Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Scooter1 update

Posted by Scooter1 on July 30, 2003, at 7:53:39

In reply to RE:Theo » Scooter1, posted by KimberlyDi on July 29, 2003, at 13:08:11

I am still on 37.5 of the Effexor xr, I don't know what my problem is about taking the jump to 75. I guess I am just scared of the SE's. Yesterday I felt a little anxious and jittery all day. I don't know if it would help to go to the 75 or make things worse. I go see my doc next week. I am sure he is going to want me to increase my meds. I will see. Any words of encouragement out there? I guess I am just scared to go to high for fear of to many withdrawel symptons when I decide to come off. Plus if this medicine doesn't work. Oh know.....


Re: higher level (SE's) Effexor » zinya

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 30, 2003, at 9:07:24

In reply to Re: higher level (SE's) Effexor » KimberlyDi, posted by zinya on July 29, 2003, at 15:35:50

> hi Kim

Hello Zinya!

> so how would you characterize the primary positive effects (I gather from what you say that one of them would be feeling like it keeps you from alcohol?? is that mostly from feeling less depressed? It sounds like you're not feeling less anxiety? or is that relative to previously less too?)
The best thing about Effexor is that it manages my overwhelming anxiety. The physical jitters aren't a big deal to me, I've had them all my life, OFF of Effexor. Effexor silences the self-doubts that ambush me. I don't hold my head at night anymore, unable to sleep, because the turmoil in my mind won't shut up. And Effexor keeps the repressed anger in me from blowing up at the people I care about. It is still very much more beneficial than the SE's are detrimental.

> gosh, i empathize with your side effects. I do have the constipation, although it's been a lifelong tendency for me and i'm not sure how much it's gotten worse... At about level 37 or 75, i wound up buying some of those fiber tabs though actually i think i prefer prunes but never have found an ideal "solution"...
I'm about to run to the store and buy a variety of anti-constipation aids. LOL

> Let me know how you progress through the week and i'll be crossing my fingers for early "fade out" of these side effects!
> biiig hugs back to you too!!! :))
> zinya

I'll keep in touch. Haven't been feeling well at all lately, but that could be my allergies.
KDi in Texas


Re: Scooter1 update » Scooter1

Posted by theo on July 30, 2003, at 9:36:34

In reply to Scooter1 update, posted by Scooter1 on July 30, 2003, at 7:53:39

I'm tossing in the towel with Effexor XR. 3 weeks on 37.7mg and 1 week on 75mg. I dropped back to 37.5mg today for 4 days and adding 50 mg of Luvox for 5 days then going to 50mg twice a day to see if this one will help my anxiety, slight social phobia. I was hoping Effexor XR would work but it never seemed to help me feel comfortable, even after 4 weeks. I found myself having increased anxiety around groups of people and racing thoughts. Oh well, hopefully the Luvox won't be a complete opposite and be to sedating. I guess I'll find out. Have you ever tried Luvox??


Re: Scooter1 updatetheo

Posted by Scooter1 on July 30, 2003, at 10:23:18

In reply to Re: Scooter1 update » Scooter1, posted by theo on July 30, 2003, at 9:36:34

I am sorry to hear you are throwing in the towel with effexor Xr. I hope it works for me. You said it made you feel more anxious around groups of people. Is this something you were experience before? The dosage up to 75 wasn't good enough. Why did your doc take you off? Did you have many Se's on the 75. Please, please let me know. right now I just feel like i am on overload 100 miles per hour. Real jittery. I don't know. Why do I have to do this to myself? scooter1


Re: effexor withdrawal IS FINE

Posted by catachrest on July 30, 2003, at 12:44:24

In reply to Re: effexor withdrawal IS FINE, posted by yankeegirl on July 26, 2003, at 13:03:12

For anyone who's interested, there's an article in Psychology Today (I think it's the current issue) about whether antidepressants should be considered addictive, and the first one it mentions is Effexor. Short, but interesting.



Effexor for menopause

Posted by Helaine on July 30, 2003, at 13:43:43

In reply to Re: effexor withdrawal IS FINE, posted by catachrest on July 30, 2003, at 12:44:24

My dr. put me on 37.5 xr mg of effexor once a day for menopause. But, after reading so many of the side effects it looks like menopause on a "platter".I seem to had most of the SE without the medication. This is my 8th day of taking it. I have a loss of appeitie and I feel jittery. The hot flashes seem worse then ever! I was thrusted into menopause over night due to my surgery (hysterectomy)This is a very scary and confusing time in my life right now.Has any one taken this for menopause or does anyone have any comments? I would greatly appreciate it! Has any one got good results using it for menopause??? waaaaaaaaa..I am soooooo confused!
Thank you,


Re: Scooter1 updatetheo » Scooter1

Posted by theo on July 30, 2003, at 15:34:03

In reply to Re: Scooter1 updatetheo, posted by Scooter1 on July 30, 2003, at 10:23:18

It was the docs and my decision. One month is plenty of time to feel some relief if it's going to happen with Effexor XR, it just wasn't for me I guess. No SE's, just jittery and half paranoid feeling around people. Not nervous but extremely restless and I was trying it for anxiety! I was also having problems with communication, like I was tounge tied all the time, that was driving me nuts because I work at a TV station in sales and marketing. For me less activating ones like Paxil work better than anything I've ever tried but it kinda pooped out after about a year. So I'm trying Luvox that you actually take at night because of tiredness but after extensive research, Luvox and Paxil are the only ones in the SSRI class that have pretty good results from anxiety and social phobia. Any SSRI that is activating can amplify your anxiety dramatically but I thought I would just try Effexor XR so I wouldn't be thinking it could be that "magic happy pill" for me. Effexor markets that it's for GAD but if you talk to most doctors they will stay away from activating SSRI's for most anxiety problems. Effexor XR would be a good AD for people that are always tired with depression. Just an opinion.


Re: effexor withdrawal IS FINE » catachrest

Posted by zinya on July 30, 2003, at 15:40:50

In reply to Re: effexor withdrawal IS FINE, posted by catachrest on July 30, 2003, at 12:44:24

Hi Susan,

If you have the energy for it, I'd love to hear a synopsis of their opinion about it (or are you saying all they have to say is that withdrawal is FINE??) -- It would seem to me from the difficulty of withdrawal alone that hits so many that at the very least effexor becomes addictive (by at least some definition) for at least some people who take it. (The fact that some here have reported no withdrawal symptoms at all would seem to suggest that for them it wasn't addictive.)

but i'd love to hear their synopsis, if you don't mind.



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by ekvb on July 30, 2003, at 19:28:51

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Gill Angel on July 29, 2003, at 13:26:40

i am supposed to start taking it tomorrow but i am very nervous about possible side effects, can anyone help me?


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Cybercrone on July 30, 2003, at 23:32:48

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Gill Angel on July 29, 2003, at 13:26:40

> i am supposed to start taking it tomorrow but i am very nervous about possible side effects, can anyone help me?

I researched the Effexor XR very thoroughly before I went on it. I had some side effects when starting and each time I increased my dosage. Mostly gas, diarrhea, loss of taste - stuff like that.
BUT - what really worries me about what I read here, is the people trying to get off it. From what I read, you have to be on it for 18 months to 2 years (timed from when you start your highest dosage)before you try to get off it, or you may have a serious relapse and then may never be able to be medication-free.
*Apparently* - and I don't know because I haven't gotten there yet, if you time it like that, there should be many fewer problems weaning yourself too.
Doctors don't seem to have enough time to read everything they should before they start prescribing, so they rely on what the pharm. sales people tell them. Consequently, I research everything assiduously myself, and then take the results of my research to my doctor and discuss them, before I will take any medication.
Canadians should always look at the US information too, since the law in the US is much stricter about them having to report adverse side effects.
Best of luck to you all - I know that since I got to the highest dosage, I'm feeling a lot better. I wasn't too impressed before that, but the jump from 150 to 225 made a huge difference within about 2-3 weeks.


Effexor for Menopause? needs help » Helaine

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 31, 2003, at 7:48:59

In reply to Effexor for menopause, posted by Helaine on July 30, 2003, at 13:43:43

Poor thang!
I can't offer any tips because I've yet to go thru menopause. It's there hovering on my horizon though (I turn 35 in December). I'm on Effexor and can say that I've heard of it being used for Menopause, small dosages, more & more often. Hang in there, someone in Psycho-Bab will have more information than me.
KDi in Texas

> My dr. put me on 37.5 xr mg of effexor once a day for menopause. But, after reading so many of the side effects it looks like menopause on a "platter".I seem to had most of the SE without the medication. This is my 8th day of taking it. I have a loss of appeitie and I feel jittery. The hot flashes seem worse then ever! I was thrusted into menopause over night due to my surgery (hysterectomy)This is a very scary and confusing time in my life right now.Has any one taken this for menopause or does anyone have any comments? I would greatly appreciate it! Has any one got good results using it for menopause??? waaaaaaaaa..I am soooooo confused!
> Thank you,
> Helaine


Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » ekvb

Posted by KimberlyDi on July 31, 2003, at 8:06:11

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by ekvb on July 30, 2003, at 19:28:51

> i am supposed to start taking it tomorrow but i am very nervous about possible side effects, can anyone help me?

OK, hey there. It would help if you would post the beginning dosage and why you were prescribed it. You might reply "depression, duh!, it's an anti-DEPRESSANT". LOL For some it's depression, for others it's social phobia, agoraphobia, OCD, anxiety problems, the list goes on and on.

Basic side effects: slight spacey feeling, drowsiness during the day, appetite decrease, insomnia or early morning wakeups, and decreased libido. Most of these fade away as your body adjusts to the med. There's more. You would be best off following the Effexor thread back a few months. Lots of Effexor beginners then.
Good Luck,
KDi in Texas
(I'm 100mg 3xDaily Effexor Non-XR version)



Posted by Scooter1 on July 31, 2003, at 10:56:57

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » ekvb, posted by KimberlyDi on July 31, 2003, at 8:06:11

I have to tell you, your discontinueing of effexor kind of made me nervous yesterday. I am taking it for anxiety too. I have felt jittery myself. Like I can't sit still. I was hopeing this was part of my anxiety and that uping the dose may help. Now I am scared. I almost had a panic attack yesterday from just your posting. I need this to work. Going back and forth between medications is just not something I want to do..... I am still wandering why I am going through this.....Scooter1


Re: Theo » Scooter1

Posted by theo on July 31, 2003, at 14:35:24

In reply to Theo, posted by Scooter1 on July 31, 2003, at 10:56:57

I was just being upfront, didn't mean to worry you. People respond differntly to a lot of these SSRI's. Effexor XR and Prozac are activating. For some people that offsets their anxiety, others it doesn't help or makes worse. Trying different meds is a bummer but there is no quick way to tell what works. I was in the same boat you are, at 37.5mg not really working and wondering if increasing would help. I was really wanting it to work because I don't want to have to bounce to another med but that's the way these work. I'm to the point to where I wonder if any SSRI's are good for anxiety, seems they are better for mainly depression. If you do a search on "anxiety and social phobia," the ones mainly mentioned are Paxil and Luvox in the SSRI group. The best meds for anxiety that aren't benzo's are Nardil and Parnate but with the strick use of those MAOI's, I'm afraid of them, I don't think its worth trying those because of the dangers. So since I've never tried Luvox, I'm trying it to see what happens. Let me know if you find out any info, keep me posted and I'll let you know how Luvox works for me.



Posted by theo on July 31, 2003, at 15:38:07

In reply to Theo, posted by Scooter1 on July 31, 2003, at 10:56:57

Check out this link for anxiety, meds are listed at bottom of page and Effexor is not listed. This is one of MANY pages I've found where Effexor and Prozac, those activating ones, are not listed for help with any type of anxiety.


Re: Hi Kim » KimberlyDi

Posted by zinya on July 31, 2003, at 21:13:34

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » ekvb, posted by KimberlyDi on July 31, 2003, at 8:06:11


how's it going? are the side effects subsiding at all?

i hope so ... I'm having my own doubts about this but will not do anything to alter my dosage til i'm due to see md. on the 7th... I *really* needed to feel some boost in energy by now. Two months and up to 150 for 10 days and nada energy-wise. Meanwhile, i may become one of the 2% which the PDI says quit because of the sweating. It's getting *really* old already as a constant daily reality and feeling an internal heat and clamminess and flashes... That and the dizziness that comes and goes. They'd be tolerable and have been but that was a bargain :)) i was willing to make for the energy ... With no energy boost... hmmm



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?-WITHDRAWL

Posted by lethe on August 1, 2003, at 4:53:05

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Am coming off effexor xr after a year and a half, and it is so much more a comfort to read here that others are experience similar withdrawls to me. I was terrified at my first symptoms, those brain shock sensations are the absolute worst, and I think because I was mainly usning effexor xr to control my panic disorder the symptoms brought back in force the constant thought, especially at night, that I wasn't going to make it through this. One thing that helped for a little while was my own kind of tapering, instead of taking decreased dosages, I lengthened the duration of my dosage, I started to take my pills every 36 hours instead of 24. This seems to help a lot. Before I tried to get off effexor xr by just doing the cold turkey thing (mainly because I didn't have the funds to keep going!) but after the longer time between my dosage, (I stretched my last weeks dose over 2 weeks) I didn't actually start to feel withdrawl for a few days after I had my last pill.
However, I wish I had stretched them even further, as now I am facing the full brunt of withdrawl, and it is still pretty damn scary.
Did anyone else use effexor xr for panic disorder and found the panic attacks worse after coming off it? When I do get sleep I have the most vivid violent nightmares, and I am so tense when I wake up all my back muscles are cramped up. (but this maybe because I am sleeping on the floor! Korean style:) )
The main reason I want to stay off effexor xr is I am scared of long term effects and I don't trust my doctor here much-I am currently wokring in Korea and he doesn't speak too much English-he actually gave me pancreatic cancer treatment pills to combat the nausea!
Anyway, I am still here, and I am still surviving the withdrawl. I hope I can hang in!


Re: Hi Kim

Posted by KimberlyDi on August 1, 2003, at 7:53:16

In reply to Re: Hi Kim » KimberlyDi, posted by zinya on July 31, 2003, at 21:13:34

I was wondering... how many of the Effexor Club are still on Effexor?

And hello to you! I miss everyone.
KDi in Texas

> hi!
> how's it going? are the side effects subsiding at all?
> i hope so ... I'm having my own doubts about this but will not do anything to alter my dosage til i'm due to see md. on the 7th... I *really* needed to feel some boost in energy by now. Two months and up to 150 for 10 days and nada energy-wise. Meanwhile, i may become one of the 2% which the PDI says quit because of the sweating. It's getting *really* old already as a constant daily reality and feeling an internal heat and clamminess and flashes... That and the dizziness that comes and goes. They'd be tolerable and have been but that was a bargain :)) i was willing to make for the energy ... With no energy boost... hmmm
> hugs,
> zinya



Posted by Scooter1 on August 1, 2003, at 8:16:58

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?-WITHDRAWL, posted by lethe on August 1, 2003, at 4:53:05

I will hang in there for a little while longer. I don't feel bad all the time. Just sometimes.... I don't know. Thanks for the website. I will check on some things and get back with you. Let me know how luvox works for you. scooter1


Re: Effexor for Menopause? needs help

Posted by migrainegirl on August 1, 2003, at 8:49:38

In reply to Effexor for Menopause? needs help » Helaine, posted by KimberlyDi on July 31, 2003, at 7:48:59

I have been on 375mg. of Effexor XR and yes, I still have night sweats, irritability and occassional hot flashes. However, I am also on Hormone Replacement Therapy (Activella) and primarily started Effexor in October for severe clinical deparession. My circumstances haven't changed so I feel Effexor has been effective for the depression as I contiue to increase my dosage. When Menopause hit in March, I had already been on Effexor a while, so I may have had many more SE's! I feel the best course of treatment is to continue to up your dosage until you feel better or try one of the more natural hormones. Have you read "What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Menopause?" I take a regimen of vitamins from that book and try to exercise and drink water every day. Good luck!


Effexor and aspartame

Posted by catachrest on August 1, 2003, at 9:16:53

In reply to Re: effexor withdrawal IS FINE » catachrest, posted by zinya on July 30, 2003, at 15:40:50

Has anyone heard of any interactions between Effexor/venlafaxine and aspartame? I can't remember where, but I've got this vague feeling floating around in my head that I read somewhere that they interact badly. Am I just crazy? :D



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by harlie on August 1, 2003, at 12:01:33

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » ekvb, posted by KimberlyDi on July 31, 2003, at 8:06:11

I am new.I have had depression my whole life.Pamalar(sp?)was my first drug in the mid 80's.It was a true miracle drug for me.3 weeks and I poped out of it.Being young when I was better I quit the meds.Looking back I should of stayed on them.I got better with Pamalor 5 times and then quit over a 10 year period.I was in my teens/twenties and there was a big stigma in our family.Welbuterin has worked fine for years and is now pooping out.I go on Effexor Monday.After Pamalor,Effexor should be a walk in the park as far as side effects.People should do research on there own and take this forum with a grain of salt.Thank God for these drugs!My brother killed himself 20 years ago over depression and I have had a decent 20 years with them.I'm in great shape and should live a long time,but I have a problem that can be traced back a ways in my family.Quite a coincidence if not inherited.I'll let you know how it goes.My feeling after research is that this will work great for me.


Re: Effexor for Menopause? needs help

Posted by Helaine on August 1, 2003, at 12:49:26

In reply to Re: Effexor for Menopause? needs help, posted by migrainegirl on August 1, 2003, at 8:49:38

Talk about being confused? Day 12 of Effexor 37.5 XR mg..primarily given to me for menopause and all the SE from this change of my life thrusted on me due to a hysterectomy!So, yesterday I learn my cholesterol is high and now I need to go on Lipitor 10 mg! So my dr says effexor is good for migraines which I have..yet lipitor can give you mingranes.He told me effexor will help my HOT flashes..effexor and lipitor both are known to give you HOT flushes..He told me effexor will not effect my sex drive..I now say.."what sex drive???"
Constipation from effexor..diarrhea from lipitor??? Lack of sleep from effexor..dizziness and weakness from lipitor..
I think I need an antidepressant just to take the effexor.I don't expect a miracle..Though it would
be NICE!!!! Howevever, all the confusion combined with my mental staus is to say the least very unnerving at this time. Although, I may seem to sound negetive..I really am going to give it a try. I see my dr. in a month. Hopefully, by then I wouldn't be walking backwards.
Thank you,


Starting Effexor XR - Trouble Urinating!

Posted by John G. on August 1, 2003, at 13:07:07

In reply to Re: Is there anyone else who is only taking 37.5?, posted by redman on July 27, 2003, at 10:20:31

Has anyone experienced pee trouble? I looked at all the possible side effects and this one isn't listed. I have a history of Prostate problems and am taking medication for it. Effexor seems to make matters much worse.



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Gill Angel on August 1, 2003, at 15:40:58

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by harlie on August 1, 2003, at 12:01:33

> I am new.I have had depression my whole life.Pamalar(sp?)was my first drug in the mid 80's.It was a true miracle drug for me.3 weeks and I poped out of it.Being young when I was better I quit the meds.Looking back I should of stayed on them.I got better with Pamalor 5 times and then quit over a 10 year period.I was in my teens/twenties and there was a big stigma in our family.Welbuterin has worked fine for years and is now pooping out.I go on Effexor Monday.After Pamalor,Effexor should be a walk in the park as far as side effects.People should do research on there own and take this forum with a grain of salt.Thank God for these drugs!My brother killed himself 20 years ago over depression and I have had a decent 20 years with them.I'm in great shape and should live a long time,but I have a problem that can be traced back a ways in my family.Quite a coincidence if not inherited.I'll let you know how it goes.My feeling after research is that this will work great for me.

I appreciate that you have had a hard time of it but this drug is very wierd, I have started sleepwaliking after never having done that in my life. When u miss a dose or try to withdraw it gives u the most wierd feelings. It is very scary. Everyone I know accepts that I am normal now but everytime I try and cut down the drugs I go very bizarre. It's scary

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