Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Effexor, think twice!!!!

Posted by Kalevi on November 10, 2002, at 16:04:37

In reply to Re: I hate Effexor, be careful with it, posted by LISABECK on January 2, 2001, at 23:43:18

After 3 years with effexor (150 mg)i have now stopped taking it. I have during 2 months slowly decreased the dose from 150 mg to 75 and for the last 3 weeks only 25 mg and now since 3 days back 0. The side effects are terrible!!! I experience muscular effects like ticks, and fenomenons like petit mal (epilepsi), bad headake, a strange flashing experience that feels like electrical fenomenons starting from my head and down my neck, to day it was really horrible i have experienced all the sideeffects above +that i been so dizzy so i had to throw up. I would like to warn people and make them think twice before starting with effexor. It's a great help when you are in a state of depression, but stopping the medication is like going to hell but hopefully i find my way back from there... and NO I want give up now and start taking them again. I feel sometimes that perhaps there is better way of dealing with a depression than taking drugs like effexor. I strongly believe that a couple of weeks on a farm on the countryside with people in the same situation as I and with help from some psychoterapist would had helped better and faster than 3 years om medication. For me it all started with stress that lead to a "burnout" witch lead to a depression.. an all to common problem to day.

Sorry about my poor English, but it's propably better than your finnish ;-))




Positive Effexor Update

Posted by h20surfer1 on November 10, 2002, at 19:50:43

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I have not been on the board for a month and thought it might help some to give an update.

I have been on Effexor since July (225mg). I just recently started Remerol for increasing libido.

I have had great success on Effexor and wish that I went in for help 12 yrs ago. I have no depression and an 80% reduction in anxiety (the remerol also works on anxiety).

Yes, I went through very uncomfortable side effects for the first 2 months with each increase in dosage. Effexor has now become a normal routine in my life and has helped me tremendously. I will stay on this drug until my Doctor recommends differently.

My only side effect is a decrease in libido.

I hope this post will help some of you just starting out. Not everyone responds the same but give the drug a chance before tossing it.

Good Luck!!!


Re: Positive Effexor Update

Posted by sly on November 11, 2002, at 14:23:30

In reply to Positive Effexor Update, posted by h20surfer1 on November 10, 2002, at 19:50:43

Well said. Effexor may have saved my life. Despite all the warnings on this page and the side effects, which eventually all went away after a few weeks, I stayed on the drug and have been on it for 8 months now. Overall I've seen a drastic improvement, I feel alive and happy and have the energy to make positive changes I never thought possible during even the best days of my depression.

Don't give up too early, good things come to those who wait - it really is true - don't expect miracles overnight, it will happen slowly overtime, and possibly without you even realizing it, often others notice the improvement before you.


Re: Positive Effexor Update

Posted by nonamedad on November 11, 2002, at 16:33:21

In reply to Re: Positive Effexor Update, posted by sly on November 11, 2002, at 14:23:30

I am on effexor since three months, and I wish I had been on it before. I feel so well. I am a new man.

Life is beutiful and deserve a fare chance.

one day a the time



Effexor SR

Posted by befree on November 11, 2002, at 16:43:41

In reply to Re: Positive Effexor Update, posted by nonamedad on November 11, 2002, at 16:33:21

I am taking Effexor SR 37.5 mg (Day 3, second time around) and am taking it first thing in the morning without any food. I first tried it in the evening with my last evening meal. I experienced a lot of drowsiness, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of interest in things I was enjoying, lack of motivation. After 3 weeks I discontinued the medication. I started it again because my doctor didn't think I stayed on it long enough. I am taking it in the morning per my doctor's advise. I am still feeling drowsy. This is reportedly one of the better antidepressants on the market. I am basically using myself as a guinea pig. I might add I have been on all the SSI's, Luvox, Anapranil, Wellbutrin, and trazadone, all with mild to moderate success. I was on Prozac the longest- 10 years, and it just stopped working over time. I am getting really fed up. If this doesn't work, I don't know what to do next? I have also been on SAM-e, St. John's Wort, with minimal to no effect.


Re: Effexor SR

Posted by juanantoniod on November 11, 2002, at 19:07:41

In reply to Effexor SR, posted by befree on November 11, 2002, at 16:43:41

I echo the good sentiments posted here about Effexor. It has also helped me tremendously.

Your doctor has said to take Effexor in the morning because it usally causes activation (according to my PDOC). However everyone responds differently to medication. I happen to be a little sedated by it, so I take it at night.

I encourage you to stay with the medication, but try taking it at bedtime instead.


Re: Effexor SR

Posted by Bizzou on November 11, 2002, at 23:14:23

In reply to Re: Effexor SR, posted by juanantoniod on November 11, 2002, at 19:07:41

I am french speaking from Ottawa in Canada. Please excuse any mistake in my writing.
I have been suffering from a burnout since last October /01. I used to take Prozac. Did not help anymore. Now moved on to Effexor. I started a week ago with 37.5 and now, in my second week is at 75mg.
Dry mouth and constipation are the two side effects I've encoutered so far.
I will give this drug a chance to work (3 to 4 Months). ButI do not plan to take these type of medication for the rest of my life. I have taken Prozac for 7 yrs combined with Synthroid for thyroid problem plus some sleeping aids.
I am quite positive this Effexor will help me but I thing that eventually you have to quit. But before I do quit these drugs, I will have resolved the inner reasons for these inappropriate feelings. I'm planning to see a psychologist with experience in PNL and with those two aids (effexor and PNL), I should feel better again. Hopefully.....
Since I believe in higher power above that we call God, I pray to him that this works. I will do my part and he should not let me down in doing his!


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by bridgette_31 on November 11, 2002, at 23:40:20

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by EFFEXOR WITHDRAWAL on January 21, 2000, at 23:04:10

Coming down from the codeine in itself will give you a terrible flu-like detox feeling. You will sweat, vomit, have diarrhea, headache, bodyaches, etc for at least a week.


Re: Effexor Newbie

Posted by bridgette_31 on November 12, 2002, at 0:00:04

In reply to Effexor Newbie, posted by japonica on November 7, 2002, at 14:00:21

I too just started taking Effexor today after complaining to my Pain Management Dr. that I was feeling anxious, and hated everyone and everything equally!

I too have spent about the last 6 yrs off and on different types of meds and anti depressants. I too was diagnosed manic-depressive when I wasn't. I just was depressed and had too much caffeine at the same time. I was given Lithium and stared at the wall and didn't give a damn about anything going on around me. My kids and husband noticed that I was just existing and they worried about me. In the mornings I would just sit and stare, I was sleepy and just really out of it. I hated that stuff!

I was in a car accident which has caused me chronic back pain, following two surgeries, and that in itself would tend to make someone a little depressed and really pissed off!

Anyway, I'm hoping that this Effexor is the answer. It took it a few hours ago, and quite frankly I feel perked up and not so anxious!



Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!

Posted by harryartin on November 12, 2002, at 1:06:56

In reply to Effexor, think twice!!!!, posted by Kalevi on November 10, 2002, at 16:04:37

I think effexor is the worst and all anti-depressents for that matter. I feel totally drugged and completely out of it. I am now beyond depressed. I feel totally out of touch with my emotions. I don't know how to feel or react. I just feel like I'm a drugged lump made to feel positive about my very terrible life. I feel that anti depressents just coat your failures and failed self in positivity where no positivity should exist. They are bullshit!


Re: Effexor Newbie » bridgette_31

Posted by japonica on November 12, 2002, at 14:28:05

In reply to Re: Effexor Newbie, posted by bridgette_31 on November 12, 2002, at 0:00:04

Good luck to you Bridgette! I have to admit I've read more negative than positive reactions to Effexor. Of course it's entirely reasonable to think those who are doing well are not seeking advice so therefore not posting.

As stated in my initial post, I feel fine on Effexor. No sleep problems, no stomach problems, no "fuzzy brain" or any other side effects. (I do have a bit of residual depression. I am only at 75mg).

I'm able to concentrate, it has helped with my PMS, my axiety is virtually nonexistent, and I've lost the weight I gained on Zoloft (now THAT drug I hated!).

Stay in touch with us so we know how you're doing.



Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!

Posted by h20surfer1 on November 12, 2002, at 21:36:59

In reply to Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!, posted by harryartin on November 12, 2002, at 1:06:56

> I think effexor is the worst and all anti-depressents for that matter. I feel totally drugged and completely out of it. I am now beyond depressed. I feel totally out of touch with my emotions. I don't know how to feel or react. I just feel like I'm a drugged lump made to feel positive about my very terrible life. I feel that anti depressents just coat your failures and failed self in positivity where no positivity should exist. They are bullshit!

I think you should consult your Doc, you sound like you are on the wrong Med for your condition.

For the others reading these, remember, the therapuetic dose starts at 150mg. Ramping up at first is tough. The side effects at the beginning suck, I definitely did not dig them. They dissapear over time (at least for me) and the results are well worth it. When I read this board during my "ramp up" it scared the "...." out of me but I stuck with it.

I will post again in a month to update the effects of combining Remerol with Effexor.


bad shrink+effexor=?

Posted by anais on November 13, 2002, at 1:06:38

In reply to Re: Effexor Newbie, posted by Sioux on November 7, 2002, at 17:03:52

I'm a bit nervous about this effexor. I was taking paxil for 5 months, and it was better than nothing, but I was sleeping all the time, and would have serious bouts of crying a couple times a week. I saw my new pdoc for the 3rd time the other day. I arrived crying really hard cuz I was late and he doesn't extend visits if patients arrive late. Too, I was leaving the country in 2 days for 3 months and I really needed to sort out med issues. He saw that I was upset and suggested that I increase the paxil. I said no way cuz it makes me sleep too much. So he pulled out his prescription pad, wrote up some effexor for me, asked for his money (I don't have insurance now), and escorted me out of his office. I kid you not, I was there for under 5 minutes. I have no idea what this stuff is, and am scared cuz he's basing this med change on my crying fit in the office. I take 37mg/day for 2 days, then increase by 37mg every 2 days until i'm at 150mg. Is this usual for starting up? And what about this doctor? The pdoc before him would give me platitudes about how people are like plants and need water and sunshine. I've decided not to go back to either of them. Does anyone see a regular family MD for antidepressants? What's so great about pdocs? And what about this effexor mess? What am I getting into?


Re: bad shrink+effexor=? » anais

Posted by jyl on November 13, 2002, at 6:36:43

In reply to bad shrink+effexor=?, posted by anais on November 13, 2002, at 1:06:38

was seeing my md for months-he put me on paxil(20)
than uppped me to 40mg-
i had a panic attack for 3days-
a pdoc in hospital put me of effexor and trazodone
spent 7 days in hospital-
head ofall the hospitals pdocs put me on wellbrutin-seroquel and a thryoid replacement(my md never tested me?)
i feel better(only second week)
i only wish this was addressed when i was a teen -
instead they(parents and md)just said i drank too much and swept it under the carpet.
good luck hun


Re: bad shrink+effexor=?

Posted by sly on November 13, 2002, at 9:17:25

In reply to bad shrink+effexor=?, posted by anais on November 13, 2002, at 1:06:38

Get a new doctor.

I see my family Doc for my meds, and a psychologist, not psychiatrist for my head. The result has been wonderful. I had friends and family who saw psychiatrists, they all said they were awful and no help at all, they wouldn't talk to them, only prescribed meds and didn't seem to care about how they were feeling mentally or physically. In fact, even my family doc said don't bother going to a Psychiatrist.

The meds will help you get over the slump, but you need a psychologist to get you to work out your feelings and make positive changes.


Re: bad shrink+effexor=? » anais

Posted by Geezer on November 13, 2002, at 10:20:55

In reply to bad shrink+effexor=?, posted by anais on November 13, 2002, at 1:06:38

Hi anais,

Only my opinion but it sounds like you have a good deal more common sense than the "shrink". There is no way I would start a new drug like Effexor if I were about to embark on a long trip; not with the start-up side effect profil that drug is known for.

I would agree with the previous poster.....dump this production line quack and find a pdoc that knows how to listen.

Wish you the best,



Re: Effexor, think twice!!!! » Kalevi

Posted by jannbeau on November 13, 2002, at 11:30:07

In reply to Effexor, think twice!!!!, posted by Kalevi on November 10, 2002, at 16:04:37

>These effects will pass within a few days. If they don't, you might try a little Prozac for a few days. I understand your frustration. Coming off this medication can be difficult, but you WILL be OK!

I agree with you about the medication issue. Seems like the answer to everyone's problems is an antidepressant or other medication--it's the pervasive influence of the "medical model" -- medicine knows everything and can cure everything with a pill or surgery!

No apologies necessary for the English. You are SO right--much better than my Finnish--which is nil!


After 3 years with effexor (150 mg)i have now stopped taking it. I have during 2 months slowly decreased the dose from 150 mg to 75 and for the last 3 weeks only 25 mg and now since 3 days back 0. The side effects are terrible!!! I experience muscular effects like ticks, and fenomenons like petit mal (epilepsi), bad headake, a strange flashing experience that feels like electrical fenomenons starting from my head and down my neck, to day it was really horrible i have experienced all the sideeffects above +that i been so dizzy so i had to throw up. I would like to warn people and make them think twice before starting with effexor. It's a great help when you are in a state of depression, but stopping the medication is like going to hell but hopefully i find my way back from there... and NO I want give up now and start taking them again. I feel sometimes that perhaps there is better way of dealing with a depression than taking drugs like effexor. I strongly believe that a couple of weeks on a farm on the countryside with people in the same situation as I and with help from some psychoterapist would had helped better and faster than 3 years om medication. For me it all started with stress that lead to a "burnout" witch lead to a depression.. an all to common problem to day.
> Sorry about my poor English, but it's propably better than your finnish ;-))
> /Kalevi
> mail:


Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!

Posted by jannbeau on November 13, 2002, at 11:50:38

In reply to Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!, posted by h20surfer1 on November 12, 2002, at 21:36:59

> I think you should consult your Doc, you sound like you are on the wrong Med for your condition.

>Well-spoken, H20! I told harry the same thing!

Personally, I hated Effexor for the very reasons that Harry does not like it. I felt depersonalization in a big way. That is not to say that another medication would not work for harry.

> For the others reading these, remember, the therapuetic dose starts at 150mg. Ramping up at first is tough. The side effects at the beginning suck, I definitely did not dig them. They dissapear over time (at least for me) and the results are well worth it. When I read this board during my "ramp up" it scared the "...." out of me but I stuck with it.
> I will post again in a month to update the effects of combining Remerol with Effexor.


Re: bad shrink+effexor=?

Posted by jannbeau on November 13, 2002, at 13:47:07

In reply to Re: bad shrink+effexor=?, posted by sly on November 13, 2002, at 9:17:25

> Absolutely, Sly, yes to everything you said below! Although I saw an excellent psychiatrist who helped me immensely when I was very depressed about 30 years ago , that was before they all began to think that medication was all it takes to help a mentally ill patient. Since those times, the explosion of psychotropic medications has changed psychiatry, and, may I add, not for the better! I agree that psychologists are much better therapists than psychiatrists today.

I'm glad you are feeling so much better and doing well.

jerry ann
Get a new doctor.
> I see my family Doc for my meds, and a psychologist, not psychiatrist for my head. The result has been wonderful. I had friends and family who saw psychiatrists, they all said they were awful and no help at all, they wouldn't talk to them, only prescribed meds and didn't seem to care about how they were feeling mentally or physically. In fact, even my family doc said don't bother going to a Psychiatrist.
> The meds will help you get over the slump, but you need a psychologist to get you to work out your feelings and make positive changes.


Low dose effectiveness

Posted by SJMA on November 13, 2002, at 14:32:08

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Inanna on May 9, 2002, at 14:09:55

I have PMDD, which makes for many a teary mood swing during two weeks every month. Additionally I have seasonal affective disorder, and actually moved to the southwest in order to escape the debilitating symptoms of lack of sun. I tried Sam-e last winter when the fatigue set in, with fair result, but this year it seemed to have lost it's efficacy. I finally broke down and asked my therapist to recommend an antidepressant, and have been taking 37.5 mg of Effexor XR daily for two weeks. My hormones have not caused me to cry, and I feel awake and energetic during the day now (two weeks ago I was drinking MAJOR caffeine just to drag myself around and barely get anything done). My question is this-if I'm feeling so much better on 37.5 mgs a day, why should I increase the dosage? It seems the likelihood of side effects increases, and I'm not really suffering from any now.


Re: Low dose effectiveness

Posted by jannbeau on November 13, 2002, at 15:04:58

In reply to Low dose effectiveness, posted by SJMA on November 13, 2002, at 14:32:08

>Hi, SJMA,

I am not a physician and thus cannot tell you whether you need an increase in medication, but, as an informed patient and a toxicologist, I would suggest that you are on to something when you ask "why change the dose if it's doing what I need it to do?"

One tennet of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry is that one should take the lowest effective dose (or the fewest doses) of a medication in order to reduce the probability of adverse side effects, just as you suggest.

However, with psychotropic medications the definition of "effective" seems occasionally to get lost in translation. Seems the physician relies upon the patient to tell him/her- often without objective measure- whether the medication is "working." Sometimes, also, it seems that an effect of the medication (don't confuse "effect" with "efficacy" or "effectiveness") may change over time; the patient may seek a change. Often, the physician may just "think" the dose should be higher, based on his/her clinical accumen-or the lack thereof- or on the literature or, God forbid, what he/she hears from the drug rep. Then, again, the effective dose may different for different conditions. For instance,it may take more medication to treat major depression effectively than it takes to treat dysthymia (note the "may" in that last statement).

Hope you continue to do well on Effexor, at whatever dose you need to take.


I have PMDD, which makes for many a teary mood swing during two weeks every month. Additionally I have seasonal affective disorder, and actually moved to the southwest in order to escape the debilitating symptoms of lack of sun. I tried Sam-e last winter when the fatigue set in, with fair result, but this year it seemed to have lost it's efficacy. I finally broke down and asked my therapist to recommend an antidepressant, and have been taking 37.5 mg of Effexor XR daily for two weeks. My hormones have not caused me to cry, and I feel awake and energetic during the day now (two weeks ago I was drinking MAJOR caffeine just to drag myself around and barely get anything done). My question is this-if I'm feeling so much better on 37.5 mgs a day, why should I increase the dosage? It seems the likelihood of side effects increases, and I'm not really suffering from any now.


Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!uppdate

Posted by Kalevi on November 13, 2002, at 15:34:49

In reply to Effexor, think twice!!!!, posted by Kalevi on November 10, 2002, at 16:04:37

I'm on day 6 without my effexor and still have problems as the one disciribed in my post but It feels easier and the dizziness has stopped so now i can at least keep the food. I'm so angry at my doctor for not letting me know the side-effects of effexor and when I read the manufacturers page, none of my problems are discribed there or any warnings at all about how hard it is to get off this drug. I am lucky that im in god medical and psykic health now, otherwise i dont know what i had done to my self. My hope is that people think twice befor taking medication like prozak, effexor and it really disturbs me that there is no alternative threatments for depression. My brother told me that deep in the forrests in finland people cure their depression with a god hangover and a sauna ;-) and after that they go fishing for a week... Maybe thats the miraclecure for depressions that scientists have been looking for.. 3-4 hours hangover, sauna and fishing instead of years of medication and terrible side effects.

Im better make my self clear... I am alive to day thanks to effexor... but i still have many doubts about medication against depressions. People have had depressions since stonehedge and never had to use drugs like prozak and effexor. Whats the deferense between to days humans and our forfathers... Have we forgotten how to take care of each other and what miracles love and empati can do. I really wish people to use drugs as the absolutely last option and not taking easy on adding this chemikals to your system. Im shure that If my lifesituation during the time i got ill had been better and i would had the opportunity to take some time of on the contryside I could had been back as a functional person after maybe a few months instead of drowning under depression and medication for 3 years..



Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!uppdate

Posted by jannbeau on November 13, 2002, at 16:02:12

In reply to Re: Effexor, think twice!!!!uppdate, posted by Kalevi on November 13, 2002, at 15:34:49

> Hi, Kalevi. It might take longer than 6 days to get over the discontinuation syndrome. It took me about three weeks to feel like myself again. I might add that one of things I had when I stopped was ANGER, lots of it, for a few weeks after stopping Effexor--at everyone and everything. The anger went away, too. Even my husband noticed those days and the change over a few weeks. You should get better. But, be aware, too, that you could slip back into a depression, also. If you do this, please seek help, ok?

As another poster said, maybe a psychologist is a better therapist these days. There ARE alternatives to medication for depression. The alternatives have been around for longer than the meds. Have you gotten any psychotherapy? I might suggest cognitive-behavioral therapy. Why don't you look into this avenue?

Hey, have you thought of this? Maybe it's evolution - or not, as the case may be, that is causing this seeming epidemic of depression, panic, borderline personality, bipolar dx? The rapid evolution of computers and the advent of global communications have caused our poor little primitive brains to go on the fritz; hence the term "burnout?" We are drowning under the pressures placed upon our nervous systems from these technologies, I am convinced. It will take eons for the human brain to catch up with today's technology, unless you believe in Lamarckian (sp?) evolution--I don't. Or, more simply, maybe it's the drug companies and their shareholders! Or the psychiatrists who are too lazy, too busy, or too uninformed to try anything other than drugs. As another poster said, maybe a psychologist is a better therapist these days. There ARE alternatives to medication for depression. The alternatives have been around for longer than the meds. Have you had any psychotherapy? I might suggest cognitive-behavioral therapy. Why don't you look into this avenue?

With regard to "taking care of each other:" that's what this board is for (even if it is made possible by the very thing that has created the problem--ironic, is it not?)!

I'm on day 6 without my effexor and still have problems as the one disciribed in my post but It feels easier and the dizziness has stopped so now i can at least keep the food. I'm so angry at my doctor for not letting me know the side-effects of effexor and when I read the manufacturers page, none of my problems are discribed there or any warnings at all about how hard it is to get off this drug. I am lucky that im in god medical and psykic health now, otherwise i dont know what i had done to my self. My hope is that people think twice befor taking medication like prozak, effexor and it really disturbs me that there is no alternative threatments for depression. My brother told me that deep in the forrests in finland people cure their depression with a god hangover and a sauna ;-) and after that they go fishing for a week... Maybe thats the miraclecure for depressions that scientists have been looking for.. 3-4 hours hangover, sauna and fishing instead of years of medication and terrible side effects.
> Im better make my self clear... I am alive to day thanks to effexor... but i still have many doubts about medication against depressions. People have had depressions since stonehedge and never had to use drugs like prozak and effexor. Whats the deferense between to days humans and our forfathers... Have we forgotten how to take care of each other and what miracles love and empati can do. I really wish people to use drugs as the absolutely last option and not taking easy on adding this chemikals to your system. Im shure that If my lifesituation during the time i got ill had been better and i would had the opportunity to take some time of on the contryside I could had been back as a functional person after maybe a few months instead of drowning under depression and medication for 3 years..
> /Kalevi


Re: bad shrink+effexor=?

Posted by nonamedad on November 13, 2002, at 20:04:45

In reply to Re: bad shrink+effexor=? » anais, posted by Geezer on November 13, 2002, at 10:20:55

I understand some people may have experienced side effect. In my case, I started taken them 2 hours before bedtime. The first few nights, I was dizzy after 20 minutes. I took them at night for approx. 2 months. Then my doctor asked me to start taken them in the morning that I could sleep better. I did, and had no side effect during the day. Since then I have increased from 75 to 150 and then 225. I am still at 225, and I am doing well. Let say 8.5 on then. This is a lot better than 5 to 7 on 10.



Re: Low dose effectiveness

Posted by nonamedad on November 13, 2002, at 20:09:11

In reply to Low dose effectiveness, posted by SJMA on November 13, 2002, at 14:32:08

My opinion is you should listen to your body. You are doing fine........stay there.


> I have PMDD, which makes for many a teary mood swing during two weeks every month. Additionally I have seasonal affective disorder, and actually moved to the southwest in order to escape the debilitating symptoms of lack of sun. I tried Sam-e last winter when the fatigue set in, with fair result, but this year it seemed to have lost it's efficacy. I finally broke down and asked my therapist to recommend an antidepressant, and have been taking 37.5 mg of Effexor XR daily for two weeks. My hormones have not caused me to cry, and I feel awake and energetic during the day now (two weeks ago I was drinking MAJOR caffeine just to drag myself around and barely get anything done). My question is this-if I'm feeling so much better on 37.5 mgs a day, why should I increase the dosage? It seems the likelihood of side effects increases, and I'm not really suffering from any now.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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