Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: new on Straterra

Posted by Old-ADD-Guy on June 16, 2003, at 10:19:36

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » EasilyDistracted, posted by Lasagne on June 14, 2003, at 16:04:36

Hello -

I am not sure if you are male of female - but I wanted to ask you...

I am also 33 years old and have recently tried Strattera for ADD - like you, it helped me a great deal and it helped me to sleep.

However, it also made me impotent so I needed to stop taking it. I mean it made me 100% impotent - which has never happened to me before... Have you have any bad sexual side effects from Strattera?

And - have you ever taken Wellbutrin? I may want to try Wellbutrin since it also works on norepinophrine but is not connected to hardcore sexual side effects...



Re: Strattera AND Adderall?

Posted by Old-ADD-Guy on June 16, 2003, at 10:23:07

In reply to Re: Strattera AND Adderall?, posted by gouda on June 16, 2003, at 6:30:29

Concerta IS a stimulant. It is form of amphetamine... like Ritalin and Adderall etc...

I beleive Concerta is acutally kind of Ritalin in a time-release form...


Re: new on Straterra » Old-ADD-Guy

Posted by Lasagne on June 16, 2003, at 14:38:05

In reply to Re: new on Straterra, posted by Old-ADD-Guy on June 16, 2003, at 10:19:36

> Hello -
> I am not sure if you are male of female - but I wanted to ask you...
> I am also 33 years old and have recently tried Strattera for ADD - like you, it helped me a great deal and it helped me to sleep.
> However, it also made me impotent so I needed to stop taking it. I mean it made me 100% impotent - which has never happened to me before... Have you have any bad sexual side effects from Strattera?
> And - have you ever taken Wellbutrin? I may want to try Wellbutrin since it also works on norepinophrine but is not connected to hardcore sexual side effects...
> Thanks

*****Reply: I am actually female, but my husband who is 40 years old also recently tried the Strattera for ADHD. He also experienced sexual side effects (sustaining erection) and so the doctor switched him to Concerta (time release Ritalin). My husband also takes Wellbutrin SR 300 mgs. daily. He has been on the Wellbutrin for over six months now with no impotence problems. It would probably be a good idea to try the Wellbutrin before going on to try stimulant medicaions. The Wellbutrin might be enough to relieve your symptoms and it is more maneagable to refill than the stimulants are. For example, our insurance will give us a 3 month supply of Wellbutrin at a time, but only a 1 month supply of any of the stimulant medications at a time. In case you aren't already familiar with triplicate prescriptions, they are strictly controlled. They can't be mailed to you or faxed over to a pharmacy. You have to have the original prescription from your doctor's office each time you fill/refill a controlled substance.
Good luck!


Re: Why are so many of us ADDers also depressed?

Posted by Lasagne on June 16, 2003, at 15:02:54

In reply to Re: Why are so many of us ADDers also depressed?, posted by cybercafe on June 15, 2003, at 23:38:45

To Everybody who has ADD and depression:
I recently read two books that explain this correlation very well.
They basically say that sometimes the depression co-exists with the attentional problems, but that a lot of the time, the depression is a secondary effect caused by the years of having to cope with your ADD/ADHD symptoms without any knowledge of why you struggle so much to do things that other people seem to do so much easier.
At any rate, I would highly recommend the following books. They have really helped me to understand so many things that have happened to me in my life. The books have really given me a sense of peace about my lifelong struggles.
1. Women with Attention Deficit Disorder by Sari Solden
2. Driven to Distraction by Drs. Hallowell and Ratey.
I was able to find both books at my local library and they are also available for sale on the Internet. They both were easy to read, something that I have struggled with my whole life. Somehow the pertinance of the subject matter held my attention. All the other authors of the above mentioned books also suffer with ADD/ADHD so they bring an interesting perspective to their writing.


Re: Strattera AND Adderall? » reba

Posted by Lasagne on June 16, 2003, at 15:13:06

In reply to Re: Strattera AND Adderall?, posted by reba on June 15, 2003, at 22:34:59

Feedback to questions:
1st: I take my 80 mgs. of Strattera at 7 p.m. at night. It helps me get to sleep and I don't have the problem with the daytime sleepiness like I did when I took the medication at two different times daily (morning, late afternoon).
2nd: My 10 year old son wasn't getting sufficient results from the Strattera alone so our doctor suggested we try Metadate (controlled release Ritalin, stimulant)in combination with the Strattera. The combination seems to work fine.
Final comment: I too have been on the Strattera for about 6 weeks or so. It wasn't until this last week that I felt a tremendous improvement in my functioning. At first I couldn't really see how it was helping me, but now I could write down a list of the improvements and also, over time my side effects have diminished making me more hopeful about this treatment. It is definitely a medication that you have to be patient with. With other SSRI's or antidepressants I got quicker results than with the Strattera, so I was a bit frustrated in the beginning as to why I wasn't responding quickly. All I can say is that doing the medication treatments is a lot of trial and error. I have done it for several years for my son and I would say he has been the most difficult case to keep stabilized with his ADHD symptoms and other co-existing problems.


Re: new on Straterra » Lasagne

Posted by glaciergirl on June 17, 2003, at 9:15:33

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » Old-ADD-Guy, posted by Lasagne on June 16, 2003, at 14:38:05

Would you mind telling me how much concerta your husband takes? I am on 36 mg, but don't feel like it is enough, I almost feel like it doesn't last all day...I have read that the best dose is 54mg, do you know?


Re: new on Straterra » glaciergirl

Posted by Lasagne on June 17, 2003, at 10:13:56

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » Lasagne, posted by glaciergirl on June 17, 2003, at 9:15:33

> Would you mind telling me how much concerta your husband takes? I am on 36 mg, but don't feel like it is enough, I almost feel like it doesn't last all day...I have read that the best dose is 54mg, do you know?
> Thanks,
> Brooke

REPLY: My husband first started on 54 mgs., but it wasn't effective enough, but he is a big man (240 lbs) which may be part of the problem. A week ago the doctor started him on two 36 mgs tablets daily for a total of 72 mgs daily. So far I have noticed a big difference on the higher dose. He was an organizing fool over the weekend and he has a new desire to complete tasks at work. You should call your doctor and see if they can give you a prescription for the 54 mg tablets first and see if that does the trick. We have a 10 year old son with ADHD and it has been a process of trial and error to get the right dosing with him. Everybody is so different and sometimes people won't respond very well to Ritalin based prescriptions but may do better on Adderall. Adderall also comes in a time release formula now. Another thing we have tried in combination with the time release stimulants is to give a small dose of the fast acting stimulant around 3 in the afternoon to give the boost needed to make it through the rest of the afternoon and early evening.
Good luck!


Re: new on Straterra » Lasagne

Posted by glaciergirl on June 17, 2003, at 10:57:57

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » glaciergirl, posted by Lasagne on June 17, 2003, at 10:13:56

Thanks for the info! My month's supply or Concerta is almost up (4 more days) and I have a dr.'s appt. Thursday! I was really beginning to wonder if the Concerta was working at all. Hopefully a higher dose will help. I am a little discouraged that it hasn't helped me more. I don't know if my doc will put me on adderall, or if she is trying every other possible option the last 5 months I have gone thru Paxil CR, Topomax, Strattera, and now Concerta....I am hoping for a miracle, lol!


Re: new on Straterra

Posted by beppe3 on June 17, 2003, at 12:56:54

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » Lasagne, posted by glaciergirl on June 17, 2003, at 10:57:57

Hi. I'm new to this chat room and Strattera. I've been taking 10mg of Lexapro for 2 mo. with little improvement. I've been struggling with fatigue and depression for the past 5 years.
My doc prescribed Strattera with great enthusiasm and I've been a non compliant patient. I was more tired, unmotivated, foggy, bloated, bitter taste in mouth and stopped taking it due to the impact it was having on my daily functioning. He said all the side effects I was experiencing were psychosomatic.
After reading some of your experiences I'm thinking I didn't give it a full trial. I only remained on 20mg. a.m. for 1 week.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I won't be able to read replys until this evening.


Re: new on Straterra » beppe3

Posted by Lasagne on June 17, 2003, at 14:50:40

In reply to Re: new on Straterra, posted by beppe3 on June 17, 2003, at 12:56:54

> Hi. I'm new to this chat room and Strattera. I've been taking 10mg of Lexapro for 2 mo. with little improvement. I've been struggling with fatigue and depression for the past 5 years.
> My doc prescribed Strattera with great enthusiasm and I've been a non compliant patient. I was more tired, unmotivated, foggy, bloated, bitter taste in mouth and stopped taking it due to the impact it was having on my daily functioning. He said all the side effects I was experiencing were psychosomatic.
> After reading some of your experiences I'm thinking I didn't give it a full trial. I only remained on 20mg. a.m. for 1 week.
> Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> I won't be able to read replys until this evening.

****REPLY: First of all, I think 20 mgs. is a small dose. Then again, I don't know how much you weigh. I weight 158 lbs and on 80 mgs. daily. I first started on 40 mgs. and then after 4 days I increased to 80 mgs. My son who weights 80 lbs. is on 40 mgs. daily.
I would suggest that you give the medication at least 6 weeks. At first I experienced the fatigue and fogginess amongst a bunch of other side effects. Now that I am past the 6 week mark and switched to taking all 80 mgs. at 7 p.m., I am noticing a big decrease in the side effects and I have more energy. I don't need to nap for as long as I used to and I am ready to wake up by 7 a.m. Before the Strattera I used to want to go back to bed after getting my kids off to school and then I had to take at least a 1 1/2-2 hour nap everyday after lunch. In the beginning the doctors recommend that you take half of your dose in the morning and then the other half in the late afternoon. I found this made me way too sleepy during the day. Once I switched to taking it all at 7 p.m. I slept better at night and then I woke up with more energy.
Have you also been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD? For years I suffered with depression and anxiety and just recently my doctor did an evaluation on me and came up with the diagnosis of ADD. He thinks that the source of my depression and anxiety is due to the years of trying to cope with my ADD symptoms. In combination with the above problems I have also had chronic problems with fatigue and fibromyalgia.
You might like to read a book called:
Women with Attention Deficit Disorder by Sari Solden (I found it at our local library) and see if the scenarios presented in the book hit home for you and if so, then you can talk to your doctor about doing a formal ADD/ADHD evaluation.
Prior to the Strattera I was already taking Prozac and Buspar. I still continue to take them with the Strattera and I am amazed at the improvements that have happened over the last 6 weeks. I went from being in a depressive episode with thoughts of wanting to die and now I feel like I am out of the cloud and can function so much better. Now that I know that I have ADD and have learned more about it, I see life differently and somehow have more peace about the struggles I have had during my life. I have gone through various times where I would get so frustrated as to why I couldn't do things the way other people do. So many times I felt buried by the bare minimum of life's requirements, while others were forging ahead. This was very discouraging because I am a very talented person and intelligent yet for a long time this was not readily apparent because of my ADD. It was difficult for me to focus on the good qualities that I have, despite the fact that many people have told me that they admire my talents. All I could see is that I couldn't keep up with the day to day stuff like others and since that is what the majority of our time is spent on, I felt so inadequate.
Lastly, it alarms me that your doctor would tell you that your claimed side effects are psychosomatic. You might want to consider finding somebody who is more compassionate than that. My doctor who is a family practitioner has always listened to me and validates whatever experiences I share with him. It's not easy taking medication and generally there are side effects, especially in the beginning of treatment. You need a doctor that you can work with closely and feel comfortable sharing with him/her without feeling like he/she is judging you as a crazy person who is making up side effects.
I asked my doctor if any of his other patients had experienced some of the side effects I was having, and he said no, but he didn't discount them either. That is when I went on Psycho Babble to post my experience to see if anybody else had the same things happen. Sure enough I got back replies with people claiming similar experiences. So, I guess the thing to take from this is that doctors don't know every single side effect that can happen. Everybody's body is different and responds differently. Thus, he shouldn't be suggesting that you have psychosomatic tendencies. Maybe I am over reacting to this, but from my years of experience with my own mental illness, one thing I do know is that negative unbelieving people in your life only make the situation worse. You can't expect to make positive progress under such conditions. It's important that you be heard and validated.
I hope something I have said here can help you out. Good Luck!


Re: new on Straterra » beppe3

Posted by Viridis on June 17, 2003, at 19:51:51

In reply to Re: new on Straterra, posted by beppe3 on June 17, 2003, at 12:56:54

I wouldn't trust any doctor who says your side effects are "psychosomatic', especially if they're ones you don't normally have. Mild nausea, headache...OK, I could see that being coincidental. But I've been through this nonsense with doctors before, most recently with Wellbutrin, which my GP claimed "can't" have side effects. Well, I had a bizarre reaction (for weeks) that involved (among other things) severe dizziness, sudden anger, sensitivity to light, shaking, etc. My GP said these effects were "imaginary" -- strange, since I've never had them before, they coincided precisely with use of the drug, and stopped as soon as I discontinued it. The psychiatrist I saw subsequently said that these are all pretty well-known side effects and not particularly rare, especially for someone with an existing anxiety disorder.

Since this is a Strattera thread, I'll add that I started it today (at 25 mg) and feel very calm, mellow, and focused. One day is certainly not enough to base any judgements on, but I am encouraged. I doubt it's placebo effect, since if anything I was expecting an initial negative reaction. We'll see...I'll keep you posted.

Good luck!


Re: new on Straterra

Posted by beppe3 on June 17, 2003, at 20:38:02

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » beppe3, posted by Lasagne on June 17, 2003, at 14:50:40

Thank you Viridis and Lasagne for your feedback!

Major thanks to you, Lasagne for sharing your experience with me. My struggles seem very similar to yours. I have knocked myself down and have been fairly self destructive due to feeling inadequate and unable to keep up with day to day responsibilities. I am getting help now, but have continued to lack tremendous hope that I will find a medication or combination of meds which will allow me to participate in life, due to my past experience with medication. Despite my sKepticism I am willing to try different medication due to having a couple of people in my life pushing my to forge forward.
Anyway, I do agree that having a doctor negate my bodies physical reaction to a medication is inappropriate and I will look into seeing another doc. It is very annoying when a doc tells you're creating the symptoms in your mind.
I will also try another trial on the Strattera and take it at night and see if the foggy and tiredness is less severe during the day. I will also check out that book you mentioned and learn more about ADD.
Your suggestions have been very helpful and sharing your experience with me has been given me tremendous relief.
Thanks again!


Re: new on Straterra

Posted by Gale Fox on June 18, 2003, at 19:06:08

In reply to Re: new on Straterra, posted by beppe3 on June 17, 2003, at 12:56:54

Lasgne, I too think you should get a new doctor. Strattera has several well known side effects -dry mouth and bitter taste is one, and even though it gives me insomnia, I've seen enough respondents here to know that it makes a lot of people sleepy.

And I learned the hard way that you have to give it a longer trial. I did great after a month on 25 mg, but the bottom fell out when I didn't go up to the therapeutic dose over time. I'm now at 80 and am getting some good effect.



Atomoxetine (Straterra) Stopping

Posted by paulk on June 18, 2003, at 19:30:36

In reply to Re: new on Straterra, posted by Gale Fox on June 18, 2003, at 19:06:08

I had been taking Straterra for a couple of months – worked fine at first – but pooped out at 6 weeks or so – increasing the dosage just made me worse (very sleepy). I also had problems with gaining weight – it would kill my appetite in the AM but by 5pm I would eat anything not labeled as poison.

I stopped taking it about 2 weeks ago – felt bad – almost like the flue – similar to Efexor withdrawals for 10 days. This was no walk in the park – Might have been better to taper, but I just wanted to get it over with.

I’m now trying a low dose of deprenyl (Selegiline, Eldepryl) – it should not poop out as it is a MOAI that is selective for dopamine and norepinephrine.


Re: Stopping Meds » paulk

Posted by Lasagne on June 18, 2003, at 20:22:41

In reply to Atomoxetine (Straterra) Stopping, posted by paulk on June 18, 2003, at 19:30:36

Wow, you are brave to go cold turkey on the Strattera. You must have a high tolerance to endure ten days of that!
I tried about 8 months ago to reduce my Prozac dose and the withdrawl was terrible. My doctor then had me do a slow tapering program and still I was only able to reduce from 60 mgs. to 40 mgs. My goal was to get off it completely in order to try and get pregnant, but that obviously did not go well and now I am back on the full 60 mgs. of Prozac and have given up on having another baby. I finally surrendered to the fact that I needed to take care of my mental health first and going through another pregnancy just wasn't going to work out.
I never want to experience the withdrawl symptoms again. I have accepted that Prozac will be my companion for life. Once you body gets used to a medication it's hard to get your body to function without it.
My sister and aunt have had the same problems with Paxil.
I figure if the medication continues to work then don't mess with it.


Finding the right pdoc

Posted by gouda on June 19, 2003, at 0:21:37

In reply to Re: new on Straterra » beppe3, posted by Lasagne on June 17, 2003, at 14:50:40

Lasagne and Beppe

First of all thank you so much for sharing your experience, I really felt I connected with many of your struggles, and I am so glad you shared with us your books, I'm put a hold at my local library today!

Beppe, I agree with Lasagne: you need to find a good pdoc! I am with you on the "non-compliant" attitude! I gave so many of my prior docs problems, challenging their authority, refusing to try meds for the required duration, etc.

My best advice to you and all other new ADDers is to find the best "psychiatrist - specializing in AD/HD patients". Why? B/c they have lots of experience cocktailing the right meds, they are very good at dealing with us "non-conventionals" who get a kick out of challenging authority! Most of us ADDers are extremely bright, so you need to see a good pdoc who's good with "out" arguing you and your unintelligible "but intelligent" ADD logic!


(1) get a recommendation from another ADDer --> go find people resources at your local CHADD chapter (if you're in the Bay Area: Kitty Petty Institute is awesome!)

(2) (how I found my ADD pdoc) if you're really tight with your PCP, ask him to get a referral from his buddy psychiatrists that he usually refers to. Psychiatrists naturally will know who's the "ADD psychiatrist" in your area, so it is good to get a candid recommendation from someone within the circle. (my story: My PCP's buddy is a psychiatrist who specializes in domestic family violence. He knew he would not be the best pdoc for me. However, he knew 4 psychiatrists in my city that worked with ADD or intelligent patient types, so that's how I got my references)

Hope this helps beppe and don't give up on the meds!

I'm on Celexa (the older version of Lexapro) and I went up to 40 mg before getting any positive results on depression, no longer in the deep dark world of hopelessness, and things are much brighter in my life, even started cooking again. I'm on Strattera @ 25 mg, and moving up, so far, I am very excited b/c I'm getting more things done on my to-do list!


> > Hi. I'm new to this chat room and Strattera. I've been taking 10mg of Lexapro for 2 mo. with little improvement. I've been struggling with fatigue and depression for the past 5 years.


Re: Strattera AND Adderall?

Posted by Jonsey on June 19, 2003, at 10:11:42

In reply to Strattera AND Adderall?, posted by Viridis on June 10, 2003, at 20:26:41

I also use a low dose of Adderall. I started Strattera about 3 weeks ago slowly increasing dosage (currently 40 mg). My doc recommended I keep using the Adderall until I start to notice significant changes...which hasn't happened yet. This seems to be working well for me. I usually take a weekend day without the Adderall which lets me know immediately whether I still need it or not (I do). A big benefit of the Adderall is that it helps with the extreme sleepiness I experience whenever I increase the Strattera dose.

Hope this helps!


Re: ...Strattera updates

Posted by MomofBoys on June 19, 2003, at 18:03:39

In reply to Re: ...Strattera updates!-appetite/heart trouble » froggyanna, posted by Lasagne on June 14, 2003, at 16:13:55

My Strattera side effect is still just tiredness if taken in the daytime, awakeness if taken in the nighttime (however, I am sleeping better now and not such an early riser any longer). And also, I have been able to take 25 mg in the morning and not keep over with sleep, so my body is slowly adjusting.

I have lost the total energy surge that I used to get from taking it and I have also lost my ability to concentrate and focus. I think that varies from day to day, however.

My doc just increased me to 120 mg daily, increased my a.m. Lexapro to 20 mg. If I still feel tiredness in the daytime, she is talking about adding Adderall next week. I really don't know. She keeps changing her mind when I talk to her. We'll see! I do like the Lexapro. It just makes things "smooth" I don't know how else to explain it.

When I took the MMPI-II, it showed very high depression, very high anxiety, and very high anti-socialization. Well, I don't feel depressed, but she said I don't have to "feel" depressed to be depressed. I used to feel the high anxiety and have panic attacks before the Lexapro. And I have always been a shy, nontrusting person. I am not anti-social and I don't fear going out in public, in fact I am out in public constantly! With two boys, it's a must! I just have very few close friends as I have been burned by so-called "close" friends so much in the past that I just distance I hang out with my friends but never would I talk to them about problems and such, I pretty much keep it bottled inside, talk to my mom a little.....

Anyway, that's how my meds are working up 'til today!



Re: ...Strattera updates » MomofBoys

Posted by Lasagne on June 19, 2003, at 20:12:21

In reply to Re: ...Strattera updates, posted by MomofBoys on June 19, 2003, at 18:03:39

Hi Kim/Mom of Boys:
I tried sending you an e-mail thinking that you and I should communicate back and forth since we have so much in common.
I have had problems with depression, anxiety, and recently was diagnosed with ADD. I am also raising boys. I have three ADHD machines I am raising. I also suffer on and off in the social arena. This last year I recently had a huge blow out with a friend that I had gotten to be close with and so ever since then I have been weary of trusting someone that closely again. I am very much like you in that I usually talk to my mother. If didn't have her who knows how crazy I would be. She understands me and what I have gone through. I find it hard to relate to other women because they seem to handle this life so dang well. I go to our church functions and socialize a bit but I always feel like nobody is interested in being more than acquaintances. Plus, my body is tempermental and I have to take a nap everyday and conserve my energy for taking care of my boys, so it makes it difficult for me to go out and do the typical socializing like lunch and then hanging out at the mall the whole afternoon. The most I can handle is an hour at a time. It makes me feel lonely at times, but I try to keep my mind busy taking care of my family and enjoying the time that I have with my husband in the evenings. I also have one good friend that I e-mail back and forth to almost everyday. Thank heaven for this Internet technology!
It was interesting to read your Strattera update. Thats too bad that it doesn't seem to be giving you sufficient focus like it did at first. My oldest son had to combine a stimulant with his Strattera in order to get the right control of his ADHD symptoms. At first the Strattera seemed like a complete miracle with him and then after a few weeks the effectiveness dwindled. I am around week 7 now and I have finally noticed an increase in my focus and ability to get the things done, that have sat around in piles for months. I am hoping this will continue for me. It's so strange how people react so differently to medications. Some people say they gained weight on the Strattera and then I actually lost some weight. This week I finally made progress though with the excessive sweating issues that I was having. Day by day the side effects are dwindling. The only one that I still continue to have, yet not as bad as before, is the scalp tingling and itch.
Well, keep in touch. I would like to continue to hear about your progress.


Thoroughly annoyed at Strattera

Posted by gouda on June 20, 2003, at 5:55:26

In reply to Re: ...Strattera updates » MomofBoys, posted by Lasagne on June 19, 2003, at 20:12:21

Hello all, are any of you experiencing the same thing?

I've noticed every time I "increase my dosage of Strattera" ...

I get these horrible yo-yo-ing between sleepiness and insomnia!

10 pm: Take Strattera

12 midnight: Go to bed

4:30 am: wide awake!!! gosh darn it!

7 am: go back to bed

1 pm: wake up!

dinnertime: sleepy

ARRRGH! This is my 6th time in this pattern happened!

I feel so tired right now, my eyelids feel like heavy curtains! However, my brain is like going a 100 mph! I am so annoyed!!!


Re: Thoroughly annoyed at Strattera » gouda

Posted by Lasagne on June 20, 2003, at 10:45:25

In reply to Thoroughly annoyed at Strattera, posted by gouda on June 20, 2003, at 5:55:26

Are you taking Strattera for ADD/ADHD?
If so that doesn't sound right if you brain feels like it is racing 100 mph. The correct ADD treatment should calm your hyperactive brain so you can focus better.
Just this last week I have been experiencing on and off wakefulness during the night with the Strattera. At first the medication made me so sleepy during the day, then I switched to taking it at 7 p.m. and it helped me to relax and have a good nights sleep. Now I am having a difficult time relaxing even though the Strattera calms my brain down and I want to sleep. Plus, I have been getting up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom. When I wake up in the morning my back feels all wrenched even though I have a very nice mattress that wasn't giving me problems before. It's driving me crazy. I even have a hard time relaxing during my daily naps. Yesterday I tried taking a shorter nap to see if it would help, but instead I felt unrested and then when it was time to go to bed I still couldn't relax and it seems like I woke up every couple of hours. I am hoping that this passes because I was really loving it when I would just melt into my bed and sleep so well.


Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra » froggyanna

Posted by bookgurl99 on June 20, 2003, at 22:20:55

In reply to Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra, posted by froggyanna on May 22, 2003, at 17:11:31


hi. how are you?

how are things going?



Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra

Posted by Ritchie on June 20, 2003, at 22:27:04

In reply to Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra » froggyanna, posted by bookgurl99 on June 20, 2003, at 22:20:55

> Froggy,
> hi. how are you?
> how are things going?
> books

Sad to say I have to stop Stattera cold turkey because they say it has probably screwed up my liver enzymes. Since Strattera they have gone up 3x normal. I can't take any meds until they find the cause. I was taking it for depression. No discontinuation effects so far. I can't even take aspririn until the Cat scan results come back.
Well good luck, I liked it but it was just not for me.


Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra

Posted by Tootie on June 20, 2003, at 23:16:18

In reply to Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra, posted by Ritchie on June 20, 2003, at 22:27:04

I'm glad to find this group too. I first tried Wellbutrin for anxiety, but it did nothing for me. Then I switched to Paxil. Talk about packing on the weight! But it worked wonders for the anxiety. Switched to Paxil CR (supposed to not make appetite so healthy), but I felt more anxious on it. I switched to Zoloft about 6 months ago. I lost 10 pounds (which I needed to do) and I felt GREAT! However, I've recently been diag. with ADD. I'm trying Strattera for that and went off the Zoloft. This is only my 2nd day on Strattera and no Zoloft. I'm feeling easily aggitated this evening. I'm sure it will get better, but in the mean time, my 3 and 4 year old boys are really pushing my buttons. I don't want to give up too quickly on the Strattera, but I sure was feeling alot better on Zoloft. Any encouraging words?


Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra

Posted by Viridis on June 21, 2003, at 3:17:20

In reply to Re: Glad To Find This Group -- Starting Straterra, posted by Tootie on June 20, 2003, at 23:16:18

I just started Strattera too -- I'm on my fourth day at 25 mg, and will try 40 mg tomorrow. I also take low doses of Adderall and Klonopin (and Neurontin, which I don't think does much).

The Klonopin and Adderall have helped a lot with anxiety, depression, and ADD, but I've been under a lot of stress lately and am still having trouble with focus and concentration, as well as feeling burned out. Strattera really seems to help -- even at this low dose, I definitely feel a calming effect, and for the last few days have been better able to get things done without worrying so much.

It's supposed to take a while to kick in (my pdoc said most people start to notice the effects after 1-2 weeks), but I experienced a positive effect within an hour or two of the first dose. I'm quite sure it's not placebo effect, because I actually suspected it might make me feel anxious etc., and was somewhat apprehensive about trying it.

It's too early to draw any major conclusions, and I'll see how the higher doses go, but so far I'm very encouraged.

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