Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Recently started taking Effexor xr

Posted by 07shel27 on September 16, 2003, at 21:04:13

In reply to Re: Recently started taking Effexor xr, posted by pkls on September 11, 2003, at 20:51:50

I have had success with Effexor. I am so happy I finally found something that makes me feel like a normal person. I had tried others but could never get past the 3 weeks so the I would feel the true effects. Everyone needs to keep looking for what works for them. Some have bad effects on Effexor and if I couldn't get past the few side effects I had I wouldn't have continued taking it. I am also taking Trazadone in the evening. I am a new person. I am taking the trazadone because the Effexor caused insomnia, I was also constipated for a little bit but took a laxative and everything cleared up there. I misspeak everyonce in awhile but other than that I feel like I am there for people. I am doing better at work, getting up early and have more energy. So keep with it you may feel like giving up but try not too unless it gets unbearable. If you need to chat you can email me

Take Care and blessings.

> Hi!
> My doctor prescribed Effexor when I was under alot of stress helping my son through depression. That was about 8 months ago. I remember calling him the first week, wanting to "jump out of my skin", and he said "Stick with it". I am at 150mg, which I did gradually, and know I will have to gradually go off. Right now, it makes me "more normal"...I react to situations rationally instead of being agressive or crying or some other polarity. I really don't like to be on medication, but for now, I am having the best professional year I have had in a long time (as a teacher)and things at home are working out, and I am there for my kids and hubby.
> Am I scared about going off Effexor? bet...but I have to admit its made a heck of a difference in my mental state.
> Getting on and off is kind of like the takeoff and landing on a plane...hold on, cuz its a rough one.
> Good luck...these drugs effect everyone a bit differently, and none are for everyone. Tweaking is a big word with my son's therapist, and its true...and you have to keep monitoring it.
> > Hi everyone :)
> >
> > Two days ago my doctor prescribed effexor for panic attacks, we think ...(?) and for depression and a large amount of stress! I am a little scared about the side effects as I am a single mother, holding down two jobs. I have no time to be stressed or depressed, my children are very young 9 and 5, and i am a legal assistant who has to help others. I also waitress on the weekends, and have to be able to approach people. Plus i have been feeling really dizzy lately, the doc said it may be attributed to the panic attacks. I asked for a miracle and wanted something that was going to help me right away. However,she said that i must start on 37.5 mg per day. I will say that i was much calmer today, and able to "cope" much better than i had in the past. I haven't really noticed many side effects other than the calmness, and i think i can deal with that just fine. lol.
> >
> > I guess basically my worry is the side effects, and how long it will take to notice an great change. Is this medication prescribed as prozac has been in the past, and is it similiar, I apoligize for the questions, however, this site is the first one i found with any info on effexor.
> > Thanks to all for any replys:)
> > Shelby
> > Ontario, Canada



Posted by KIMMIE on September 17, 2003, at 7:15:38

In reply to Re: HI Kim... Going off Effexor...on Omega-3, posted by oeps7 on September 12, 2003, at 8:23:06


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by kellie323 on September 18, 2003, at 1:55:25

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I took Effexor for a year with alot of success but when I stopped taking it I became violent and more depressed than before.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by zeldas on September 18, 2003, at 5:09:22

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by kellie323 on September 18, 2003, at 1:55:25

Yes-- it works very well as an anti-depressant. It took longer to work (3 weeks) than other
meds I have taken. I did just go off of it because of the sexual side effects. I have read
contradictory things about this side effect and effexor. Many sites say it has less side effects
than other meds, but occasionally you will see a site that comes right out and says effexor is
ONE OF THE WORST for sexual side effects. I will say this, it was no "romantic" picnic for
me LOL--Serzone has NO sexual se's that I have experienced--now I am just crossing my
fingers and hoping to heck it works well as an antidepressant. (something really needs to be
done about these horrible sexual side effects--a choice between being sexually
Dysfunctional (capital D!} and depressed is a terrible choice. Either way you can be
miserable. Freud said health is the ability to love and work. He didn't say one was MORE
important than the other!


Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by willie on September 18, 2003, at 6:57:33

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've had a few before and another just last night. They are quite disturbing. Last night people were getting chopped up in my dream. It took me quite some time to fall asleep again after that.

I'm only on 37.5 and have been since November of last year. I've also put on 17lbs since then. Anyone else out there experiencing these types of dreams? Do they get worse if you increase your dosage?

I've been tossing the idea of either coming off effexor all together or increasing the dosage. I'm being treated for GAD. The drug has been a life saver for me in that area but the weight gain is depressing. Not quite sure what to do.


Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by BJL on September 18, 2003, at 9:45:16

In reply to Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by willie on September 18, 2003, at 6:57:33

No dreams on Effexor for me, but I do get them on Wellbutrin....not violent though, just goofy and sometimes romantic (bothers me because it's usually not my husband in them). Anyway, I started back on Wellbutrin last week and am weaning off of Effexor, and I dream nightly, but no disturbed sleep. Yesterday morning I actually didn't want to get up because I wanted to know how my dream would end....maybe I should start a sitcom with these things. I don't mind the dreams because I'm sleeping okay so far...I do start my afternoon Wellbutrin today, so I'm nervous that it may affect my sleep...cross my fingers...Have a great day all! Bobbi


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:10:30

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by zeldas on September 18, 2003, at 5:09:22

I guess I am so lucky. I am not having sexual side effects with Effexor. I have been a very sexual person all my life and even the Effexor can't stop that. I consider myself very lucky that I didn't suffer with that side effect. I don't know if I could handle it if I did.


Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:16:47

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by BJL on September 18, 2003, at 9:45:16

Dreams and Effexor. When I was just on the Effexor with a sleeping pill (Ambien) I didn't dream at all but I was lucky if I would get 2 hours of sleep. I am now on Trazadone and Effexor and sleeping like a baby, but I do have dreams and a lot of dreams, sometimes I dream all night long. Nothing violent though. It is just that is goes on all night. But I am still sleeping and that is a blessing. I really hated the Ambien and I now think that it is an evil drug. I will never take it again.


for 07she127

Posted by Music on September 18, 2003, at 14:08:40

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:16:47

I have just started taking Ambein last week. At first it was 5mg and now it is 10mg. It really does nothing for me. I think Tylenol PM does more for me but my PsyDoc wants me to take it until I see her on Oct. 9th, but I think that it working good enough. Any suggestions or comments. What did Ambein do for you. It is like I only sleep until 3 or 4 AM and then I struggle to get back to sleep before I have to wake up for work. Post me when you can.



Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by catachrest on September 18, 2003, at 14:08:41

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:16:47

Though I haven't had as many lately (which is odd, 'cause I just upped my dose) I have had some crazy dreams on Effexor. They're not usually violent (though sometimes they are a little) but they are INTENSE. I remember them strongly and they often involve high emotion - fear, love, guilt, happiness - and strong physical sensation. I'm not always myself in them, if you know what I mean - sometimes I watch the dream from the perspective of a character who isn't me specifically. I had a VERY romantic dream the other night where I married a guy who's my best friend in real life (and who I don't normally think that way about) and, unlike previous wedding dreams I've had, this time, I made it to the wedding night...strong physical sensations that I could remember the next day. It's very odd for me to dream soemthing like this as I'm not really very *cough**blush* experienced in that all. So that was pretty intense for me. But on the whole, I have found my effexor dreams to be more entertaining than not, not because they're particularly happy, but because they're exciting and intriguing, and because I remember them better than usual on waking up, and can mull over them in my mind. They also seem to be more connected and have more of a storyline than my regular dreams.



Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams? » catachrest

Posted by KimberlyDi on September 18, 2003, at 15:20:55

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by catachrest on September 18, 2003, at 14:08:41

Oh my. :) I've had some similar intense dreams including my husband that I'm STILL not sure if they didn't really happen. The dreams are mostly great. Some pressure vents through my dreams were I'm physically fighting. I haven't hurt my husband yet.

KDi in Texas

> Though I haven't had as many lately (which is odd, 'cause I just upped my dose) I have had some crazy dreams on Effexor. They're not usually violent (though sometimes they are a little) but they are INTENSE. I remember them strongly and they often involve high emotion - fear, love, guilt, happiness - and strong physical sensation. I'm not always myself in them, if you know what I mean - sometimes I watch the dream from the perspective of a character who isn't me specifically. I had a VERY romantic dream the other night where I married a guy who's my best friend in real life (and who I don't normally think that way about) and, unlike previous wedding dreams I've had, this time, I made it to the wedding night...strong physical sensations that I could remember the next day. It's very odd for me to dream soemthing like this as I'm not really very *cough**blush* experienced in that all. So that was pretty intense for me. But on the whole, I have found my effexor dreams to be more entertaining than not, not because they're particularly happy, but because they're exciting and intriguing, and because I remember them better than usual on waking up, and can mull over them in my mind. They also seem to be more connected and have more of a storyline than my regular dreams.
> Susan


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by HS on September 19, 2003, at 9:33:22

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've been on 150 mg Effexor for about 7 weeks now for depression and GAD. My depression is much better, but the anxiety is worse than I've ever experienced before. I feel terrible practically all the time - my quality of life is zip and my work is suffering. I'm having to take Molipaxin to sleep and Xanax to manage the anxiety. I thought the side effects would have worn off by now. I've got mood swings, get dehydrated easily, sexual disfunction, headaches and have been manic and agressive as well - none of which I've experienced before.

My psychiatrist has now decided that I may be bipolar and wants me to start taking lithium. How can she be sure I'm bipolar if the side effects of the Effexor are so similar? I'm not happy about any of this and don't know who to believe.

I was on Seroxat before, which wasn't as good with the depression, but sexual disfunction was the only real side-effect (ok, that's not great, but it's paradise by comparison). This level of anxiety is making me depressed because I just can't cope. Luckily I've got a very supportive partner and I'm starting cognitive behavioural therapy in a couple of weeks, but I'd really like to get my medication under control.

Any suggestions?



Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me(for Scott)

Posted by Mirabelle on September 19, 2003, at 11:48:14

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » riverrock, posted by SLS on July 9, 2000, at 16:06:18

> >
> > >
> > > I think I would just ask to be sedated for 2 weeks or something. Really scary and awful sounding.
> > >
> > > Shar
> >
> >
> > Shar, I spent about two hours this morning reading through the posts from the last 6 months or so.....Holy cow! I had no idea how scary this stuff could be...I am currently taking 400mg of Welbutrin and had just worked my way up to 75mg of Effexor XR to replace the Welbutrin, when I changed my mind!! Have already gone back to 37.5mg capsule and plan to ween myself off this week. Too, many horror stories, too many side effects...I am so sensitive to the sexual dysfunction side effects of SRI's I should have know this would be the same...I can put up with alot of side effects, but that ain't one of 'em!!!And at 75mgs it is already happening. Welbutrin alone just wasn't doing the trick...maybe my pdoc will find something else to combine it with....I like your idea of being sedated for 2 weeks :-)
> >
> > Thank you everyone for all the information you have posted here and for helping me make another difficult dicision about AD's....Back to the drawing board......
> > Beth
> Dear Beth,
> Effexor is not a drug from Hell. It is an extremely effective antidepressant that has helped people for whom no other treatment was adequate.
> I am a bit dismayed that you have decided not to try Effexor based upon what you have read here. For the most part, these complaints about Effexor involve the withdrawal symptoms that appear when it is discontinued too quickly. Other drugs have this same potential. Effexor is a good drug, and can really act well when combined with Wellbutrin. If the time comes when you must discontinue Effexor, there are ways of preventing intense withdrawal symptoms. First of all, it must be tapered slowly. I see too many people attempt to discontinue both Effexor and Paxil abruptly. Withdrawal symptoms are almost guaranteed under these conditions.
> One of the better methods of discontinuing Effexor is to use Prozac as "buffer" substitute to allow the body to acclimate gradually to the loss of its serotonin action. I am surprised that I don't see this done more often here. The strategy is simple. Take one 20mg Prozac pill. Sometimes a second dose of 10mg is added a week later. That's it. It would be nice to hear from people who have tried this method to see how well it really works. I think I might start a new thread to find out.
> If Wellbutrin is partially effective, I would be inclined to add another drug to it rather than switch. Effexor and Zoloft are good choices. Actually, Wellbutrin makes a good drug to combine with just about everything.
> I am not suggesting that you try taking Effexor as your next drug, but I encourage you not exclude it from your list of alternatives.
> Be well.
> - Scott

For Scott(and everyone else....)
I'm not sure about recommending Prozac to help taper off Effexor,as it seem it might INCREASE side effects...To read a bit about this,just click 'home"to get to Dr bob's home page(,under the Index-like,the 21rst dot-Venlafaxine on that...then check no.8,interaction with Fluoxetine(Prozac)..................
I would suggest checking the site for those seeking tips on how to taper off-there are also natural alternatives that can be quite helpful!!Good luck,guys..May you all reclaim the good health you deserve!!!!!


Re: mercedes, how's it going? » bookgurl99

Posted by mercedes on September 20, 2003, at 2:15:14

In reply to mercedes, how's it going?, posted by bookgurl99 on September 8, 2003, at 22:43:19

Hi Books,
It's been a long time since I've been to PB. One of my e-mail buddies let me know that you had written me. How am I doing? Not much better. On July 9th I had a really bad "attack" about 8am. It lasted a long time, then I slept or passed out. About 3 pm I called my doctor, and she refused to see me. She said she didn't treat anxiety attacks and that I would have to see my pdoc. I cried and told her to just see me so she could see the way I get with these attacks. My speach was still a little slurred. She said no & repeated that I had to see me pdoc. The next day, I called him and he upped my xanex to 1mg 3 times a day. I was previously taking .5 3xday.

I had a terrible headache for 10 days. I saw her on July 16th for a physical. I took all my research on Basilar Artery Migranes that I'd gotten off the net. I was reading some of it as I lay on the table, and she said, "it doesn't matter what you are reading...I don't treat that". Unbeleivable. So I found a new neuro, and she ordered some tests. Her preliminary findings were: possible demylinating desease, partial complex seizures & Conversion Disorder.

When she (my new neuro) got the MRI (from my prev neuro) and all the other test results, she said my MRI showed I'd been having mini-strokes. Duuuhhhh. This is what I thought all along. BAM is in the stroke category you know. Also the other things mentioned above and something new, my glucose was out of whack. She didn't give me any medication just said to watch my diet. No fatty foods, no cholestorol, no carbohydrates. So I'm eating alfalfa and oatmeal. I mean what's left? She also told me something was wrong with my imune system but that I'd have to discuss that with my primary care physician (the one that refused to see me-ugh!) So I called for the appt. My pcp said there was nothing on the neuro's report about mini-stokes and nothing about my imune system. What????
I give up. Let me know how the neurontin works out, if you get it. Hope you get some releif.

> Hey Mercedes,
> I just wanted to post real quick and find out if you're getting any relief from the migraines/panic attacks/whatever. I improved on 10 mgs day/lexapro but not quite enough, so I'm gonna be seeing my dr. to try to get him to let me give Neurontin a shot. Hopefully he will. *crossing fingers*
> books


Re: mercedes, how's it going? » bookgurl99

Posted by mercedes on September 20, 2003, at 3:07:28

In reply to mercedes, how's it going?, posted by bookgurl99 on September 8, 2003, at 22:43:19

Oh Books, I forgot to mention that I am getting off Effexor. I was up to 300mgs, and really felt happy, smiling again. But one of the side effects is high blood pressure. Well with these possible mini-stroke attacks, I should not take anything that could possibly increase my blood pressure. I was also having the blurred vision and a hell of a time concentrating. Memory problems too, but was willing to have these just to feel happy again. I'm down to 150mgs, no real bad withdrawal effects, just a cpl days of shooting pings and pangs in my arms and face. Monday I will go to 75mgs. I see my pdoc Tues. and maybe he'll try me on another AD. I don't know. I'm just sick of taking meds. I seem to get more depressed, but if you read my last post, I have good
Mercedes.....miss you


Re: withdrawal

Posted by Rawudi on September 20, 2003, at 11:50:34

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by Debbie on April 17, 2000, at 16:53:21

I may be hoping too much here, but I'm not with any psychiatrist or on any medications or drugs and don't ever propose to ever take any!!!

Firstly, the fact of the matter is, ADHD is a made up disorder and doesn't exist. Some psychiatrist played a cruel and very S I C K joke on everyone, when he brought this baby into existence. You see he can't confront individuals being able to move freely and enjoy their abilities in a social environment. So, who best to target than little children. They can't fight back on the matter and then if they do anyway, they have another disorder called oppositional disorder!

The fact of the matter is you do not have unusual human symptons nor has it been of detriment to man down through the millennia of his whole track history and nor will it be presently or in the immediate future. There has been no research on the matter, there is no proof to the disorder other than a showing of hands by psychiatrists stating that the condition is a valid mental illness with a great show of authority, if only said pretentiously, it is still non the less fraudulently stated.

Hence, prescribing anything other than natural physical exercise, diets, alongside of a full medical examination to ensure you don't have something basic out with your body - such as allergies, organ dysfunctions, etc., would be pandering to the private and commercial needs of the drug manufacturers and psychiatrists back pockets.

As you are currently on these "drugs", my advise would not be to jump straight off of them. Far from it, as you would probably cause some damage. But rather, once you reduced your current consumption down to zero and then refrain from taking any psycho-tropic drugs completely. Search out a doctor that does locate the actual cause of any discomfort you have with your body. It will be there to be found and once found obtain natural remedies that handle the source of the problem.


Re: Hi Zinya » willie

Posted by zinya on September 20, 2003, at 15:19:29

In reply to Hi Zinya, posted by willie on September 15, 2003, at 7:23:20

hi Willie!
forgive me for being so erratic these days in checking in here... It's great to hear from you!

yeah, well, my withdrawal... hmmm. Actually, so far the withdrawal itself doesn't seem to be causing too many side effects. Maybe taking teh Omega-3 is helping with this (boy, does Omega-3 SURE help with the constipation!?!) but i had a relapse in the energy dept. this past week, which was itself depressing -- I am increasingly realizing (not for the first time) that it's a zero energy state that Makes me depressed, not vice versa... My back goes out on me or something and my energy plummets -- and it gets damn depressing to have to curtail social activities as a result...

I'm still having the major sweats (one of my 3 reasons for quitting - just the other night again awoke so wet i had to change all clothing) but at least my heart is no longer pounding out of my chest after just gardening... I'm still at 75 mg til at least next week when i see md. and get some more to finish tapering off with...

Once or twice during w/d i've had a weird brain thing that maybe was the "zaps" people talk about but it wasn't too bad and did pass...

Frankly, i don't know quite what to make of this experience except that it makes me wonder if serotonin was my problem after all.

Sounds great that you can e-mail your doctor - i need a doctor i could do that with! I can with my chiropractor which is already a boon...

where in Florida are you going?

with hugs,


Redirect and: please be civil » Rawudi

Posted by Dr. Bob on September 20, 2003, at 19:07:20

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by Rawudi on September 20, 2003, at 11:50:34

> Firstly, the fact of the matter is, ADHD is a made up disorder and doesn't exist.

You may not think people should be given the diagnosis, but please don't exaggerate or overgeneralize:

> prescribing anything other than natural physical exercise, diets, alongside of a full medical examination ... would be pandering to the private and commercial needs of the drug manufacturers and psychiatrists back pockets.

Also, follow-ups not about medication should be redirected to Psycho-Social-Babble.



Effexor XR

Posted by kcg33 on September 21, 2003, at 10:21:20

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I am so relieved to have finally found this message board. I have been taking Effexor XR for about 8 months. (one 75 mg capsule a day) I tried to get off of it once and OMG I thought I was dying. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE withdrawal. I couldn't stand up without holding onto something, I did everything the doctor said to wean myself off. First it was one every other day, and then after a week or so, I was to go every 3rd day. Let me tell you, I never made it past that every third day, and by the time 6 weeks of absolute HELL went by trying just to get through that every third day, I was so tired of being sick and dizzy that I had to just refill my scrip and start taking it daily again. I am feeling more anxiety trying to lose this drug than I was before I began taking it~ I am very angry that the drug did not come with some kind of warning regarding it's physically addictive qualities. If I had known that this "short-term solution" to my anxiety attacks was going to ultimately make me worse, I would definitely have never used it to begin with. This is the first time I have ever seen this website and I have spent all morning reading through the postings from the past 3 years. What I am wondering, is with so many people experiencing the EXACT SAME THING that I am going through, after 3 years, why the hell is this product still on the market? I'm shocked there has not been some sort of class-action lawsuit started to make the pharmaceutical companies acknowledge the problems. Has anyone gained like a huge amount of weight while on this drug? I have gained 30 pounds in 8 months and I wonder if I will ever be able to kick the drug and lose the weight and get back to what actually was a much more normal existence for me than after I started taking this nightmare of a "solution" to anxiety. What about perm. long-term side effects? How long can I expect to feel like walking death after I kick this medicine? ANY information you could provide would be helpful. (By the way, I'm sure this medicine has its good points, it actually did begin to feel much better symptom-wise when I FIRST began taking it. But the subsequent nightmares and the weight gain got so bad, (not to mention it costs a dang fortune), I needed to quit taking it. - the withdrawal is so horrendous that I'm not sure that its effectiveness for anxiety is a good enough reason to put my body through this ever again!) Please share any thoughts or information which might be helpful! Thanks!


Re: Effexor XR

Posted by BJL on September 21, 2003, at 11:16:03

In reply to Effexor XR , posted by kcg33 on September 21, 2003, at 10:21:20

Have you tried Benadryl or Dramamine? If not, try it. Let me know how it works. Others have claimed Benadryl to be a lifesaver.


Re: Effexor XR

Posted by zeldas on September 21, 2003, at 18:40:37

In reply to Effexor XR , posted by kcg33 on September 21, 2003, at 10:21:20

I am one of the people on this board who have found effexor to be a "shock to the system" if not tapered off slowly. THE KEY--taper slowly! However, I have NO complaints about the med itself. Effexor has been one of the best antidepressants I have ever used. So let us not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

I do think, however, people should be told before they go on it that even if you have never had a hard time going off another antidepressant relatively quickly, this one could truly not be such a piece of cake.

BTW--I don't think these drugs are truly addictive-as there is no psychologically addictive component. Even with blood pressure medication -- one must be very careful to lower the dose gradually. And I don't think a blood pressure med. would be called addictive. At least I wouldn't call it that.

To talk about taking it off the market? I really don't follow that. They key--one more time---taper off slowly. I don't get the impression that you were told to do it properly. Every 3 days?--That can be way to fast for some people.


Re: Effexor XR

Posted by kellie323 on September 22, 2003, at 2:40:55

In reply to Re: Effexor XR , posted by zeldas on September 21, 2003, at 18:40:37

I took Effexor XR for a year without noticable problems. I was on 150mg once a day for the last six months. Unlike some of the complaints about weight gain and nightmares I had the opposite happen to me. I lost 20 pounds and can't remember ANY dreams or nightmares. My doctor started me on Wellbutrin in addition to the Effexor a month ago. I'm not exactly sure why though since I thought I was having alot of success with just the Effexor.
I decided to take my self off both medications. Everyone I talked to said to taper off slowly but I just went cold turkey. On the fourth day without any meds I flipped out. I became violent and irrational and seriously wanted to die. I'm not sure if this had to do with new problems I was having or was a withdrawl symptom. Needless to say, at the time I really didn't care.
It's been twelve days now without any medication at all and I feel great. I am looking into more natural ways to deal with my depression and am hopeful for the future now. I do take Benadryl everyday because of sinus congestion(a withdrawl side effect?). It makes me a little tired but nothing I can't deal with. I hope people who are prescribed any medication will learn how to research the drug before deciding to take it. I trust doctors to a point but they are only human and don't always know whats best for everyone.


Hey Zinya...It's Willie

Posted by willie on September 22, 2003, at 7:27:23

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hi worries about getting back to me so quickly, I only check the board every other day too. We are heading off to Lakeland, FLA on the 9th of October. We go every year during our Canadian Thanksgiving (Oct. 13th).

I'm anxious to has been pretty stressful. I don't think I'd be able to handle all this work without effexor. I think back to when I was not on the drug and the pressure I was under was not as much as I am today. Tons of work and deadlines.

I wonder if there is anything out there to counteract the weight gain of effexor? I've got to get all new fall clothes because I don't have anything to fit me anymore. I'm close to 20lbs heavier than I was this time last year. I'm starting a couple of classes during the evening (cardioboxing and palates) which I hope to help in that area.

Take care...Willie


Re: Effexor XR

Posted by BJL on September 22, 2003, at 9:52:05

In reply to Re: Effexor XR , posted by kellie323 on September 22, 2003, at 2:40:55

I just thought that I'd mention if you are taking Benadryl for sinus congestion, it's not meant for that. It's an antihistamine....itchy, sneezy feelings, rashes, that type of stuff is what it works for...allergies. It's not a decongestant. Sudafed is a decongestant. Of course, they say Benadryl works for withdrawals...I am tapered down to 37.5 mg of Effexor and starting to get the withdrawals, but not seriously yet, mostly in the afternoons. And, I definitely am feeling a mood change. When my husband came to bed last night, I was wanting him to just GO AWAY. I mean I actually was disgusted that I had to sleep next to him and wanted the bed to myself. This is wierd because I adore my husband and always love to snuggle up to him. I hope this feeling goes away. It scares me.


Re: can't sleep lying down... » Alabama

Posted by Brad_HNL on September 22, 2003, at 18:49:03

In reply to can't sleep lying down..., posted by Alabama on September 15, 2003, at 22:23:14

Yeah -- I've had the same experience, except instead of my jaw it has been my feet. Very glad to hear you say this, thought I was going a bit (more) nutty. For me, it's nearly every night, and it's nearly all the time I am off more than 3 hours on a given dose. I can be dead ragged tired, lie down, and my feet start jumping and twitching. I sit up and I can doze off, though never for very long. These symptoms usually last 4-6 hours after I take it. I am on 225 mgs a day but have dropped myself to 150, and they seem to be less severe at this level. Given my schedule and the fact that we are supposed to take it with food, I can't always follow a 6:30/18:30 schedule. I have never missed more than a dose since I started on it in March.

hope this helps!

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