Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: electric shocks proper stopping of Effexor » BSHO

Posted by CherC68 on August 12, 2003, at 14:33:01

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by BSHO on August 12, 2003, at 13:38:55

For me, Electric shocks(who was only on effexor xr 37.5 for 6 DAYS) they were literally like electric shocks through my brain. I felt like there was a weight on my forehead - like something pushing on my insides of my forehead. Imagine feeling a headache coming on - but - traveling through your brain in thin waves faster than lightening. Sometimes it felt like my brain was shivering from the cold. That's what it felt like to me. Other's have described the same type of pressure in the forehead and the shivers, but each person feels things differently.

Actually, I think the proper way to get off the medication with the "least" amount of side effects is by lowering it slowly. There is a poster who started at 19 by cutting the 37.5's in 1/2 the poster went up in increments. Now on 150 mgs but will probably go to 225.

After reading posts for so long, many of us in the "Effexor Club" have decided the best way to stop effexor is to go down the smallest possible dosage. Cut your 150's down by dividing them in 1/2 then down to 37.5. Personally, I think staying tuned to your body is the best way. If after a few days on 75's you are not experiencing flu like symptoms or too many worse than normal se's, then go to 37.5. Then cut those in 1/2.

It may take you a week or two or longer, but the slower you go the better.

It's too much of a shock for your system.

I had such bad side effects I quit Effexor 37.5 cold turkey - and then had side effects slowly left but then I had withdrawals.

This drug affects each person differently, but if you are thinking of quitting, why take a chance that you will be 1 out of 100 that has no problems. If I had to do it over again, I know I would do it slow & steady. Cutting 37.5 into quarters if I had to.

Take Care,


Re: electric shocks proper stopping of Effexor

Posted by Lise811 on August 12, 2003, at 16:14:29

In reply to Re: electric shocks proper stopping of Effexor » BSHO, posted by CherC68 on August 12, 2003, at 14:33:01

I tapered, exactly as recommended and did not suffer severe withdrawal symptoms until this past Saturday, when I finally went completely off effexor XR. Since then I have had severe brain zaps, irritability, high anxiety, quickened pulse, memory loss, trouble concentrating, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, hyper-emotionality, and depression. I don't feel any better than when I tried to go cold turkey last year and went right back on because I couldn't deal with the withdrawal side-effects (which I only learned about after, from the internet, and which my doctor still suspects are psycho-somatic).

What was the purpose of tapering if the effects are not lessened? Just to prolong the pain?

And why is the anecdotal evidence so "questionable" when it is pretty consistent amongst sufferers and even resulted in a new, never heard of compaint of "brain zaps?"

I feel like I'm being punished for seeking out help in the past. I feel like I'm suspicious and melodramatic for complaining about withdrawal effects that are CLEARLY real, in that they have measurably physical manifestations?

Why is all this being discussed on an obscure web site and not on 20/20 or Dateline? Why would a drug be made available to already depressed persons, that will ultimately make them more depressed and unbalanced? Why does asking these questions make me the insane one?


Re:I'm so very sorry... » Lise811

Posted by CherC68 on August 12, 2003, at 16:59:57

In reply to Re: electric shocks proper stopping of Effexor, posted by Lise811 on August 12, 2003, at 16:14:29

Dear Lise811,

I'm so very sorry you are having so much pain & suffering in your withdrawals. There are others that had the withdrawals even after tapering too. I don't know why it's not on 20/20 & Dateline. I don't know why doctors sometimes think they are God and dispense medicine with no information given to you regarding side effects and withdrawals. Bayer Aspirin has side effects - but unless you have had the horrible experiences that you are going through, throwing a few words about side effects on the package of the medicine isn't going to help, and I can guarantee you nobody has had brain zaps from Aspirin or Tylenol.

Most Doctors really don't seem to believe their "depressed - anxiety ridden" patient when they tell them how severe their withdrawals are or that the side effects cause more problems than the original problem.

Four Days of Zoloft caused me 8 days of vomiting and 2 weeks of diarrea. I was given 5 pills of caffeine/tylenol/? for my withdrawals from Zoloft. I had a headache and when I went to emergency because I threw up for 4 days and was nauseaus 24/7 I was given that above concoction for the headache only, and patted on my head like I was an imbecile. - talks about the withdrawals - and its the same for Effexor XR.

I'm so very sorry you are going through this, but I've talked to many people that quit Effexor and they still think the best way is the slow way.

Breath Deep & know that it will eventually Pass & that I'm praying you will feel better soon.



Re: Emma L

Posted by willie on August 13, 2003, at 7:30:15

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hi Emma....I too have experienced weight gain on effexor. I've gained 13lbs in 8 months. I spoke to my doctor and he attributed it to the fact that I'm more relaxed and hence the weight doesn't bother me like it used to. I don't agree. I find it goes on very easy and I'm able to get a couple of pounds off only to put it back on a few days later. I'm currently trying slim fast shakes and bars to see if that will help. I'm thinking of coming off effexor this fall...scared to death to do it but if the weight keeps coming on...I think that will put me back in a depression. What's your dosage of effexor xr? I'm on 37.5. Willie



Posted by Scooter1 on August 13, 2003, at 8:05:42

In reply to Re: just testing, posted by Dr. Bob on August 12, 2003, at 22:39:27

Hi just wanting to find out how you are doing? I am doing ok. I am seeing a therapist as well as I am still on Effexor 37.5. I am trying to stay on this low dose from all the things I have read about here. I feel if I stay here and not go up and try to combat it with other methods:Relaxation techniques and reading about anxiety that maybe I will get over this. I don't know..... How are your withdrawel symptoms. when you had those brain shocks, what did it feel like.... good luck. scooter 1


On Zoloft, but still have anxiety. Suggestions?

Posted by abcrom22 on August 13, 2003, at 10:27:54

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Cindy W on January 11, 2000, at 9:14:46

I have been on 150 mg of Zoloft for a little over a year now and it has helped me a lot. When I first started taking it I felt great. That feeling planed off and now I feel a bit unfocused at times, my sex drive is down, and I still have anxiety. Overall I would say it has worked for the better though. I have since moved back closer to my family and friends, switched to a better job, and got married and am thinking I should switch or try something for the anxiety and sexual side effects. Any recommendations?


Re: On Zoloft, but still have anxiety. Suggestions?

Posted by KimberlyDi on August 13, 2003, at 11:21:50

In reply to On Zoloft, but still have anxiety. Suggestions?, posted by abcrom22 on August 13, 2003, at 10:27:54

Effexor is notorious for sexual dysfunction. Don't get talked into taking it to help your sex drive. It is great for anxiety though, for me. Not for everyone.
KDi in Texas

> I have been on 150 mg of Zoloft for a little over a year now and it has helped me a lot. When I first started taking it I felt great. That feeling planed off and now I feel a bit unfocused at times, my sex drive is down, and I still have anxiety. Overall I would say it has worked for the better though. I have since moved back closer to my family and friends, switched to a better job, and got married and am thinking I should switch or try something for the anxiety and sexual side effects. Any recommendations?


Re: Emma L » willie

Posted by EmmaL on August 13, 2003, at 20:48:23

In reply to Re: Emma L, posted by willie on August 13, 2003, at 7:30:15

Dear Willie,
My dosage is 150 mg/day. My doctor thinks that my dosage is too low. I am not in agreement with her. Good luck with your doctor!


Re: Withdrawl from HELL... Bad Trip » Simcha

Posted by belle rose on August 13, 2003, at 22:37:43

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL... Bad Trip » tmgirl, posted by Simcha on August 12, 2003, at 14:06:25

Do not go back on Effexor. I tried for years to go off of Effexor and because of the horrid side effects, returned to it. I finally went to a detox center where I was weaned off with Phenobarbital and something for nausea. I spent four days in the hospital, symptom free but came home without medication and spent 10 days in bed, with electric shocks in my head, nausea, sensitivity to smell, couldn't stand the smell of my skin or my dogs whom I love, muscle aches that lasted for a month feeling like I been beaten by a bat. The worst part was I felt as if no one believed that I experienced these symptoms. I still have blurred vision. Don't go back on even if you are depressed. There are other anti-depressants out there and you will find one that is more compatible with your system. Effexor hasn't been on the market as long as some of the other drugs and I don't think there is enough data regarding withdrawal. Even if only 1 in 1000 have debilitating side effects, it isn't worth it.



From Paxil to Effexor

Posted by BJL on August 14, 2003, at 12:38:25

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL... Bad Trip » Simcha, posted by belle rose on August 13, 2003, at 22:37:43

I have been on Paxil for 3+ years and have gained 60+ pounds, a lot because I have been so tired on Paxil. I was taking wellbutrin, as well, but then I wouldn't sleep at night, and I still wasn't able to lose any of the weight that I gained. The hopes is that the Effexor will help alleviate both the depression/anxiety and the fatiguability.

When trying to go off Paxil before, however, I had withdrawals, and they weren't pretty so I went back on the medicine. Has anyone switched to Effexor from Paxil? Any symptoms? How about ability to lose weight on Effexor after being on Paxil?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!


Re: From Paxil to Effexor

Posted by Lise811 on August 14, 2003, at 14:48:10

In reply to From Paxil to Effexor, posted by BJL on August 14, 2003, at 12:38:25

I would not recommend going on Effexor if your hope is to avoid related weight gain. I'm still carrying around the 25 lbs. I've put on as a result of taking Effexor.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend going on Effexor unless you plan to stay on it for the rest of your life, which if you are of child-bearing age and hope to have children, is not recommended.


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by Mithotyn on August 14, 2003, at 23:52:28

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL » tmgirl, posted by jmyers on August 12, 2003, at 4:19:07

my views on effexor, posted in another thread on this msg board


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by Jenneh on August 15, 2003, at 14:22:14

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by Mithotyn on August 14, 2003, at 23:52:28

I too attempted to get off of effexor and then one day I was sitting in class and I had the worse anxiety attack of my life - I was shaking (convulsing really) and I juts suddenly got up and ran out of the room. This stuff is so addicitive - I drove to the Walk-In doctor and the nurse took one look at me and let me in right away. I hate the light headedness and tingling I get in my hands and feet also that I get when I miss even one dose. My boyfriend doesnt understand how hard it is. I am now down from 150mg to 112.5 and I am scared to go further. What if all the anxiety attacks and depression that I had before this medication come back? Is there anything else I can do? Any advice? I don't want toi live this way. I also find that I crave alcohol a lot more on this stuff. Why>


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by Maz on August 15, 2003, at 14:52:12

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by Mithotyn on August 14, 2003, at 23:52:28

I have only started on Effexor today, after trying two other drugs over the last four years. I'm a bit worried about what you said in regards to craving alcohol as I am trying not to drink at all. Try not to drink as that will really mess things up - you may as well not take the pills. I found that out the hard way. Hang in there. Have you tried CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) it really helps too.


Re: Withdrawl from HELL » Jenneh

Posted by Simcha on August 15, 2003, at 14:55:11

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by Jenneh on August 15, 2003, at 14:22:14

What worked for me was working with a psychiatrist telling him constantly what the withdrawal was like. He helped me by introducing medication that I'm still using in place of the EffexorXR. Everyone is different and your mileage may vary.


> I too attempted to get off of effexor and then one day I was sitting in class and I had the worse anxiety attack of my life - I was shaking (convulsing really) and I juts suddenly got up and ran out of the room. This stuff is so addicitive - I drove to the Walk-In doctor and the nurse took one look at me and let me in right away. I hate the light headedness and tingling I get in my hands and feet also that I get when I miss even one dose. My boyfriend doesnt understand how hard it is. I am now down from 150mg to 112.5 and I am scared to go further. What if all the anxiety attacks and depression that I had before this medication come back? Is there anything else I can do? Any advice? I don't want toi live this way. I also find that I crave alcohol a lot more on this stuff. Why>


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by BJL on August 15, 2003, at 15:12:03

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL » Jenneh, posted by Simcha on August 15, 2003, at 14:55:11

I craved alcohol with Paxil. I don't keep alcohol in the house, so that helps, and I rarely go out, so that helps too. But, when I do go out, I have no self control and drink way too much. It's primarily beer that I craved. I could have whiskey or any other hard liquor and no craving. Wierd thing.


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by Jenneh on August 15, 2003, at 15:33:41

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by BJL on August 15, 2003, at 15:12:03

Yeah its wierd isnt it? If I go out, I feel like I can't stop drinking too. And, I have acted kinda crazy on it sometimes. The worst part is that I severely crave alcohol at a certain point of the day (anywhere from about 4-6PM). If I let myself drink, its likely i will drink all night. I didnt know this drug was going to create a new problem.


Re: Slowly taking myself of ER, but liked it for 2 yrs

Posted by Jenneh on August 15, 2003, at 17:08:59

In reply to Slowly taking myself of ER, but liked it for 2 yrs, posted by juniperdoesboston on January 20, 2003, at 13:38:29

> I began effexor 2 years ago to help with depression and it worked great--immediate relief and help to keep going each day. But the last 6 months the side effects have gotten worse (weight gain I can not get rid of, extreme fatigue, inability to orgasm) and I am slowly taking myself off. I was on 75 mg per day, so I went to 75mg every other day. Immediately my fatigue began to lift and I felt so energized in comparison. Now I am at 75 every four days and today I am really hurting (so dizzy and sick feeling). It was so good to read that others have had a hard time getting off this medication. Withdrawl has been more than I bargained for, but really slowly tapering off the dose has worked pretty well for me.

Oh wow, I know what you're saying! Is it common to experience weight gain with effexor? As for my sex drive/ability to orgasm - I pretty much gave that up long ago. My partner practically has to beg for it half of the time and I find myself making all sorts of excuses. Anyone else feel this way? AND WHAT IS UP WITH THE WEIGHT GAIN?


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by BJL on August 15, 2003, at 17:51:19

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by Jenneh on August 15, 2003, at 15:33:41

Wierd, that's about the time of day I crave alcohol too. It must be because it's the end of the work day, time to start supper and keep going, but I want to fall into bed instead.


effexor is ruining my life!

Posted by snick on August 16, 2003, at 13:44:31

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by BJL on August 15, 2003, at 17:51:19

i am 21 years old and have been on effexor xr for 5 months. i was started at 75mg a day for 2 weeks and then was given 150mg capsules to take twice a day. i haven't seen any improvement in my depression and anxiety but i do experience alot of side effects! i have been on many antidepressants and ssri over the years and i have never experienced anything like this, it's HELL! i don't feel like myself anymore, and i am too young to feel like this! about 2 weeks ago i couldnt take this feeling any longer and figured if this drug was going to help me, it would have by now. so i talked to my psychiatrist about stopping effexor. he told me that my body still hasn't gotten used to the med and that when it does the side effects will subside. he says i'm bipolar and need to be on something and i cannot just get off. (for the record i DO NOT think i am bipolar.) desperate to get off this damn life-sucker, i called my regular doctor, but there's nothing she can do since she agreed to let my psychiatrist handle my psychotherapy meds. i felt so trapped, and desperate. this is my body and everyone has control over it except me! so i did what i know i shouldn't have done...i decided to take myself off of Satan's Pill. i went from 300mg a day to 150mg a day for a week. i felt like my head was disconnected from the rest of my body. i'm walking around in this semi-conscious state and am so fuzzy headed and confused. i cant even walk straight! i can't eat without feeling totally sick and i can't sleep. i have the feeling of a never ending anxiety attack and if i leave the house i feel like i'm going to pass out. my heart is beating out of my chest and all i want to do is stay in bed and be left alone. i feel like all these years of depression have all combined and hit me all at once. i was planning on taking myself to 75 mg this week but i can't do it. i don't want to open that terrible pill bottle ever again! so this is my 4th day of going cold turkey. yesterday i called both docs to tell them that i quit and what did the f'd up psychiatrist do? called in a higher dosage for me and told me its very important i take it. i say kiss my ass. if i'm going to feel like i'm dying i'd rather feel that way by my own decision of not taking the damn drug, not by his of taking even more of it.
but i have to admit i'm losing the battle. i'm about to give in because i cant take feeling like this anymore...i seriously feel like i'm going to die. i cant even describe it. all i know is i can't take it anymore! if anyone has taken themselves off and has any advice for me, please let me know.


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by snick on August 16, 2003, at 14:06:07

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL » EmmaL, posted by Simcha on August 12, 2003, at 13:50:28

> Emma,
> I experienced weight gain on EffexorXR. I think that it was because I was not depressed anymore. I had NO appetite when I was in my major depression just before taking the EffexorXR. When the depression lifted I had an appetite again. I lost weight when I was depressed, too much. I had no problem gaining weight on EffexorXR.
> Also, my general practitioner was the one who first treated my depression with EffexorXR. No offense to general practitioners, I just know that my psychiatrists have been much better at prescribing the proper medicines in the proper amounts to stabilize me. They are more experienced with all of the psychotropics and they (mostly) know their stuff when it comes to making a more accurate diagnosis.
> My current general practitioner was first to admit that he refers clients with mental illness to psychiatrists. He was impressed with my remission and asked for the name of my psychiatrist and his number so that he could give him referrals. Now, I'm stable. The psychiatrist, knowing that it is cheaper for me to get refills from my general practitioner, allows my gp to give me refills on my psychotropic medications. Both my psychiatrist and my general practitioner agree that if ANYTHING changes in my mood I must IMMEDIATELY get an appointment with my psychiatrist.
> I really like this team approach. I believe in both of my doctors. I think they make an honest assessment when it comes to the limits of their own scope of practice. This is key for a patient who is seeking the best medical advise. Doctors should not be making decisions based on ego when their expertise is lacking, in my humble opinion.
> Blessings,
> And good luck on your doctor search,
> Simcha
> > Has anyone experienced weight gain on Effexor XR?? Two different doctors have seem very puzzled about my weight gain, probably 25 lbs, after 2 years and 3 months. They suspect that I should have been losing weight. I usually do not snack, as a rule, which my primary doctor is convinced I am, as well as not being on a schedule. Well, hey, I am exhausted all of the time. I think that I am on a regular schedule, since I work! And I really do hate the sweating!!! I continue to eat lots of vegetables,(my fav), always have, as well as some fruit, along with mainly chicken breasts, some meat, and a bit of rice, whole-wheat bread, and pasta. Please reply if you can relate to my symptoms and give any advice. I am presently searching for a new physician. I am still holding on to my primary doctor as I am uncertain that I will be able to procure a new one.
>i have also gained weight on effexor. 15 lbs. in a month! the funny thing is, i had no appetite while i was on it and barely ate. the only thing i could get in me was slim-fast! so your not the only one. i'm hoping that after this drug is completely out of my system i'll go back to my old weight.


Re: Withdrawl from HELL

Posted by snick on August 16, 2003, at 14:09:39

In reply to Re: Withdrawl from HELL, posted by BSHO on August 12, 2003, at 13:38:55

> What are the electric shocks like that I keep hearing about? I have had dizziness and muscle aches upon withdrawal, but the shock thing scares me.

i've had the "electric shocks" too. one second i'll be doing my thing and the next my head feels almost like a snap followed by static and i feel really confused and dizzy for a few seconds. i thought it was because i needed some water or something but i guess it's just one of the withdrawl symptoms. hopefully it's just a strange feeling and nothing more serious than that because i'm really scared too!


Re: effexor is ruining my life!

Posted by BJL on August 16, 2003, at 14:18:43

In reply to effexor is ruining my life!, posted by snick on August 16, 2003, at 13:44:31

I have a friend who insisted she wasn't bipolar, and she ended up in the hospital. She decided that she didn't need to take the medications and didn't want to take the medications, so she quit. She got severely depressed, someone I didn't know, took an overdose to kill herself and almost succeeded. Get a second opinion from another psychiatrist before quitting treatment. Find another medical doctor. But, don't just quit treatments that you have been prescribed. It's not a good idea at all. There is hope, and there are doctors who will listen. Just find the right one! You are in my thoughts and prayers!


Re: effexor is ruining my life! » BJL

Posted by Helaine on August 16, 2003, at 14:36:35

In reply to Re: effexor is ruining my life!, posted by BJL on August 16, 2003, at 14:18:43

I am so very sorry you are feeling so bad. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please let me know how you are doing.I wish you well. I agree PLEASE find a new dr. God Bless!
I stopped taking effexor xr 37.5 mg 1 week ago..or shall I say I am weening myself off of it slowly. One pill every other day pouring out some granules. So far I feel ok! little jittery..but I feel much better off of it then when i was on it!
Chin up! Things will start looking better once you find a dr that will find the right combination for you!Again, you are in my thoughts!


Re: effexor is ruining my life! » Helaine

Posted by gabbix2 on August 16, 2003, at 16:22:41

In reply to Re: effexor is ruining my life! » BJL, posted by Helaine on August 16, 2003, at 14:36:35

I feel for you, I really do. "Satans Pill"
Thats exactly how I felt. Though for some it really does work. I say now if the pills left had feelings I'd stab them just to hear them scream.
I've been on MANY drugs and never felt anything like I did on e ffexor, and I was pushed to keep increasing my dose, even though I was calling my PDoc almost every day Pleading for something else.

I think the advice to find another dr is really good, though it may feel impossible right now.
I took prozac to ease the withdrawl from Effexor and it worked miracles for that.

I wish I could offer you more tangible advice, but mostly wanted to say you are not alone in this. You will survive it. And I'll be thinking of you. The memory is still fresh in my mind.

Good luck

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