Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 133458

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Re: hypersensitivity, depression » disney4

Posted by not exactly on January 26, 2003, at 0:15:32

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression » not exactly, posted by disney4 on January 24, 2003, at 14:54:28

> I tried Wellbutrin Sr twice before, and couldn't tolerate the shakiness and anxiety. I took it for about a week, and I was still shaky. Do you know if this effect always wear off? I might try it again.

The official "prescribing information" document [] mentions that temporary stimulant side effects are common. Of particular note is the following statement under "Dosage and Administration":

"Gradual escalation in dosage is also important if agitation, motor restlessness, and insomnia, often seen during the initial days of treatment, are to be minimized. If necessary, these effects may be managed by temporary reduction of dose or the short-term administration of an intermediate to long-acting sedative hypnotic. A sedative hypnotic usually is not required beyond the first week of treatment. Insomnia may also be minimized by avoiding bedtime doses. If distressing, untoward effects supervene, dose escalation should be stopped."

Your symptoms of "shakiness and anxiety" sound like extreme cases of this. Did you notice _any_ reduction of these side effects after a week of dosing? It's possible that you didn't wait long enough, but having such severe and unpleasant symptoms persist for this long a period may mean it's not the right drug for you.

If you decide to give it one more try, I'd recommend starting at a lower dose. Use the 100 mg size (I assume you tried the standard 150's) and don't take more than 1 per day until the side effects subside. Something like Klonopin might help you through the adjustment period (I think using a "sedative hypnotic" is overkill unless you have serious insomnia). You should discuss your concerns with your doctor first.

- Bob


Re: STRATTERA - continued

Posted by jodie on January 26, 2003, at 0:29:27

In reply to STRATTERA - continued, posted by BekkaH on January 25, 2003, at 17:12:13

> This is the continuation of that long Strattera thread, just in case some newcomers can't find information on the medication. The older posts are archived each week.

Hi, BekkaH

I've been without my cable for a few days, thats why I haven't posted. I use cable instead of phone line for my internet service. I have a new post down there somewhere. Just updating you & everyone else on my supposed allergic reaction to strattera.


Re: hypersensitivity, depression » golfergman

Posted by not exactly on January 26, 2003, at 0:46:16

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression, posted by golfergman on January 24, 2003, at 13:18:02

> sorry if all this sounds selfabsorbed

I was recently concerned about the same sort of thing. Why am I spending so much time obsessing about my psychological state when I could be doing something positive? The answer, I decided, was that right now I _need_ to concentrate on these issues so I can improve my ability to cope and my capacity to enjoy life. Until I do, I really _can't_ effectively "do something positive".

If you had the flu, nobody would think you were being "self-absorbed" if you chose to take time off from work and stay in bed for a few days. If you don't take care of yourself, who will?

And don't worry that you're imposing on us by sharing your problems. Your golf buddies might not appreciate it, but we love to wallow in this sort of thing. That's why we're spending our time on Psycho-Babble rather than going out in the "real world" (whatever that is) and having "fun" (ditto).

But seriously, by sharing information and support with each other, we're all better off.

Don't be too hard on yourself...

- Bob


Re: dividing pills

Posted by viridis on January 26, 2003, at 0:56:38

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly » BekkaH, posted by not exactly on January 25, 2003, at 22:32:08

The best way to resolve this issue is to call the company directly and ask to speak with "technical support" (or the equivalent). I've had this experience with another med that wasn't supposed to be divided (according to the doctor and website). The answer, from one of the people who actually developed the delivery form of the med, was that they just discourage division because it's hard to achieve accurate dosing, not because there's anything dangerous about it.

I have no idea whether this applies to Strattera -- there could be additional issues such as the med absorbing moisture from the air etc. I'd just call the company directly and ask. They'll know the answer.


Re: hypersensitivity, depression » not exactly

Posted by disney4 on January 26, 2003, at 10:03:28

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression » disney4, posted by not exactly on January 26, 2003, at 0:15:32

Thanks for the info Bob. Before asking my Dr. for Wellbutrin again, I am going to try a small daily dosage of Provigil. It has been used experimentally as an AD, and I had some left from a very brief trial. I remember it was much easier to tolerate than Wellbutrin, and I felt better right away. Unfortunately I was scared off of it and on to another med by some well meaning people.


Re: hypersensitivity, depression » disney4

Posted by not exactly on January 26, 2003, at 13:42:27

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression » not exactly, posted by disney4 on January 26, 2003, at 10:03:28

Provigil may be a good option for you. I'm on it now, and I find it helps my motivation & focus (I have ADD). It seems to be keeping my mood out of the pits as well (depression has been a chronic problem). It reminds me of how I felt on Wellbutrin, but it's more subtle.

I've been feeling some vague anxiety, but given what's happening in my life now, it may not be caused by the Provigil. Other minor negative effects I've noticed are dulled emotions and diminished capacity for feelings of joy/reward. Wellbutrin did the same thing. Don't think this reaction is common.

At least Provigil won't cause the severe adjustment problems when you start it. Hope it works for you.

- Bob


Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly

Posted by BekkaH on January 26, 2003, at 22:09:47

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly » BekkaH, posted by not exactly on January 25, 2003, at 22:32:08

Hello not exactly,

That's an interesting screen name. I read through a few of your posts on different topics. Am I correct in understanding that you are on BOTH Provigil and Ritalin? Wow! I don't think I could ever tolerate such a combination, but I've met a few people on this board who've successfully combined Provigil with stimulants. I have to read more about Provigil. I've read some articles about it in the past, and I still don't understand how it works.



Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly » BekkaH

Posted by not exactly on January 26, 2003, at 23:02:36

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly, posted by BekkaH on January 26, 2003, at 22:09:47


> That's an interesting screen name.

It refers to my diagnosis:
Chronic Major Depression? not exactly...
ADHD? not exactly...
OCD? not exactly...
GAD? not exactly...
Asperger's Syndrome? not exactly...

> Am I correct in understanding that you are on BOTH Provigil and Ritalin?

Right now, I'm taking only Provigil & Neurontin.

I've tried Ritalin several times in the past, both by itself and in combination with other meds. I'm a "low-dopamine" type of depressive, so Ritalin has been a helpful AD enhancer. It definitely reversed the emotional flattening I experienced with Wellbutrin.

I did try Ritalin along with the Provigil for a few days to see if it would similarly reverse Provigil's emotional flattening. Didn't help (just amplified the anxiety) so I discontinued the Ritalin.

> I don't think I could ever tolerate such a combination

It's funny. I'm very sensitive to stimulants, in the sense that I need only small amounts for optimal effect. But they don't "stimulate" me; they actually calm me down. Dexedrine, for example, makes me quite serene. But then so does very loud very fast dance music. Go figure.

> I have to read more about Provigil.
> I still don't understand how it works.

I don't think anyone really understands how Provigil works. I asked my pdoc if it was a norepinephrine agonist. "Not exactly..."

- Bob


Straterra Updates?

Posted by Peter S. on January 27, 2003, at 12:05:01

In reply to Re: hypersensitivity, depression - not exactly » BekkaH, posted by not exactly on January 26, 2003, at 23:02:36

How are people doing on Straterra? I bought a ton of it which cost me an arm an a leg. I realized aftwerwards I should have split up the prescription. After taking 40mg and throwing up, I've been hesitant to try it again. I'm probably going to split up the capsules and try 10mg to start. The warnings to not split up capsules sound silly to me. I would love to hear updates from people about experiences, dosages, side effects, etc.




Re: Straterra Updates? » Peter S.

Posted by not exactly on January 27, 2003, at 14:35:04

In reply to Straterra Updates?, posted by Peter S. on January 27, 2003, at 12:05:01

> The warnings to not split up capsules sound silly to me.

I agree, and you certainly stated it more succinctly than I did in my long-winded treatise on the subject []. :-)

Considering the number of bad reactions, plus the fact that many seem to be doing OK on significantly reduced dosages, Lilly's official recommendation that _all_ adults should start at 40mg/day seems unrealistic and almost irresponsible.

- Bob


Re: Straterra Updates?

Posted by Dog Breath on January 27, 2003, at 14:49:10

In reply to Straterra Updates?, posted by Peter S. on January 27, 2003, at 12:05:01

> How are people doing on Straterra? I bought a ton of it which cost me an arm an a leg. I realized aftwerwards I should have split up the prescription. After taking 40mg and throwing up, I've been hesitant to try it again. I'm probably going to split up the capsules and try 10mg to start. The warnings to not split up capsules sound silly to me. I would love to hear updates from people about experiences, dosages, side effects, etc.
> Thanks!
> Peter

I'm on day 5 of Straterra. I did 2 days at 25mg and 3 days since 50mg. I have had no side effects (or really any effects) so far. I also take 20mg Lexapro.



Re: Straterra Updates?

Posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 17:56:35

In reply to Re: Straterra Updates? » Peter S., posted by not exactly on January 27, 2003, at 14:35:04

> Considering the number of bad reactions, plus the fact that many seem to be doing OK on significantly reduced dosages, Lilly's official recommendation that _all_ adults should start at 40mg/day seems unrealistic and almost irresponsible.> - Bob
Hi Bob,
I agree, and that's true for almost all medicines I've tried over the years. There are some medicines that I can't even consider because the lowest strength available is still too high for me.


Dog Breath

Posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 18:38:17

In reply to Re: Straterra Updates?, posted by Dog Breath on January 27, 2003, at 14:49:10

Dog Breath? I'm amazed and amused at the screen names PB members think up. Is Dog Breath better than Cat Breath? A few months ago, someone posted with the screen name "Freudian Garter Belt." That was surely the strangest name I've seen. I asked him/her what it meant, but I got no reply.


Re: Dog Breath » BekkaH

Posted by not exactly on January 27, 2003, at 19:30:36

In reply to Dog Breath, posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 18:38:17

> A few months ago, someone posted with the screen name "Freudian Garter Belt."
> That was surely the strangest name I've seen.
> I asked him/her what it meant, but I got no reply.

I assume a Freudian Garter Belt is what would be worn underneath a Freudian Slip. :-)

- Bob


Re: You nailed that and I don't mean not exactly. (nm)

Posted by Phil on January 27, 2003, at 19:33:43

In reply to Re: Dog Breath » BekkaH, posted by not exactly on January 27, 2003, at 19:30:36


Re: Dog Breath - not exactly

Posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 20:00:19

In reply to Re: Dog Breath » BekkaH, posted by not exactly on January 27, 2003, at 19:30:36

> I assume a Freudian Garter Belt is what would be worn underneath a Freudian Slip. :-) - Bob


Good thinking, Bob! Thank you!


Strattera, Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker

Posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 22:17:26

In reply to Straterra approval., posted by scoper on December 28, 2002, at 2:19:34

I'm wondering how Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker and some of the other "early" Strattera PB members are doing. If you have time to post updates, we'd like to hear from you!! Thanks.


Re: Strattera

Posted by mshyper on January 27, 2003, at 22:33:05

In reply to Strattera, Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker, posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 22:17:26

Hi, I just found your board. I am diagnosed ADHD and was on ritalin from age 5 to 13. I refused to take the stimulants any more because of the rebound. My docs never gave me anything else to take the place of it. I am now an adult and still have all the same problems, focus, organization, you know the trip...I make a list and can't remember where I put the damned thing...find it 2 weeks later after I've made a new list.

Anyway, I know I need to go back on meds again for my sanity. But, I also want to have a baby. Anyone know anything about Strattera and pregnancy?


Re: Straterra Updates? » not exactly

Posted by Ritch on January 27, 2003, at 22:54:26

In reply to Re: Straterra Updates? » Peter S., posted by not exactly on January 27, 2003, at 14:35:04

> > The warnings to not split up capsules sound silly to me.
> I agree, and you certainly stated it more succinctly than I did in my long-winded treatise on the subject []. :-)
> Considering the number of bad reactions, plus the fact that many seem to be doing OK on significantly reduced dosages, Lilly's official recommendation that _all_ adults should start at 40mg/day seems unrealistic and almost irresponsible.
> - Bob

I wonder if the idea of making a variety of doses that are all only available in capsule form (rather than tablet) could be a strategy to maximize profits. Many pharmacy coverage plans may only cover the higher dosage tablets (because they can be split). Higher doses are usually always much cheaper/mg than the lower doses. If you can't divide the capsule-you have to buy the more "expensive" smaller dosages instead of large tablet split in half (i.e.).


Re: Straterra Updates? » Ritch

Posted by not exactly on January 28, 2003, at 0:58:01

In reply to Re: Straterra Updates? » not exactly, posted by Ritch on January 27, 2003, at 22:54:26

> could be a strategy to maximize profits

How could you say such a thing? The drug companies are our friends! They don't care about profits. They just want to improve our health.

yeah, right...

Notice that there's no 80 mg size, even though that's the recommended adult dosage.

- Bob


Re: Straterra Updates?-I am on 60mg

Posted by tia on January 28, 2003, at 6:35:20

In reply to Re: Straterra Updates? » Ritch, posted by not exactly on January 28, 2003, at 0:58:01

Hello to all,

I just want everyone to know that i have been taking 60mg of straterra for about 5 days and everything has been wonderful. The only thing i have is energy and maybe a little dry mouth. I will be moving to 80mg in a few days. Will let you all know how that is. I am also on anafranil but will be slowly going off that. I really dont have any unusual side effects.



Re: Strattera, Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker

Posted by nmk on January 28, 2003, at 9:08:53

In reply to Strattera, Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker, posted by BekkaH on January 27, 2003, at 22:17:26

> I'm wondering how Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker and some of the other "early" Strattera PB members are doing. If you have time to post updates, we'd like to hear from you!! Thanks.


It is my 4th week on 18 mg of Strattera and I am still doing well. No depression, a little-hyped up at times and lately, I am finding that it is difficult to fall asleep. My usual 15 mg of remeron and 25 mg of seroquel is not doing the trick so I have added 1 mg of ativan at night. This works but I do not want to be 3 meds to put me to sleep. I meet with my pdoc this thurs. and I will see what he says.

My initial s/e's were early morning awakening but that subsided after a few weeks. I haven't experienced the dryness and urination problems that some have but do have constipation. The positves by far outweigh these minor drawbacks.

I will keep you posted.



Strattera--just for depression????

Posted by Jack Smith on January 28, 2003, at 12:17:57

In reply to Re: Strattera, Jim Boardman, nmk, jrbecker, posted by nmk on January 28, 2003, at 9:08:53

Anyone on this stuff for just plain old unipolar depression? If so, how is it working?


Re: Strattera--just for depression????-Jack Smith

Posted by nmk on January 28, 2003, at 15:32:06

In reply to Strattera--just for depression????, posted by Jack Smith on January 28, 2003, at 12:17:57

> Anyone on this stuff for just plain old unipolar depression? If so, how is it working?

That would be me. I have been on 18 mg for 4 weeks now and it has done more for my depression than any other med I have tried (zoloft, effexor, lexapro). I noticed a significant improvement in my mood after only 2 days of treatment. The only s/e I am dealing with now is difficulty falling asleep. I will address this with my pdoc on thurs and see about possibly lowering to 10mg. When I dove into postpartum depression 9 months ago and all of the antidepressants failed, my doctor tried 10 mg of adderall. This lifted the depression but it had a tendency to aggravate my anxiety. Please keep me posted if you are taking it for depression (and the dose)....I will be curious to see how it works for others who are not diagnosed as ADD or ADHD.


Re: Strattera--in comparison to Wellbutrin? » nmk

Posted by disney4 on January 28, 2003, at 15:45:11

In reply to Re: Strattera--just for depression????-Jack Smith, posted by nmk on January 28, 2003, at 15:32:06

How does the feeling of taking Straterra differ from taking Wellbutrin? Also is any one experiencing sexual side effects or an increased appetite, and/or weight gain? Does it increase, lower, or have no effect on anxiety?

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