Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Some good news for a change...

Posted by Collier on June 12, 2002, at 15:38:02

In reply to Re: Some good news for a change... » Butterfly, posted by angeltalena on June 11, 2002, at 11:32:31

WOW.. Is really all I can say.. I was just messing around the net, typed in Effexor and found this chat group.. Wonderfull.. I've been on Effexor now for about 6-7 months.. Gradually moved to the average dose.. (The Red pills) and I'm doing great.. Within those six months I have lost my father, had brain surgery, and just started my divorce.. So tough times to say the least, but you know what everything happens for a reason and I can deal with it without that pain in my chest from the anxiety, and without those bouts with depression.. It's just so incredibly wonderfull.. I've never really had any side effects other than getting better.. I always take it with food, and never felt any nausea.. If anyone out there is in need of some help and reading this, I wholeheartedly encourage you to try it.. It took me about 2 months to start, simply because of my preconcieved notions of taking an anti-depressant. But I am so very glad I did..


Re: Some good news for a change...

Posted by angeltalena on June 12, 2002, at 15:49:35

In reply to Re: Some good news for a change..., posted by Collier on June 12, 2002, at 15:38:02

Thank you so much, Collier. This is the kind of response that helps so much. I feel better just hearing good reports. There are far too many scary ones out there but I think the ones that have bad reports can find another type of pill that will help them if this one doesn't.




Posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 18:10:09

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? YES! , posted by Shel on July 18, 2000, at 1:35:45


I have been on almost all of the SSRI's and had to discontinue them because they have caused me extreme hypersomnia (sleepyness.) I tried choripramime (sp?) which also had this effect. Now I am on Effexor XR (for about a week and a half) and have the same effect. Does anyone else have this problem? It never went away with the other meds, any chance it wil subside with this one?

Thank you


Re: Hypersomnia » glacon

Posted by LynnPerley on June 12, 2002, at 19:16:01

In reply to Hypersomnia , posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 18:10:09

What dose are you on? What time of day do you take it? I found that this side effect imroved when I started taking it at night, after I was already sleepy, at bedtime. It took about 4 weeks of being on 150 mg before it improved for me.


Re: Some good news for a change... » Collier

Posted by LynnPerley on June 12, 2002, at 19:23:50

In reply to Re: Some good news for a change..., posted by Collier on June 12, 2002, at 15:38:02

I also have had a good experience so far. I liked Prozac better, but the side effects were worse. I see the doc Friday for a review. Not sure if he will suggest increasing the dose or not.

One caution - do NOT forget a dose of this medicine. I take it at bedtime now and apparently I forgot to take it one night. I started getting a headache about 12 hours after my usual dose time, and by 18 hours after the usual dose time I had one of the worst headaches, ever, was nauseous, etc. I suddenly realized I may have forgotten the previous dose, so I took a dose and the headache went away. I guess this is what sudden withdrawal would be like.

I think most of the negative posts here about Effexor XR have to do with withdrawal symptoms. When I do go off it I will ask for some Prozac as so many have recommended. I can tolerate the Prozac side effect I had (bruxism) but I cannot tolerate those kind of headaches!


Re: Hypersomnia

Posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 22:15:03

In reply to Re: Hypersomnia » glacon, posted by LynnPerley on June 12, 2002, at 19:16:01

This is my third day at 75mg in the morning every day. Last week I was on 37.5mg a day also in the morning.

I tried taking the other SSRI's and tricyclics in the evening to see if it lessened the effects, and it never did.

thank you


Re: Hypersomnia

Posted by mara talamaur on June 13, 2002, at 1:27:04

In reply to Hypersomnia , posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 18:10:09


and how long did you give each of your past medications before trying the next? Sometimes your body can be wierd about adjusting to steady-state levels of an anti-depressent. However, the clomipramine is a tri-cyclic antidepressent, which are known for their sedative activity.




Re: Hypersomnia

Posted by mara talamaur on June 13, 2002, at 1:39:56

In reply to Re: Hypersomnia, posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 22:15:03


> This is my third day at 75mg in the morning >every day. Last week I was on 37.5mg a day >also in the morning.

and so there you go! Although the length of time you've been on Effexor may not be the only factor, you certainly haven't give the medication the time it needs to really begin treating your probable main reason for taking it! It can take many weeks for the side effects to level off or completely disappear and since you just increased your doseage, you're probably going to have to wait for your body to react to this new dose in a positive way.

Try to compensate for the sleepiness by not allowing yourself to stay in bed all day or finding some amusing activity if you begin to feel tired at an odd time of the day. If I begin to get sleepy mid-day, I try to take a trip to the gym as soon as possible...getting your heart pumping is a real energizer.

Good luck! And give it some time....



p.s. and even though I said clomipramine (anafranil) is a TCA, it's structually similar but I think it also works on serotonin reuptake and norepinephrine uptake which I don't think other TCAs do, but I could be wrong about that. =)


New to taking Effexor

Posted by JessieLynn on June 13, 2002, at 12:13:43

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14


I have just started taking Effexor XR going on 5 weeks now.
I seemed to have fallen into a depression and anxiety state a few months ago. I have never been through anything like this before so it is really hard for me to describe.
I have read all of your posts for the past couple of years - and I must say A LOT of them scare me.
I have so far had no side effects from this drug other than being really drowzy and lack of appetite. It scares me to think that everybody taking this drug WILL gain weight! Is this true? I am currently not overweight - I am 115 pounds normally but have since dropped down to 105 - because of my lack of appetite.
I have not realy felt to much of a change other than being really angry at my finace - I feel so good about putting him down - which is not like me at all.
Does anybody else have these feelings as well?
Any help would be appreciated.


Re: New to taking Effexor

Posted by Collier on June 13, 2002, at 12:37:25

In reply to New to taking Effexor, posted by JessieLynn on June 13, 2002, at 12:13:43

Wow again... There are no absolutes.. Everyone reacts differently.. I guess I have a couple points.. First talk to your doctor about these things, were just a bunch of laymans.. But never just stop these medications.. It's horrible, you have to step down, no cold turkey, you'll feel like a train hit you, backed up and hit you again for about a week or two if you stop cold turkey.. If you wind it down, taking progressively smaller doses things will be fine.. As to gaining weight or losing your appetite? I've not suffered anything like that.. In fact I am a male 6'2", just over 200 lbs, with very little body fat.. And the reason is that I don't have that anxiety over being in the gym and having to get done in a certain amount of time, or the anxiety around other people.. It's wonderfull, absolutley wonderfull, I think I'm in the best shape of my life.. I sleep better, eat better, and really like myself.. It's crazy how good this stuff is.. I feel like I should be paid for these ads!! But this is close to a miracle drug for me.. It's wonderfull, I really don't see a downside, unless theirs some long term health effects... And you know what, if you are getting some adverse affects to your medication, try something else.. And you'll find that medication that fits your brain.. The doctors don't know, they can just try something else until you tell them that you're fine.. Just keep hammering away, because it's just so good on the other side..


Re: New to taking Effexor » JessieLynn

Posted by jannbeau on June 13, 2002, at 12:41:55

In reply to New to taking Effexor, posted by JessieLynn on June 13, 2002, at 12:13:43

>Jessie Lynne, Since I am neither a physician nor a neuroscientist, anything I say here is merely an opinion or a thought meant to help and is NOT to be taken as the gospel truth about drug effects.

Not everyone who takes this medication will gain weight. Looks like you are amongst those who might lose weight, whether you need to or not or who might maintain after an initial period of anorexia. The drowsiness is very likely a side-effect of Effexor (assuming that's the only thing you are taking) and may go away, as might the appetite suppression-or one or both side effects may continue.

The anger you are feeling could possibly result from a drug-mediated (Effexor, again assuming this is your only med) disinhibition of the normally inhibitory neurotransmitter systems in the brain that exert control over feelings and allow us to inhibit any behaviors. These effects may be dose-related and may cease with adjustments in dosage (the dose-effect curve may NOT be linear) or with your understanding and increased vigilence over your behavior since you know it is destructive. I had this happen with Prozac; basically could NOT control my emotions at all while on that medication. If you are receiving psychotherapy, these feelings may result from the things you are discovering about yourself and your relationship with your fiance, as well. If you are not in therapy, perhaps this would be something you would wish to consider, especially if your relationships are suffering, for whatever reason.


> I have just started taking Effexor XR going on 5 weeks now.
> I seemed to have fallen into a depression and anxiety state a few months ago. I have never been through anything like this before so it is really hard for me to describe.
> I have read all of your posts for the past couple of years - and I must say A LOT of them scare me.
> I have so far had no side effects from this drug other than being really drowzy and lack of appetite. It scares me to think that everybody taking this drug WILL gain weight! Is this true? I am currently not overweight - I am 115 pounds normally but have since dropped down to 105 - because of my lack of appetite.
> I have not realy felt to much of a change other than being really angry at my finace - I feel so good about putting him down - which is not like me at all.
> Does anybody else have these feelings as well?
> Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Hypersomnia

Posted by sly on June 13, 2002, at 12:51:50

In reply to Hypersomnia , posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 18:10:09

I had the exact same problem, but around week 5 I started to see and feel a major difference, now I'm sleeping normally and have more energy. Exercising in the afternoon also helps keep me energized.


Re: New to taking Effexor » JessieLynn

Posted by LynnPerley on June 13, 2002, at 16:34:23

In reply to New to taking Effexor, posted by JessieLynn on June 13, 2002, at 12:13:43

I have gained a few pounds but I attribute it to lack of exercise, not the medication.


Re: New to taking Effexor

Posted by lyuba on June 13, 2002, at 16:48:51

In reply to Re: New to taking Effexor » JessieLynn, posted by LynnPerley on June 13, 2002, at 16:34:23

I'm into week 5 now at 150mg., and this morning I was waiting for the toaster at work, so I could eat before taking my next dose, when it occurred to me that I felt good. I was on Prozac for a while years ago, and stopped taking it because I was feeling nothing. I like this feeling. My body seems to be making the adjustments to the dose, and my stomach is settling down. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


Re: Hypersomnia

Posted by glacon on June 13, 2002, at 20:38:03

In reply to Re: Hypersomnia , posted by mara talamaur on June 13, 2002, at 1:27:04

I was on Prozac for over a year. I was on Paxil for about 6 months. I did not stay on the other medications as long as these once the hypersomnia started up, but long enough to give it a chance to ware off.

thank you

> Greetings,
> and how long did you give each of your past medications before trying the next? Sometimes your body can be wierd about adjusting to steady-state levels of an anti-depressent. However, the clomipramine is a tri-cyclic antidepressent, which are known for their sedative activity.
> Cheers,
> Mara


Re: New to taking Effexor

Posted by supergirl on June 13, 2002, at 21:24:41

In reply to New to taking Effexor, posted by JessieLynn on June 13, 2002, at 12:13:43

Sounds like you shouldn't worry about gaining weight, some might be good for you :). As long as you have a lack of appetite, you probably won't gain anything. I am around the same weight, I only gained 10 pounds from Effexor which has all come off since decreasing and discontinuing it this last month. I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about it, but if you feel it becomes an issue, talk to your doctor.



I was also pro-Effexor XR... til now... » spu

Posted by SandraDee on June 15, 2002, at 23:23:20

In reply to Some good news for a change..., posted by spu on June 11, 2002, at 5:29:43

I have been off Effexor for almost a week now. I was really doing well on it... much less anxious and snappy... just all 'round much better attitude... don't even remember crying on it... was on it for 3-4 weeks, and now I'm off. I ran out. Right in the middle of moving to our new house. I'm a wreck. I was only on 75mg a day. I feel the zapping everyone talks about, and the depression and the laziness/tired feeling.
I was happy on it as you said, but good luck getting off of it. I didn't wean off, wish I would have.


Re: I was also pro-Effexor XR... til now...

Posted by angeltalena on June 16, 2002, at 5:06:13

In reply to I was also pro-Effexor XR... til now... » spu, posted by SandraDee on June 15, 2002, at 23:23:20

Call your old doctor and get another refill until you can find a new one where you are now. I did that when I moved from one state to the other and it worked fine. I did that for about 3 months till I got settled in. If you were feeling that well, no reason to go off.


> I have been off Effexor for almost a week now. I was really doing well on it... much less anxious and snappy... just all 'round much better attitude... don't even remember crying on it... was on it for 3-4 weeks, and now I'm off. I ran out. Right in the middle of moving to our new house. I'm a wreck. I was only on 75mg a day. I feel the zapping everyone talks about, and the depression and the laziness/tired feeling.
> I was happy on it as you said, but good luck getting off of it. I didn't wean off, wish I would have.


Don't wanna do it again... » angeltalena

Posted by SandraDee on June 16, 2002, at 10:38:48

In reply to Re: I was also pro-Effexor XR... til now..., posted by angeltalena on June 16, 2002, at 5:06:13

I think I'm going to try it off of it for a while, instead of going through the dry mouth and nausea all over again. I've been off of it for a week now, and since I was only on 75mg things are settling down a bit. I'd also like to try to get more exercise and eat better... maybe take some vitamins. I'm not that bad off normally... things were just very stressful for us (buying a home/moving into it two months later, after playing an incredible waiting game with the people that used to own it that couldn't find a place of their own... and we have 2 kids under 3 that I stay home with full time.) No wonder I'm stressed/anxious. :) My depression has lifted a bit and I no longer want to just die in my sleep.


Re: Hypersomnia » glacon

Posted by Yasmeen on June 17, 2002, at 9:16:47

In reply to Hypersomnia , posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 18:10:09


I have been taking EffexorXR for about 3 years now. I swing from sleepy to insomnia. My recommendation is that, you change the time of day that you take it. If you get sleepy, take it about 1 - 2 hours before going to bed. You SHOULD wake up in the morning feeling refreshed.
Now, if you already do that, sorry, I don't know what else to tell you.


> Hello,
> I have been on almost all of the SSRI's and had to discontinue them because they have caused me extreme hypersomnia (sleepyness.) I tried choripramime (sp?) which also had this effect. Now I am on Effexor XR (for about a week and a half) and have the same effect. Does anyone else have this problem? It never went away with the other meds, any chance it wil subside with this one?
> Thank you


Re: Hypersomnia

Posted by Denise528 on June 17, 2002, at 10:35:08

In reply to Hypersomnia , posted by glacon on June 12, 2002, at 18:10:09


This time round, I have tried prozac, seroxat, prothiaden, this time round they made me go loopy, really suicidal and agitated. I too am now trying Effexor and although it is relaxing me, I am also experiencing Hypersomnia, going to the gym has not helped. I feel drowsy in the morning and then that passes and I feel flat and depressed.

I have taken SSRIs in the past (4 years ago), they worked wonderfully then and although I experienced some initial drowsiness, I would sleep it off and wake up feeling energised and felt the depression had lifted, this is definately not happening this time. I like you am not sure whether or not to keep on going with this drug. I believe from my own personal experience that if you are going to get any relief from a drug then you will start feeling the effects after two weeks but I doubt if others will agree.



Effexor and Me =)

Posted by ¥ã£ér|é on June 17, 2002, at 16:23:43

In reply to Re: Hypersomnia , posted by Denise528 on June 17, 2002, at 10:35:08

Hi .. this is the first time I have posted to this thread, although it has been a great source of information since my introduction to Effexor XR almost 2 years ago. I started on the 37.5 for anxiety symptoms, slowly increased to 75 mg over about 6 months. Tried to wean off about 10 months into the program (just felt I didnt need it any more), Withdrawls were horrible, the most prevalant was the "eye shocks" or "eye seizures" I experienced. Took me off of work for 3 days. After about 5 days of withdrawl symptoms, I was on "top" of the world !!! OMG I never felt so good in my life !! .. that euphoria lasted for a total of 2 weeks .. I began having small anxiety attacks again, and unfortunatly had to return to the medication. But it was okay with me, Effexor XR has done wonders for my life. I can think again clearly and make informed decisions. I am now on 150 mg a day and am doing very well. I have no desire to come off this med, for fear that I will loose the ground which I have gained. Although today was interesting, and I will share this experience with my doctor. I suddenly developed "eye shocks/seizures" out of the blue. I was brought home from work roughly 15 minutes of being there, I could not focus my vision and couldnt move suddenly, dizziness was pretty severe. Its been a couple of hours now since I came home from work, my eyes are a little sore, but the dizziness is completely gone. The only thing I can attribute to this is that I did miss my dosage yesterday, but I have missed dosages before and never had this reaction. I am sharing this information to all who are either veterans of Effexor or new to the drug. I will not change medications, nor have I tried any other anti-depressant. Effexor works well for me and if there are a few inconveinences once in a while.. I'll live with it. Take care everyone, and thank you for being there when I needed you most !!


Re: Effexor - Exercise - Better Experience

Posted by livingghost on June 17, 2002, at 19:51:23

In reply to Re: Effexor - Exercise - Better Experience » gare, posted by Reneb on May 21, 2002, at 15:06:39

> > > > Whatever I said before--I changed my mind. I started Effexor XR 37.5 at the end of March. The first 4 weeks were very good, increased energy and pain relief. A few regular swimmers even commented on my stroke. Then, I experienced a dramatic decrease in pain relief and energy, which was replaced by a sense of calm, causing 10 days of depression. I shook myself out of that convincing myself that I had at least held on to a portion of the pain relief, plus I did feel less aggravated by my whole "pain, poverty and filth" situation. But then the CALM just kept on coming, until I realized that I had been unable to do anything all week. Most of my time from Sun.-Thurs. had been spent lounging on the couch. The problem was that I didn't feel bad or tired, I actually felt very awake and alert--I thought that I was just being lazy, I felt good, I just had no energy for physical movement. On Friday I felt weak and dizzy upon getting out of bed--But I didn't feel bad. I went straight to the couch, then back to bed, then I decided that I had had enough of that Effexor and made the decision to discontinue. I spent the day on the couch,I went to the pool in the evening and sat in the car for 45 minutes before I could face that pool. I could not finish my normal 15 minute workout and became dizzy and weak. In the shower my hand passed over my heart and it was racing. My pulse was 120 and the paramedics were called. My blood pressure was 136 the first time that they took it and 126 the second time they took it after they had given me oxygen for a minute or two (normally 110 is high for me). I'm finished with Effexor, unless I need to take some to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
> > >
> > >
> > > Boy, I understand what you are saying! I exercise everyday. In the spring I increase my exercise to get ready for the races. I love to run!! I couldn't believe the difference it made being on effexor. It would take everything I had to run what I used to run with ease. My friends were really concerned because they couldn't believe that my energy level had fallen so much. I too decided that was enough. I wein myself off which took at least 2 months. I am so glad to be rid of that stuff.
> > >
> > > Renee
> >
> > Hi Renee...I think you replied to one of my post's before. I, too, am a jogger - maybe not fast like you, and do yoga, and during the first eight weeks on Effexor XR, I didn't have any motivation to do much of anything even though I didn't lose my desire.
> >
> > As I mentioned before, I was taking Effexor XR at 6 pm in the evening and it's made a world of a difference taking it at 2 pm.
> >
> > I am still at 2 pm with great results.
> >
> > I have been back on my yoga routine and built up to my regular 1 hour jog this Sunday.
> >
> > I don't have zaps in energy and I don't claim that Effexor XR gives me the boost either but I feel that I am able to do all my activities that I loved to do before.
> >
> > Now if I could only write my book!
> >
> > Did you ever try adjusting the time you took Effexor XR?
> >
> > Has anyone else adjusted the time and found their best time to take Effexor XR?
> >
> > Gare
> Hi Gare, No I didn't try doing that. I was on 300mg of effexor. I was taking 150mg in the morning and 150mg in the afternoon/evening time. I just think that it was to much for my system. I did work on my depression..almost too good. I wasn't feeling anything and that's not good either. I just started taking a yoga class. I couldn't believe how unflexible I am. It's all those years of running and biking and not enough stretching. I am going to continue the yoga. I thought it was great!!! what kind of yoga do you do?
> Renee

Everyone sleepy on Effexor,

Sorry if you've read something similar to this before, I put it in the wrong thread by accident because this is my first posting.

I take 275/day for the last couple of years.

Unfortunately, I also have what others in this chat room have called hypersomnia (I think) and I think it is because of effexor, in which I'm tired most of the time and sleep so much that it seriously hinders my career and relationships. I'm so tired during the day, sometimes, which is a real bummer because as a child I was more hyper than anyone else. I feel so helpless sometimes because my bouts of tirdeness makes me depend so much on the ones I love, when inside I'm such an independant person. Until I found this site today, I've been thinking that maybe my boyfriend was right and I'm just lazy, but I never see others struggle with sleeping, tiredness, and sleep patterns the way I do. Now I feel better, I think effexor may be the cause.

Excercise actually helps me counter this effect, a bit; and has been close (but not near close enough) to a natural help for depression pre-effexor.

I wonder, however, if the sleepiness is not just a part of the depression that was never cured; after all, depression made me this way.

As I look back at about the first year I took effexor, I remember that I didn't have a problem with sleeping; but I had bad temper problems instead that got me into trouble. Once I took a more easy-going attitude (upset by the trouble I caused), the sleepiness began.

It's amazing to me how different all of our experiences are with similar drugs.


Re: Effexor - Exercise - Better Experience

Posted by coyote on June 18, 2002, at 11:44:12

In reply to Re: Effexor - Exercise - Better Experience, posted by livingghost on June 17, 2002, at 19:51:23

I had extreme lassitude while on 300mg of effexor xr. I find zoloft much easier to be active on.


Effexor - Changed my life!

Posted by Luann on June 19, 2002, at 17:00:48

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I have had tremendous results from Effexor (150mg). It has literally changed my life for the better! Although I suffer side effects of insomnia at night and fatigue during the day, it is a fair trade off for the quality of life which has improved drastically. I hope others feel the same!

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