Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep

Posted by macaroni on March 15, 2003, at 20:49:26

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep, posted by Lexxey on March 15, 2003, at 10:40:23

Hang in there with the Strattera. It takes time, but it's worth it. My 11-year son vascilated between irritable and goofy the first two weeks on 25mg; he was very active at times, and at other times, very tired.

I feel we've come out the other side of this thing. He's been very happy and approachable for the past three days. And although he'll have an occasional lapse of judgement and do something totally impulsive, it's easy to reason with him. He is no longer on a mad cycle of ups and downs with the Adderall, and we're no longer held hostage by the clock. He's eating good and sleeping. Mornings at our house are actually a pleasure and the days are pretty dang good too.

So, if you're still phasing into this drug, take a deep breath and mark the days on your calendar. I'd say three weeks is a pretty good time frame to shoot for. Lock yourself in the basement if you have to, but give yourself time to know what this drug can do for you. I hope it will be as worthwhile for you as it has been, thus far, for us. I'll post any changes.



Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep » macaroni

Posted by zenclear on March 15, 2003, at 20:54:33

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep, posted by macaroni on March 15, 2003, at 20:49:26

How's his concentration (not just his outward behavior)?


Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep

Posted by macaroni on March 15, 2003, at 21:11:07

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep » macaroni, posted by zenclear on March 15, 2003, at 20:54:33

He falls more on the side of hyperactive and impulsive than inattentive, so focus is a lesser problem of the three. Having said that, however, I have noticed that he seems to be making the same As and Bs he made while on Adderall. Without adderall he was a B student. His concentration was minimally disrupted changing over from Adderall to Strattera, I'd say.

I hope that helps.


Re: Strattera Tics and Time to Work

Posted by Dog Breath on March 17, 2003, at 12:39:39

In reply to Strattera Tics and Time to Work, posted by juanantoniod on March 15, 2003, at 1:51:23

Strattera has taken a long time to work for me. Full benefits were only after 6-8 weeks with some ups and downs in the dosage. I am now stabilized on 80mg. For quite some time I thought it wasn't doing much until recently. I feel pretty good, focused, and have more energy than I can remember it a long time. Most side effects were temporary and by reducing the dosage for a few days they went away and then I could go back up. I still have a bit of insomnia and chapped lips but it's a small price to pay for feeling good.



Would love Strattera updates

Posted by Hattree on March 18, 2003, at 9:30:40

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics and Time to Work, posted by Dog Breath on March 17, 2003, at 12:39:39

Please keep me posted, Stratterites. I aborted a trial because it seemed to bring on depression. I'm waiting awhile before trying again to see if S. was really the culprit. I'm following your posts closely.



Re: Would love Strattera updates

Posted by Lexxey on March 18, 2003, at 15:36:27

In reply to Would love Strattera updates, posted by Hattree on March 18, 2003, at 9:30:40

I have just decided that I like it!!!

I have been on 40mg for just one week but I think even this amount helps. I am waiting 10 more days to go up to 80 cuz we are going on vacation and I have trouble sleeping with no weird drugs in my system so I know this will make it difficult.

I'm anxious to get used to the full dose and I also appreciate the input of others

I know that I would not have stuck with it had I not read all the positive words here and on another ADHD forum....I would have given up!!!

Lexxy in GA


Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep » macaroni

Posted by concernedaunt on March 21, 2003, at 16:25:34

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep, posted by macaroni on March 15, 2003, at 21:11:07

> He falls more on the side of hyperactive and impulsive than inattentive, so focus is a lesser problem of the three. Having said that, however, I have noticed that he seems to be making the same As and Bs he made while on Adderall. Without adderall he was a B student. His concentration was minimally disrupted changing over from Adderall to Strattera, I'd say.
> I hope that helps.
> Dea

Hi Everyone,
This is my first time on this site. I have a 14 yr old niece that was diagnosed w/ADHD about 6 yrs ago. She has just recently come into my care and has not been on meds for at least 4 yrs. Her last med was Dex. She is in counselling and will soon be reevaled for ADHA and the possibility of being put back on meds. She is mainly inattentive and impulsive. Has anyone had experience with Straterra as a first med in an adolescent? Any bits of info would be helpful.


Re: Straterra approval.

Posted by teacherkris on March 21, 2003, at 16:37:53

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

Hi all,
Just wanted to let you all know I'm on my second week of 40 mg once a day and doing well in terms of side effects. I still take 72 mg of Concerta a day and will continue on the Concerta until I get to a therapeutic level on the strattera. Today I start 40 mg am and 20 mg pm. After a week or so on that I'll go up to 40 am 40 pm and then to 80 am at which point I'll try it without the concerta and see what happens.

For those of you with Adult ADD out there I thought you could relate to my very ADD crazy mistake I made the other day! I was trading my 10 mg pills for my new 40 mg pills in my pill box. I had three pills in my hand and was going to take my Concerta and Strattera but accidentally took 3 Stratteras! So instead of 40 mg I ended up on 120 mg that day! UGH talk about side effects. I felt sick and spacey all day! But it did subside by the late afternoon. Anyway, just thought I'd share in case anyone else makes such a mistake later in this long road we're all going down.



Re: Strattera and constipation

Posted by Tealah on March 22, 2003, at 19:26:38

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

Looking for anyone who has experienced constipation on Strattera. My 8 yr. old son was doing great on 25 mg. until week 4 when he became constipated. It took two weeks to straighten him out with Lactulose and prune juice. This morning I started him back on 10 mg. Has anyone had any luck resolving constipation on this?


Re: Strattera and constipation

Posted by carlyb on March 23, 2003, at 9:03:57

In reply to Re: Strattera and constipation, posted by Tealah on March 22, 2003, at 19:26:38

water, water and more water, I also take a daily fiber formula from the health food store everynight, I am doing well.


Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by carlyb on March 23, 2003, at 9:05:38

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep » macaroni, posted by concernedaunt on March 21, 2003, at 16:25:34

I have been on strattera for 9 days, i am on 40 mg is anyone experiencing dizzyness? Do you take it in the morning or night?


Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 24, 2003, at 14:50:13

In reply to Re: Strattera Tics/weird sleep, posted by Lexxey on March 15, 2003, at 8:50:39

I too wake up about 3:30 4, every morning. This is my second week of strattera. I am up to 25mg a day. It seems to make me very hungry. I am also on Adderall 20ml(2 at once in the morning) I think it is helping me. I don't feel as stressed lately and I can focus a little better.


Re: Would love Strattera updates

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 24, 2003, at 14:52:22

In reply to Re: Would love Strattera updates, posted by Lexxey on March 18, 2003, at 15:36:27

Does strattera make you hungry or tired.


Strattera-4 days later

Posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 1:55:23

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

Just ended my 4th day on Strattera. Boy, have I been irritable. Is it the Strattera, or am I just really crabby? I have been taking 40mgs in the AM. I don't feel one other thing. I am so disappointed...I am hoping this works. Ritalin and Adderall worked really well for me, but caused mind blowing headaches. Should I increase to 80mgs in the hopes of feeling something? Will that decrease the irritability? Or am I just impatient and it hasn't had time to work yet? Also, how long do the effects last once I start feeling anything? Is this just a couple of hours type drug or an all day one? Thanks!


Re: Strattera-4 days later

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:54:20

In reply to Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 1:55:23

I would have your dr add back your adderall. My doc said, that taking away other meds and using staterra alone wasn't working well. Maybe your dr started you on too high a dose. I started with 18 ml for 4 days, now I am doing 25ml for 2 weeks.
My SO says I am calmer... I don't feel as tense and I have had some moments of really good focus.
The thing I don't like is I am physically hungry all day after I take it. I have started taking it before bed. Please keep me up dated on your progress



Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:55:46

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by carlyb on March 23, 2003, at 9:05:38

I started taking mine at night before bed, so I don't get so hungry. Makes me a little tired too.


Re: Strattera and constipation

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:58:21

In reply to Re: Strattera and constipation, posted by Tealah on March 22, 2003, at 19:26:38

If I drink enough water it helps. Dried fruit is good too. Maybe he would eat raisins. Exercise helps me too. Hope this helps.


Re: Strattera-4 days later » Spinning

Posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:11:13

In reply to Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 1:55:23

Did you just drop your Adderall? If so, that might account for the irritability and hunger. I'm sitting on some Strattera while waiting to get over the ravenous hunger, exhaustion and crabbiness of stimulant withdrawal.


Re: Strattera-4 days later » Hattree

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:14:38

In reply to Re: Strattera-4 days later » Spinning, posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:11:13

I am still taking two 20ml adderall xr in the morning and 15 ml short acting late afternoon. Even with the adderall I am very hungry after I take it. Your doc shouldn't have had you cold turkey your meds, you can't tell if the other med is working if your crashing. Sometimes I wonder about what these docs are thinking.


Re: Strattera-4 days later

Posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:23:56

In reply to Re: Strattera-4 days later » Hattree, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:14:38

> > Your doc shouldn't have had you cold turkey your meds, you can't tell if the other med is working if your crashing. Sometimes I wonder about what these docs are thinking.

That's why I'm waiting it out before trying Strattera. Look, everyone is different. I've been on and off stimulants for years and for me tapering is actually more unpleasant. I wonder what docs are thinking sometimes, too, and they're often lame, but the conventional wisdom doesn't work for everyone.


Re: Strattera-4 days later

Posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 9:28:56

In reply to Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 1:55:23

Actually I was not taking Adderall at this time. I took it about 2 months ago for only a week because of the horrible headaches. AAAAAAARRRGHHHH! This is maddening trying to figure it all out!
Thanks for the advice!


Re: Strattera-4 days later » Spinning

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:35:50

In reply to Re: Strattera-4 days later, posted by Spinning on March 25, 2003, at 9:28:56

Have you tried Dextrostat. I have had success with that, but I have built up a resistance and have gone off that for a while. Sometimes the headaches are caused by clentching your teeth. Periodically I will open my mouth wide and let my jaw muscles relax. Of couse I try to do this where no one will see me. :) Hope things get better!


Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:37:50

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 7:55:46

> I started taking mine at night before bed, so I don't get so hungry. Makes me a little tired too.

And it still helps your symptoms when you take it at night, as well as alleviating the side effects? Sounds worth a try!


Re: Strattera light headed » Hattree

Posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:42:13

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed, posted by Hattree on March 25, 2003, at 9:37:50

This medication is a 24 hour time release. I would do a search on the internet to read about all side effects. I have gained 2 pounds this week, if I can't get the hunger under control this medication will have to go. Its taken me a year to lose 23 pounds, and even though I feel better it won't be worth gaining back that weight. I still have 30 to go.


Re: Strattera light headed

Posted by teacherkris on March 25, 2003, at 10:10:16

In reply to Re: Strattera light headed » Hattree, posted by blondegirl47 on March 25, 2003, at 9:42:13

Many of you have probably read my previous posts but I know how much I appreciate other people's updates so I'll continue to post mine. At this point (6 weeks in) I am on 60 mg of strattera, 40 am and 20 pm. The side effects are basically gone. I'm still on 72 mg of Concerta but will start to go off that next week when my Strattera goes upto 80 mg. Remember everyone that in the clinical trials 95 mg was the therapeutic dose so don't be surprised when you don't see results at 40.

At the same time I would say don't rush to raise your dose. I've been impatient at times but after reading all the posts about people having horrible side effects I'm glad I've gone up so slowly. I haven't had any constipation, I've lost 12 pounds (don't know for sure that it's Strat related but I've definitely had a loss of appetite) so excessive hunger hasn't been a problem for me, and I haven't really had a problem with tiredness. At the same time those first couple weeks were really tough with a lot of dizziness and irritability. Hang in there if you're in the early stages. Once we get to a therapeutic level this should be a 24 hour med which will make it soooo worth it! :-)

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