Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Adderall advise! » reba

Posted by Lasagne on August 6, 2003, at 23:16:03

In reply to Adderall advise!, posted by reba on August 6, 2003, at 21:16:16

I have had a lot of experience with my sons taking Adderall. My oldest son is almost 11 years old and weights 85 lbs. The doctor started him on 20 mgs. and then we increased by 20 mgs. until we got the best effectiveness. The highest dose the doctor allowed him to go to was 60 mgs. This upper limit may be different for adults. From talking to other adults with ADD I have heard of some going as high as 100 mgs. daily. I think this all depends on your specific situation. My husband has ADHD and takes the slow release Ritalin and he needs a higher dose because he is a big man 6'1" and 240 lbs.
As for how do you know which is the right dose. It's probably a good idea to ask those who are around you alot to observe your behavior on the lowest dose/start dose. If you don't show any or significant improvement with your ADD/ADHD symptoms or the medication wears off too soon, then that is an indication that your dose isn't high enough. I can always tell when my son's medication isn't at the right dose. He becomes more hyperactive and he doesn't stick to any task. When he is in school I can tell by the quality of his handwriting and whether or not he can finish his homework within a reasonable amount of time. When he got to the point where he didn't get anything done then I knew it was time to go back and see the doctor and make some adjustments. We typically go in to see our doctor every month to two months.
Another note about Adderall: This medication has a powerful effect on appetite. So make sure to monitor your weight. When my sons were on the Adderall they would hardly eat anything, but I could get them to drink those nutritional drinks (Boost, Ensure, etc)or Carnation instant breakfast mixed with whole milk. This was the only way to get good nutrients into them and give them extra calories to maintain their weight. When you are busy at school you may want to get in a habit of carrying these type of drinks with you so you don't skip meals.
Well, I hope that helps you out. Sometimes it is hard getting all the answers out of your doctor because they are so busy and you don't always remember to ask your questions during the appointment. The Internet is a good resource for information. You can probably type Adderall into your search engine and pull up a pharmaceutical web-site that tells you the nitty gritty details about the medication.
Good Luck!

Ok I know this is a strattera website, but I did the Strattera thing and it wasnt for me. But I figured that most of you have tried enough different meds to be able to give me advise!
> So I just wanted some info on Adderal. It was perscribed to me a couple weeks ago and I'm still trying to straighten it out. I TOTALLY understand the whole reason for the controlled substance thing, but I'm getting frustrated, cause I feel like my doctor doesn't give me enough info on adderall, like how much do other people take? What is the highest ok dose? How do I feel if im not taking enough? and more importantly how do I feel if I'm taking too much?! Please anyone who knows give me some answers!! My doc happens to be on vaca this week, and I go back to school soooo soon and want this to be fixed before hand! any Adderall advise would be seriosuly appreciated!!


Re: one more thing » reba

Posted by Lasagne on August 6, 2003, at 23:22:40

In reply to one more thing, posted by reba on August 6, 2003, at 21:30:49

> Ok one more question. How long should someone wait, when increasing their dose of adderall, before deciding if it is working better or not? And also I know that I feel better when I take it, but will that change in the first few weeks of taking it? or will I know with in a day or 2 weather it is workign to its full potential?

REPLY: You will usually know within to 3-4 days whether or not a particular dose is right. Sometimes doctors will put a two week spread between dose changes, but when you are in school and getting behind because you are on the wrong dose then waiting two weeks could be detrimental. Alot of times when something isn't working right with a dose my son is on, I will call my doctor's office and ask if it's okay to increase. Usually he has no problem with any of the requests I have made and tells me to go ahead and try the higher dose on my son and make a follow-up appt with him for a week later or sometimes he just wants me to e-mail him with a progress report until the next scheduled appointment.


Re: Adderall advise! » reba

Posted by blondegirl47 on August 7, 2003, at 14:49:14

In reply to Adderall advise!, posted by reba on August 6, 2003, at 21:16:16

Adderall xr or regular adderall? What milligram? Food and adderall don't mix. Take on an empty stomach, wait atleast an hour before eating. No Orange Juice. Take vitamin c at night before bed.


Re: one more thing » reba

Posted by blondegirl47 on August 7, 2003, at 14:52:03

In reply to one more thing, posted by reba on August 6, 2003, at 21:30:49

I knew in a couple days. Depends how tired you are when you take it. If I am very tired from staying up too late it barely works.


Re: one more thing

Posted by reba on August 7, 2003, at 18:16:46

In reply to Re: one more thing » reba, posted by Lasagne on August 6, 2003, at 23:22:40

Thanks a ton for the advise!! Yes I have noticed the no appitite, I'll def have to watch that because I'm kind of a skinny gal as is!. lol I never thought of drinking those nutrition drinks, thats a great idea! I'm totally buying some tonight! thanks!


Re: Adderall advise!

Posted by reba on August 8, 2003, at 6:53:14

In reply to Re: Adderall advise! » reba, posted by blondegirl47 on August 7, 2003, at 14:49:14

I'm taking 60 mg a day, im still trying diff doses at different times to see what works for me best. How come its not good to take adderall right after you eat? And what is the vitamin c for? thanks for answering back!

> Adderall xr or regular adderall? What milligram? Food and adderall don't mix. Take on an empty stomach, wait atleast an hour before eating. No Orange Juice. Take vitamin c at night before bed.
> Blondegirl


Re: one more thing

Posted by reba on August 8, 2003, at 6:57:44

In reply to Re: one more thing » reba, posted by blondegirl47 on August 7, 2003, at 14:52:03

Thanks for this advise!!! I'll def keep it in mind! I think this is one of the reasons it frustrated me; I started taking it and after the first few days of getting used to it, it worked so well!! But then for a coupld days it didnt feel like it was working!! this was probably was because I was haveing trouble sleeping and randomly didnt go to bed at all a couple nights. It seems to be doing more again now that I'm getting back into my sleeping schedule. Thanks soooo much!! keep the advise coming! any advise on taking different doses throughout the day?? thanks

> I knew in a couple days. Depends how tired you are when you take it. If I am very tired from staying up too late it barely works.
> Blondegirl


Re: one more thing » reba

Posted by blondegirl47 on August 8, 2003, at 9:46:55

In reply to Re: one more thing, posted by reba on August 8, 2003, at 6:57:44

besure you take it on an empty stomach...forgive me if I am repeating myself. Menopause and ADD is kicking my butt these days :)


Re: Adderall advise! » reba

Posted by blondegirl47 on August 8, 2003, at 9:53:47

In reply to Re: Adderall advise!, posted by reba on August 8, 2003, at 6:53:14

For some reason if you eat before or too soon after you take it, it delays the onset of medication. For me it doesn't kick in as well...if at all sometimes. Last night I took it too soon after eating. I was sleepy all night until bed time then I tossed and turned.

Any acidic food will lower your absorption of your medication. My pdoc said not to take my vitamin c with my medication...wait until bed time. Caffiene and Pop will also lower your absorption of your medication. Hope this helps :)
Don't let yourself get too warn down by not sleeping...I have gotten sick several times doing that.


Re: promises, promises

Posted by Mike Oxsbig on August 8, 2003, at 11:08:38

In reply to promises, promises, posted by Lis on August 5, 2003, at 20:41:12

Just wanted to share my experience, because I just got off the phone with my doctor in order to switch back to Concerta. I have been taking Strattera for 2 1/2 months. I started off at 40mg and quickly ramped up to 80mg. I stayed at 80 for about a month with little results. I didn't have many side effects other than the dreaded sexual function problem, which if it wasn't for Viagra I would have stopped taking Strattera immediately. I decided, on my own to go to 120mg, and have been there for over a month with very little side effects or improvement. In fact, I don't think I have done anything for the past 2 months. The deciding factor was on Wednesday when I went home early, never checking my calandar to see that I had clients coming in for an appointment at 5:30. I don't think they showed up because I didn't take the time to call them to remind them about the appointment.

Life wasn't great on Concerta, but I had much more drive and energy. I had more focus maybe too much at times, but I would rather have that than none.

> I've read that some people had positive experiences on Strattera and some people had absolutely no effects. When I started Strattera, I definitely felt it. I wrote about negative side effects on this site a while back, and I think that with each increase in dosage I’d get a surprise ‘adverse effect’ accompanying it. At the same time, I could get through a day at my summer job with enough energy and clarity (sigh.) to start to avoid those god awful, embarrassing social moments. Now I’m at my target dose, I’m ‘foggy’ all over again. It started off as something so promising! Is this (the here today, gone tomorrow thing) a common experience for people on most psych meds? Is it common for Strattera?


Re: promises, promises

Posted by Lis on August 8, 2003, at 22:23:56

In reply to Re: promises, promises, posted by Mike Oxsbig on August 8, 2003, at 11:08:38

Thanks for your response Mike. I'm moving to another state and need to find another psychiatrist. I'll ask about Concerta.

Lots of people are telling me to be patient with Strattera, and it's probably good advise. I'm worried about struggling through school when I start in September, though. There's quite a bit of pressure to find a medicine that works ASAP.

If there's anyone out there who has the inattentive type of ADD - feeling spacey, disorganized, and tired all the time. I'd like to hear what medicine, if any, is working for you.


Stattera and Paxil

Posted by kbrewed4u on August 9, 2003, at 9:47:10

In reply to Re: new to Strattera what to expect yeltom, posted by Gale Fox on May 4, 2003, at 6:36:49

I am taking Strattera 40 mg a day and Paxil CR 25 mg, once a day. I drink a few beers a day (I know bad idea), but the meds have been effective till this week. A few days ago, I started to have some kind of reaction, where I started to really be out of it, with hot flashes, shakes, loss of cognitive thinking. This lasted for 3 days, and landed me in the emergency room twice. I am scared, has anyone else out there had anything like this.



Re: promises, promises » Mike Oxsbig

Posted by Lasagne on August 9, 2003, at 12:12:03

In reply to Re: promises, promises, posted by Mike Oxsbig on August 8, 2003, at 11:08:38

Hey Mike:
My husband had the same sexual side effect when taking the Strattera. The doctor then switched him to Concerta. He also takes Wellbutrin. The combo seems to really help him. He was having depression problems with his ADHD. The Wellbutrin is also used to help the impulsiveness that ADHDers experience.
What dose of Concerta are you taking? Do you feel like your over-focusing is of the compulsive nature? Do you feel like your brain gets stuck and you feel anxiety if you don't continue?
If so, then you need to talk to your doctor and see if he can prescribe you something to take along side the Concerta. There may be a co-existing anxiety problem. A lot of times there is more going on than just simple ADD/ADHD. I am in that category and so is my oldest son. I take Strattera, Prozac, and Buspar. My son takes Strattera, Celexa, and Zyprexa, and Adderall XR when he is in school. Also, you might want to consider switching your stimulant medication to Adderall XR to see if you experience the same feelings that you have on the Concerta.


Re: Stattera and Paxil » kbrewed4u

Posted by Lasagne on August 9, 2003, at 14:27:30

In reply to Stattera and Paxil, posted by kbrewed4u on August 9, 2003, at 9:47:10

> I am taking Strattera 40 mg a day and Paxil CR 25 mg, once a day. I drink a few beers a day (I know bad idea), but the meds have been effective till this week. A few days ago, I started to have some kind of reaction, where I started to really be out of it, with hot flashes, shakes, loss of cognitive thinking. This lasted for 3 days, and landed me in the emergency room twice. I am scared, has anyone else out there had anything like this.

Which medication did you take first or did you begin them both at the same time? Maybe the combination isn't a good idea for you. I did experience the hot flashes and slow thinking when I was first on the Strattera, but after about 5-6 weeks on it, that all went away and now I feel better than ever.
Definitely drinking alcohol is a bad idea when taking these type of medications. It's almost like taking two things that cancel each other out. The alcohol depresses your nervous system and the Paxil and Strattera try to get your nervous system moving better. The combo could also be causing extreme dehydration, which could be why you landed in the hospital. Both Paxil and Strattera cause dry mouth and then to add alcohol to your system would get your fluids all out of whack.
I take Prozac, Buspar, and Strattera and haven't had any severe reactions that would land me in the hospital. I did have some extreme side effects when I was first on the Strattera, but like I said those all improved with time. Prior to the Strattera I took the Prozac and Buspar for years with no problems. If Strattera was started second to the Paxil then you might want to consider switching to a time release stimulant instead (such as Concerta, Metadate, or Adderall XR).
Good luck!


Re: Adderall advise!

Posted by Festus on August 9, 2003, at 23:38:43

In reply to Re: Adderall advise! » reba, posted by blondegirl47 on August 8, 2003, at 9:53:47

Just a few other Adderrall facts FYI,taking it on an empty stomach helps it to break down and begin it,s action.It is best to eat fairly soon afterwards because of it,s appetite suppressing nature.Afterall,that,s what it is,it is simply a diet drug known as Obetrol remarketed as an ADHD med.I had to get off it and go to Dexedrine cause it just stayed in my system too long and it dries you out pretty bad,too.It does a good job for most,some have a bit of a rougher time with it on their systems.Festus


Re: Adderall advise!

Posted by scubapro on August 10, 2003, at 0:46:38

In reply to Re: Adderall advise!, posted by Festus on August 9, 2003, at 23:38:43

im a 32 yr old male. who has been diag as adhd, ocd, bipolar, and clinacal depression. ive seen psycciatrists for the last 13 years off and on. im curentlly with a doc every 2 weeks. in the past ive been on wellbutrin, depakote, prozac, xanax, klonopin, haldol, valium, and ritalin plus a few i have forgotten. ive never taken more than one at a time. i did not see a doc for the last 7 years but had to go back in jan of 03.i have taken lexapro 20mg, strattera 80 mg, zyprexa 20 mg with little or no help. im curently taking adderal xr 15mg and just started geodon 15mg 2 weeks ago. i dont have a clue what "normal" feels like and my doc says it will be next to imposible to get me there since i have never felt it before.i dread going to work at night and sleep only everyother night. i watch my 2year old all day. if anyone has any ideas what i can do/ try i would be forever in debt. thank you.


Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions?

Posted by zula on August 10, 2003, at 10:06:10

In reply to Request Straterra side effects solutions?, posted by Lexxey on March 14, 2003, at 11:26:21

I have been taking Straterra for depressive sx for a week and a half starting on 18mg for 4 days and now on 25 mg, gradually increasing to 40-60mg. My biggest problem is that I have been feeling dizzy the last four days and I am wondering how long it takes for this effect to go away or if it doesn't.


Re: Adderall advise! » scubapro

Posted by Lasagne on August 10, 2003, at 13:04:54

In reply to Re: Adderall advise!, posted by scubapro on August 10, 2003, at 0:46:38

> im a 32 yr old male. who has been diag as adhd, ocd, bipolar, and clinacal depression. ive seen psycciatrists for the last 13 years off and on. im curentlly with a doc every 2 weeks. in the past ive been on wellbutrin, depakote, prozac, xanax, klonopin, haldol, valium, and ritalin plus a few i have forgotten. ive never taken more than one at a time. i did not see a doc for the last 7 years but had to go back in jan of 03.i have taken lexapro 20mg, strattera 80 mg, zyprexa 20 mg with little or no help. im curently taking adderal xr 15mg and just started geodon 15mg 2 weeks ago. i dont have a clue what "normal" feels like and my doc says it will be next to imposible to get me there since i have never felt it before.i dread going to work at night and sleep only everyother night. i watch my 2year old all day. if anyone has any ideas what i can do/ try i would be forever in debt. thank you.

Hi Scubapro:
You sound like a tough case. How much to you weigh? I have a 10 year old son that has ADHD, mood disorder, and sensory defesiveness. It hasn't been easy keeping him stable. We usually see the doctor once a month, sometimes he is doing well enough to go every two months, but for the most part we have to keep in close contact with our family doctor. The reason I ask you your weight is because your Adderall XR dose seems pretty low for an adult with ADHD. My son weighs 85 lbs and was taking 60 mgs of Adderall XR daily. Right now we are giving him a break from the stimulant and are trying to see if a higher dose of Strattera will get him by. The Strattera does seem to give him some control, so things are looking hopeful. My 2nd son also has ADD and he usually takes 40 mgs. of Metadate at 52 lbs.
I was recently diagnosed with ADD, but have suffered with depression, anxiety, and OCD most of my life. Right now the doctor has me on 80mgs. of Strattera, 60 mgs. of Prozac, and 30mgs. of Buspar. I weight 156 lbs. The combination seems to do the trick. This is the most peaceful I have felt in my life. Before the Strattera my brain used to work at a fast pace and I had a hard time relaxing to sleep. I always felt like I needed to be doing something and would wear myself out. When I would wear myself out I would be unproductive for days while trying to recouperate my energy. The Strattera now controls my fast/hyper brain so I finally feel like it runs at the proper speed. I can pace myself now and when I do tasks that involve concentration I can complete them without so many mistakes. Another thing I have noticed is that when I don't get proper sleep, my medications don't work as well. So you might want to consider starting with your sleep regemine. My doctor prescribed a low dose of Flexeril to help me relax and go to sleep. It makes a huge difference. Another point of advice I would have for you is to realize that you need to focus on improvement rather than being "normal." In spite of all the medications I take, I am not 100% cured. I still have bad days here and there that remind me that I have an underlying mental illness. Especially with the ADD/ADHD symptoms you can't expect for all the symptoms to go away. My doctor compares ADD/ADHD medication to a baseball mitt. It helps you to catch the ball easier. Yet it doesn't prevent you from tripping while running to catch the ball. Medications are tools but they certainly don't fix every imperfection we have. I would also suggest that you keep a written journal. Write down your daily thoughts, feelings, and progress. It will help you to think about your daily progress so you can better communicate with your doctor. At my lowest moments my journal allowed me to vent my frustrations and at the same time see the milestones.
Good Luck!


Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions? » zula

Posted by Lasagne on August 10, 2003, at 13:10:29

In reply to Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions?, posted by zula on August 10, 2003, at 10:06:10

> I have been taking Straterra for depressive sx for a week and a half starting on 18mg for 4 days and now on 25 mg, gradually increasing to 40-60mg. My biggest problem is that I have been feeling dizzy the last four days and I am wondering how long it takes for this effect to go away or if it doesn't.

I started at 40mgs. and then after 4 days increased to 80 mgs. of Strattera. In the beginning I had the dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, scalp itch, loss of appetite. I found that around week 5 or 6 that those problems improved and now I don't struggle from any of them at 3 1/2 months on the medication. I know it's hard to suffer through them in the beginning, but just be patient. It also took me about a month to start seeing improvements with my ADD, and mood. Some people report that they get a quick response from the medication, but for me it took time.


Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions? » zula

Posted by fallsfall on August 10, 2003, at 13:17:56

In reply to Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions?, posted by zula on August 10, 2003, at 10:06:10

For me the dizziness went away last. I didn't pay attention to how long it lasted, sorry. But it did go away completely. Be patient.


Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions?

Posted by readyforchange on August 10, 2003, at 14:09:21

In reply to Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions?, posted by zula on August 10, 2003, at 10:06:10

HELP- I am new to the meds thing. I am on day three of my Straterra at 40mgs. I feel worse than I did before I took it. I feel flat in my personality, and in a state of disconnection. I want to do less, fall asleep, and be alone - completley the opposite of what i was hoping for, because I need to be on top of things right now. I have been very dizzy and flushed. I slept well the first two nights, I had taken the pill in the afternoon the first day, in the morning the second, and before bed last night (to ease the nauseousness feeling I was experiencing during the day)but last night I slept so lightly, every twenty minutes looking at the clock... it was insane. What am I doing on this stuff- is it really going to get better? I feel like an idiot on Straterra... any advise?


Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by jonk on August 10, 2003, at 16:02:21

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

I have just started to take Strattera to treat ADD (No hyper) and reading through these messages I have become disheartened to hear that the effects wear off after a few months. How common is this? I am desperately looking for an alternative to amphetamines or other stimulants due to their addictive nature and high/lows. If these effects do wear off, is Wellbutrin the next thing I should go for? Thanks


Re: Straterra approval. » jonk

Posted by zeugma on August 10, 2003, at 17:16:52

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by jonk on August 10, 2003, at 16:02:21

> I have just started to take Strattera to treat ADD (No hyper) and reading through these messages I have become disheartened to hear that the effects wear off after a few months. How common is this? I am desperately looking for an alternative to amphetamines or other stimulants due to their addictive nature and high/lows. If these effects do wear off, is Wellbutrin the next thing I should go for? Thanks

Don't jump to conclusions based on the reports of a handful of people. Strattera is too new a drug for reliable judgments to be made about its long-term efficacy. But based on what is known about its pharmacology there is no reason to think that it has any more poop-out potential than other classes of drugs.


Re: Adderall advise!

Posted by scubapro on August 10, 2003, at 18:04:54

In reply to Re: Adderall advise! » scubapro, posted by Lasagne on August 10, 2003, at 13:04:54

i started the adderall about 4 weeks ago after strattera failed. my doc said he wanted to start me slow so it did not set my bp wild. i weigh 250. i have only been on the geodon 5days not 3 weeks *typo. im not wanting to feel normal, but when im up i so manic i scare people and when im down i want to be dead. there has been no middle ground for me for the past year now. im working on some lifestyle changes that shound help and if i can get and keep a job that lets me sleep at night would be nice. i have had 26 jobs since i was 18 .only fired twice for inattention. others i got bored with after 4 to 6 months. i do very well with my son and feel he is the reason im still alive and on this plant in the first place. on top of all that after a strong religous faith as a child i have been betrayed by the religous socioty 3 times as a adult and now find myself with little to no faith in god. i guess i have always had a problem with blind faith. but when things got to the worst point i turned to the church for help and got told the old "everythng happenes for a reason" when all i wanted was someone to listen and sympathis with me. anyway i have started a mood chart to track my moods but my doc said to forget about studing why/ what is wrong and let him help me. imy ocd makes that hard ie thats why im here.


Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions? » readyforchange

Posted by Lasagne on August 10, 2003, at 18:46:28

In reply to Re: Request Straterra side effects solutions?, posted by readyforchange on August 10, 2003, at 14:09:21

> HELP- I am new to the meds thing. I am on day three of my Straterra at 40mgs. I feel worse than I did before I took it. I feel flat in my personality, and in a state of disconnection. I want to do less, fall asleep, and be alone - completley the opposite of what i was hoping for, because I need to be on top of things right now. I have been very dizzy and flushed. I slept well the first two nights, I had taken the pill in the afternoon the first day, in the morning the second, and before bed last night (to ease the nauseousness feeling I was experiencing during the day)but last night I slept so lightly, every twenty minutes looking at the clock... it was insane. What am I doing on this stuff- is it really going to get better? I feel like an idiot on Straterra... any advise?

Hi, I had a similar experience in the beginning, but as each week went by things got better. I would say that week 6 was the point where the side effects diminished or went away and I had more clarity and focus and a huge reduction in anxiety.

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