Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Help: Weight gain with Effexor?

Posted by Shari H. on June 5, 2003, at 10:59:17

In reply to Re: Help: Weight gain with Effexor? » Shari H., posted by melley on June 4, 2003, at 18:57:37

I am reading more and more about people's side
effects with this drug. When I was put on it I
started at 37.5mg a day for a week and then 75mg
a day intil now. To be honest I didn't feel much
side effects and I started feeling better after
a couple of weeks. When I started making the
connection that my weight gain may be due to
Effexor I took my own liberty to taper off them
myself. Big Mistake. I got myself down to 37.5mg
a day with almost no side effects but if I went
more than 2 days without taking a pill I would
feel these horrible electric shocks going
through my body, I was getting hot flashes,
headaches and jut not able to function or
concentrate on anything. I now started cutting
my pills in half so I'm taking 19mg a day.
The transition from 37.5 to 19 was fine
(it's been a week now). I am going to see my
doctor tomorrow and I am going to confront her
about the weight gain. I am no
longer depressed. The issues surrounding my
depression at the time I was put on the AD no
longer exist. My life has completely changed
since I started the drug, new job, new
relationship and everything is going well.
I want to try and not have to rely on a pill to
make me happy. Yes effexor did remove my
depression but it caused other issues in terms
of weight gain, loss of sex drive etc..
I personally don't think that my doctor new
enough about the drug and its side effects at
the time I was put on it. I will in a few days try
to take the 19mg (half pills) only ever 2 days
instead of everyday and see how that feels.


best time to take?

Posted by Rickey on June 5, 2003, at 16:38:52

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

On my third day. have starter kit which starts off with 37.5 and goes to 75 after 8 days. My question is when is the best time to take it. I have been doing it in the morning as a problem I had was sleeping too much(10-12 hrs nightly). Seems to be helping me dealing with my stress at work. Is the AM the best time?? Should I try taking it at night this weekend?



Re: best time to take?

Posted by KimberlyDi on June 5, 2003, at 16:48:40

In reply to best time to take?, posted by Rickey on June 5, 2003, at 16:38:52

I take in the morning (AM). Too close to PM and I have problems sleeping. But whatever works for you is what is best for you. :)


> On my third day. have starter kit which starts off with 37.5 and goes to 75 after 8 days. My question is when is the best time to take it. I have been doing it in the morning as a problem I had was sleeping too much(10-12 hrs nightly). Seems to be helping me dealing with my stress at work. Is the AM the best time?? Should I try taking it at night this weekend?
> Thanks


Re: any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?

Posted by sierra1 on June 5, 2003, at 19:54:29

In reply to Re: any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?, posted by Nicola on June 5, 2003, at 9:41:50

I can't sleep at night on effexor... after 2 years of extreme fatigue the Dr. suggested maybe I was in a depression. I thought she was nuts. After an hour and a half appointment with her I decided maybe she was right. I have been on effexor for 3 weeks now and can't believe the difference in me. I never really understood depression but it all fits into place now. I get about 4 hours of sleep per night, should I be taking a sleeping pill? any suggestions?? thanks


Re: best time to take?

Posted by CherC68 on June 5, 2003, at 21:51:03

In reply to best time to take?, posted by Rickey on June 5, 2003, at 16:38:52

> On my third day. have starter kit which starts off with 37.5 and goes to 75 after 8 days. My question is when is the best time to take it. I have been doing it in the morning as a problem I had was sleeping too much(10-12 hrs nightly). Seems to be helping me dealing with my stress at work. Is the AM the best time?? Should I try taking it at night this weekend?
> Thanks

I suggest doing it about an hour after dinner. I was on Zoloft for 4 days and was taking it in the morning. I was nauseous from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed. I am not hardly nauseous at all, and I'm having a little trouble sleeping, (but I also have carpal in both hands and they hurt)so to me it is the best time, but everyone is different. Tonight is my fifth night.
Take Care. Cher


Re: any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?

Posted by bgbham on June 6, 2003, at 12:52:44

In reply to Re: any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?, posted by sierra1 on June 5, 2003, at 19:54:29

I do have to take Ambien most nights to get good sleep, but my pdoc expects this to not be needed in a few months. Like you, it has made a big diff in me. IT is taking a while to adjust mood wise to the large dose (150 am, 150 @ noon or so), but I am very hopeful. See the doc regularly, get thee to a SD group, and get on with it when you can. DO NOT take on too much at one given day. Ask friends fam for help with anything! I am hoping for you the VERY best!


Re: best time to take? » Rickey

Posted by Badger on June 6, 2003, at 14:56:26

In reply to best time to take?, posted by Rickey on June 5, 2003, at 16:38:52

Rickey -

My advice would be to take your pill at the same time for several days in a row (e.g., 4 - 5 days) before making any change. See if the Effexor is making you particularly alert or drowsy, or if it upsets your stomach (my doctor suggested taking it with meals if that was the case). Unlike some of the other posters here, I found that Effexor made me very tired, which was not too bad since I had been suffering from insomnia.

After a couple of weeks of experimentation, I found taking my dose around 8:00 or 9:00 PM worked best for getting a good night's sleep and not yawning too much during the day.

I've been taking Effexor for roughly 6 or 7 months now, and virtually all of the side effects (including drowsiness and loss of sex drive) have finally disappeared. I have put on weight (probably 15 lbs. or so), but it's a price I'm willing to pay to be free from depression.

Good luck -


> On my third day. have starter kit which starts off with 37.5 and goes to 75 after 8 days. My question is when is the best time to take it. I have been doing it in the morning as a problem I had was sleeping too much(10-12 hrs nightly). Seems to be helping me dealing with my stress at work. Is the AM the best time?? Should I try taking it at night this weekend?
> Thanks


grogginess from effexor dose increase?

Posted by zinya on June 6, 2003, at 17:34:00

In reply to Re: any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?, posted by bgbham on June 6, 2003, at 12:52:44

hi everyone

well, after 10 nights at the 19 mg (half of 37.5) dose, which i've mentioned here before, i'd had two days with no dizziness (which i'd had both last Sat and Monday) and other early side effects, which had been manageably mild had also subsided, so on Wednesday night i decided to move up to the full 37.5 (brave me :) finally up to the minimum dose), feeling optimistic.

Welllll. Yesterday was something of a disaster of grogginess, to the point of intermittent stupor -- and even made me think at times of people talking here about feeling numb, which i had thought was meant in terms of emotional numbness but i had a kind of physical numbness at points -- but not dizzy like last week, more of a stupor-numb (??) feeling. I didn't actually notice it upon waking but by about 11 am yesterday and then pretty much the rest of the day with peaks of more intense grogginess at certain points.

Before dosage time last night, i even fell asleep (at a time of night i never fall asleep) and woke up 3 hrs later, still on the groggy side and decided I couldn't just compound the grogginess with another full 37.5 so i went back to dividing in half and only taking 19 again. Today is a lot less groggy but kind of a big blah (which is not all that unusual given the chronic depression). I don't know what to make of this side effect. (As noted before, my md. claims his patients don't have side effects so i don't expect him to have anything much helpful to say.)

My question: Did people experience something like the grogginess i'm describing? and did it happen for others upon moving from one okay dose level up to another? and did you find that it went away? Is this also something you just have to plow through?

thanks ... and good wishes to all,


Re: grogginess from effexor dose increase? Ziyna

Posted by Tino02 on June 6, 2003, at 18:19:16

In reply to grogginess from effexor dose increase?, posted by zinya on June 6, 2003, at 17:34:00


I am up to 150 a day and i have been taking effexor for about 3months. i noticed that as i continued to up the dosage, my side effects intensified, especially being extremely tired all of the time. at work, i feel like i could fall asleep at any moment of the day, and as im driving, i caught myself dosing off a couple of times and it scared me. on the weekends, and in general when i wake up, i feel as if i cannot even get out of bed.

my suggestion? i feel that every person will react differently to medication because of our individual body chemistry. in previous posts, i have read that effexor keeps people wide awake, so that they can only sleep 3 hours a night. in others, it causes weight gain, while i have a distinct loss of appetite, thus causing a slight weight loss. This is the reason why a certain medication works for some, and not for others.

i think that you should speak to your doctor, and if he isn't much help, and tells you that his patients don't have side effects, maybe find someone who will listen.

most importantly---hang in there--the most important thing is that you feel better overall, and, if you need to take something for your depression, make sure you find a medication and a doctor that is right for you.

best of luck and take care,


Re: grogginess from effexor dose increase?

Posted by bgbham on June 6, 2003, at 18:46:46

In reply to grogginess from effexor dose increase?, posted by zinya on June 6, 2003, at 17:34:00

Z - no side effects like that for me. I am on the side of being wide awake, all the time! I have to take something to sleep, although I take a split dose of 150 at 6:00am, and 150 at noon. I am a big guy, 200 lbs, maybe you are small and the dose isn't still right for you. I have a friend who takes Zoloft and is always drowsy, so you are right about our different makeups. If my doc said his patients don't hve s/e, I would find a psych who is more concerned about how you are doing otherwise than depression. My doc thouroughly askes me every visit about all aspects of what I am doing physically and mentally. Hoping you the best, cause you are!


Re: grogginess from effexor dose increase? » zinya

Posted by CherC68 on June 6, 2003, at 18:59:26

In reply to grogginess from effexor dose increase?, posted by zinya on June 6, 2003, at 17:34:00

Dear Zinya,
I know what you mean. I'm at 37.5 and on day 6. After the 7th day I go to 75 mg. I feel like I'm in a stupor sometimes. I can do my work (at work) but in communicating with people I talk like I'm a zombie. I've never had a problem speaking to people. I can get on a stage and sing - I can talk to a room of 500 strangers for hours about anything and everything, but I can't seem to keep my mind on the subject at hand. If asked a simple question, I have to think about what the person said and I can't seem to form a thought. I take my medicine after dinner or about 8:00 p.m. I'm really having a tough time too. I see my doctor on Thursday and will discuss this with him, you really should talk to your doctor too, because if my doctor can't understand that these side effects are making me way more depressed, then he's not the doctor for me.
Take Care Zinya and Thanks everyone for posting and helping so much



Posted by sierra1 on June 6, 2003, at 22:46:30

In reply to Re: any good xperiences withdrawing from effexor?, posted by bgbham on June 6, 2003, at 12:52:44

thanks for your reply. i am pretty new at this depression thing. I have not told my family, they think something is wrong but i just tell them i'm tired and don't feel good. I know i should but i don't want anyone to know. When my Dr. tested me for thyroid, iron, b-12, and other tests, they all came back normal. after an hour and a half visit just talking and answering a few questionaires she thought I was in a depression. She told me to go home and think about our conversation and I did. I went back to see Dr. and it was suggested to try effexor xr. I guess since I feel pretty good the dr. was correct. I will be up to 150 mg dose tomorrow. I am realy nervous about how long I must take this, and the withdrawal effects I have been reading here. How long have you been on it? lynn


re:brian » sierra1

Posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 0:04:12

In reply to re:brian, posted by sierra1 on June 6, 2003, at 22:46:30

Lynn, thanks for letting me know what was going on. Listen carefully to me. Do not be concerned about what negativism you see here on this posting site. It is contrived mostly of people who are in a state of depression that causes them to be a little weird. My story is a little simple but enduring. Around 2 yrs ago I discovered with the help of a very educated best friend, who by the way was a sufferer, and had degrees in counseling and other psych disorders, that I too may have an imbalance in my brian that basically would not allow my seratonin levels remain where they should. It came on slowly, exposing itself at a time in my young life where it was easily attributed to partying, traveling with friends, casual, unsafe romantic events, DUI's, etc. I had always been the core of my little group of about 8 close guys and girls. In my mid twenties, after all were eithere dating, engaged or to marry, I started filling my life with career and family since my dadhad died. I am way close with my mom, and from time to time we shared a home. She is on the lower side of healthy at 75, and she is my jewel. My friend Anna had a bad abusive relationship with a married man going on that nearly killed her, and she began taking Effexor. Within months her self esteem was back, she divorced the guy she never really loved, and since these past 7 years, has 2 kids, a wonderful home, and great Italian Yankee husband. She called me the other day at 2pm, I was in bed, I had no desire to dust, clean, wash, eat, work, watch tv - It was if someone had fogged up my brain with some dark grey matter. I wanted to die because I hurt so bad inside. I told her I was only tired and had no sleep and she said not to bullshit her, she was the queen of depression. She made me get a pen, which was not easy, and write down Grayson and Associates here in Birmingham and tell them I needed to speak to an MD psych doc today, or else. They got me in the office one hour later. Dr Daw talked me through my hell for about an hour, and asked me if I would check into the psych ward at Baptist Montclair. Anything to get better! She immediately hooked me up with a great caring pdoc named elton who purposed raising me t0 300 per day since I am about 200 lbs. I staying locked up with about 20 or so other people in need: Alcohol, crack, multiple personality disorders, court appointed lock ups, older folk, blind 10 yr olds, and just us regular SD's. It was a trip. We did crafts, had group meetings, laughed at ourselves, ate meals together, couldn't have our blow dryers or brushes or razors, but we didn't care. It turned into our safe environment, the meds were working, they were waiting on us hand and foot, and were so nice to us, it was an enriching week and a day. I made a close friend who had wanted to die,but now she is on Zoloft and doing good. my family was educated on what cause depression, it being not a bit unlike cancer, or Aids. It is not something we have done to ourselves. It is a treatable illness. I am at 4 weeks now, had a low few days last week, but called elton and he asked me to do 150 early, and 150 at lunch. So far, I am getting a lot closer to the old me. The furniture is dusted, my clothes are clean, I am shaved and pretty. I am not yet back at my job, which as a manager carries a great deal of resp. and my mom is still not home from the hosp (she lives with me)but that is all ok, becuase #1 is getting my brian repaired so that I can take on these small challenges as they arrise. If I had not seeked help, I would not be here to enjoy all that. In closing Lynn, my advise is to plan on being on it a long time. The imbalance ain't going to magically fix itself. Don't pay any attention to these naysayers, talk to you psych, not a counselor, they can't change meds if you have to. Tell your family by printing out the Effexor webpage and the story of Delta Burke. Ask them for help with food, errands, anything you don't think you are quite up to. Take the meds on time, get sleep, Ambien if you cannot sleep, walk. You will be better in a few weeks, but you probably will always need effexor. It saved me, and I ain't leaving it. I pray for your time, your pain. I have been there, and it is a dark lonely place that I don't like at all. Godspeed my dear. Go get well and email me anytime.



re:brian and sierra1 » bgbham

Posted by CherC68 on June 7, 2003, at 7:50:02

In reply to re:brian » sierra1, posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 0:04:12

<It is contrived mostly of people who are in a state of depression that causes them to be a little weird>
This may be true, but this is what this forum is for. The people that are being negative, are really having problems with this medicine. I know I am. I keep trying I'm on day 7 at 37.5. Sierra, the best thing you can do is try the medicine, if you don't like it, talk to your pdoc and see if there is something else you can try. For me, I realized that the side effects far outway the depression, and since I've only been on it 6 days, the withdrawals can't be as bad as the side effects. As far as being embarrassed to talk to your family, etc., doctors/lawyers,mothers and even an occasional Indian Chief gets depression. I actually believe that there is not one person that has never been depressed at one time or another. Good Luck to you.


EffexorXR without prescription??

Posted by Rickey on June 7, 2003, at 10:01:20

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

New on XR. Today first day at 75 mg(was doing 35.5 fir 4 days). Feeling fine, no real side effect yet. Was wondering however, I see ads on the web selling Effexor XR without a prescription. Is this legit??


Re: EffexorXR without prescription??

Posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 10:06:37

In reply to EffexorXR without prescription??, posted by Rickey on June 7, 2003, at 10:01:20

Probably, but a lot more expensive than with a prescription at any drug store. I pay $20 for 30.


Re: grogginess from effexor? » CherC68

Posted by zinya on June 7, 2003, at 14:02:14

In reply to Re: grogginess from effexor dose increase? » zinya, posted by CherC68 on June 6, 2003, at 18:59:26

Just to say that I've been encouraged by my bereavement counselor (who's seen the ups and downs of people on Effexor and other a-d's a lot more than my md. has) to give at least two weeks to see if the grogginess effects don't subside. She says that she's seen these kinds of side effects resolve themselves in that amount of time. Of course, we each have to make our own decision, but i'm going to resume the 37.5 dose level again tonight (after 2 nights back on 19 mg) and do all i can to weather the grogs for that long before giving up.

Your latest post makes it sound like you're thinking of quitting it? Whatever you choose, wishing you well, and appreciative of your posts as we each struggle through these Scylla and Charibdis kinds of rough navigations.




Posted by sierra1 on June 7, 2003, at 16:27:18

In reply to re:brian » sierra1, posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 0:04:12

hi brian. wow that was an incredible story. it must have been some experience for you. i have never had a real urge to kill myself but i have wondered how it would be. I have a gut feeling someday i will die in a car accident though. whether or not this is just part of my depression or not, i don't know. I have been so tired, cranky and very irritable for so long, i just thought it was always "normal".

its really a good feeling i have when you replied to my post. Since I don't want to tell anyone close to me......

Another question I have is "sweating?" I have never sweated so much in my life. when i walk into work it is just pouring down my face and hair, its really unsightly. If the temp goes above 65 im really really hot. So between the lack of sleep now and sweating, im just such a pretty sight.............oh well

thanks again brian and I hope to talk to ya soon


Re: grogginess from effexor? » zinya

Posted by CherC68 on June 7, 2003, at 16:49:13

In reply to Re: grogginess from effexor? » CherC68, posted by zinya on June 7, 2003, at 14:02:14

Dear Zinya,
I'm not sure what I'm doing. Today is day 7 the last 37.5 that I have and then i'm stuck going to the 75's. I do have some shooting pains in my head still. I don't feel too depressed (went swimming in my pool finally) because its been so cold and rainy here in the Chicago Suburbs. I've gained 9 pounds in 7 days though. That's a lot because of the last surgery I had the depression I gained so much weight as it is and I have to have hand surgery pretty soon. I started smoking again today so I'm actually feeling better and worse - worse that I started when I have to stop (stopped 4 days) and better that I don't have the withdrawals from that and the pain in my hands and the shooting pains in my head, I will just have to wait until after dinner to see if I head for the cabinet (like I did last night after swearing to quit taking Effexor). I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but go back outside and maybe swim some more and decide later. Thanks for listening to me ramble. The dreaded crazy thoughts. I guess its better to know your crazy than to think your not when you are.


Someone help - Bf just started Effexor XR

Posted by Angelnmikey on June 7, 2003, at 19:08:08

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

My bf went to see a neurologist b/c of his back problems. He had been in 2 car accidents and have constant lower and upper back pains and occasional numbness of left side of body. The neurologist put him in Effexor. Hes been on it for 4 days. I dont understand why he did that. Hes suffering from side effects like dry mouth, sleeplessness, and feeling like he needs to get up and do something. He already has sexually performance problems before taking the drug(takes a long to to orgasm) and I know this drug wont help any. I still dont understand why he put him on it when he did not rule out other problems. He still has to get a brain MRI, some blood work and some nerve testing.

We have a long distance relationship and when we see each other hes gonna be suffering from side effects and thats killing me. We both want him to get off the drug, he will be calling the doctor on Monday. Anyone know if it'll be easy to get off after taking it for 5-6 days? I think hes on 37.5 mg (I cant recall) and hes supposed to increase to 75 mg next week. I am really worried about him and the withdrawal symptoms. Hes been so moody and when I see him I worry he'll be in such pain. Anyone know?

Thks so much....!


re:brian » sierra1

Posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 21:04:48

In reply to re:brian, posted by sierra1 on June 7, 2003, at 16:27:18

lynn, no sweating here, thank goodness. As hot as it is in Bham, I could not handle that either. Talk to doc about it. I hope you are feeling even better today. You will be surprised soon how well you are going to be feeling.


Re: grogginess from effexor? » CherC68

Posted by zinya on June 7, 2003, at 21:35:53

In reply to Re: grogginess from effexor? » zinya, posted by CherC68 on June 7, 2003, at 16:49:13

oh gosh, you have a pool. I don't want this to come across the wrong way -- as if having a pool would be a panacea when obviously it's not -- but my gosh what i'd give for a pool i didn't have to drive to and deal with crowded lanes etc... To me, swimming is a kind of therapy unlike almost anything and it's a great chagrin that i keep "failing" to rally the energy to just drive myself to a pool. I lived most of the 90's in Illinois though (and it was the last place i was daily swimming) so i do understand the weather factors though too...

I have an unsolicited suggestion ... just to give you one more option instead of either moving to 75 mg or quitting. You could open up the 75 and divide the grains in half and keep at 37.5 for a while longer if you feel unready to "move on up." Ironically i too tonight have only my 75 mg capsules left but will be dividing them in that way just so i can move up to 37.5 from the 19 mg level which i divided my first week's worth of capsules into and made them last two weeks. (Am i making sense?)

anyway, it is another option which might give you time to consult your md on monday without moving up yet ... or to just yourself see if your body needs more days to adjust first before moving on.

I do think you're right to realize that your body is going through a lot at once with smoking etc. as well. Having quit smoking myself nearly 20 years ago, i do empathize with the struggle and also with what i hear is your inner knowledge that, hard as that withdrawal may seem to be too, the smoking can't be helping your brain except for the momentary illusion of relaxation ... I don't say that judgmentally, i hope you can tell... Quite empathetically actually...

I again appreciate your posting and will be thinking of you and wishing you well
with hugs,


ps. to Cher » CherC68

Posted by zinya on June 7, 2003, at 21:44:15

In reply to Re: grogginess from effexor? » zinya, posted by CherC68 on June 7, 2003, at 16:49:13

If you do decide to split the 75-ers, i learned the hard way not to try to do the dividing of granules 'casually' as I managed to spill them the 2nd night i did so. I suggest using a clean little shallow bowl that isn't white on its interior so the granules show up easily - i use a little pyrex glass custard cup-size - and pour out all the granules, split them roughly in half and then scoop up one half bit by bit with one end of the capsule and dump them back into the other end of the capsule til you can re-seal it to use on the 2nd night. And then down the remaining half of the granules in the cup/bowl with a liquid chaser or whatever. This might seem obvious but it took me two or three nights to get it to a foolproof system, so i thought i'd share :)

and, whatever you decide, wishing you well !



Posted by sierra1 on June 7, 2003, at 22:07:01

In reply to re:brian » sierra1, posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 21:04:48

well tomorrow i start on 150 mg. i see dr. on friday. my doctor is a family doc not a specialist. on some of the other posts people say that other chemicals kick in at this dose.
im not sure what they mean by it but i guess ill find out. i mean what could go wrong?



Posted by bgbham on June 7, 2003, at 22:17:08

In reply to re:brian, posted by sierra1 on June 7, 2003, at 22:07:01

good attitude, I like it. I do encourage seeing a psychiatrist if possible as soon as you can, it will only make the whole thing easier.

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