Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Increasing to 100mg Strattera

Posted by cmcdougall on May 5, 2003, at 14:05:08

In reply to Straterra x35 days, posted by MomOfBoys on May 4, 2003, at 23:51:06

Hi All,

Took 40mg for 4 days, increased to 80mg for 21 days, started 100mg last Friday. I LOVE Strattera. Still taking Lexapro and Trazodone for depression, Zonegran for migraines.

This is the best I've felt in years. I tried all the stims and they were OK... This is definately better.

Love and luck to you all.


Re: kids and strattera

Posted by snowflake on May 5, 2003, at 14:20:23

In reply to kids and strattera, posted by Kippie on May 4, 2003, at 21:40:56


I wrote a while back. My 11yr old son had a horrible time with Strattera. He was actually doing well on Adderall XR, regretted trying Strattera. It never helped his ADD(he has the inattentive type),so he started to suffer in school, then what made us stop was he started having horrible mood swings with melt downs,negative remarks and arguing. We gave the meds a good 7 weeks, waiting and waiting. His doctor told me she had various kids report back with these types of negative side effects. I haven't heard a lot of success stories regarding children. By reading the posts on this site it seems the majority if not all are adults and there are many success stories.



still looking for strattera updates! (nm)

Posted by Hattree on May 7, 2003, at 8:57:52

In reply to Re: kids and strattera, posted by snowflake on May 5, 2003, at 14:20:23


Re: Straterra approval. » Proud2B-ADD

Posted by glaciergirl on May 7, 2003, at 9:58:29

In reply to Re: Straterra approval., posted by Proud2B-ADD on March 27, 2003, at 20:58:42

> I've had a much stronger libido since I've started taking Strattera--! My husband is thankful.. :o}
> Anybody else have this experience??
> One "side effect" I can really live with..! LOL

Thank goodness! Finally a post that makes me hopefull! I have had problems with low libido since beginning Paxil CR, thru Topamax, and now, today, I began Strattera (25mg). I am really concerned with the hunger and libido side effects. I do not want to get hungry for food, but an increase in libido would make my husband of 6 mo. so happy!! How long have you been on Strattera?
Thanks! I'm keeping high hopes. Brooke


Re: still looking for strattera updates!

Posted by Magpie on May 8, 2003, at 5:43:13

In reply to still looking for strattera updates! (nm), posted by Hattree on May 7, 2003, at 8:57:52

Hi Strattera Takers,

Well I have been taking this "stuff" for about 6 or so weeks now. It was horrible at first, I was extremely tired all the time. I started at 40mg and went to 80mg after 4 days. I tend to have a high tolerance for most drugs. However, I am on quite a cocktail of other drugs. My primary dx is Atypical Depression and the Strat. was supposed to replace Adderall as a stimulant to help with my total lack of energy. Well at this point it still isn't helping much. I still can't get myself moving most of the time. On the other hand, my sleep is not as good, I wake up too early and I wake up during the night a lot. The Strattera does seem to keep me awake more during the day but still doesn't make me feel energized, if you know what I mean. I feel I did much better on the Adderall but I was developing quite a tolerance. :-(

Has anyone had a problem with hair loss on Strattera? It seems ever since I started taking it, whenever I comb my hair out after a shower I lose globs of hair. I can't afford this either since I have fine thin hair to begin with. And I use lots of conditioner already so that's not the problem.

Also, it certainly has NOT decreased MY appetite, if anything it has INCREASED it! And I need to lose a LOT of weight already! :-(

Thanks for any feedback, best wishes to all.



Re: still looking for strattera updates!

Posted by glaciergirl on May 8, 2003, at 9:37:28

In reply to Re: still looking for strattera updates!, posted by Magpie on May 8, 2003, at 5:43:13

Today is my 2nd day on 25 mg of strattera. I've noticed that I'm either cold or hot, usuallly cold enough to wear a light jacket, and it's 80 degrees out! Is this normal? I was pretty tired and not very talkative on day one, i'm hoping today will be better! I am a personal trainer and didn't have much energy to train my client yesterday. But I did get up early this morning and walk! Is there a difference if you take it with or without food? Right now I take it in the morning with food! Thanks,


Atomoxetine (Straterra) sleep appetite » Magpie

Posted by paulk on May 8, 2003, at 9:49:16

In reply to Re: still looking for strattera updates!, posted by Magpie on May 8, 2003, at 5:43:13

>I still can't get myself moving most of the time. On the other hand, my sleep is not as good, I wake up too early and I wake up during the night a lot. The Strattera does seem to keep me awake more during the day but still doesn't make me feel energized, if you know what I mean. I feel I did much better on the Adderall but I was developing quite a tolerance. :-(

I found taking it at night was a much better deal - I'm thinking of taking it at night and just a little of it in the morning. Taking it at night lets me sleep very well.

> Also, it certainly has NOT decreased MY appetite, if anything it has INCREASED it! And I need to lose a LOT of weight already! :-(

I find I am very hungry when it is wearing off. Sure wish they had a time release version of this.


Re: still looking for strattera updates!

Posted by fallsfall on May 8, 2003, at 13:45:06

In reply to Re: still looking for strattera updates!, posted by Magpie on May 8, 2003, at 5:43:13


I've been on Strattera for 3 months. I, too, take it for energy because of Depression. I have found that taking Strattera and Provigil together is MUCH better than either of them individually (of course, this is all with a bunch of other meds...). I take 80mg Strattera and 200mg Provigil.

I take my Strattera in the morning because it kept me awake at night. We're all different.

I haven't noticed any hair loss, though I did have some with Depakote in the past.

I haven't lost weight, but I haven't gained any either (and I eat lots of chocolate...). I keep thinking that if I start getting some exercise that I might lose a little.

Strattera and Provigil have been really important for me. I can do 5 times as much in a day with them, and I think it is still increasing.

One more selling point, I am Much less suicidal than before the Straterra/Provigil. That, in itself, might make them worthwhile.

Good Luck!
I hope you find your magic meds!


Re: Straterra x35 days

Posted by Von on May 8, 2003, at 14:41:33

In reply to Straterra x35 days, posted by MomOfBoys on May 4, 2003, at 23:51:06

MomOfBoys mentioned possibly taking Straterra and Ritalin.
I have a 8 year old ADHD who has taken Straterra for 60 days at different dose levels, it improved his personality and sleep habits but ruined his ability to get his thoughts down on paper, and his handwriting, became even more illegible, his school
academics were better with Ritalin. Does any one know if Straterra can be combined with Ritalin for
the effect of good academic performance and provide good motivation and a social personality.


Re: Straterra x35 days

Posted by Kippie on May 8, 2003, at 14:44:55

In reply to Re: Straterra x35 days, posted by Von on May 8, 2003, at 14:41:33

I'm wondering the same thing!


Re: still looking for strattera updates! » fallsfall

Posted by Magpie on May 9, 2003, at 4:20:26

In reply to Re: still looking for strattera updates!, posted by fallsfall on May 8, 2003, at 13:45:06

> Hi
> I've been on Strattera for 3 months. I, too, take it for energy because of Depression. I have found that taking Strattera and Provigil together is MUCH better than either of them individually (of course, this is all with a bunch of other meds...). I take 80mg Strattera and 200mg Provigil.
> I take my Strattera in the morning because it kept me awake at night. We're all different.
> I haven't noticed any hair loss, though I did have some with Depakote in the past.
> I haven't lost weight, but I haven't gained any either (and I eat lots of chocolate...). I keep thinking that if I start getting some exercise that I might lose a little.
> Strattera and Provigil have been really important for me. I can do 5 times as much in a day with them, and I think it is still increasing.
> One more selling point, I am Much less suicidal than before the Straterra/Provigil. That, in itself, might make them worthwhile.
> Good Luck!
> I hope you find your magic meds!

Hi there,

Thanks for replying. Yesterday my docs took my off the Straterra and put me back on the Adderall. Since I've been off Adderall 6 weeks hopefully my tolerance is all gone now and it should work well again at least for a while. So that is it for me. We are trying to wean me off of a lot of my drugs now and start over, cause I'm just on too many drugs and I don't know what is doing what, what is helping and what isn't, it's just a big mess. Best Wishes,



Re: Straterra x35 days » Von

Posted by Hattree on May 9, 2003, at 9:34:25

In reply to Re: Straterra x35 days, posted by Von on May 8, 2003, at 14:41:33

Don't know for sure that I've seen it in kids, but I have seen others that have successfully combined strattera and stimulants. My doc has suggested I try Adderall and Strattera together but I haven't tried it yet. Strattera alone made me way sleepy.


Re: Straterra x35 days

Posted by Kippie on May 11, 2003, at 20:40:40

In reply to Re: Straterra x35 days » Von, posted by Hattree on May 9, 2003, at 9:34:25

My son has now been on Strattera for 10 days... he seems to be happier, less angry/agitated, but can't sit still for a second... the classic hyperactive symptoms are back... very physically "busy"...has anyone noticed if Strattera has helped them with those symptoms? Thanks!


Re: Straterra x35 days

Posted by teacherkris on May 11, 2003, at 21:27:37

In reply to Re: Straterra x35 days, posted by Kippie on May 11, 2003, at 20:40:40

Hi there,
The strattera has definitely helped me with my hyperactivity. I'm calmer than I've been on any of the stims. In fact, I now am starting to get annoyed with everyone constantly coming up to me and telling me how mellow I am! But these meds definitely take time I would give it a good solid month, even though it is hard to wait it out! Good luck!


Re: Straterra x35 days

Posted by Von on May 12, 2003, at 10:41:36

In reply to Re: Straterra x35 days, posted by Kippie on May 11, 2003, at 20:40:40

My 8 year old son was on 18 - 50 mg straterra during 60 days, he had a calmer personality more agreeable and motivated to get going in the mornings, less arguementative, but yes the hyperactivity was not helped on straterra as it was on Ritalin. He was constantly trying to do hand stands and flips even in the chairs in the doctor's office. His grades suffered because he was not able to grasp the cognitive parts of his school classwork and he had some impulsive behavior in class that would cause him to miss seeing classwork that was being done. As of Friday he went off straterra and on to concerta because of state school testing coming up, he must to be able to pass the tests to pass third grade. The doctor said every med does not fit every individual, but we will try it in the summer at 60 mg since there was some sign of it working in some areas. We have seen a change in him being able to focus better and get things done with a somewhat positive attitude as of day 2 on concerta. Unfortunately, our initial goal was to stop stimulants but this may be more of gradual process. He was quite a bit moody on Ritalin previously.


straterra at bedtime? » MomOfBoys

Posted by bookgurl99 on May 13, 2003, at 20:18:17

In reply to Straterra x35 days, posted by MomOfBoys on May 4, 2003, at 23:51:06


are you still taking 80 mgs of straterra at bedtime? i just took my first dose and am feeling incredibly sleepy and lethargic a couple of hours later.

are you seeing the sleepiness effect wearing off, or has it stayed true for you?

right now i'm going to bed about 8:30 pm tonight. This is kind of nice because I usually stay up until about 1 pm, and I _want_ to wake up early.



Re: straterra at bedtime? » bookgurl99

Posted by MomOfBoys on May 13, 2003, at 23:11:33

In reply to straterra at bedtime? » MomOfBoys, posted by bookgurl99 on May 13, 2003, at 20:18:17

Yes, I am still taking 80 mgs right before i go to bed as when I do, i wake up very early. I go to bed around midnight and and up enthusiastically between 4-5 am without an alarm clock (which NEVER happens in my normal life...i am a nite person, not a morning).

My energy does wear off around 10 am to noon, so doc thinking i need a stimulant added...i don't know. I do wish the effect would last longer.

If I take the Straterra in the morning, I am dreadfully tired all day long, dragging butt and can get nothing done. Also, my doc said I should forego the twice a day dosing and just take the total amt at one time, which I am doing.

> are you still taking 80 mgs of straterra at bedtime? i just took my first dose and am feeling incredibly sleepy and lethargic a couple of hours later.
> are you seeing the sleepiness effect wearing off, or has it stayed true for you?
> right now i'm going to bed about 8:30 pm tonight. This is kind of nice because I usually stay up until about 1 pm, and I _want_ to wake up early.
> books


straterra sprinkling » not exactly

Posted by bookgurl99 on May 14, 2003, at 8:18:34

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly » BekkaH, posted by not exactly on January 25, 2003, at 22:32:08

>A quick Google search with the query "sprinkled" indeed turned up the following statement: "Strattera capsules should never be broken and sprinkled on food. They must be taken whole."

I think this is because some people may attempt to snort lines of straterra in an attempt to get high. I read another website where a 17 year old claims to have done this to get high, saying there are ingredients in strat similar to crystal meth. He also said he got an uncomfortable burn in his nose that makes him not want to repeat the experience.


Atomoxetine (Straterra) splitting sprinkling » bookgurl99

Posted by paulk on May 14, 2003, at 11:52:46

In reply to straterra sprinkling » not exactly, posted by bookgurl99 on May 14, 2003, at 8:18:34

> >A quick Google search with the query "sprinkled" indeed turned up the following statement: "Strattera capsules should never be broken and sprinkled on food. They must be taken whole."
> I think this is because some people may attempt to snort lines of straterra in an attempt to get high. I read another website where a 17 year old claims to have done this to get high, saying there are ingredients in strat similar to crystal meth. He also said he got an uncomfortable burn in his nose that makes him not want to repeat the experience.

Actually it is because they make more money if you don't split the larger dosages. They want to create FUD so they get more of your money.

Snorting it would be unpleasent as it is not a nuetral PH.
I wouldn't sprinkle it on food - it tases nasty. I split them into empty capsuls and it has saved me quite a lot of money.


Atomoxetine (Straterra) sleepy - taking at bedtime

Posted by paulk on May 14, 2003, at 12:05:49

In reply to Re: straterra at bedtime? » bookgurl99, posted by MomOfBoys on May 13, 2003, at 23:11:33

I tried taking it at bed time with poor results. I find that if it makes me sleepy then I am taking too much. Even a very low dosage makes a difference in gettting up in the morning for me - other than that I don't notice that I'm taking anything.


Re: Straterra withdrawal

Posted by tire on May 14, 2003, at 17:45:30

In reply to Re: Straterra withdrawal, posted by Rachel2 on March 5, 2003, at 16:30:35

I'm on Lexapro now and I've noticed that you posted that back in March, how are you doing now with getting off of Lexapro. And how is the start up on Straterra coming? I'm thinking of going on Strattera but am hesitant. Thanks.


Re: straterra after 3 months

Posted by anthonycardasiuss on May 14, 2003, at 20:57:16

In reply to Re: straterra at bedtime? » bookgurl99, posted by MomOfBoys on May 13, 2003, at 23:11:33

I have been on Straterra for 3 months now and i have to say it has made me more focused and also the slight anxiety I had before has gone...I must say i am very happy with straterra and will continue using it.


Re: Atomoxetine (Straterra) splitting sprinkling

Posted by bookgurl99 on May 15, 2003, at 3:30:44

In reply to Atomoxetine (Straterra) splitting sprinkling » bookgurl99, posted by paulk on May 14, 2003, at 11:52:46

> Actually it is because they make more money if you don't split the larger dosages. They want to create FUD so they get more of your money.
What's F U D? (first unit of delivery?)

Maybe it's similar to the protein shakes I sometimes drink after weightlifting. They always say "don't use for weight reduction," knowing full well that people are using them for weight loss! It's almost like it puts the idea in your head. Hmm, what if I split these pills up . . ?


Atomoxetine (Straterra) splitting » bookgurl99

Posted by paulk on May 15, 2003, at 10:26:55

In reply to Re: Atomoxetine (Straterra) splitting sprinkling, posted by bookgurl99 on May 15, 2003, at 3:30:44

FUD = Fear Uncertaincy and doubt. The term comes from internal Microsoft’s marketing philosophy communications from the anti trust suit and now is in general use.


How much? » paulk

Posted by Hattree on May 15, 2003, at 14:54:52

In reply to Atomoxetine (Straterra) splitting » bookgurl99, posted by paulk on May 15, 2003, at 10:26:55

hey paul...

how much are you taking, where did you start, how long did it take you to get to where you are now, and when did you start to notice that it was helping?


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