Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re:Strattera updates

Posted by Lexxey on April 21, 2003, at 11:45:39

In reply to Re:Strattera updates, posted by dddiane on April 20, 2003, at 17:12:19

Your nice words made my day....and I will drop by. I got all over cuz I was real curious about both Strattera and Topamax and wanted to learn everything. I just talked to my doc today and I plan to go back on Topamax in a month when this Strattera is out of my system...I still feel it and I stopped 5 days ago. I will go back on works fine with me.

Don't say that not wanting thin hair is vain. Hair is one the few things I like about my looks...what I have left!!! At almost 60 I still have red hair...or strawberry anyway. I feel lucky there. My aunt was 88 when she died ans still had 50% red hair.

I plan to use the supplements and Nioxin shampoo so hopefully that will help. It didn't happen until about 6 months into taking it.


Just an update, really - Lexxey » Lexxey

Posted by dddiane on April 21, 2003, at 17:28:03

In reply to Re:Strattera updates, posted by Lexxey on April 21, 2003, at 11:45:39


Your aunt was 88 with half her red hair! Now I know why you feel the way you do about your red. I'm 51 with very little gray and I love my hair, I don't want Topamax to thin it too much. It's always a joke with in-laws (I don't know much of my real family), at holidays, they always want to know when exactly am I going to gray???

But I can't imagine anything being in the league of Depakote for out and out hair loss nightmares. I'd lose when I'd shampoo, I'd lose when I'd sleep. My husband was cursing and plunging out the shower drain. Hairs were wrapped around the legs of my pet birds. I was shedding everywhere and all the time. And that was well underway after three months of treatment. Ugh! Topamax does not yet compare. Please remind me that I said this later on if I really start dropping hair. :)

Topamax can be very kind to the figure though. But what a trade-off!
Thanks for stopping by the Topamax board.
My best,



strattera 1 week

Posted by fender5 on April 21, 2003, at 20:50:29

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression » disney4, posted by not exactly on January 28, 2003, at 20:13:16

After 1 week on strattera (40 mg days 1-3, 80 mg 4-7) I'm only experiencing tiredness/sedation/depression and decreased appetite with little if any noticeable adhd sx improvement. The first few days I had some nervousness, but that has completely dissapated.

My understanding is that strattera is like an ssri in terms of its onset of action (2-4 wks), but many seem to claim benefits within a few days or not at all.

I'm willing to give this more time, but am also tempted to just return to the Ritalin. Will keep posted. Can anyone vouch for how long one can realistically expect to wait for a clinical response and if sedation efx are likely to dissapate?


Re: results of long term strattera use

Posted by ciejae on April 25, 2003, at 6:17:49

In reply to strattera 1 week, posted by fender5 on April 21, 2003, at 20:50:29

I've taken strattera for about 7 weeks now. I started at 40mg, then we to 80 after 3 weeks. So I've been on the full dose for 4 weeks. At first I had a few side effects: dry mouth, intermittent chills, mild headaches, difficulty urinating, mood swings (which may or may not be related to strattera), hunger, lack of motivation, and the worst one, feeling tired and sedated (but I drank a lot of coffee to counteract that while I was at work).

After the side effects were gone, I was a little disappointed in the fact that I didn't see much of a change in myself. I guess I expected to turn into this super organized, high intensity girl genius who could do everything……..or something like that. The fact is, I haven't changed that much. I'm still me, but I've been realizing that the subtle changes that have occurred may be more important in the long run.

Ok, so here are some of the subtle positive changes that I've noticed:

I can't remember feeling irritated over noises or light for the past month (my husband's snoring or whistling typically drove me crazy).
I don't wake up feeling tired anymore (everyone I know says that I'm just not "right" in the morning).
I was late for an appointment yesterday, and I wasn't speeding through traffic cursing at people all the way
I'm not feeling panic over deadlines that I have to meet (I'm just doing the job, not worrying about the consequences)
I'm not feeling like something terrible is going to happen (I'm usually always waiting for the worst)
I haven't been feeling the urge to go on a shopping binge (spending money has been one of the ways that I've provided myself the stimulation I needed)
I'm not worrying as much (I used to get fixed on a certain issue, and go over and over it in my head)
I don't fall asleep while watching movies anymore.
I find it easier to talk, and to listen to people.
I'm tackling difficult jobs at work for much longer periods of time than I could have ever tolerated before.

How I wish my closets and my drawers at home weren't still a mess, or that I could juggle all my home chores with my work chores. I still forget where I put things, I continue to have difficulty getting along with my husband and daughters and I'm not dazzling people with my conversation or my knowledge.

But I'm hoping that the changes I have seen will enable me to be closer to the person I wish I was. Anyway, I'd like to hear more from people who have been on this drug for as long, or longer than me. Most of the posts here seem to be from people who try it for no more than a month, then go off because they don't see an instant radical change.


Strattera - 3 weeks

Posted by cmcdougall on April 25, 2003, at 13:54:02

In reply to strattera 1 week, posted by fender5 on April 21, 2003, at 20:50:29

Hi all - I think it must be about a year since I've posted. I wonder if anyone even remembers me. Anyway, I have been on stims for about 10 years - Adderal, Ritalin, Concerta, even Provigil (not all at once of course). They work allright (didn't like the provigil tho'), but the ups and downs are a pain, as well as having to get a prescription every month. Plus it is convenient being able to have a pick-me-up when needed, ie to stay up late or get up real early.

My pdoc talked me into trying Strattera and so far, so good. I have to admit I was not too keen on the idea but figured I could always go back to stims if it didn't work out. I took 40mg for 4 days, and have taken 80mg since.

I have much more focus, without the motor-mouth and crashes. I feel more "loving" towards everyone (??). I am able to get started and follow through much better on projects.

If things continue to go this well, I will stay with it. I have not had any negative side effects, but the ones caused by my other meds are so bad I probably can't notice any new ones. ;-)

Drugs I now take:
80mg Strattera in the morning
40mg Lexapro at night
50-100mg Trazodone at night
200mg Zonegram at night

Count me as one of Strattera's successes - SO FAR...



Atomoxetine (Straterra) at 6 weeks

Posted by paulk on April 25, 2003, at 14:18:13

In reply to Strattera - 3 weeks, posted by cmcdougall on April 25, 2003, at 13:54:02

Seems like it is pooping out. If I increase the dose I just get more side effects.

I'm going to take a break for the weekend and see if it works again.

Has anyone else experianced anything like poop out?


Strattera 2+ months

Posted by teacherkris on April 25, 2003, at 14:19:36

In reply to Strattera - 3 weeks, posted by cmcdougall on April 25, 2003, at 13:54:02

I've now been on Strattera for about two and a half months, three weeks at 80 mg, next week I'll meet with the doc and likely try 100mg to see the difference. I finally went completely off my Concerta two days ago. Although I'm feeling tired I think that's a result of the Concerta withdrawl. I tapered down but my body still needs time to get used to waking up on it's own after 6 years on stims.

I find that I'm much calmer on strattera. Things that used to bother me (ie noise, traffic, etc) no longer bother me. On Concerta I was able to control the impulses that normally would have led me to lose my temper and complain constantly about things but I was still annoyed by them. However, on Strattera I am simply not bothered by them at all. It's wonderful.

I am looking forward to seeing the difference that 100 mg might make. 80 mg seems to work but there's definitely a sense that it's not quite enough and I know 100 was the usual therapeutic dose in the trials. Currently I am taking 60 mg am and 20 mg in the afternoon which seems to work well for me. 80 in the am gave me side effects such as afternoon nauseau and tiredness, splitting the dose seemed to help. Obviously I'd prefer to take it just once a day but the joys of not taking a stimulant definitely make it worth taking it twice a day.

Hang in there those who are still in the early stages, the side effects fade and the benefits are great if it works for you! And thanks for posting those who've been on it for awhile for posting updates.


Re: Strattera 2+ months

Posted by ciejae on April 27, 2003, at 8:04:29

In reply to Strattera 2+ months, posted by teacherkris on April 25, 2003, at 14:19:36

I've also noticed that I don't seem to be as afraid of things as I used to be. For instance, it usually drives me crazy to be a passenger in someone else's car. When my husband and I are driving long distances, I'm always nervous about going over bridges, sitting under bridges, driving next to big trucks, driving to close to the car in front of us, etc, etc, etc. Well, now that I think of it, we were driving around the other day, and I don't recall being concerned at all. Isn't that different!

Also, I've always had a fear of flying (though I have to do it anyway), and for some reason, it's not bothering me lately. Is Strattera ever used as an anti-anxiety drug?


Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality

Posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 15:13:42

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months, posted by ciejae on April 27, 2003, at 8:04:29

I previously started new threads to ask questions, but no one answered me, so I'm hoping that this is the most active Straterra thread. I'm taking 60 mg of Prozac and have added Straterra to increase energy and focus and further reduce my depression. I'm starting off very slowly, only 10 mg a day. I'm on day 4. I understand that prozac can make one a poor metabolizer of Straterra, and for all I know I'm naturally a poor metabolizer. Originally, I experienced minor stomach problems, problems staying asleep, and dry mouth. Stomach problems have gone away, sleep problems have gone away, but I still have dry mouth. Does that ever go away???? I plan on upping my dosage, but I don't want more dry mouth. Also, I would like to hear how Straterra is affecting their sexuality, especially people whose sexual function has been negatively impacted by Prozac, like me, or another SSRI. Thanks. I would really appreciate some responses.


Atomoxetine (Straterra) at dry mouth -sex » yeltom

Posted by paulk on April 28, 2003, at 16:48:12

In reply to Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality, posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 15:13:42

>. I'm starting off very slowly, only 10 mg a day. I'm on day 4.

Can you tell any effects yet? I think it wise to start off slow, but if you cant tell ANY effect yet you might want to increase.

>I understand that prozac can make one a poor metabolizer of Straterra, and for all I know I'm naturally a poor metabolizer.

>Originally, I experienced minor stomach problems, problems staying asleep, and dry mouth. Stomach problems have gone away, sleep problems have gone away, but I still have dry mouth. Does that ever go away????

I like taking the med with food. I haven’t had any dry mouth. I do have to be sure to remember to drink extra water – otherwise it makes me constipated.

>Also, I would like to hear how Straterra is affecting their sexuality, especially people whose sexual function has been negatively impacted by Prozac, like me, or another SSRI.

I’m taking Straterra(10mg/day) by itself. I did had negative sex effects with Porzac. I think the problem with the SSRI like Porzac is that they tend to down regulate dopamine which causes a lack of focus (something needed for good sex). Seems the SSRI tend to produce ADD as a side effect. I would think that Staterra would help (or at least worth a try) as it sure has improved sex for me – and probably because of the focus.

Wish I had more to share for you, but please keep us posted as this is a new drug and the more shared experiences the better.


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » yeltom

Posted by fallsfall on April 28, 2003, at 16:51:55

In reply to Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality, posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 15:13:42

I take Prozac (60mg) and Strattera (80mg - less didn't do it for me). I had nausea in the beginning, but it went away. I take it all in the morning because taking it at night caused sleep problems. I take so many drugs that I don't know how the Strattera adds to the dry mouth. I think I've had dry mouth for 6 months at this point (and I've only had Strattera for 2 1/2). I just carry a water bottle wherever I go and use Biotene toothpaste (specially designed for dry mouth, plus I like the super mild taste). I can't talk about the effect on my sex life because I have no sex life. It is a really good drug for me.


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » fallsfall

Posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 17:05:58

In reply to Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » yeltom, posted by fallsfall on April 28, 2003, at 16:51:55

> I take Prozac (60mg) and Strattera (80mg - less didn't do it for me). I had nausea in the beginning, but it went away. I take it all in the morning because taking it at night caused sleep problems. I take so many drugs that I don't know how the Strattera adds to the dry mouth. I think I've had dry mouth for 6 months at this point (and I've only had Strattera for 2 1/2). I just carry a water bottle wherever I go and use Biotene toothpaste (specially designed for dry mouth, plus I like the super mild taste). I can't talk about the effect on my sex life because I have no sex life. It is a really good drug for me.

Thanks. Amazing that you needed 80 mg of strattera even though you take a bunch of prozac. What other drugs are you taking that might have caused the dry mouth? (I don't believe prozac causes that effect)As for sex life, even if you don't have one with someone else, perhaps you could at least speculate on how Straterra affects your libido, no?

And by the way, I didn't mean to say that the problems staying asleep had completely gone away, only that it was getting better. I take it in the morning, but it's still somewhat of a problem. Do you think that will resolve with time? Thanks


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality

Posted by AtomicTom on April 28, 2003, at 20:31:32

In reply to Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality, posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 15:13:42


(A) did nothing whatsoever for my ADD
(B) slightly _increased_ my depression
(C) totally eliminated my sex drive and made orgasms nearly impossible (and very abnormal -- prostatitis is a _known_ side effect of Strattera, and it went away immediately on cessation).

Obviously the drug will affect different users differently. But for me, the drug had many VERY unpleasant costs, and no real benefits. Back on my Adderall -- it's not perfect, but I'm lumping along...

-- Tom

> I previously started new threads to ask questions, but no one answered me, so I'm hoping that this is the most active Straterra thread. I'm taking 60 mg of Prozac and have added Straterra to increase energy and focus and further reduce my depression. I'm starting off very slowly, only 10 mg a day. I'm on day 4. I understand that prozac can make one a poor metabolizer of Straterra, and for all I know I'm naturally a poor metabolizer. Originally, I experienced minor stomach problems, problems staying asleep, and dry mouth. Stomach problems have gone away, sleep problems have gone away, but I still have dry mouth. Does that ever go away???? I plan on upping my dosage, but I don't want more dry mouth. Also, I would like to hear how Straterra is affecting their sexuality, especially people whose sexual function has been negatively impacted by Prozac, like me, or another SSRI. Thanks. I would really appreciate some responses.


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality

Posted by Ritchie on April 28, 2003, at 20:46:46

In reply to Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality, posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 15:13:42

> I previously started new threads to ask questions, but no one answered me, so I'm hoping that this is the most active Straterra thread. I'm taking 60 mg of Prozac and have added Straterra to increase energy and focus and further reduce my depression. I'm starting off very slowly, only 10 mg a day. I'm on day 4. I understand that prozac can make one a poor metabolizer of Straterra, and for all I know I'm naturally a poor metabolizer. Originally, I experienced minor stomach problems, problems staying asleep, and dry mouth. Stomach problems have gone away, sleep problems have gone away, but I still have dry mouth. Does that ever go away???? I plan on upping my dosage, but I don't want more dry mouth. Also, I would like to hear how Straterra is affecting their sexuality, especially people whose sexual function has been negatively impacted by Prozac, like me, or another SSRI. Thanks. I would really appreciate some responses.

I have been on Strattera for depression for what 4-6 weeks, the side effects have all almost disappeared except dry mouth which is the anti-cholergenic (sp?) effect and no appetite. i am up to 80 mg now splitting 40 40 twice a day. I think this is a med that takes a while to work and i think if you want immediate response you are not going to get it. I am being patient and since this seems to be working i am sticking with it. i feel at the higher dose the urinary retention problem went away and the depression is getting better. Also my anxiety is gone which is a nice change. I like the Strattera, even my high blood pressure taking the coral calcium is running below normal. Plus the weight loss is a welcome side effect. Plus i have had no problem with a low sex drive. Mine hasn't changed a bit.


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » yeltom

Posted by fallsfall on April 28, 2003, at 22:39:48

In reply to Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » fallsfall, posted by yeltom on April 28, 2003, at 17:05:58

80mg is a lot of Strattera when you are on Prozac. My doctor was surprised, too. I guess we are all different.

Libido - I can't comment because I have no clue what a sex life is supposed to be. Some of us just don't have that as part of their life.

I take Prozac, Lithium, Provigil, Strattera, Neurontin, Synthroid, Sonata, OmegaBrite. Also, as needed, Inderal and Atavan. I worked really hard and long to find this mix. It isn't perfect, but it's the best I've seen in 18 months.


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » Ritchie

Posted by Hattree on April 29, 2003, at 10:59:11

In reply to Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality, posted by Ritchie on April 28, 2003, at 20:46:46

Did you experience worse depression when you started the Strattera, or just no improvement?


Re: Strattera 2+ months

Posted by sarasane on April 29, 2003, at 11:27:57

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months, posted by ciejae on April 27, 2003, at 8:04:29

> I've also noticed that I don't seem to be as afraid of things as I used to be. For instance, it usually drives me crazy to be a passenger in someone else's car. When my husband and I are driving long distances, I'm always nervous about going over bridges, sitting under bridges, driving next to big trucks, driving to close to the car in front of us, etc, etc, etc. Well, now that I think of it, we were driving around the other day, and I don't recall being concerned at all. Isn't that different!
> Also, I've always had a fear of flying (though I have to do it anyway), and for some reason, it's not bothering me lately. Is Strattera ever used as an anti-anxiety drug?

I just logged on to this site for the 1st time today. Thanks to everyone who has posted on the subject of Straterra as I have been thinking of making the switch from ritalin. I've begun to have problems with increasing blood pressure -- up until the last year, it always ran around 108/68 and I'm 50 y/o. Just blessed til now, I guess.

Anyway, re the anxiety question, I don't know straterra's history. However, my belief about ADHD (especially untreated) is that we tend toward more anxiety and depression just trying to keep up with the non-ADHD world -- especially, if like me, you're of the inattentive type! So, if we're able to keep up better (even if those closets aren't cleaned out yet) maybe we'll feel less anxious about all the things we didn't get done today and have to do tomorrow.

Based on what I've read here, I'm giving my doc a call to give straterra a try. It will be nice not to have to pay for an office visit every time I need a ritalin refill.


Atomoxetine (Straterra) vs. ritalin » sarasane

Posted by paulk on April 29, 2003, at 13:03:20

In reply to Re: Strattera 2+ months, posted by sarasane on April 29, 2003, at 11:27:57

I find similarities between Stratterra and Ritalin. The difference would be the roller coaster let down in the after noon on Ritalin being a trade off with sleeping problems with Straterra. Not sure which is really better. My sleep on Straterra is poor quality.


Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality

Posted by Ritchie on April 29, 2003, at 17:03:15

In reply to Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality » Ritchie , posted by Hattree on April 29, 2003, at 10:59:11

> Did you experience worse depression when you started the Strattera, or just no improvement?

Actually I got worse. Everytime I up my dosage I get worse, I can't explain it but it goes away. I just changed to 80 and felt really depressed today. I'm just trying to hang in there and give it some time since it helps all my other symptoms.


3 month update!

Posted by teacherkris on April 29, 2003, at 19:36:16

In reply to Re: Strattera: Dosage, Dry Mouth, and Sexuality, posted by Ritchie on April 29, 2003, at 17:03:15

Well I just went in for my check-up after one month at 80 mg. My doctor was really pleased. I definitely was ready to give up several times along the way but I'm definitely considering myself a Strattera success at this point.

Here are a few things my doc noticed (it always amazes me how many details he picks up in 30 short minutes):
I'm talking slower and quieter
I'm not talking over him as much
Almost NO body movement ie fidgeting, tapping, shaking etc.

My friends and co-workers are also commenting that I seem so "mellow" lately. I've been off stims for about 5 days now and am finally not feeling so incredibly tired. My doc said they'll be totally out of my system after one week and then I should feel much better. Last Saturday I took two three hour naps after a 10 hour night sleep so I had been really worried but he said that that's exactly what he would expect (sheesh he could have told me! :-))

Anyway, I'm so happy that this drug is working. It feels better than anything I've ever done before. In addition, I'm going to go completely off Zoloft this weekend (I've been tapering off for some time and am currently only on 25 mg). I can't imagine only taking one pill, once a day.

The only side effect I still seem to have is the complete lack of sex drive but I'm not currently in a relationship so we'll see if that changes down the road. At 30, my so called sexual peak, I can't imagine having no sex drive! We'll see what happens.

Sorry for the long message but I'm so excited I had to tell someone! Hang in there if you're still just starting. If you haven't seen my earlier posts I went up VERY slowly 10 mg increase every 10 days until I hit 80. I definitely think that was the way to go, and even after I hit 80 I didn't really feel the full effects for about three weeks. Give it time, it's worth it - no more triplicates!


Re: 3 month update! » teacherkris

Posted by oops...trythatbutton on April 29, 2003, at 20:12:45

In reply to 3 month update!, posted by teacherkris on April 29, 2003, at 19:36:16

I'm so glad you are doing good after 3 months!
Next week will be three months for me though my pdr is still figuring a good dose for me. Starting at 40mg nearly wiped me out. We found out that I was a slow metabolizer. At 18mg, I notice something but it doesn't last...25 seemed a lot...I just lose interest in general...may be more like I just don't care about things as much (has anyone notice something like this?)...though I haven't notice any anxiety attacks...I'm now at 2 10s now but I do notice that I start daydreaming a bit again and some other stuff (I got vocal in my car driving today)...I may be going back to 25mg...althought at 25mg, my shopping spree does go down


Re: 3 month update! » oops...trythatbutton

Posted by yeltom on April 29, 2003, at 21:34:08

In reply to Re: 3 month update! » teacherkris, posted by oops...trythatbutton on April 29, 2003, at 20:12:45

> I'm so glad you are doing good after 3 months!
> Next week will be three months for me though my pdr is still figuring a good dose for me. Starting at 40mg nearly wiped me out. We found out that I was a slow metabolizer. At 18mg, I notice something but it doesn't last...25 seemed a lot...I just lose interest in general...may be more like I just don't care about things as much (has anyone notice something like this?)...though I haven't notice any anxiety attacks...I'm now at 2 10s now but I do notice that I start daydreaming a bit again and some other stuff (I got vocal in my car driving today)...I may be going back to 25mg...althought at 25mg, my shopping spree does go down

I think I'm a poor metabolizer too. How are you sleeping? Is your mouth dry? How's your sex drive etc.? I'm experiencing the first two problems (will they go away?) and concerned about the third (does straterrra make it better or worse?).



Re: 3 month update! » yeltom

Posted by oops...trythatbutton on April 30, 2003, at 17:09:52

In reply to Re: 3 month update! » oops...trythatbutton, posted by yeltom on April 29, 2003, at 21:34:08

sleep? what's that?....j/k... sleep is off/on. I don't really sleep as well before the Straterra but I'm ok with the 6 or so hours....before, it was more like 8 hours ....dry mouth is there but I drink a lot of diet coke so it isn't too much of a problem....I'm not see anyone so I can't really answer the last's your appetite?...some people get a case of the munchies...I get a bit of that too occasionally but sofar I lost about 10 pounds... woohoo!!... I'm shoot for the next size down!!


Re: new to Strattera what to expect

Posted by catman on April 30, 2003, at 21:06:28

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep, posted by macaroni on March 15, 2003, at 20:49:26

just starting in the am....have had all the ADHD habits since had enough doing something....will be doing 40/40 a day.....very out three days a week...sleep so so....I have read so interesting things, moods, talking, forcus etc etc...anyone sexually active a few times a week...and on this...i am in my later 40's....



Re: new to Strattera what to expect

Posted by Patt on April 30, 2003, at 21:57:56

In reply to Re: new to Strattera what to expect, posted by catman on April 30, 2003, at 21:06:28

> just starting in the am....have had all the ADHD habits since had enough doing something....will be doing 40/40 a day.....very out three days a week...sleep so so....I have read so interesting things, moods, talking, forcus etc etc...anyone sexually active a few times a week...and on this...i am in my later 40's....
> thanks
I have been on Strattera for about 5-6 weeks. I, too, was worried about the sexual side effects. So far, I have had no decrease in libido. I am 45 & had such horrible side effects sexually with Effexor (not for ADD) that I stopped taking it. I really cannot tell a lot of improvement in my ADD symptoms even though I am up to 100 mg. per day. However, others have posted that it takes up to 2 months, so I'm waiting it out! I have never taken stimulants or anything until Strattera, so I am very hopeful!!! The most discouraging effects have been that I have been tired & have gained weight. I need no help sleeping or gaining weight, so this has to stop or I'll have to try something else. In the first couple of weeks, I woke up through the night starving; you could hear my stomach growling. That is no longer happening, but my appetite certainly is still way too strong! Anyway, I'm going to give it a few more weeks, but just wanted to share the fact that I have had no sexual side effects. That is very good news to me!!!!

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