Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects

Posted by Jewels on March 12, 2003, at 9:42:30

In reply to Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects » napaba, posted by Krissy P on March 12, 2003, at 9:34:34

I am feeling your trauma going off Effexor. I, too, went off due to "forgetting" meds. (Maybe I should get THAT fixed?):) It is day 4 for me and I am still so dizzy and lightheaded. My husband gave me some Tylenol PM and I still had weird dreams, but slept the night. Someone hit it right on the nose saying, it's like a migraine without the severe headache. I am not as nauseated this morning....but haven't had a day's worth of dizziness yet. I was on only 75mgs a day and only for 8 weeks. Anything that is this hard to go off of can't be all that worth it to be on in the first place. Don't get me works miracles for some....just not for me. Be careful! Will keep you all of luck to you all!



Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects » Jewels

Posted by Krissy P on March 12, 2003, at 9:46:05

In reply to Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects, posted by Jewels on March 12, 2003, at 9:42:30

Oh man Jewels, I hear you!! I started back on Effexor 2 weeks ago and I still feel nauseas. I'm glad you aren't though. I also had some weird dreams about rats last night! But I think it is due to starting back on the Lamictal too (after a year of being off of it)
Yes, please do keep us updated.
Take care, Kristen

> I am feeling your trauma going off Effexor. I, too, went off due to "forgetting" meds. (Maybe I should get THAT fixed?):) It is day 4 for me and I am still so dizzy and lightheaded. My husband gave me some Tylenol PM and I still had weird dreams, but slept the night. Someone hit it right on the nose saying, it's like a migraine without the severe headache. I am not as nauseated this morning....but haven't had a day's worth of dizziness yet. I was on only 75mgs a day and only for 8 weeks. Anything that is this hard to go off of can't be all that worth it to be on in the first place. Don't get me works miracles for some....just not for me. Be careful! Will keep you all of luck to you all!
> Jewels


Re: Efferox side effects

Posted by jtc on March 12, 2003, at 19:20:53

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by donnap23 on March 11, 2003, at 23:29:48

> I am on my 4th day of withdrawal and I wouldn't recommend anyone taking this drug. I have never had anything do me this way. I have been vomiting since Sat and here it is late Tues night. I'm holding out!

Oh my gosh, good luck to you. I am also trying to go off Effexor. Today is my first day of not taking any. I took 37.5 mg for six days and today after not taking any I have been feeling very dizzy and off balance especially when turning my head. I also have a headache today but this is nothing new for me. I dread trying to go off this because I am afraid the anxiety and panic will come back and the withdrawal will only worsen as days go by. Keep us posted..jtc


Re: Efferox side effects(In reply to everyone!)

Posted by Mikeyqld on March 12, 2003, at 19:38:04

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by donnap23 on March 12, 2003, at 7:02:07

I am now up to 7 days and still getting the "brain shivers"/ "electric shock feelings". Does anyone else get these shocks/shivers in their chest as well as their head? Does anyone else notice that they are in time with their heart which seems to be pounding when they happen?
My experience tells me that the vivid dreams go away fairly quickly. I have personally decided that tapering off effexor (which i did from a low dose over 2 weeks) only delays when the full force of the withdrawls will start. Cold turkey from a high dose doesn't appear to be a good idea. But a relatively quick taper and then none seems to make the most sense. Does anyone else get aches and pains in their arms (alternating over days) with cold hands etc???
Unfortunately, it appears that the brain shivers seem to be the thing that hang around possibly for a long time after stopping effexor. Nearly all my other withdrawl symptoms have gone but i am still getting the shiver/shock thing.
Anyways, back to the doc tomorrow to find out results from a CT scan on my brain and an EEG. Good luck to all of us and hugs to you all.


Fourth Week Update

Posted by humbly72 on March 13, 2003, at 9:07:12

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated, posted by keroppi on February 13, 2003, at 21:31:42

I finished my fourth week of 75mg Effexor, and most of side effects have subsided. The vivid dreams are easier to remember, and what is strange is that I can feel when the medication kicks in. It feels like a flash in my brain and I can feel rushes of energy flowing through me.
I have started taken a quarter of a 1mg pill of Klonopin at night for sleep and that seems to help mellowing out the dysphoria (where your mind goes at 80mph and can't focus). I still get mild headaches (back of brain) though.
All in all, I can say I am tolerating this drug so far, and I am beginning to see a bit more progress in my mood. Have faith!


The hell of withdrawal... Tina P

Posted by Andy Drinkard on March 13, 2003, at 17:56:14

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal Geoff , Keroppi, posted by Tina P on February 16, 2003, at 9:26:06

>>>People tell me please...
I am a sufferer of clinical depression, and I have found that anti-depressant drugs relieve my misery miraculously. I would never, EVER want to stop taking my Effexor and go back to the sadness I was living with. So, why are so many of you doing this, and struggling with these awful side affects? I guess I have no concept of why anyone would want to stop taking this drug when it is so helpful to me and has improved my quality of life so much. Would some of you please share your scenarios with me so I have a better understanding, and perhaps I can be better prepared for the possibilty of having to give up this drug in my future? So far, the only withdawl I've had to deal with was switching from Paxil to Effexor XL, and that was because the Paxil was causing weight gain. (I would have avoided the Paxil altogether, but it's the only drug my doc could offer me during my pregnancy). After the baby was born, I made the switch, and it wasn't too difficult. But to give up my medication completely and go through withdrawls like those I'm reading about in your posts, I would never attempt it!!!!! I hated the way I felt before taking my meds anyway! Any input for me?<<<

Your question is not unfounded, but some of the wording sure makes it seem like you think we're all retards for getting off the meds. Nonetheless, I'm glad you asked, and I'll give the answer my answer for why I'm letting go of Effexor:

I'm now 19 years old. My depression hit hard around age 16. The doc started me with Wellbutrin, and, upon deciding that I also had ADD, stuck me on Adderall. Wellbutrin did it's job and relieved me of that depressed hell. Adderall did it's job and let me concentrate. Together, they worked overtime to make sure I never got another minute of sleep. So, we tapered off of Adderall (a painless process). Sleep problems continued. So, we decided to let go of the Wellbutrin to see if perhaps the depression could stay away for good. Well, no luck there. In about 6 months, which is exactly when my doctor had told me it might come back, the slumps started again. ADD, which seems very secondary when compared with depression, returned as soon as Adderall fled the battlefield. So, time to get started on meds again. This offensive drive consisted of both Wellbutrin and Effexor XR, and Concerta was called upon to counter the ADD (sorry about the weird wording, I'm just trying to make this slightly entertaining). The doc decided going with 150mg of Effexor XR would do the trick. He was right. It slaughtered my depression as fast as it had returned. Unfortunately, all wars have civilian casualties. In this case, the victim was my sex drive. It was about as dead as dead gets. Concerta, by the way, is the best drug I have ever taken (in terms of effectiveness vs. side effects). Anyway, after several months on Effexor, we decided to taper off the same that we had with Wellbutrin in the beginning in hopes that the depression was just plain gone. Fast forward to the present, and here I am, two days off of Effexor (after being on the lowest dose for about three weeks). Currently, I'm in living hell. Concerta has helped keep me afloat, but the withdrawal symptoms of Effexor FOR ME have been awful. The "brain shivers" are awful. I'm hallucinating sounds. I feel like someone is violently rocking my head back and forth. Ever time I move my eyes, for any reason, my brain screams. I'm writing this in a half-daze from being so dizzy, and without Concerta, I probably wouldn't be able to begin.

Well, I read earlier that someone said that these symptoms had disappeared after 3 or 4 days, so I'm hopeful.

To directly answer your question, it's all just a balancing act. For me, I'm willing to accept that depression might reappear in order to get my sex life back. I don't know what side effects if any you are having from Effexor, but it sure sounds like to you nothing makes getting off of the drug seem worth it. More power to you! I hope that your success with Effexor continues for good.

In all honesty, I expect to be right back in the doc's office in 6 months with a renewed depression and a new need for help fighting it. However, for the next 6 months I won't have to pick between happiness and erections...

Bad Andy


Excellent post-Thank you :-) (nm)

Posted by Krissy P on March 13, 2003, at 18:55:56

In reply to The hell of withdrawal... Tina P, posted by Andy Drinkard on March 13, 2003, at 17:56:14


Re: Effexor and pregnancy

Posted by roolight on March 13, 2003, at 21:23:19

In reply to Effexor and pregnancy, posted by ChristinaG on October 23, 2000, at 16:10:39

I read these posts in January 2002, prior to making my own decision to take Effexor during pregnancy. They made me think hard about my decision to take Effexor during the pregnancy, but I want to testify that my baby came out problems. When I found out I was pregnant, I was lucky that I had just started taking Effexor and could easily stop taking Effexor during my first trimester. In my fourth month, I worked my way back up to 150mg of Effexor XR and continued to take it to the end of the pregnancy and even now through 6 months+ of breastfeeding. The decision to take the Effexor was not advised by my prescribing psychologist but ok'd by my OBGYN. I was having terrible mood swings and I felt I had no choice but to take it. Reiterating, my baby is very happy and healthy, has never had colic, was a very healthy 7 lbs, 11 oz...I truly feel continuing medication was my best decision.


Re: Effexor Withdrawal » maliak

Posted by Andy Drinkard on March 13, 2003, at 21:42:06

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawal , posted by maliak on March 11, 2003, at 11:42:14

Howdy...I'm very sorry to hear about your son's struggles. I'm a 19 year old college freshman with ADD, and for a year I took Adderall. In all honesty, your son's story seems quite different from mine, but there is one thing I wanted to offer:

One of Adderall's side effects was a fairly severe period of nasty irritability at the end of each 6 hour dose. Ultimately, I forced myself to give it up for that mainly that reason (sleep deprivation was another problem).

Since then, I've been prescribed Concerta, and it is simply one of the best things that has ever happened to me. If you want to no more about all this, I explained the whole story in new thread called "CONCERTA makes ADDERALL look sorry as an ADD med.".

I'm actually just stopped Effexor (the reason I'm here is for information on why this withdrawal is so awful). I didn't notice any particular help with concentration, but that may just be because Concerta's effect overshadowed it.

Good luck,
Bad Andy


Re: Efferox side effects

Posted by donnap23 on March 14, 2003, at 0:15:24

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by jtc on March 12, 2003, at 19:20:53

I think I'm almost through with the vomiting aspect of withdrawal from Effexor. I'm still dizzy and feel weak etc. In response to the question about stopping this med if it's working wonders for clinical depression.........I wasn't taking it for clinical depression. I have a physical condition that my doc felt would be improved with this med. I had a death in my family and he also didn't think it would hurt for me to be on it for awhile because of that. I am concerned that all of my symptoms could last much longer than they have but I won't go back on it. I didn't intentionally stop this med cold turkey but I am glad I did. I'm disappointed that the side effects from the withdrawals were not discussed with me. I read all kinds of literature and even went online to make an educated choice about this med. That is the most upsetting thing about all of this.


Re: Efferox side effects

Posted by megamufn on March 14, 2003, at 5:56:13

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by donnap23 on March 11, 2003, at 23:29:48

I do NOT recommend stopping Effexor cold turkey. Missing a pill on the medium dose made me nauseous, but missing only one pill on the highest dose made me vomit. Tapering down can make a huge difference. I had no problem going from the higher to the medium dose. I was on vacation so I had less stress, and the Effexor made me sleep too much (more with the higher dose).

I do not recommend going cold turkey for Paxil either. I was on it before and the first time I stopped I was so dizzy, the doctor thought I had an inner-ear infection! The second time I stopped (again because it made me sleep too much and I had to make a deadline for school) I was nauseous and very dizzy. I had never felt that bad before, even with stomach flu! A different doctor correctly identified it as withdrawal. Once I was back on the medication I started feeling better. Doctors should know about this!


Re: Efferox side effects

Posted by megamufn on March 14, 2003, at 6:12:47

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by donnap23 on March 11, 2003, at 23:29:48

I am considering switching from Effexor because of problems with motivation. I'm wondering if it helps with my depression (dysthymia) and anxiety (not panic) by making me just not care as much. I feel better, but I'm not getting anything done! I still have some anxiety about certain things. For me it seems to be a fine line--too much anxiety and I'm immobilized, not enough and I'm not motivated. Aaugh! Maybe I'm just lazy.

I tried Paxil, which worked except not enough on the anxiety, and I had some problems with concentration. Zoloft did NOT agree with me. Paxil and Effexor both make me sleep a lot. (That does care of the insomnia, though!)

Any ideas, comments?


Re: Efferox side effects

Posted by Krissy P on March 14, 2003, at 11:07:44

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by megamufn on March 14, 2003, at 5:56:13

Please don't ever go cold turkey on a benzo either!!! I did with Klonopin and ended up in the ER-not a good thing

> I do NOT recommend stopping Effexor cold turkey. Missing a pill on the medium dose made me nauseous, but missing only one pill on the highest dose made me vomit. Tapering down can make a huge difference. I had no problem going from the higher to the medium dose. I was on vacation so I had less stress, and the Effexor made me sleep too much (more with the higher dose).
> I do not recommend going cold turkey for Paxil either. I was on it before and the first time I stopped I was so dizzy, the doctor thought I had an inner-ear infection! The second time I stopped (again because it made me sleep too much and I had to make a deadline for school) I was nauseous and very dizzy. I had never felt that bad before, even with stomach flu! A different doctor correctly identified it as withdrawal. Once I was back on the medication I started feeling better. Doctors should know about this!


Re: Efferox side effects

Posted by humbly72 on March 14, 2003, at 11:11:23

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by Krissy P on March 14, 2003, at 11:07:44

How long does it take before your body will experience withdrawal symptoms from Klonopin?
I take it as need, which has been three consecutive days, but it's a .25mg dose.
Thanks for your input.

> Please don't ever go cold turkey on a benzo >either!!! I did with Klonopin and ended up in >the ER-not a good thing


Re: Efferox side effects » humbly72

Posted by Krissy P on March 14, 2003, at 11:29:23

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by humbly72 on March 14, 2003, at 11:11:23

Your very welcome.
In my case, only 2 days. And I take 2mg a night. I very rarely take it PRN. I felt this major pain in the middle of my forehead, dizziness, and I was gonna pass out. The ER doc said I could of had a seizure-and from what I know-it sure as heck felt like I was going to. (I know only a little about seizures)I'm glad that only the low dose of .25mg dose helps you and you take it PRN.
I didn't take my Klonopin for 2 days, because my pdoc didn't give me the right quantity and enough to last me until I saw her next (I cancelled an appt) so I was robbing Peter to Pay Paul so to speak-and ended up hurting myself by not taking the Klonopin for 2 days, so I would have enough until I did see her. My pdoc is a piece of work-but I am okay with her right now. I hate having to go through the whole explanation, search, etc. to find anothother pdoc and she is ok.
Take care,
How long does it take before your body will experience withdrawal symptoms from Klonopin?
I take it as need, which has been three consecutive days, but it's a .25mg dose.
Thanks for your input.


Re: Efferox side effects » megamufn

Posted by PuraVida on March 14, 2003, at 12:15:21

In reply to Re: Efferox side effects, posted by megamufn on March 14, 2003, at 6:12:47

Hi MM (love your name!)

I know just how you feel about the motivation. I just started Effexor, so we'll see. I had the same problem w/ Paxil - I slept so much!

On thing I have noticed with myself is a cycle with the anxiety and motivation. When I get really motivated, sometimes it gets too much and gets me anxious - which is uncomfortable so I back off, and take it easy. If I go through this for awhile I think I just give up, and it becomes more of a truer depression. Anyhow, I've been taking a mood stabilizer too, and that HAS seemed to help me find the balance.
Hope this helps -




Posted by jtc on March 14, 2003, at 13:38:25

In reply to CHILDREN EFFEXOR, posted by dde on March 12, 2003, at 9:42:09

> I have noticed several references of children under the age of 18 being put on this medication. I would say "Parents Beware." PLEASE NOTE: IN OCTOBER 2002 WYETH APPLIED TO THE FDA TO ADD PEDIATRIC ADHD AND DEPRESSION TO ITS LIST OF INDICATIONS. ON FEBRUARY 12, 2003 THE FDA DENIED THE REQUEST, STATING THAT INSUFFICIENT RESEARCH HAD BEEN DONE AND THAT LAWSUITS WERE PENDING. You can read this for yourself by going to the FDA website.
> Children do not know how to express all the symptoms, and we, as parents and not experiencing them, cannot relate or pick up on them.
> Have your child tested for bi-polar, it cycles fast in children and is often misdiagnosed as ADHD or ADD. If your child is crying a lot and is very sad, with ADHD, PLEASE do some research before you put him or her on Effexor.
> I didn't and lost my child to this medication. Needless to say, I am doing the homework now and encouraging people to get second or third opinions before allowing Wyeth to use their child as a guinea pig.
> Best regards, de

Dear de,
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear about your child. I am responding to your post because my 8 1/2 year daughter is taking Effexor XR 37.5 mg for anxiety. I am very worried especially since you said you lost your child to this medication. What happened to your child? Please share any information that you have on this medication with me. My child has taken it since November 2002. I am going to take her off of it in May when school is out and I will not put her on it again. If she still needs medication for her anxiety we will try a different one. She is having more outbursts at home such as she gets mad when she doesn't get her way. Her psychiatrist says she should take the Effexor until school is out. She was having difficulty in school with staying focused so we had her tested for ADD with a psychologist. He said she does not have ADD but she does have a lot of anxiety for a child her age, so he referred us to a child psychiatrist who thought the Effexor could help her. I was very afraid to put her on effexor because I take it and I am trying to go off it right now and having problems with that. Even my psychiatrist told me that there is no research on the effects of this medication on children and that you wonder what effect it will have on the developing mind of a child. I do have to say that it has helped her with the anxiety but I don't know if it is worth it because of the risks to her. Please advise.
Thanks, jc



Posted by dde on March 14, 2003, at 15:01:16

In reply to Re: CHILDREN EFFEXOR, posted by jtc on March 14, 2003, at 13:38:25


I cannot really tell you what was "wrong" with my son. He was 10, had been diagnosed as ADHD when he was 6. He lived with his father for four years after the diagnosis, and was sporadically given his medication, first Adderall, then Concerta XR. He did really well with the Adderall, but was not being fed adequately or before administering the medication, so he was losing weight....when he was with me, he gained weight and had his meds every day. When the doctor put him on Concerta XR she cautioned us to make sure he got it every day at the same time, and after food.

I think that by sporadically giving him the medication, and by sporadically I am saying that he missed 60+ days of meds over a 5 month period. I know this because I obtained the pharmacy records and it wasn't purchased anywhere near the right times of the month, and because my son and I talked on a daily basis and he told me when he had taken it or not.

Needless to say, he was becoming more and more depressed, tried to hang himself at his father's home, but forturnately failed and went to my oldest daughter for help. He came to me in June of 2002, very sad, angry and confused. I would find him curled up in a ball in his closet, chasing his siblings with a butcher knife then melting down to sobbing. He begged me to help him stop feeling what he was feeling. He TOLD me he wanted to kill himself, would hang himself. I took him seriously. I took him to a regular doctor who prescribed the Adderall and said get him as quickly as possible. I took him to a child psychiatrist who saw him for 10 minutes, did not tests or vitals, and walked out with a prescription for Effexor XR. I did ask exactly what to look for in the way of improvement or side effects and basically was directed to a chart on the back of his door and left to figure it out on my own.

I will tell you the things I have since learned were signs of his trauma....he said it felt like his brain was turning over in his head; dizziness; nausea; severe headaches that came and went; sleep pattern changes; euphoria (at the last)....he went from a very angry, sad little boy off of Effexor to a little boy who said "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am" in the course of 3 weeks. But all that time, he was telling me about the other things going on in his body. On the morning before he died he said to me "momma, if I die today, I want you to cremate me and spread my ashes over that lake where you will be spread." Not picking up on the "today" I said "Bugga, now how am I supposed to do that? I am going to die long before you do." To which he replied, "No, momma, if I die today, thats what I want you to do." I poo poo'd his comments and told him it wasn't a good day to die, and he should be thinking about other things, like running through the sprinkler with his friends and going to the pool in the afternoon.

His friend later told me that Bugga had told him about weird dreams about dead people and about meeting God. So I have to add weird dreams to the list.

I really do not want to scare anyone. I just want you to be aware that kids don't always know what to say to get across that they are REALLY NOT WELL, and we can't relate.

Just please make sure you take your daughter off the medication in a hospital setting. PLEASE.

Now you know a lot of the gruesome details. Beware of this medication.

Best wishes,



Posted by jtc on March 14, 2003, at 21:58:33

In reply to CHILDREN EFFEXOR, posted by dde on March 14, 2003, at 15:01:16

> Hi JC
> I cannot really tell you what was "wrong" with my son. He was 10, had been diagnosed as ADHD when he was 6. He lived with his father for four years after the diagnosis, and was sporadically given his medication, first Adderall, then Concerta XR. He did really well with the Adderall, but was not being fed adequately or before administering the medication, so he was losing weight....when he was with me, he gained weight and had his meds every day. When the doctor put him on Concerta XR she cautioned us to make sure he got it every day at the same time, and after food.
> I think that by sporadically giving him the medication, and by sporadically I am saying that he missed 60+ days of meds over a 5 month period. I know this because I obtained the pharmacy records and it wasn't purchased anywhere near the right times of the month, and because my son and I talked on a daily basis and he told me when he had taken it or not.
> Needless to say, he was becoming more and more depressed, tried to hang himself at his father's home, but forturnately failed and went to my oldest daughter for help. He came to me in June of 2002, very sad, angry and confused. I would find him curled up in a ball in his closet, chasing his siblings with a butcher knife then melting down to sobbing. He begged me to help him stop feeling what he was feeling. He TOLD me he wanted to kill himself, would hang himself. I took him seriously. I took him to a regular doctor who prescribed the Adderall and said get him as quickly as possible. I took him to a child psychiatrist who saw him for 10 minutes, did not tests or vitals, and walked out with a prescription for Effexor XR. I did ask exactly what to look for in the way of improvement or side effects and basically was directed to a chart on the back of his door and left to figure it out on my own.
> I will tell you the things I have since learned were signs of his trauma....he said it felt like his brain was turning over in his head; dizziness; nausea; severe headaches that came and went; sleep pattern changes; euphoria (at the last)....he went from a very angry, sad little boy off of Effexor to a little boy who said "yes ma'am" and "no ma'am" in the course of 3 weeks. But all that time, he was telling me about the other things going on in his body. On the morning before he died he said to me "momma, if I die today, I want you to cremate me and spread my ashes over that lake where you will be spread." Not picking up on the "today" I said "Bugga, now how am I supposed to do that? I am going to die long before you do." To which he replied, "No, momma, if I die today, thats what I want you to do." I poo poo'd his comments and told him it wasn't a good day to die, and he should be thinking about other things, like running through the sprinkler with his friends and going to the pool in the afternoon.
> His friend later told me that Bugga had told him about weird dreams about dead people and about meeting God. So I have to add weird dreams to the list.
> I really do not want to scare anyone. I just want you to be aware that kids don't always know what to say to get across that they are REALLY NOT WELL, and we can't relate.
> Just please make sure you take your daughter off the medication in a hospital setting. PLEASE.
> Now you know a lot of the gruesome details. Beware of this medication.
> Best wishes,
> de

Hi de,
I am so sorry about your little boy. Thank you for sharing this with me. It has made me really aware of what this medication can do, especially to children. I only know how I am feeling while trying to go off of it so I am really going to have to be in tune with my daughter when I take her off of it, the sooner the better. My husband does not know much about this medication and he just says "It will be alright and she will be alright" when I express my concern about our daughter and what I have read on the internet and this website. It is really going to be up to me to see that she is okay. May God bless you and comfort you in the loss of your little boy. Take care, JC


Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects

Posted by Jewels on March 14, 2003, at 23:20:20

In reply to Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects, posted by napaba on March 12, 2003, at 9:29:13

Okay donnap....our stories are almost identical! I, too, was taking Effexor for a physical problem and dr's thought it would help. I quit cold turkey after I ran out last weekend. My dr told me that I shouldn't quit cold turkey and at this point and in reading all the past posts, I am glad I did! I am now at the close of day 5 and the vomitting and most nausea have gone. I was only on 75mgs for 8 weeks and have had a terrible run of it. My dreams aren't as wacked and freaky but still very vivid and real. I still have a hard time sleeping but find Tylenol PM helps. I am still quite dizzy in the day. I am not quite sure what the "brain shivers" are that are mentioned so much....but assume it is the "head rush" I am feeling. One other thing I have noticed is racing of my heart and a hard time breathing. I also have been extremely achy but don't know if this is due to my physical condition or the withdrawl.

I am so glad this works for some people. In regards to a prior post....if it IS working for you it ISN'T worth the withdrawl to go off. However, I am of the old book of "if it ain't working, don't take it" and anything that is that addictive to my body and that hard to break isn't what I would like to have in my body!

Best of luck to you all.........hoping I'm almost there....



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by KarenIam on March 14, 2003, at 23:26:02

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've been taking effexor for about 6 months or so. I take 150 miligrams and wanted to increase the dosage just to see if I'd feel even better. My doctor prescribed 225 mil. When I went to the drug store to pick it up they wanted me to pay 2 co pays of $25.00! It seems the insurance companys, or at least mine, will only cover up to 150 mil. per day. They only come in increments of 75ml or 150ml. I was told it was because I needed one of each ml. and that if I got the same mil capsule it would probably be covered. Guess what, not true! It's the only med. I've tried with this problem, usually you can just get a higher ml. Like paxil for example. Anyway, guess I'm not crazy enough yet to pay double for this stuff...maybe someday soon! Seriously though...anyone else's insurance covering say 300 ml with just one copay?


Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects » Jewels

Posted by Krissy P on March 14, 2003, at 23:27:55

In reply to Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects, posted by Jewels on March 14, 2003, at 23:20:20

Hi, real quick here: I think the "brain shivers" people are talking about are like chills but in your head. You feel a chill in your head. Do you know what I mean? I wonder if that's it?

> Okay donnap....our stories are almost identical! I, too, was taking Effexor for a physical problem and dr's thought it would help. I quit cold turkey after I ran out last weekend. My dr told me that I shouldn't quit cold turkey and at this point and in reading all the past posts, I am glad I did! I am now at the close of day 5 and the vomitting and most nausea have gone. I was only on 75mgs for 8 weeks and have had a terrible run of it. My dreams aren't as wacked and freaky but still very vivid and real. I still have a hard time sleeping but find Tylenol PM helps. I am still quite dizzy in the day. I am not quite sure what the "brain shivers" are that are mentioned so much....but assume it is the "head rush" I am feeling. One other thing I have noticed is racing of my heart and a hard time breathing. I also have been extremely achy but don't know if this is due to my physical condition or the withdrawl.
> I am so glad this works for some people. In regards to a prior post....if it IS working for you it ISN'T worth the withdrawl to go off. However, I am of the old book of "if it ain't working, don't take it" and anything that is that addictive to my body and that hard to break isn't what I would like to have in my body!
> Best of luck to you all.........hoping I'm almost there....
> Jewels


Questions.....Pls help

Posted by Troubled_Boy on March 15, 2003, at 4:14:23

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I am on Effexor for around 4 weeks and my dosage now is 225mg. I notice improvement in the first three weeks. But, i do not feel any this week after the increase in dosage from 150mg to 225mg. Anyone can tell me what is wrong.There are also other questions that i will like to ask.

How long will Effexor totally treat me?
How do i know that the drug is actually working?
How does it feel like when i am totally free from depression?
Can Effexor used to trest chronic tension headache?


Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects

Posted by Jewels on March 15, 2003, at 11:07:43

In reply to Re: Increase in anxiety Effexor side effects » Jewels, posted by Krissy P on March 14, 2003, at 23:27:55

Mine is more like a head rush where my ears seem to be full and pounding and I get dizzy and almost disoriented. I feel something like a chill....but those aren't too bad.....




Re: Questions.....Pls help » Troubled_Boy

Posted by Krissy P on March 15, 2003, at 11:40:15

In reply to Questions.....Pls help, posted by Troubled_Boy on March 15, 2003, at 4:14:23

Hi, I only take 75mg Effexor-XR.
I got tension headaches a lot-the Effexor helps them. I know that Topomax has been approved for migraines, probably because it is an anti-seizure med. I also don't get them as bad on Lamictal. If I can help a little more-please let me know:-)
Hope this helped a little?

> I am on Effexor for around 4 weeks and my dosage now is 225mg. I notice improvement in the first three weeks. But, i do not feel any this week after the increase in dosage from 150mg to 225mg. Anyone can tell me what is wrong.There are also other questions that i will like to ask.
> How long will Effexor totally treat me?
> How do i know that the drug is actually working?
> How does it feel like when i am totally free from depression?
> Can Effexor used to trest chronic tension headache?

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