Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: withdrawl and anxiety from effexor

Posted by BJL on September 15, 2003, at 16:40:35

In reply to Re: withdrawl and anxiety from effexor, posted by laughingisgood on September 15, 2003, at 11:03:56 soon after your last dose did you start experiencing withdrawal symptoms? Since I am weaning off, I want to make sure that I semi-sort of plan for the "just in case" scenario and make sure I have some down time if I do experience withdrawals. Any advice is greatly appreciated. BTW, did you try Benadryl for your withdrawal symptoms?


can't sleep lying down...

Posted by Alabama on September 15, 2003, at 22:22:09

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hi. I've been on ADs since I was 10 and have been on every kind there is out there. Right now I'm on just effexor xr because I told my doc that I wanted my meds simplified and she put me on effexor xr. I've been takin it for over a year. When I forget to take it I have the brain pauses, nausea, edginess and most everything mentioned here so far. But I have one side effect that noone has mentioned and I was wondering if I'm the only one who has it. Anyways, if I skip my meds for more than a day I can't sleep lying down. When I go to sleep I have these weird kinda nightmares where I can't breathe, my jaws spasm and twitch, and I have to fight to come out of it. I wake up 5 mins after I go to sleep. I can feel my jaws spasming and I asked my sis to sit and watch me fall asleep like this and she said my mouth really was twitching and I looked kind of like I was having a seizure. I figured out that if I sleep propped up, I don't do this. I find this very bizarre. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?


can't sleep lying down...

Posted by Alabama on September 15, 2003, at 22:23:14

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hi. I've been on ADs since I was 10 and have been on every kind there is out there. Right now I'm on just effexor xr because I told my doc that I wanted my meds simplified and she put me on effexor xr. I've been takin it for over a year. When I forget to take it I have the brain pauses, nausea, edginess and most everything mentioned here so far. But I have one side effect that noone has mentioned and I was wondering if I'm the only one who has it. Anyways, if I skip my meds for more than a day I can't sleep lying down. When I go to sleep I have these weird kinda nightmares where I can't breathe, my jaws spasm and twitch, and I have to fight to come out of it. I wake up 5 mins after I go to sleep. I can feel my jaws spasming and I asked my sis to sit and watch me fall asleep like this and she said my mouth really was twitching and I looked kind of like I was having a seizure. I figured out that if I sleep propped up, I don't do this. I find this very bizarre. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?


Re: withdrawl and anxiety from effexor » Jeb

Posted by Snorpes on September 16, 2003, at 9:54:45

In reply to Re: withdrawl and anxiety from effexor, posted by Jeb on September 15, 2003, at 11:08:02

I would think that going back on Effexor might help. It does seem that your body does build up an immunity over time - I did the same on Prozac, and had to switch after 5 yrs. So far, the Lexapro seems to be working fine and I'm hopeful that I might be no so resistant to loosing weight on it.

> Pardon while I jump in here. I took Effexor XR for 5 years. It worked wonders for my anxiety. I also lost 40 lbs during the first 4 months I took it, although that is probably the result of the "anxiety eating" I do. After 5 years of taking it, it didn't seem to work for me anymore... my anxiety was back up and I was becoming depressed. Curiously, when I was going throught withdrawl, my anxiety dropped...go figure. The withdrawl was not too bad after the first month or so :) lightheadedness, dizziness... But I swore I'd never go back on it just because I didn't like the withdrawl effects. (yes, I tapered off -can't imagine going "cold turkey"). Well, here I am, 3 years without any antidepressants and I am starting to feel overwhelming sadness. My doctor thinks this is part of menopause, and has put me on Evista for calcium uptake, and Lexapro for the emotional end of menopause. (HRT didn't seem to help) Has anyone taken Lexapro and then gone off? Is the withdrawl the same as Effexor? I have to say that I am feeling not as weepy as I did before I started, but I do seem to have a motivation problem that has developed over the two weeks I've been on it. Like I sit and read all day. On the up side, I don't eat as much -not that it has resulted in any weight loss as of yesterday. Is this lack of energy/motivation typical with Lexapro? Does it go away after a while? If you take Effexor for years, then go off because it doesn't seem to work any more, will it work after a few years of abstinence? (I would consider going back on it, if this is the case...but the Lexapro just doesn't seem to be doing anything much for me.)
> I would appreciate any comments you all may have.


Re: AT MY WITS END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » zinya

Posted by Snorpes on September 16, 2003, at 10:03:13

In reply to Re: AT MY WITS END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » J9, posted by zinya on September 12, 2003, at 12:40:04

When I was on Effexor I was told to take 75mg in the a.m. and 75mg in the evening. My dr. asked me if I was weepy or out of sorts in the a.m., and I said yes -- then he suggested splitting the dosage to sort of "even" out the 24 hr. period. Hope this helps!


Splitting Doseage

Posted by Music on September 16, 2003, at 10:39:25

In reply to Re: AT MY WITS END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » zinya, posted by Snorpes on September 16, 2003, at 10:03:13

That is what my PsyDoc says to do as well split the doseage 150mg in Am and 150mg at 3:00 p.m. Is anyone on that high of a dose? If so, please post me back.



Re: Splitting Doseage

Posted by KimberlyDi on September 16, 2003, at 11:17:08

In reply to Splitting Doseage, posted by Music on September 16, 2003, at 10:39:25

I take 150mg Effexor XR at 6:00 a.m., and 150mg at 2:00 p.m. 300mg daily isn't *that* high a dose, but it's as high a dose as my insurance will cover. ^(*&#(!?@!#$ <bleep> <bleep> insurance!! just kidding. I'm doing very well on the 150mg twice daily.

KDi in Texas

> That is what my PsyDoc says to do as well split the doseage 150mg in Am and 150mg at 3:00 p.m. Is anyone on that high of a dose? If so, please post me back.
> Music


Re: Splitting Doseage For KimD

Posted by Music on September 16, 2003, at 12:42:12

In reply to Re: Splitting Doseage, posted by KimberlyDi on September 16, 2003, at 11:17:08

Hey K,

How long have you been on 300mg XR per day? My PsyDoc just upped my doseage last week. How long does it take to feel relief? I am pretty stressed out right now. Let me know.



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? (nm)

Posted by Tomar on September 16, 2003, at 15:35:21

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14


Re: Splitting Doseage For KimD » Music

Posted by KimberlyDi on September 16, 2003, at 15:41:06

In reply to Re: Splitting Doseage For KimD, posted by Music on September 16, 2003, at 12:42:12


I switched from 300mg Immediate Release (IR) to 300mg Extended Release (XR). So, I'm not sure how long it will take for you to notice any relief on the XR version alone. I do know that 300mg worked fine for my anxiety but left me lacking somewhat on help with depression.

I also take Trazadone at night, and started taking Strattera so I have a few more variables to consider than just Effexor alone.

Sorry I couldn't be more help. I would give it a few weeks at least, cut down on caffeine, get plenty of sleep... you know. back to basics. take care of yourself. therapy also helped me deal with anxiety.

Good luck!
KDi in Texas

> Hey K,
> How long have you been on 300mg XR per day? My PsyDoc just upped my doseage last week. How long does it take to feel relief? I am pretty stressed out right now. Let me know.
> Music


Re: Excessive Sweating, and Effexor... is this normal?

Posted by delna on September 16, 2003, at 17:19:16

In reply to Excessive Sweating, and Effexor... is this normal?, posted by ShelbyLane on September 14, 2003, at 5:21:43

sadly the sweating is a side effect and doesnt go in time. i know about the embarrasment.....
i have been looking for a really good antiperspirant and even someting for the face. i believe such things do exist. i sweat on allthe ssri's except proxac, and anyway effexor is the only AD that had really made any difference.
for me it kicked in quite soon- couple of weeks but took a while to find the best dose and timings. first started on 300mg when i was hospitalised but now i only need 75mg.


For KimD

Posted by Music on September 16, 2003, at 17:26:11

In reply to Re: Excessive Sweating, and Effexor... is this normal?, posted by delna on September 16, 2003, at 17:19:16

Thanks for your post. I hope 300mg XR works really soon for me. I am in therapy as well. Actually I just started about 2 months ago I have been 6 times already. Anyway, that's it. Have a great night!



Re: Recently started taking Effexor xr

Posted by 07shel27 on September 16, 2003, at 21:04:13

In reply to Re: Recently started taking Effexor xr, posted by pkls on September 11, 2003, at 20:51:50

I have had success with Effexor. I am so happy I finally found something that makes me feel like a normal person. I had tried others but could never get past the 3 weeks so the I would feel the true effects. Everyone needs to keep looking for what works for them. Some have bad effects on Effexor and if I couldn't get past the few side effects I had I wouldn't have continued taking it. I am also taking Trazadone in the evening. I am a new person. I am taking the trazadone because the Effexor caused insomnia, I was also constipated for a little bit but took a laxative and everything cleared up there. I misspeak everyonce in awhile but other than that I feel like I am there for people. I am doing better at work, getting up early and have more energy. So keep with it you may feel like giving up but try not too unless it gets unbearable. If you need to chat you can email me

Take Care and blessings.

> Hi!
> My doctor prescribed Effexor when I was under alot of stress helping my son through depression. That was about 8 months ago. I remember calling him the first week, wanting to "jump out of my skin", and he said "Stick with it". I am at 150mg, which I did gradually, and know I will have to gradually go off. Right now, it makes me "more normal"...I react to situations rationally instead of being agressive or crying or some other polarity. I really don't like to be on medication, but for now, I am having the best professional year I have had in a long time (as a teacher)and things at home are working out, and I am there for my kids and hubby.
> Am I scared about going off Effexor? bet...but I have to admit its made a heck of a difference in my mental state.
> Getting on and off is kind of like the takeoff and landing on a plane...hold on, cuz its a rough one.
> Good luck...these drugs effect everyone a bit differently, and none are for everyone. Tweaking is a big word with my son's therapist, and its true...and you have to keep monitoring it.
> > Hi everyone :)
> >
> > Two days ago my doctor prescribed effexor for panic attacks, we think ...(?) and for depression and a large amount of stress! I am a little scared about the side effects as I am a single mother, holding down two jobs. I have no time to be stressed or depressed, my children are very young 9 and 5, and i am a legal assistant who has to help others. I also waitress on the weekends, and have to be able to approach people. Plus i have been feeling really dizzy lately, the doc said it may be attributed to the panic attacks. I asked for a miracle and wanted something that was going to help me right away. However,she said that i must start on 37.5 mg per day. I will say that i was much calmer today, and able to "cope" much better than i had in the past. I haven't really noticed many side effects other than the calmness, and i think i can deal with that just fine. lol.
> >
> > I guess basically my worry is the side effects, and how long it will take to notice an great change. Is this medication prescribed as prozac has been in the past, and is it similiar, I apoligize for the questions, however, this site is the first one i found with any info on effexor.
> > Thanks to all for any replys:)
> > Shelby
> > Ontario, Canada



Posted by KIMMIE on September 17, 2003, at 7:15:38

In reply to Re: HI Kim... Going off Effexor...on Omega-3, posted by oeps7 on September 12, 2003, at 8:23:06


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by kellie323 on September 18, 2003, at 1:55:25

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I took Effexor for a year with alot of success but when I stopped taking it I became violent and more depressed than before.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by zeldas on September 18, 2003, at 5:09:22

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by kellie323 on September 18, 2003, at 1:55:25

Yes-- it works very well as an anti-depressant. It took longer to work (3 weeks) than other
meds I have taken. I did just go off of it because of the sexual side effects. I have read
contradictory things about this side effect and effexor. Many sites say it has less side effects
than other meds, but occasionally you will see a site that comes right out and says effexor is
ONE OF THE WORST for sexual side effects. I will say this, it was no "romantic" picnic for
me LOL--Serzone has NO sexual se's that I have experienced--now I am just crossing my
fingers and hoping to heck it works well as an antidepressant. (something really needs to be
done about these horrible sexual side effects--a choice between being sexually
Dysfunctional (capital D!} and depressed is a terrible choice. Either way you can be
miserable. Freud said health is the ability to love and work. He didn't say one was MORE
important than the other!


Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by willie on September 18, 2003, at 6:57:33

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've had a few before and another just last night. They are quite disturbing. Last night people were getting chopped up in my dream. It took me quite some time to fall asleep again after that.

I'm only on 37.5 and have been since November of last year. I've also put on 17lbs since then. Anyone else out there experiencing these types of dreams? Do they get worse if you increase your dosage?

I've been tossing the idea of either coming off effexor all together or increasing the dosage. I'm being treated for GAD. The drug has been a life saver for me in that area but the weight gain is depressing. Not quite sure what to do.


Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by BJL on September 18, 2003, at 9:45:16

In reply to Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by willie on September 18, 2003, at 6:57:33

No dreams on Effexor for me, but I do get them on Wellbutrin....not violent though, just goofy and sometimes romantic (bothers me because it's usually not my husband in them). Anyway, I started back on Wellbutrin last week and am weaning off of Effexor, and I dream nightly, but no disturbed sleep. Yesterday morning I actually didn't want to get up because I wanted to know how my dream would end....maybe I should start a sitcom with these things. I don't mind the dreams because I'm sleeping okay so far...I do start my afternoon Wellbutrin today, so I'm nervous that it may affect my sleep...cross my fingers...Have a great day all! Bobbi


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:10:30

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by zeldas on September 18, 2003, at 5:09:22

I guess I am so lucky. I am not having sexual side effects with Effexor. I have been a very sexual person all my life and even the Effexor can't stop that. I consider myself very lucky that I didn't suffer with that side effect. I don't know if I could handle it if I did.


Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:16:47

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by BJL on September 18, 2003, at 9:45:16

Dreams and Effexor. When I was just on the Effexor with a sleeping pill (Ambien) I didn't dream at all but I was lucky if I would get 2 hours of sleep. I am now on Trazadone and Effexor and sleeping like a baby, but I do have dreams and a lot of dreams, sometimes I dream all night long. Nothing violent though. It is just that is goes on all night. But I am still sleeping and that is a blessing. I really hated the Ambien and I now think that it is an evil drug. I will never take it again.


for 07she127

Posted by Music on September 18, 2003, at 14:08:40

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:16:47

I have just started taking Ambein last week. At first it was 5mg and now it is 10mg. It really does nothing for me. I think Tylenol PM does more for me but my PsyDoc wants me to take it until I see her on Oct. 9th, but I think that it working good enough. Any suggestions or comments. What did Ambein do for you. It is like I only sleep until 3 or 4 AM and then I struggle to get back to sleep before I have to wake up for work. Post me when you can.



Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?

Posted by catachrest on September 18, 2003, at 14:08:41

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by 07shel27 on September 18, 2003, at 12:16:47

Though I haven't had as many lately (which is odd, 'cause I just upped my dose) I have had some crazy dreams on Effexor. They're not usually violent (though sometimes they are a little) but they are INTENSE. I remember them strongly and they often involve high emotion - fear, love, guilt, happiness - and strong physical sensation. I'm not always myself in them, if you know what I mean - sometimes I watch the dream from the perspective of a character who isn't me specifically. I had a VERY romantic dream the other night where I married a guy who's my best friend in real life (and who I don't normally think that way about) and, unlike previous wedding dreams I've had, this time, I made it to the wedding night...strong physical sensations that I could remember the next day. It's very odd for me to dream soemthing like this as I'm not really very *cough**blush* experienced in that all. So that was pretty intense for me. But on the whole, I have found my effexor dreams to be more entertaining than not, not because they're particularly happy, but because they're exciting and intriguing, and because I remember them better than usual on waking up, and can mull over them in my mind. They also seem to be more connected and have more of a storyline than my regular dreams.



Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams? » catachrest

Posted by KimberlyDi on September 18, 2003, at 15:20:55

In reply to Re: Anyone want to talk about the violent dreams?, posted by catachrest on September 18, 2003, at 14:08:41

Oh my. :) I've had some similar intense dreams including my husband that I'm STILL not sure if they didn't really happen. The dreams are mostly great. Some pressure vents through my dreams were I'm physically fighting. I haven't hurt my husband yet.

KDi in Texas

> Though I haven't had as many lately (which is odd, 'cause I just upped my dose) I have had some crazy dreams on Effexor. They're not usually violent (though sometimes they are a little) but they are INTENSE. I remember them strongly and they often involve high emotion - fear, love, guilt, happiness - and strong physical sensation. I'm not always myself in them, if you know what I mean - sometimes I watch the dream from the perspective of a character who isn't me specifically. I had a VERY romantic dream the other night where I married a guy who's my best friend in real life (and who I don't normally think that way about) and, unlike previous wedding dreams I've had, this time, I made it to the wedding night...strong physical sensations that I could remember the next day. It's very odd for me to dream soemthing like this as I'm not really very *cough**blush* experienced in that all. So that was pretty intense for me. But on the whole, I have found my effexor dreams to be more entertaining than not, not because they're particularly happy, but because they're exciting and intriguing, and because I remember them better than usual on waking up, and can mull over them in my mind. They also seem to be more connected and have more of a storyline than my regular dreams.
> Susan


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by HS on September 19, 2003, at 9:33:22

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've been on 150 mg Effexor for about 7 weeks now for depression and GAD. My depression is much better, but the anxiety is worse than I've ever experienced before. I feel terrible practically all the time - my quality of life is zip and my work is suffering. I'm having to take Molipaxin to sleep and Xanax to manage the anxiety. I thought the side effects would have worn off by now. I've got mood swings, get dehydrated easily, sexual disfunction, headaches and have been manic and agressive as well - none of which I've experienced before.

My psychiatrist has now decided that I may be bipolar and wants me to start taking lithium. How can she be sure I'm bipolar if the side effects of the Effexor are so similar? I'm not happy about any of this and don't know who to believe.

I was on Seroxat before, which wasn't as good with the depression, but sexual disfunction was the only real side-effect (ok, that's not great, but it's paradise by comparison). This level of anxiety is making me depressed because I just can't cope. Luckily I've got a very supportive partner and I'm starting cognitive behavioural therapy in a couple of weeks, but I'd really like to get my medication under control.

Any suggestions?



Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me(for Scott)

Posted by Mirabelle on September 19, 2003, at 11:48:14

In reply to Re: Possible withdrawal agony scares me » riverrock, posted by SLS on July 9, 2000, at 16:06:18

> >
> > >
> > > I think I would just ask to be sedated for 2 weeks or something. Really scary and awful sounding.
> > >
> > > Shar
> >
> >
> > Shar, I spent about two hours this morning reading through the posts from the last 6 months or so.....Holy cow! I had no idea how scary this stuff could be...I am currently taking 400mg of Welbutrin and had just worked my way up to 75mg of Effexor XR to replace the Welbutrin, when I changed my mind!! Have already gone back to 37.5mg capsule and plan to ween myself off this week. Too, many horror stories, too many side effects...I am so sensitive to the sexual dysfunction side effects of SRI's I should have know this would be the same...I can put up with alot of side effects, but that ain't one of 'em!!!And at 75mgs it is already happening. Welbutrin alone just wasn't doing the trick...maybe my pdoc will find something else to combine it with....I like your idea of being sedated for 2 weeks :-)
> >
> > Thank you everyone for all the information you have posted here and for helping me make another difficult dicision about AD's....Back to the drawing board......
> > Beth
> Dear Beth,
> Effexor is not a drug from Hell. It is an extremely effective antidepressant that has helped people for whom no other treatment was adequate.
> I am a bit dismayed that you have decided not to try Effexor based upon what you have read here. For the most part, these complaints about Effexor involve the withdrawal symptoms that appear when it is discontinued too quickly. Other drugs have this same potential. Effexor is a good drug, and can really act well when combined with Wellbutrin. If the time comes when you must discontinue Effexor, there are ways of preventing intense withdrawal symptoms. First of all, it must be tapered slowly. I see too many people attempt to discontinue both Effexor and Paxil abruptly. Withdrawal symptoms are almost guaranteed under these conditions.
> One of the better methods of discontinuing Effexor is to use Prozac as "buffer" substitute to allow the body to acclimate gradually to the loss of its serotonin action. I am surprised that I don't see this done more often here. The strategy is simple. Take one 20mg Prozac pill. Sometimes a second dose of 10mg is added a week later. That's it. It would be nice to hear from people who have tried this method to see how well it really works. I think I might start a new thread to find out.
> If Wellbutrin is partially effective, I would be inclined to add another drug to it rather than switch. Effexor and Zoloft are good choices. Actually, Wellbutrin makes a good drug to combine with just about everything.
> I am not suggesting that you try taking Effexor as your next drug, but I encourage you not exclude it from your list of alternatives.
> Be well.
> - Scott

For Scott(and everyone else....)
I'm not sure about recommending Prozac to help taper off Effexor,as it seem it might INCREASE side effects...To read a bit about this,just click 'home"to get to Dr bob's home page(,under the Index-like,the 21rst dot-Venlafaxine on that...then check no.8,interaction with Fluoxetine(Prozac)..................
I would suggest checking the site for those seeking tips on how to taper off-there are also natural alternatives that can be quite helpful!!Good luck,guys..May you all reclaim the good health you deserve!!!!!

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