Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news?????????

Posted by Lyndie on October 15, 2003, at 15:52:57

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news?????????, posted by loolot on October 15, 2003, at 14:00:29

> > I have only been on the effexor for about 6 weeks, for the first week or so it worked, now it doesnt seem to work and I didnt take on last night. I am only on the 37.5 the doc tried to up the dosage but it made me sleep all the time so I didnt up it. I dont want to take it any more, will I have any of these problems that yall are having if I quit taking them? thanks for the help Lyn

Hi, no about the second week I started getting very grouchy, I yell alot, and I have 2 boys , both teenagers, everyone knows boys like to play jokes and teese alot,,,,I loved that before, now all I tell them to do is to be quit, and I dont want to hear it, Im not like that with out the meds. I was put on them because I cried alot, If one of the boys got in trouble for the least little thing in school, I would cry, I couldnt handle it, so the doc put me on effexor xr and for the first few days it was the best, no one could make me cry, then it just got bad from there,...Sorry to ramble on but I know Im going to be going right back to the crying, and I hate thate...Lyndie
> I had the same side effects with effexor. I couldnt stay awake, and the higher the dose, the worse it got. If you like the effects otherwise you could add some provigil, which will help counteract the sleepiness (its a non stimulant, just helps you stay awake)
> Otherwise, if its been 6 weeks I think this is the way it will be.
> If you go off of 37.5 you will probably have the withdrawal, but it wont last as long.


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news????????? » Lyndie

Posted by pixygoth on October 16, 2003, at 5:24:02

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news?????????, posted by Lyndie on October 15, 2003, at 15:52:57

Lyndie, I know how you feel. I cry at the least little thing - my main prob. is that people seem to stop taking me seriously at that point, which is ridiculous, I may be crying, but I'm still an intelligent human being...
Do your boys know about your illness? I try and try to explain my behaviour to people, and generally it helps (although those with their own problems tend to have trouble hearing me...)
S x


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news?????????

Posted by Lyndie on October 16, 2003, at 5:40:06

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news????????? » Lyndie, posted by pixygoth on October 16, 2003, at 5:24:02

> Lyndie, I know how you feel. I cry at the least little thing - my main prob. is that people seem to stop taking me seriously at that point, which is ridiculous, I may be crying, but I'm still an intelligent human being...
> Do your boys know about your illness? I try and try to explain my behaviour to people, and generally it helps (although those with their own problems tend to have trouble hearing me...)
> S x

My boys know, but I realy have no explination for it, the doc never told me my problem, except maybe depression, but when I cry,say like the principal will call, and Im having a great day, no meds no nothing, and he will say that my youngest is in the office, and he really has done nothing bad, he is in the 7th grade has adhd and now possible bipolar, not sure yet, anyway the minute I hear this mans voice I start crying, and that makes me madder because I know the man thinks I dumb or a sissy, but I also am a very smart person, I take care of my kids, there friends love me, Im just that kind of person, but when it comes to certain things or things my mind knows it cant handle, my brain wont even try to handle it, it just start crying, all my life my dad has called me a cry baby, now he know's not to do that,,,he know's now Its not my fault,,when Im crying I still try to talk and handle the problem and I get so mad at myself because they cant even understand me....I hate being like this,,,the effexor stopped that for awhile and I was so happy, I had a meeting at the school and I didnt cry, I blew it all off and smiled at the all, they looked at me in shock, they know I have done this for years, and all of a sudden I wasnt crying, but Im comming off the meds, all I did yesterday was cry, I hope today it better, and now I still have to figure out how not to cry and just handle whatever comes my way...I would explain to them what was wrong,,,If I only knew myself. LYN


What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by shay_5413 on October 18, 2003, at 0:02:56

In reply to Amen (nm) » ana, posted by kcg33 on October 15, 2003, at 5:58:39

I was tapering off of Effexor, but then late last week quit cold turkey. Here is what I am experiencing. Can any of you confirm that these are the syptoms of w/drawl?
1) The feeling of being 'not all there'. It is not a dizzyness, but like withdrawls from other anti-depressants.
2) The killer-this ear thing. It is like when water is trying to get out of your ears when you have been swimming, but I can feel it in my chest and ears.
3) Faster pulse than normal
4) Horrible gas
5) Excessive crying (didn't know if it was from PMS or this)

PLEASE HELP, I was beginning to think I had developed a heart problem.


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by Lyndie on October 18, 2003, at 8:44:20

In reply to What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by shay_5413 on October 18, 2003, at 0:02:56

> I was tapering off of Effexor, but then late last week quit cold turkey. Here is what I am experiencing. Can any of you confirm that these are the syptoms of w/drawl?
> 1) The feeling of being 'not all there'. It is not a dizzyness, but like withdrawls from other anti-depressants.
> 2) The killer-this ear thing. It is like when water is trying to get out of your ears when you have been swimming, but I can feel it in my chest and ears.
> 3) Faster pulse than normal
> 4) Horrible gas
> 5) Excessive crying (didn't know if it was from PMS or this)
> PLEASE HELP, I was beginning to think I had developed a heart problem.

I will confirm it,,,I only took it for 6 weeks, today is my 3rd or 4th day off of Effexor and Klonopin both....I have had all of the above...Thank God I have a family that helped me through this,,,I think today will be better, seem to have a headache and still cant sleep but the water thing in the ears and the dizziness is finally gone I think........The first 2 days is the crying for me,,,,the 3rd, well let me say driving my car was really fun,,,,,Dont know how long it will take for all the withdraws to be gone but I only took this stupid stuff for 6 weeks and I didnt think I would have any side effects.....Watch for the mussle thing too,,,felt like I pulled a mussle in my back but I didnt, couldnt hardly stand the pain,,,you can get through this though,,every day gets better...So far anyway.....Lyndie


try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal

Posted by cybercafe on October 18, 2003, at 18:31:09

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by Lyndie on October 18, 2003, at 8:44:20

i went from miserable sick to feeling decent in a matter of minutes :)

(if i can't get at least one person to try clonazepam i am going to cry :( )


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » cybercafe

Posted by melbob on October 18, 2003, at 22:33:36

In reply to try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal , posted by cybercafe on October 18, 2003, at 18:31:09

hi...i didn't have any bad se's until i ran out of taking some will prob'ly help; i cannot get more until the 1st though... :-)


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » shay_5413

Posted by melbob on October 18, 2003, at 22:40:33

In reply to What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by shay_5413 on October 18, 2003, at 0:02:56

well, i am only off of effexor for one day, so here are my complaints:
1) feeling "not here"
2) anxiety
3) slight paranoia
4) high-pitched beeping sound (like when those big trucks back up) in my ears, but it comes and goes
5)agitation i will prob'ly start crying in a few days; i thought i was pms-ing a few days ago, and am due to have my period, but nothing yet...
hope that helps?


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » ana

Posted by melbob on October 18, 2003, at 22:48:13

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by ana on October 10, 2003, at 11:46:32

THANK YOU! very should write more; you have a wonderful style.. :-)


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal

Posted by cybercafe on October 19, 2003, at 4:40:53

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » cybercafe, posted by melbob on October 18, 2003, at 22:33:36

> hi...i didn't have any bad se's until i ran out of taking some will prob'ly help; i cannot get more until the 1st though... :-)

i feel your pain....... my doctor has disappeared :)


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » cybercafe

Posted by melbob on October 19, 2003, at 16:50:59

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by cybercafe on October 19, 2003, at 4:40:53

just came from my sister-in-law one and a half klonopin...took the half, feel better; however, now have a killer headache! will take the whole one tonight before bed; i KNOW it will help!


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal

Posted by cybercafe on October 19, 2003, at 18:23:15

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » cybercafe, posted by melbob on October 19, 2003, at 16:50:59

> hi...
> just came from my sister-in-law one and a half klonopin...took the half, feel better; however, now have a killer headache! will take the whole one tonight before bed; i KNOW it will help!
> thanks!
> melbob

clonazepam can cause headaches? wow... my doc told me it would relieve headaches (through vasoconstrictive serotonergic properties?)


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on October 19, 2003, at 19:08:09

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » shay_5413, posted by melbob on October 18, 2003, at 22:40:33

> hi...
> well, i am only off of effexor for one day, so here are my complaints:
> 1) feeling "not here"
> 2) anxiety
> 3) slight paranoia
> 4) high-pitched beeping sound (like when those big trucks back up) in my ears, but it comes and goes
> 5)agitation
> i will prob'ly start crying in a few days; i thought i was pms-ing a few days ago, and am due to have my period, but nothing yet...
Well that is completely normal,
I was on effexor for over two years, took me 5 weeks to taper off, and I experienced all this, as well as extreme nausea/vomiting, but I can tell you that it does go away, eventually, you may want to try clonazepam or maybe a herbal alternative to help you.
But you will be emotional, try to keep a good support system close, and remember it is short term, and try to recognize it for what it is, and hang in there!


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » LB

Posted by msanjelpie on October 20, 2003, at 1:55:42

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news, posted by LB on May 28, 2000, at 23:51:49

> Y'all are scaring me to death! I've been on Effexor several months now, and it seems to work for me, but when does anything ever work forever? So, now I'm worried about ever going off it!
> I take Effexor XR 75 mg morning and 75 mg night, BuSpar AM and PM plus Klonopin low dose at night. Started the BuSpar in January because of overwhelming stress at work, and it helped a great deal. Now I'm off work but seem to be feeling more... something. At first I thought it was anxious, but now I'm not sure. It's starting to feel more like a slide into major depression.
> We had started to increase the BuSpar from 10 mg AM and PM to 20 mg AM and PM, and I didn't notice any difference at the 15mg level. Now, at the 20 mg AM/PM of BuSpar, I'm feeling more depressed, maybe more anxious, can't tell anymore. Any ideas on whether the BuSpar could be causing this, or what?

I'm on Prozac/Ativan combo, similar to what you are on... I discovered that when I was taking the Klonopin I became depressed and suicidal... supposedly it's not a good drug to give to those that are predisposed to depression... Try a week without it and see if there are any changes...


Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on October 20, 2003, at 10:21:51

In reply to Re: Effexor withdrawal - very bad news » LB, posted by msanjelpie on October 20, 2003, at 1:55:42

First of all, you have to remember everyone is different, and if it is working for you, then don't worry about what "may" happen if you decide to go off it. I am still living, it was rough, but Effexor never worked for me, despite my pleas to my doc, he kept me on it, and increasing it. If it had worked, then I would not be worried about coming off it.
Clonazepam or any other anti-anxiety drug, numbs the CNS, so you don't really feel anything. Although I wouldn't suggest just quitting cold turkey as someone else had suggested, always talk to your doctor. Taking your meds is important and stopping a drug like that is not a good idea at all. This site is good for info, but it is not gospel, and everyone is different, that is why there is more than one drug. Always consult your doctor, and address your concerns with them as well. People here are not doctors or specialists in treating mental illness. Remember that!
And hang in there!


Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal » cybercafe

Posted by melbob on October 20, 2003, at 11:54:01

In reply to Re: try clonazepam for effexor withdrawal, posted by cybercafe on October 19, 2003, at 18:23:15

well, i think the klonopin made me feel better; however, i think the headache is part of the withdrawal? later last night, after i took the whole klonopin, my headache went away completely...and also i took tylenol, tramadol, naproxen for the something, or the combination, worked...and today is day 3 with no effexor. i feel ok right now, a little anxious and agitated, very few muscle tics, no headache yet. and no horrible dreams last night, thank god. i go to see my doc (gp) today at 2p.


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » hockeygirlcanada

Posted by melbob on October 20, 2003, at 11:58:57

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by hockeygirlcanada on October 19, 2003, at 19:08:09

i go to see my gp today, so i will ask her about that...i am waiting for the emotional stuff...i figure i will double-up on my various 12-step meetings, and that will help a lot..


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by pzmannn on October 26, 2003, at 15:57:42

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » hockeygirlcanada, posted by melbob on October 20, 2003, at 11:58:57

I am well aware of the withdrawal symptoms of Effexor XR as I inadvertently went off a 300 mg per day dosage "Cold Turkey" about 3 weeks ago. Three days in was the worst night I have ever went through in my life. I literally thought I was going off of the deep end.

To regress, I went to see my GP on a Monday at which time she put me on Nuerontin as a pain medication for Arthritis. Because of kidney problems I cannot take Nsaids which do a great job. At the same time she switched me to Wellbutrin at my request because the Effexor seemed less effective than in the past. She did not taper the Effexor because supposedly it was not necessary since I was switching to a like antidepressent. After some research I now know Nuerontin and Wellbutin are a problem together.

umping ahead, by Thursday I did not know what was doing what to me. I was blaming everything. Bottom line is I suspect most of what was and is going on is the Effexor withdrawal.

I know I can get through this I just need some input on how long it will last and is it normal to have good days and bad days, in other words do the withdrawal symptoms come and go. Any input would be appreciated.


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » pzmannn

Posted by melbob on October 27, 2003, at 14:12:24

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by pzmannn on October 26, 2003, at 15:57:42

hi...well, i thought i was home-free after i guess about a week off of effexor. but yesterday and today, i have been feeling "not here" again. so i think it is possible that the effects of effexor can come and go for quite some time. hang in there, take some benadryl, hope you feel better soon; it will get better.


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by T_R_D on October 28, 2003, at 9:44:48

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by pzmannn on October 26, 2003, at 15:57:42

Hi there...the first time I went off Effexor it took me about three weeks to get straightened out. That was without any other "remedies" that can help. The second time around (just a few weeks ago) I actually got a prescription for Prozac for three days. It helped with the brain zaps/mood swings. I then took some Benadryl for the bodily made me very sleepy/lightheaded but at least I was in a place where either I didn't care how I felt and/or without withdrawal symptoms! After doing that I was back to "normal" in less than a week. Give it a try!


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by charlie29 on October 28, 2003, at 16:24:47

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by T_R_D on October 28, 2003, at 9:44:48

I had been on Effexor (225mg) for 2 years. It gave me my life back. I quit cold turkey and had no symptoms. I am really active and exercise 4x week and find it to be extremely helpful. Why don't you start little by little, walks in the park, some light cardio etc..I am sure the reason why I did not suffer from withdrawal is because of this...And remember this is just a sign that your brain is adjusting itself to its normal cemistry. Go out and get a move on..I am sure it will help a lot.


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » charlie29

Posted by KimberlyDi on October 28, 2003, at 16:53:43

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by charlie29 on October 28, 2003, at 16:24:47

> I had been on Effexor (225mg) for 2 years. It gave me my life back. I quit cold turkey and had no symptoms. I am really active and exercise 4x week and find it to be extremely helpful. Why don't you start little by little, walks in the park, some light cardio etc..I am sure the reason why I did not suffer from withdrawal is because of this...And remember this is just a sign that your brain is adjusting itself to its normal cemistry. Go out and get a move on..I am sure it will help a lot.

I envy you for your success at withdrawaling w/o problems. I'm at the beginning of my second attempt. I'm gone down from 300mg to 225mg a day. This *feeling* is becoming familiar. Nauseas pops up without warning and fades just as quickly. Everyone seems to believe that I'm going through early menopause because I'm hot hot hot and require a fan blowing always. Dizzyness and a feeling of general unhappiness (wanting to hide in my cave) are my constant companions. I'm going to take it slower than I did last time. Please Lord give me the strength.
KDi in Texas


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by hockeygirlcanada on October 28, 2003, at 20:03:12

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » charlie29, posted by KimberlyDi on October 28, 2003, at 16:53:43

> I envy you for your success at withdrawaling w/o problems. I'm at the beginning of my second attempt. I'm gone down from 300mg to 225mg a day. This *feeling* is becoming familiar. Nauseas pops up without warning and fades just as quickly. Everyone seems to believe that I'm going through early menopause because I'm hot hot hot and require a fan blowing always. Dizzyness and a feeling of general unhappiness (wanting to hide in my cave) are my constant companions. I'm going to take it slower than I did last time. Please Lord give me the strength.
> KDi in Texas

I was on efexor for over two years on 300 mg, and withdrew over a five week period. Going down 75mg a week. Effexor never worked for me, I have GAD, I was physically ill about 4-5 times a day, always dizzy, very depressed, but it does go away, and it does get better. It has been compared to withdrawing from Heroin, and the withdrawal effects can last for up to 3 months to a year, but I think that is more of the exception than the rule. I am also an avid exerciser, and this helped immensely, to deal with the side effects, as well as clonazepam, (which I take daily for anxiety anyway). So try to stay strong, and tell yourself that it is TEMPORARY. And it does get better.
Good luck!


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » hockeygirlcanada

Posted by KimberlyDi on October 29, 2003, at 11:12:35

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help, posted by hockeygirlcanada on October 28, 2003, at 20:03:12

My lowered dosage is during the afternoon so I'm really crawling the walls by evening. Unfortunately, I'm self-medicating by drinking some in the evenings again. Started because I was frantic from upset tummy & brain zaps, realized that it seemed to help with the withdrawal. I have no clue if it's because of the Serotonin/Dopamine see-saw effect. Lowered serotonin is raised dopamine or vice/versa. And alcohol affects dopamine. I obviously need to find a way to raise my dopamine another way besides drinking. <sigh>

Brain fog, any ideas?

> > I envy you for your success at withdrawaling w/o problems. I'm at the beginning of my second attempt. I'm gone down from 300mg to 225mg a day. This *feeling* is becoming familiar. Nauseas pops up without warning and fades just as quickly. Everyone seems to believe that I'm going through early menopause because I'm hot hot hot and require a fan blowing always. Dizzyness and a feeling of general unhappiness (wanting to hide in my cave) are my constant companions. I'm going to take it slower than I did last time. Please Lord give me the strength.
> > KDi in Texas
> >
> I was on efexor for over two years on 300 mg, and withdrew over a five week period. Going down 75mg a week. Effexor never worked for me, I have GAD, I was physically ill about 4-5 times a day, always dizzy, very depressed, but it does go away, and it does get better. It has been compared to withdrawing from Heroin, and the withdrawal effects can last for up to 3 months to a year, but I think that is more of the exception than the rule. I am also an avid exerciser, and this helped immensely, to deal with the side effects, as well as clonazepam, (which I take daily for anxiety anyway). So try to stay strong, and tell yourself that it is TEMPORARY. And it does get better.
> Good luck!


Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help

Posted by Random987 on October 29, 2003, at 14:15:26

In reply to Re: What are the Effexor withdrawl symptoms? Need help » hockeygirlcanada, posted by KimberlyDi on October 29, 2003, at 11:12:35

I am new to this board, but from what I understand, there are some "dompamine agonists" that may help raise dopamine levels. There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that dopamine is related to libidio and some people have some sucess fighting effoxor sexual side effects with dopamine agonists.

There are prescriptions such as bromocriptine, pramipexole, cabergoline that will raise dopamine.

There are also some herbal remedies such as: Mucuna Pruriens (increases l-dopa)
Also, nicotine is a dopamine agonist so, some people chew nicotine gum to raise dopamine levels.

However, I haven't tried these (yet), so YMMV.

> My lowered dosage is during the afternoon so I'm really crawling the walls by evening. Unfortunately, I'm self-medicating by drinking some in the evenings again. Started because I was frantic from upset tummy & brain zaps, realized that it seemed to help with the withdrawal. I have no clue if it's because of the Serotonin/Dopamine see-saw effect. Lowered serotonin is raised dopamine or vice/versa. And alcohol affects dopamine. I obviously need to find a way to raise my dopamine another way besides drinking. <sigh>
> Brain fog, any ideas?
> KDi
> >
> > > I envy you for your success at withdrawaling w/o problems. I'm at the beginning of my second attempt. I'm gone down from 300mg to 225mg a day. This *feeling* is becoming familiar. Nauseas pops up without warning and fades just as quickly. Everyone seems to believe that I'm going through early menopause because I'm hot hot hot and require a fan blowing always. Dizzyness and a feeling of general unhappiness (wanting to hide in my cave) are my constant companions. I'm going to take it slower than I did last time. Please Lord give me the strength.
> > > KDi in Texas
> > >
> >
> > I was on efexor for over two years on 300 mg, and withdrew over a five week period. Going down 75mg a week. Effexor never worked for me, I have GAD, I was physically ill about 4-5 times a day, always dizzy, very depressed, but it does go away, and it does get better. It has been compared to withdrawing from Heroin, and the withdrawal effects can last for up to 3 months to a year, but I think that is more of the exception than the rule. I am also an avid exerciser, and this helped immensely, to deal with the side effects, as well as clonazepam, (which I take daily for anxiety anyway). So try to stay strong, and tell yourself that it is TEMPORARY. And it does get better.
> > Good luck!
> >

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