Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Decreased Athletic Perform- Strength Endurance

Posted by butterfly58 on October 13, 2002, at 18:17:56

In reply to Re: Decreased Athletic Perform- Strength Endurance, posted by h20surfer1 on October 12, 2002, at 22:04:26

I am glad to hear that your strength and enduance hasn't been affected. I truely believe that it was the Effexor. I used to work out 7 days a week for 2 to 3 hours a day. When taking the Effexor, at first, I didn't even want to work out but I pushed myself to do at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours of cardio and weights a day. I noticed that I couldn't run as fast and my leg muscles would fatigue quickly. I also noticed that gradually, I could not lift as heavy weights. I would gradually have to reduce my weight when lifting. After I stopped taking Effexor, my strength appeared to return gradually. However it still is not where it used to be but it is returning. Unless something else is wrong with me, I attribute it to the Effexor.

I am back to comment on athletic performance.
> I work out 6 times a week, weight lift 3 days, mountain bike 2 days, and surf in between and sometimes double up surfing with the other activities. I also actively dirt bike ride this time of year.
> I have had no adverse effects in my athletic performance. I would even venture to say that I have improved in strength and endurance.
> I am now on 225 mg/day and feel great. I have been taking Effexor since July. I just took a depression test and passed with flying colors.
> I sure hope the rest of you have the same positive experience taking Effexor that I have had :-)


Re: Decreased Athletic Perform- Strength Endurance

Posted by h20surfer1 on October 13, 2002, at 20:46:03

In reply to Re: Decreased Athletic Perform- Strength Endurance, posted by h20surfer1 on October 12, 2002, at 22:04:26


Sorry to hear that you had this experience on Effexor. Everyone is different and the reactions to these AD's can vary between individuals.

I am glad to be having a good experience with the med. I wish you and others the best of luck in whatever treatment ends up working for you.


need info on side effects - help

Posted by Mrs. M on October 13, 2002, at 22:37:33

In reply to discouraging bunch of mssgs, posted by legallybrunette on September 29, 2002, at 11:30:53

I have been taking effexor for a year. The doctor put me on effexor after I was not able to tolerate several other ADs. It has helped some with the depression and like many others I have just learned to deal with some of the side effects. However, for months I have had problems with severe "head pain". It isn't a headache; I know only to well what a throbbing headache feels like. This is more of an eye pain or a feeling of pressure behind my eyes. Sometimes there is a feeling of pressure in the top of my head - not really like the "brain zaps" some have spoken of. One time I read a message here from someone who used the term "eye headaches". That somewhat describes what I experience. When I brought this up to the doctor, he told me he didn't believe it could be caused by the effexor - it must be some other problem. I don't know what to think. All I know is that I find myself having to live my life around this pain. Has anyone had any similar experiences? Can anyone give me any information? Could this really be a side effect of effexor? Any help would be appreciated.


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by marolync on October 14, 2002, at 10:03:19

In reply to need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 13, 2002, at 22:37:33

I know what you mean about eye headaches, but your doc may be right, that these are not directly attributable to the effexor. It could be that in your previous state of emotional distress, you were not able to feel some physical pains in your body which you can now attend to.
I found that having professional, theraputic massages helped me so much to figure out some things about how I "metabolize" stresses in the muscles of my body. For me, there were a lot of connections between head, eye, jaw, neck, and upper back tensions. For a while, I focused on giving myself gentle massages to my eye sockets, and was stunned to find little hard spots in there which produced exquisite pain when they were first rubbed even gently. Don't try this while driving, I found that when I had been massaging these spots for a while, I couldn't focus that eye for some time! However, while you are driving is a great time to do jaw massage for yourself. I found spots which were unbelievably tight, and when I had been working on them a while to relieve them, there were referred areas of great pain behind my ears, or up into my temples, which sometimes persisted for weeks. It is important to get plently of sleep and drink LOTS of water as you do this.
Finally, if you can find a yoga class which is offering a comprehensive class of more than one hour in length, which includes breathing exercises, warm up asanas, and a full series of postures including inversions and forward and backward bends, RUN, do not walk, to two or three classes a week there. You may find that your hips, or your elbows will open up, thereby making it clear why your shoulders or back also cannot open up, which is why your head is so congested.
I have found that yoga class is really good for some of the withdrawal symptoms, counterintuitive as that may seem. When I am really symptomatic, my headstands are pretty wobbly, and sometimes I skip them. But overall, yoga helps alleviate the side effects.


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Sioux on October 14, 2002, at 11:45:40

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by marolync on October 14, 2002, at 10:03:19

Using Yoga and massage to relieve side effects.

Marilyn, your post was very informative and helpful. Thank you!


Re: need info on side effects - help » Mrs. M

Posted by jannbeau on October 14, 2002, at 12:40:41

In reply to need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 13, 2002, at 22:37:33

>Hi, did your doctor do anything to diagnose the pain? No new pain should go without diagnosis. This pain could very well have nothing to do with the Effexor, but it is not appropriate to assign a psychological cause to undiagnosed pain. If the doctor is a pdoc, this isn't unusual. If it was your PCP or GP, I might consider getting a different doctor.

Good Luck,

I have been taking effexor for a year. The doctor put me on effexor after I was not able to tolerate several other ADs. It has helped some with the depression and like many others I have just learned to deal with some of the side effects. However, for months I have had problems with severe "head pain". It isn't a headache; I know only to well what a throbbing headache feels like. This is more of an eye pain or a feeling of pressure behind my eyes. Sometimes there is a feeling of pressure in the top of my head - not really like the "brain zaps" some have spoken of. One time I read a message here from someone who used the term "eye headaches". That somewhat describes what I experience. When I brought this up to the doctor, he told me he didn't believe it could be caused by the effexor - it must be some other problem. I don't know what to think. All I know is that I find myself having to live my life around this pain. Has anyone had any similar experiences? Can anyone give me any information? Could this really be a side effect of effexor? Any help would be appreciated.


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Noorah on October 14, 2002, at 13:22:15

In reply to need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 13, 2002, at 22:37:33

I had the same reaction to the effexor and I know that it is from the effexor. I have never had such pain before. It is a pressure and heaviness behind the eyes. I had this the first 3 days on effexor and now after 2 weeks on effexor I relatively side effect free. I don't however feel completely relieved of my depression and most certainly not my anxiety.

Don't ever let any doctor tell you it is in your head or just dismiss you. Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion or maybe just a new doctor.


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Mrs. M on October 14, 2002, at 15:34:15

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Noorah on October 14, 2002, at 13:22:15

Thanks so much for informative and supportive responses. I'm sure there is certainly something to be said for the involvement of stress and tension. I am interested to hear that someone has experienced similar head/eye pain, but you said it went away after a few weeks - mine has gone on for months. I am sorry that the effexor has not helped your depression and anxiety. I know how frustrating it can be. The doctor I asked if the effexor could be causing the head pain was a psychiatrist, however I have seen my GP and a ear, nose, and throat specialist. None of them seem to be able to come up with an answer. I see the ear, nose, throat doc again in a couple of weeks. I guess I'll see what happens then. I'm just getting so frustrated and discouraged. No pain relievers or sinus medication give me any relief at all. However, I become concerned at the thought of going off effexor as well when I read all the messages of the horrors of withdrawal.


Re: need info on side effects - help » Mrs. M

Posted by kitkat on October 14, 2002, at 16:18:09

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 14, 2002, at 15:34:15

Good to hear you're seeing an ENT doc...I had the same eye pain and after seeing a specialist and getting a C/T scan it was found that acute chronic sinusitis and an abnormality in one sinus cavity was causing it. I know get to decide whether to get my sinusses scraped & drained or have surgery to correct cavity.

In the meantime, since none of the RX sinus drugs work for me, and only one of the OTC drugs (Actifed and generics thereof), I'm subsisting on those and they do seem to help. I'm also trying to eliminate allergens in my home, tho with 2 cats and a smoker this is easier said than done!

I also got my eyes checked, pretty sure there's more than one eye problem that can cause such pain.

I have friends who suffer from migraines, in a way this type of eye pain sounds like some of their symptoms?

Keep pushing for answers, it sounds like you're on the right track and if everything else is ruled out then it would seem that Effexor could be the culprit.

p.s. I've been on Effexor for 8 years, and once or twice stopped just cause I was tired of being drugged. Maybe I'm the exception, but I didn't have any of the types of symptoms of withdrawal that I read about on this board. My only problem was that my depression returned quickly, so I went back on.


Re: need info on side effects - help » Mrs. M

Posted by jannbeau on October 14, 2002, at 16:27:03

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 14, 2002, at 15:34:15

> Hello, Mrs.M,

Re the "horrors" of going off Effexor: I didn't find tapering off Effexor-XR so very bad. I had few prolems-- some "brain zaps"-the feeling that my brain was moving inside my head at "warp speed" when I changed head positions-is the only way I can describe these "brain zaps"-- and slight nausea for the first day or two with each step-down of the medication. I just tackled the next lower dose as I felt able and if it was too much, I went back up for few days, then tried again. I think it probably took me less than a month to discontinue Effexor.

To determine if Effexor is responsible for your pain, you may find it necessary to stop the med (sometimes just decreasing the dose will stop a side effect while maintaining the therapeutic effect)to know. If the effect goes away when the med is discontinued, the next step may be to "re-challenge" with the medication to see if the effect returns. Sometimes, re-challenge is not feasible; in some instances, even if rechallenge is possible, a patient will not wish to return to the medication. Usually, there is some other med that will work for you without causing intolerable side effects.

Also, have you considered interactions between Effexor and other meds you may be taking, if any?


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Starwatcher on October 14, 2002, at 17:54:12

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help » Mrs. M, posted by jannbeau on October 14, 2002, at 16:27:03

I did something inadvertently this weekend. I took off and went out of town for my ex-sister-in-law's funeral - and forgot to bring most of my meds ( including Effexor) with me! I was without Effexor from Friday - Sunday (37.5 mg. ea. night) I didn't have any withdrawals from what I can tell. Yes, I did wake up with a headache on Saturday morning - but that always happens anyway, and I was able to get rid of it.


Re: need info on side effects - help » Starwatcher

Posted by jannbeau on October 14, 2002, at 18:24:32

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Starwatcher on October 14, 2002, at 17:54:12

> Hi, Starwatcher!

Cool! I'm so glad you didn't get into any difficulty with discontinuation. Maybe that means that, for you, when it comes to stopping, 37.5 will be a do-able dose. Does this make you think perhaps that the brain may have a threshold for the effects of AD's with short half-lives, or all ADs for that matter? Threshold doses might not result in as great a potential for discontinuation syndrome? Does that make sense?


I did something inadvertently this weekend. I took off and went out of town for my ex-sister-in-law's funeral - and forgot to bring most of my meds ( including Effexor) with me! I was without Effexor from Friday - Sunday (37.5 mg. ea. night) I didn't have any withdrawals from what I can tell. Yes, I did wake up with a headache on Saturday morning - but that always happens anyway, and I was able to get rid of it.


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Starwatcher on October 14, 2002, at 19:11:00

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help » Starwatcher, posted by jannbeau on October 14, 2002, at 18:24:32

I'm glad I didn't have any problems, either, Jann! I was just planning on going out of town overnight at the most, and then I decided to stay away longer - and I forgot to put an Effexor in my small purse pill bottle. I thought on such a low dose anyway, it might be an interesting experiment to see if I had any withdrawal symptoms.

I know that it's been stated that Effexor has a short half life in the body - but I seem to have drowsy side effects longer than five hours in the morning sometimes!

I'm sleepy right now...zzzz..zzzz...:)

> > Hi, Starwatcher!
> Cool! I'm so glad you didn't get into any difficulty with discontinuation. Maybe that means that, for you, when it comes to stopping, 37.5 will be a do-able dose. Does this make you think perhaps that the brain may have a threshold for the effects of AD's with short half-lives, or all ADs for that matter? Threshold doses might not result in as great a potential for discontinuation syndrome? Does that make sense?
> Cheers,
> jannbeau
> I did something inadvertently this weekend. I took off and went out of town for my ex-sister-in-law's funeral - and forgot to bring most of my meds ( including Effexor) with me! I was without Effexor from Friday - Sunday (37.5 mg. ea. night) I didn't have any withdrawals from what I can tell. Yes, I did wake up with a headache on Saturday morning - but that always happens anyway, and I was able to get rid of it.


for kwm9999 - Re: help - terrifying side effects

Posted by legallybrunette on October 14, 2002, at 21:29:38

In reply to Re: help - terrifying side effects, posted by kwm9999 on October 8, 2002, at 22:05:11

hi kwm99999999999999999999999...
well, my side-effects stopped, because i stopped
taking the pills that night, *lol*.
i will patiently tolerate nausea, headaches, or
whatever s.effects may be discomforting - but allow
me to feel sane - but when it comes to feeling like
i'm seriously whigging out on some potent, african
jungle-weed.....that's where i draw the line.
call me old or chicken or whatever, but it's just
too scary; especially when my heart feels like it's
about to pound out of my chest & onto the floor.

but - as i understand - everyone is different.
i just happen to be extremely sensitive to
medication; perhaps too much so: i can barely
tolerate tylenol.

my doctor tracked down some antiquated 17.25mg
tablets for me and is encouraging me to take a half
of those for the first week, then upping it to i may give that a go, though i'm not sure
it's worth the worry & potential repeated agony!

i just may stick to squash, yoga, sex and wine to
relieve my sadness for now. :-)

we'll see...:)
(did you start yours?)


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by jflange on October 14, 2002, at 22:17:49

In reply to need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 13, 2002, at 22:37:33

I had the exact same problem (pain behind the eye, somewhat impervious to ibuprofen), and I knew it >had< to be a result of the meds.

After going to the eye doctor to make sure I did not have glaucoma (I didn't), I suspected it might be some kind of med-induced migraine. It feels like a vascular headache localized right behind the eyes. This past summer I began taking calcium and magnesium supplements after reading an article about their deficiency in migraine sufferers. Since then, I have had no more problems with the eye pain. Could be just a coincidence but it is worth a try!


Alternative medicine?

Posted by Sioux on October 14, 2002, at 22:37:50

In reply to for kwm9999 - Re: help - terrifying side effects, posted by legallybrunette on October 14, 2002, at 21:29:38

Legallybrunette said: (did you start yours?)

So I ask: My what, squash, yoga, sex, and wine? The yoga's the only thing I can do alone <G>

So far my taper's doing very well.


Re: need info on side effects - help » Starwatcher

Posted by jannbeau on October 15, 2002, at 9:43:04

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Starwatcher on October 14, 2002, at 19:11:00

>Same here, to the point that I had to add a stimulant to stay awake. That's the major reason I stopped Effexor. I couldn't function, couldn't think! It may have been related to some sort of interaction with some other med that I take. Don't know!


I'm glad I didn't have any problems, either, Jann! I was just planning on going out of town overnight at the most, and then I decided to stay away longer - and I forgot to put an Effexor in my small purse pill bottle. I thought on such a low dose anyway, it might be an interesting experiment to see if I had any withdrawal symptoms.
> I know that it's been stated that Effexor has a short half life in the body - but I seem to have drowsy side effects longer than five hours in the morning sometimes!
> Starwatcher
> I'm sleepy right now...zzzz..zzzz...:)
> > > Hi, Starwatcher!
> >
> > Cool! I'm so glad you didn't get into any difficulty with discontinuation. Maybe that means that, for you, when it comes to stopping, 37.5 will be a do-able dose. Does this make you think perhaps that the brain may have a threshold for the effects of AD's with short half-lives, or all ADs for that matter? Threshold doses might not result in as great a potential for discontinuation syndrome? Does that make sense?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > jannbeau
> >
> > I did something inadvertently this weekend. I took off and went out of town for my ex-sister-in-law's funeral - and forgot to bring most of my meds ( including Effexor) with me! I was without Effexor from Friday - Sunday (37.5 mg. ea. night) I didn't have any withdrawals from what I can tell. Yes, I did wake up with a headache on Saturday morning - but that always happens anyway, and I was able to get rid of it.
> >
> >


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by cab on October 17, 2002, at 10:30:47

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Mrs. M on October 14, 2002, at 15:34:15

Two things relevant to the eye pain/stopping effexor thread, for what they're worth:

1) I've had the behind-the-eye pain on and off my whole life, and the only thing that has worked is flushing my sinuses with warm salt-water once or twice a day (using a "netti-pot" which you can get at a health food store). It's a yoga thing; you basically just tilt your head and pour the salt-water into one nostril and let it flow out the other. I'm not particularly into home remedies, but someone convinced me to try it and it really works. It hasn't completely eliminated the pain, but I get it much less often and it lasts for a shorter period of time -- and I'm no longer taking allergy medication, although I live in the "allergy capitol of the world" (Austin, TX). I don't know if it will work for you, but it might be worth a try -- it doesn't hurt (although it feels a little weird having water go in one nostril and out the other til you get used to it). For me it's now so routine it's like brushing my teeth.

2) If you do decide to go off effexor, it's not necessarily going to be a problem. I was on 37.5mg, and just stopped last week. For a few days I opened the capsule and poured some of the medication out, closed it back up, and took it. Then I stopped completely. I had no withdrawal effects whatsoever. Of course, that's not to say you definitely won't have a problem; I'm just trying to help give a balanced view here -- some people have trouble getting off effexor, and some don't. In any case, one should do it slowly.



Re: need info on side effects - help » cab

Posted by jannbeau on October 17, 2002, at 11:16:40

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by cab on October 17, 2002, at 10:30:47

Hi, Cab!

I, too, live in the "allergy capital" and I, too, do the nasal irrigation thing, per my allergist. Not only have I been able to discontinue most allergy meds or to use them less frequently, but I seem to be getting fewer colds. My husband (who does NOT do the nasal irrigation) is 3 for 3 colds to which we both have been exposed. I, on the other hand, have caught 1 of the 3 and that was when I did NOT do the nasal irrigation thing. My allergist prescribes hypertonic saline buffered with Arm and Hammer baking SODA. He also suggests using a water-pic like instrument to irrigate. The allergy shop on Jefferson Ave in Austin sells a nasal irrigant tip for the Water Pic). Cheap and works like a charm. No morning headaches and I can breathe at night, too.

I also agree that discontinuation syndrome is guaranteed to occur when going off Effexor. I think, like you, that dropping the dose slowly and dividing the capsules will ameliorate these difficulties.

Two things relevant to the eye pain/stopping effexor thread, for what they're worth:
> 1) I've had the behind-the-eye pain on and off my whole life, and the only thing that has worked is flushing my sinuses with warm salt-water once or twice a day (using a "netti-pot" which you can get at a health food store). It's a yoga thing; you basically just tilt your head and pour the salt-water into one nostril and let it flow out the other. I'm not particularly into home remedies, but someone convinced me to try it and it really works. It hasn't completely eliminated the pain, but I get it much less often and it lasts for a shorter period of time -- and I'm no longer taking allergy medication, although I live in the "allergy capitol of the world" (Austin, TX). I don't know if it will work for you, but it might be worth a try -- it doesn't hurt (although it feels a little weird having water go in one nostril and out the other til you get used to it). For me it's now so routine it's like brushing my teeth.
> 2) If you do decide to go off effexor, it's not necessarily going to be a problem. I was on 37.5mg, and just stopped last week. For a few days I opened the capsule and poured some of the medication out, closed it back up, and took it. Then I stopped completely. I had no withdrawal effects whatsoever. Of course, that's not to say you definitely won't have a problem; I'm just trying to help give a balanced view here -- some people have trouble getting off effexor, and some don't. In any case, one should do it slowly.
> cab


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by cab on October 17, 2002, at 11:48:56

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help » cab, posted by jannbeau on October 17, 2002, at 11:16:40

Hi fellow Austinite,
I've had the same experience! No colds, even when my non-nasal-irrigating husband gets them! I don't use baking soda, though; I wonder what that's adds to the saline. Anyway, if you want to talk more about this or any Austin-related stuff, you can email me at
Have a good day,

> Hi, Cab!
> I, too, live in the "allergy capital" and I, too, do the nasal irrigation thing, per my allergist. Not only have I been able to discontinue most allergy meds or to use them less frequently, but I seem to be getting fewer colds. My husband (who does NOT do the nasal irrigation) is 3 for 3 colds to which we both have been exposed. I, on the other hand, have caught 1 of the 3 and that was when I did NOT do the nasal irrigation thing. My allergist prescribes hypertonic saline buffered with Arm and Hammer baking SODA. He also suggests using a water-pic like instrument to irrigate. The allergy shop on Jefferson Ave in Austin sells a nasal irrigant tip for the Water Pic). Cheap and works like a charm. No morning headaches and I can breathe at night, too.
> I also agree that discontinuation syndrome is guaranteed to occur when going off Effexor. I think, like you, that dropping the dose slowly and dividing the capsules will ameliorate these difficulties.
> Cheers,
> jannbeau
> Two things relevant to the eye pain/stopping effexor thread, for what they're worth:
> >
> > 1) I've had the behind-the-eye pain on and off my whole life, and the only thing that has worked is flushing my sinuses with warm salt-water once or twice a day (using a "netti-pot" which you can get at a health food store). It's a yoga thing; you basically just tilt your head and pour the salt-water into one nostril and let it flow out the other. I'm not particularly into home remedies, but someone convinced me to try it and it really works. It hasn't completely eliminated the pain, but I get it much less often and it lasts for a shorter period of time -- and I'm no longer taking allergy medication, although I live in the "allergy capitol of the world" (Austin, TX). I don't know if it will work for you, but it might be worth a try -- it doesn't hurt (although it feels a little weird having water go in one nostril and out the other til you get used to it). For me it's now so routine it's like brushing my teeth.
> >
> > 2) If you do decide to go off effexor, it's not necessarily going to be a problem. I was on 37.5mg, and just stopped last week. For a few days I opened the capsule and poured some of the medication out, closed it back up, and took it. Then I stopped completely. I had no withdrawal effects whatsoever. Of course, that's not to say you definitely won't have a problem; I'm just trying to help give a balanced view here -- some people have trouble getting off effexor, and some don't. In any case, one should do it slowly.
> >
> > cab


Re: need info on side effects - help » cab

Posted by jannbeau on October 17, 2002, at 12:03:04

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by cab on October 17, 2002, at 11:48:56

> Hello, Cab: Thanks, I'll contact you via email.

BTW, I meant to say in the last paragraph of my post that "discontinuation syndrome is NOT guaranteed when coming off Effexor." I had few if any problems tapering off the med. Sorry if I confused anyone.


Hi fellow Austinite,
> I've had the same experience! No colds, even when my non-nasal-irrigating husband gets them! I don't use baking soda, though; I wonder what that's adds to the saline. Anyway, if you want to talk more about this or any Austin-related stuff, you can email me at
> Have a good day,
> cab
> > Hi, Cab!
> >
> > I, too, live in the "allergy capital" and I, too, do the nasal irrigation thing, per my allergist. Not only have I been able to discontinue most allergy meds or to use them less frequently, but I seem to be getting fewer colds. My husband (who does NOT do the nasal irrigation) is 3 for 3 colds to which we both have been exposed. I, on the other hand, have caught 1 of the 3 and that was when I did NOT do the nasal irrigation thing. My allergist prescribes hypertonic saline buffered with Arm and Hammer baking SODA. He also suggests using a water-pic like instrument to irrigate. The allergy shop on Jefferson Ave in Austin sells a nasal irrigant tip for the Water Pic). Cheap and works like a charm. No morning headaches and I can breathe at night, too.
> >
> > I also agree that discontinuation syndrome is guaranteed to occur when going off Effexor. I think, like you, that dropping the dose slowly and dividing the capsules will ameliorate these difficulties.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > jannbeau
> > Two things relevant to the eye pain/stopping effexor thread, for what they're worth:
> > >
> > > 1) I've had the behind-the-eye pain on and off my whole life, and the only thing that has worked is flushing my sinuses with warm salt-water once or twice a day (using a "netti-pot" which you can get at a health food store). It's a yoga thing; you basically just tilt your head and pour the salt-water into one nostril and let it flow out the other. I'm not particularly into home remedies, but someone convinced me to try it and it really works. It hasn't completely eliminated the pain, but I get it much less often and it lasts for a shorter period of time -- and I'm no longer taking allergy medication, although I live in the "allergy capitol of the world" (Austin, TX). I don't know if it will work for you, but it might be worth a try -- it doesn't hurt (although it feels a little weird having water go in one nostril and out the other til you get used to it). For me it's now so routine it's like brushing my teeth.
> > >
> > > 2) If you do decide to go off effexor, it's not necessarily going to be a problem. I was on 37.5mg, and just stopped last week. For a few days I opened the capsule and poured some of the medication out, closed it back up, and took it. Then I stopped completely. I had no withdrawal effects whatsoever. Of course, that's not to say you definitely won't have a problem; I'm just trying to help give a balanced view here -- some people have trouble getting off effexor, and some don't. In any case, one should do it slowly.
> > >
> > > cab
> >
> >


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Starwatcher on October 17, 2002, at 16:39:50

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help » cab, posted by jannbeau on October 17, 2002, at 12:03:04

I hope this doesn't post twice - 'cuz I tried posting it before, but I don't think I followed through all the way.

My allergy doc turned me on to a sinus rinsing device. it's called "Nel-Med" and it's manufactured in Santa Rosa, Ca. It's a plastic bottle with a tube in it and a cap with a hole. It comes with pre-mixed and pre-measured small foil packs of a baking soda and saline solution. You put it into the bottle and add either warm or cool water - the choice is yours - and squirt it up your nostrils, and it rinses them out. I do it in the shower or over the sink. It's really good if you've been somewhere dusty or dirty. Also good for easing sinus headaches!


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by jannbeau on October 17, 2002, at 16:49:09

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by Starwatcher on October 17, 2002, at 16:39:50

>Hi, Starwatcher: Amazing--we're ALL irrigating!!! Is the device you describe expensive? Once you have the Water Pic and the special tip, the cost is minimal for supplies in the process I use.

Hum, I wonder if this conversation qualifies as "medication?" Guess we could refer to the rx as NaCL and NaHCO3; salt and baking soda in these concentrations are definitely not condiments!


I hope this doesn't post twice - 'cuz I tried posting it before, but I don't think I followed through all the way.
> My allergy doc turned me on to a sinus rinsing device. it's called "Nel-Med" and it's manufactured in Santa Rosa, Ca. It's a plastic bottle with a tube in it and a cap with a hole. It comes with pre-mixed and pre-measured small foil packs of a baking soda and saline solution. You put it into the bottle and add either warm or cool water - the choice is yours - and squirt it up your nostrils, and it rinses them out. I do it in the shower or over the sink. It's really good if you've been somewhere dusty or dirty. Also good for easing sinus headaches!


Re: for kwm9999 - Re: help - terrifying side effects

Posted by kwm9999 on October 17, 2002, at 20:23:14

In reply to for kwm9999 - Re: help - terrifying side effects, posted by legallybrunette on October 14, 2002, at 21:29:38

Yeah, I started taking it.....not too bad but has made me VERY drowsy (yawn..) I feel like an old man. Maybe I should try the wine and sex, too...

Did you start on the 17.5mg pills? let me know how it's going


Re: need info on side effects - help

Posted by Starwatcher on October 17, 2002, at 21:52:50

In reply to Re: need info on side effects - help, posted by jannbeau on October 17, 2002, at 16:49:09

Hi, jann! No, the device I use costs at most $20, and refill foil packs that seem to last quite awhile cost $11. Here's the link below for anyone that's interested in possibly using it:

I won't ever go back to not doing it again. The warm water feels good and clears my head out so I can breathe better!

> >Hi, Starwatcher: Amazing--we're ALL irrigating!!! Is the device you describe expensive? Once you have the Water Pic and the special tip, the cost is minimal for supplies in the process I use.
> Hum, I wonder if this conversation qualifies as "medication?" Guess we could refer to the rx as NaCL and NaHCO3; salt and baking soda in these concentrations are definitely not condiments!
> Cheers,
> jannbeau
> I hope this doesn't post twice - 'cuz I tried posting it before, but I don't think I followed through all the way.
> >
> > My allergy doc turned me on to a sinus rinsing device. it's called "Nel-Med" and it's manufactured in Santa Rosa, Ca. It's a plastic bottle with a tube in it and a cap with a hole. It comes with pre-mixed and pre-measured small foil packs of a baking soda and saline solution. You put it into the bottle and add either warm or cool water - the choice is yours - and squirt it up your nostrils, and it rinses them out. I do it in the shower or over the sink. It's really good if you've been somewhere dusty or dirty. Also good for easing sinus headaches!
> >

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