October 9, 2003, at 17:59:44

First off, good luck on the LSAT. I'm a third year about to graduate with a terrible class rank and was diagnosed with ADD in July of this past summer. I experienced many of the same issues as you did but thought that it was "just the way I am". I've always been told I'm a under-achiever, day-dreamer, et. al only to read an ABA (American Bar Association) Journal article on Adult ADD with specific regard to a 41 year-old attorney who discovered he had it. I found a good psychiatrist who affirmed my suspicions and started me on Dexedrine. My dosage has tripled over the past five months but I have to say that it has been amazing. I was able to manage a 160 on my LSAT and can only wonder how I would have done had I known about the ADD. I'm 31 now and having a bit of trouble with being diagnosed so late in life and wondering what could have been had I known earlier. With specific regard to the Straterra, I can't help out much but it is ironic that my 61 year-old father was also just diagnosed (being prompted by my diagnosis) and is on Straterra. I have great success with the stimulants and very honestly enjoy the extra energy they have provided which certainly helps with the marathon study sessions you'll have in law school. My doctor would like me to explore other medications but with so much riding on the last year in school, I can't afford to mess things up. I've seen nothing less than a B+ since I've started my meds and am thrilled at my new found focus and the fact that I can now sit and read a case book for four hours and remember what I read. Sorry for the long post, feel free to message me privately if you'd like. I'd be happy to share my experiences in school trying to deal with ADD and meds. On a side note and to answer one of your questions, I have not been through the psychological testing for ADD, but will be doing that in January in order to receive accomodations on the Bar Exam (you have to think ahead). If your family physician will not accomodate your needs for meds, you may want to explore a psychiatrist who is more specifically trained and can provide many more medication alternatives and accomodations that your family physician is probably comfortable with. Good Luck.

> I noticed that bige was in his third year of law school and is taking strattera. I am trying desperately to do well on my LSAT but am having difficulty concentrating on the passages without my mind wondering. Plus, I'm having to read over the statements continuously before I can even go to an answer. I went to the Dr today and he gave me a sample to try. I'm taking my LSAT on 12/6. I was supposed to take it on 10/4 but my score wasn't high enough due to my problem. How long is this going to take to kick in and how long will I have this side effect of an upset stomach? The upset stomach is pretty bad.
> My Dr wouldn't put me on adderol because he said I would have to take numerous tests to see if I really had ADD. Did everyone else who is on this had to have a ton of tests before it was prescribed to them?
> Just curious.....


Re: When is the best time to take Strattera? » Snowie

Posted by Lasagne on November 10, 2003, at 17:05:47

In reply to When is the best time to take Strattera?, posted by Snowie on November 7, 2003, at 23:43:22

Hi Snowie:
When I first started the Strattera I took it in the morning and it make me so sleepy all day long. My doctor then switched me to taking it at 7 p.m. and it helped me to sleep better at night and I was able to focus better during the day without so much drowsiness. Also, after about the 5th or 6th week I noticed a significant decrease in all the side effects. I now continue to take my 80 mgs. in the evening and I sleep well at night and I wake up feeling more energetic than I ever have. Before the Strattera I used to wake up and have an overwhelming desire to go back to bed after I got the kids off to school. Now I wake up, get moving, and get lots of things accomplished during the day. I also have found that I am able to skip my afternoon nap more often than before the Strattera.

> My pdoc suggested taking Strattera with food, so I was taking it at lunchtime, since I'm not much of a breakfast person, but I could take it at breakfast with chocolate milk. Someone said they take it at night because it makes them sleepy but so far I haven't noticed that side effect. It seems I'm always tired during the day. I have taken it at night just recently, but don't know if that's good or bad. Since trying Adderall, Ritalin, and now Strattera, I haven't been sleeping well at night, and wake up tired. Any suggestions as to the best time to take it? Thanks.
> Snowie


Re: Need of ADD testing » Plucky

Posted by Lasagne on November 10, 2003, at 17:23:45

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by Plucky on November 4, 2003, at 17:13:52

>Answer to below post:
There is no exact test for ADD. They have evaluation survey's that they can give you to see if you fall within the range that would indicate attentional problems. If your survey showed that you were most likely ADD, then your doctor would do a evaluation which involves asking a series of questions about your life history. In the past I have found various sites on the Internet that tell you the kind of questions that you doctor should ask in an ADD evaluation. It is then from the history your doctor takes that he or she makes a full diagnosis and then decides on the best mode of treatment. Part of the problem may be with the doctor you are seeing. You may need to call around to find a family practitioner that has expertise in attentional disorders. From what I have learned there is no guarantee that a psychiatrist will be an expert in ADD/ADHD. You need to search for a doctor that has a good clientel of ADD/ADHD patients. I just happened to luck out that my family practitioner has extra training with behavioral disorders and attentional disorders. In my situation it also helped out with my diagnosis that my 3 sons were previously diagnosed with ADHD.
Good luck. Hopefully you can get all this resolved quickly so you can have the right medical treatment to get you through your tough tests.

> I noticed that bige was in his third year of law school and is taking strattera. I am trying desperately to do well on my LSAT but am having difficulty concentrating on the passages without my mind wondering. Plus, I'm having to read over the statements continuously before I can even go to an answer. I went to the Dr today and he gave me a sample to try. I'm taking my LSAT on 12/6. I was supposed to take it on 10/4 but my score wasn't high enough due to my problem. How long is this going to take to kick in and how long will I have this side effect of an upset stomach? The upset stomach is pretty bad.
> > My Dr wouldn't put me on adderol because he said I would have to take numerous tests to see if I really had ADD. Did everyone else who is on this had to have a ton of tests before it was prescribed to them?
> > Just curious.....
> DeLane:
> I definitely understand your concern about your upcoming LSAT. I'm in my thirties and went back to school (pre-med) last year, but only after I was able to get myself on ADD meds.
> I did not have to undergo *any* tests to see if I really had ADD -- I just had to go over a detailed history of my symptoms with a psychiatrist. The trick, though, was to actually find a shrink who specialized in adult ADD; when I had first spoken to my PCP, and then to another shrink, both had the outdated belief that ADD is something that only affects children (and boys, at that). Being an adult who should have been diagnosed as a young girl, but never was, I essentially diagnosed myself after reading books on the subject. I then sought out an adult ADD specialist, who recognized my textbook (textbook, that is, for an inattentive woman, not a hyperactive little boy) case of ADD in about two seconds. He prescribed Adderall after our first meeting.
> My experience was that the Adderall worked immediately -- the best thing is that it just helps me get started doing the things I have to do. (And yes, it does help me stay focused when I'm reading) I did have trouble with the side effects at first (especially the anxiety, which seemed to increase if I took a higher dose), and as a result tried a bunch of other meds, but all had even worse side efects. So, I eventually returned to Adderall, and have now been on it for about two years. Of course, the side effects did wear off after about a month or two, but before they did, none of them actually reduced my ability to focus on reading.
> Six months ago, I took a three-week "drug holiday" (that term cracks me up - as if going off your meds is some sort of a vacation!), and literally spent the whole time staring off into space.
> If you want to try Adderall, I would encourage you to find another doc who is willing to start you on it BEFORE you have to take your LSAT -- it could help immensely. I am just starting on Straterra, so I can't offer much info to compare that med, but from everything I've read here, and from what my pdoc days, it seems to take *at least* a few weeks to take effect. Given that your LSAT is only a month away, you may find it more helpful to get going on a med that kicks in faster, so that you can actually benefit from it in time for such an important exam.
> One more bit of Adderall advice: I started on Adderall before they came out with either the generic version or the XR, and have tried them all now, but find only the old-fashioned, brand name, standard-release one works for me, as it allows me more control over my dosing (I can take a dose about a half-hour to an hour before a class or an exam, and it makes a huge difference in my ability to focus). Also, I found the generic formulation seemed to kick in and out much more quickly than the brand name pill -- I had symptoms similar to OD/withdrawal (anxiety and itching all over my body when it kicked in too forcefully, then sudden, incredible sleepiness as it wore off ) two or three times a day. None of that with the brand name version. My pdoc initials "brand name only" on the prescription and it doesn't cost me anything more (with insurance).
> Best of luck to you!
> Plucky


Re: When is the best time to take Strattera? » Lasagne

Posted by Snowie on November 10, 2003, at 18:01:46

In reply to Re: When is the best time to take Strattera? » Snowie, posted by Lasagne on November 10, 2003, at 17:05:47


Thanks for responding. I got my first script of Strattera filled yesterday. I pay $8 for generic drugs, and I thought $30 for non-generic, but my insurance charged me $50 for this script for just one month. My savings: $49. My sister has gotten drugs where she saved hundreds of dollars. I don't understand it, but I won't fill it again.


> Hi Snowie:
> When I first started the Strattera I took it in the morning and it make me so sleepy all day long. My doctor then switched me to taking it at 7 p.m. and it helped me to sleep better at night and I was able to focus better during the day without so much drowsiness. Also, after about the 5th or 6th week I noticed a significant decrease in all the side effects. I now continue to take my 80 mgs. in the evening and I sleep well at night and I wake up feeling more energetic than I ever have. Before the Strattera I used to wake up and have an overwhelming desire to go back to bed after I got the kids off to school. Now I wake up, get moving, and get lots of things accomplished during the day. I also have found that I am able to skip my afternoon nap more often than before the Strattera.
> Lasagna


Re: Strattera updates?

Posted by pain-pal on November 10, 2003, at 23:59:52

In reply to Re: Strattera updates?, posted by MamaB on October 15, 2003, at 10:03:33

Now in my 5th month and many ajustments later I am doing great on 60 mg strattera and 20 mg rittalin at 7am and 12pm. My work is fun, I got my first award in years and was just promoted to a new job. I still strugle going to sleep on a set schedule but I wake feeling ready to go. As a 50 year old male who struggle his whole life trying to fit in, follow instrutions or stay focused I am glad I finaly found a working combination of meds that worked for me.


Re: Strattera updates?

Posted by sadmom on November 11, 2003, at 9:42:28

In reply to Re: Strattera updates?, posted by pain-pal on November 10, 2003, at 23:59:52

Strattera makes me sweat. But it also calms me. I take 40mg at 9am when I get to work. Then it seems to wear off after 5 hrs, so I take another 40mg at 2pm. I am taking it for depression related attention problems. I am also taking 30mg Remeron at night. This is the closest I've felt to normal in 4 yrs, after trying numerous antidepressants/combos. However I do seem to be having mood swings. And when I get depressed for a couple of days a week, it is quite bad and I have to take Xanax so I'm not continually crying. I don't know if this is a result of the Strattera, because mood swings is listed as a side effect.


Re: Strattera updates? » sadmom

Posted by zeugma on November 11, 2003, at 12:13:08

In reply to Re: Strattera updates?, posted by sadmom on November 11, 2003, at 9:42:28

I find that meds that work on norepinephrine increase emotionality (hence the mood swings). For example, when I'm depressed I always feel like crying, but can't because my emotional expression is blocked. When on a noradrenergic drug, the emotions flow more freely, making it easier to express them (whether negative or positive). I consider this part of the 'normalizing' effect of these drugs. The drawback is that for people with bipolar tendencies the increased emotions can precipitate a manic episode.


Re: Strattera updates? » sadmom

Posted by Lasagne on November 11, 2003, at 12:31:07

In reply to Re: Strattera updates?, posted by sadmom on November 11, 2003, at 9:42:28

Dear Sad Mom:
It sounds like you may have a bipolar disorder that coexists with your attentional problems. You might want to consider talking to your doctor for a trial of Zyprexa. My 11 year old son takes Strattera, Adderal XR, Celexa, and Zyprexa. Prior to the Zyprexa my son was having huge mood swings where he would get very combative and then at other moments he would be crying his eyes out. The doctor started him on a very small dose of the Zyprexa and it was amazing how much it calmed the rollercoaster ride down. It is a very good mood stabilizer that doesn't involve routine blood testing like some of the other mood stabilizer's out there. It's very difficult treating attentional problems when bipolar disorder coexists with it. SSRI's and stimulants can aggrivate the bipolar and throw a person into a manic episode, especially if the patient is not taking a mood stabilizer concurrently. > If my son could function well enough to get through his school work on the Strattera alone I really think that alot of these emotional upheavels could have been avoided. During the summer he functioned well on the Strattera alone for his ADHD, but once school started he couldn't focus well enough to get through all his school work in one day without adding the Adderall back to the mix. As for the sweats, I got that side effect too when I began the Strattera. It took me about 6 weeks for that to go away.
Good luck, Lasagna

Strattera makes me sweat. But it also calms me. I take 40mg at 9am when I get to work. Then it seems to wear off after 5 hrs, so I take another 40mg at 2pm. I am taking it for depression related attention problems. I am also taking 30mg Remeron at night. This is the closest I've felt to normal in 4 yrs, after trying numerous antidepressants/combos. However I do seem to be having mood swings. And when I get depressed for a couple of days a week, it is quite bad and I have to take Xanax so I'm not continually crying. I don't know if this is a result of the Strattera, because mood swings is listed as a side effect.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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