Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: Day four effexor free for me

Posted by sue doe on March 6, 2002, at 22:15:29

In reply to Re: Day four effexor free for me » sue doe, posted by Reneeb on March 6, 2002, at 21:26:24

ReneeB: Thanks for the encouragement. I have been a bit dizzy occasionally, but I've also had viruses which have made me dizzy. If I had pneumonia I would accept the need to stay in bed for a while. Why not now? The problem is that most people can't understand "mental storms." It is easier for them to find fault of character.
I just need to remember people like Handel. When I studied music in college I was told he was on drugs when he wrote the Halleluia chorus. Later I read that he claimed to have seen "heaven open before him." Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for him to explain his "mood". Now I am told he suffered from manic-depressive disorder. Just think, with effexor the world may have never heard the Halleluia chorus!
I'm not Handel, but you know what, if I'm a little "wierd" people are just goin' to have to deal with me. Did you know that I sometimes laugh to myself in a loud jovial laugh without making a sound. I can even keep a straight face. The laugh is in my mind. Try it when the going gets rough! Oh well, here ends day four.


Re: Effexor - withdrawal update » dot

Posted by Reneeb on March 7, 2002, at 15:21:40

In reply to Re: Effexor - withdrawal update, posted by dot on March 6, 2002, at 21:37:16

> > > > Hi Dot, I thought effexor worked great until I noticed I gained 10 pounds. We were all told that effexor didn't put weight on you??? I am also on wellbutrin and I like that a lot seems to give me more energy. I went back on my dose of 37.5 and when I see my doc on friday I am going to ask him if he could put me on something else so the withdrawals aren't so bad. I have read many post where people were successful doing it this way. Let me know what you doc says I will be interested to hear what advice he gives you.
> >
> > Take Care,
> >
> > Renee
> i didn't notice any weight gain with effexor, if anything i lost a bit of weight since i didn't really feel as hungry anymore. i was worried it would make me lose a lot of weight since that is what happened when i tried prozac. i stopped eating for over a month before i had to stop taking it.
> i think trying another med to help you ease off the effexor is a good idea. i am feeling ok now but wouldn't recommend cold turkey to my worst enemy. i stopped taking the dramamine today to see how i felt and i was ok, just a bit dizzy but it isn't interfering with work and i feel like i could drive a car now.
> i told the doctor that i was going to wait a few weeks to decide if i was going to start another med. the idea of having a sex life again is pretty tempting so i might just try to go without anything and see if i get depressed again...
> i'll keep you posted on futher developments.
> thanx, dot

Hi Dot, Since I have lowered my dose of effexor and use a higher dose of wellbutrin, my sexual drive has gone crazy!! I love it...LOL



effexor/focalin (ritalin) combo?

Posted by broadville on March 7, 2002, at 17:44:39

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I am on Effexor XR (150mg) but was always SLEEPY--Effexor helped the depression but I found I had no motivation and just wanted to sleep all day long while the kids were at school at husband at work.

I told my new doctor this yesterday and he started me on something called Focalin which is a pure form of Ritalin--has anyone ever tried this combo either Effexor and Focalin or Effexor and Ritalin? If so could you please tell me if this helped with the fatigue?



Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage? » gurl

Posted by Reneeb on March 7, 2002, at 21:21:53

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by gurl on March 7, 2002, at 15:54:57

> > Hi
> > I am still on EffexorXR @ 75mgs twice a day.
> > Have less anorexia than I did. :( But am also on
> > Remeron at 45mgs at nite. I am eating like a pig!
> > Sleeping a *little* better- only a little.
> > Sweating Just as Much. I thought these 2
> > drugs were supposed to counteract each others'
> > weaknesses.
> > I get jumpy,especially with chocolate.Klonipin
> > helps.In spite of these side effects:I FEEL BETTER
> > !!!
> > The Remeron-Effexor duo has to be commended at
> > least as far as *feeling* better. I think
> > I'll stay on them a while and enjoy the ride
> > a little, and hope the less desirable effects
> > fade further into the background:?) Keeping
> > fingers crossed.(for all of us)Watch- for me the
> > worst side effects will probably be doubled!
> > LOL!
> >
> > lg

Hi, I am so glad to hear that you are doing well. I haven't heard of your combo. Please keep us informed on how it is working for you.

Good Luck,



Re: Trying to get off Effexor

Posted by RIgirl on March 7, 2002, at 23:52:56

In reply to Re: Trying to get off Effexor » RIgirl, posted by Reneeb on March 5, 2002, at 18:14:59

It's definitely better than the first few days when the nausea and dizziness was unbearable, but still have some weird things going on. I'm having a horrible time falling asleep and night sweats once I do. The frequency of panic attacks is much greater than before I went on it, but I'm not ready to consider that among the withdrawel symptoms yet.
This sucks, huh?


Re: effexor/focalin (ritalin) combo? » broadville

Posted by JANNBEAU on March 8, 2002, at 11:09:02

In reply to effexor/focalin (ritalin) combo?, posted by broadville on March 7, 2002, at 17:44:39

> I experienced the same horrible side-effect with Effexor as I increased my dose to 150 mg. I found myself staring dumbly at my computer screen all day - simply could not think - and I work full time. This was funny, too, because when I first started Effexor, I couldn't sleep.

I discussed the somnolence with my doc, who prescribed Welbutrin. After I read the product insert for Welbutrin, I decided I was afraid of the possibility of seizures with Welbutrin, so my doc Rx'd phentermine, an appetite suppressant that has stimulant effects. It works very, very well at quite low doses (15 mg 1 to 2 times per day). I am back to my "normal" function most of the time.

Sometimes a stimulant can make you "hyper." If this happens to you, perhaps your doc would ok a lower dose or a divided dose.

Take care. Good luck with your meds.



P.S. I've noticed a couple of other phenomena with Effexor, too. One thing is that I cannot take an over the counter antihistamine like Benadryl or Chlortrimeton with the Effexor or I am really wiped out! Also, I have to be careful to keep my phentermine dose as low as possible or I find myself acting stereotypically.


I am on Effexor XR (150mg) but was always SLEEPY--Effexor helped the depression but I found I had no motivation and just wanted to sleep all day long while the kids were at school at husband at work.
> I told my new doctor this yesterday and he started me on something called Focalin which is a pure form of Ritalin--has anyone ever tried this combo either Effexor and Focalin or Effexor and Ritalin? If so could you please tell me if this helped with the fatigue?
> Thanks


I'm soooooo depressed!!!

Posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 14:17:16

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've been taking Effexor since last November. I never felt any improvement in my moods and constant suicidal thoughts until my dosage was increased 2 weeks ago to 225mg. Unfortunately, with the good came the bad. :( I started having severe muscle twitches and jerks and it was hard to get to sleep. So when I went to my doctor last Thursday he decreased my dosage back to 150mg with hopes that the twitches/jerks would go away and then when I go back this Wednesday, he wants to start more slowly to increase it again.

Unfortunately, even though I was severely depressed before, on the first day on the reduced dosage I was manic. I haven't had a manic episode since last summer. I thought they were a thing of the past. I actually like the manic episodes but what I don't like is the inevitable crashes that follow and that is where I have been ever since. I can't stop crying. I feel sooooo sad again. AND to make matters worse the twitches and jerks are still here. :( I HATE feeling so depressed. I had finally had some relief for 2 weeks and now I'm back into this once again. I'm so tired of dealing with this all the time. I need the higher dosage but yet I can't take these side effects. All I can do is cry, cry, cry!!!! And I've yet to find a dosage that has given me any slight bit of motivation to do anything. :( :( :(

Sorry to be such a downer. I just felt like getting it out. :(

Angel Girl


Re: I'm soooooo depressed!!! » Angel Girl

Posted by Ron Hill on March 9, 2002, at 14:34:00

In reply to I'm soooooo depressed!!!, posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 14:17:16


Are you bipolar? Have you told your pdoc about your mania/hypomania? Are you taking a mood stabilizer? If not, could it be that you are bipolar and a mood stabilizer is needed to, among other things, facilate to effectivenes of the AD?

-- Ron

> I've been taking Effexor since last November. I never felt any improvement in my moods and constant suicidal thoughts until my dosage was increased 2 weeks ago to 225mg. Unfortunately, with the good came the bad. :( I started having severe muscle twitches and jerks and it was hard to get to sleep. So when I went to my doctor last Thursday he decreased my dosage back to 150mg with hopes that the twitches/jerks would go away and then when I go back this Wednesday, he wants to start more slowly to increase it again.
> Unfortunately, even though I was severely depressed before, on the first day on the reduced dosage I was manic. I haven't had a manic episode since last summer. I thought they were a thing of the past. I actually like the manic episodes but what I don't like is the inevitable crashes that follow and that is where I have been ever since. I can't stop crying. I feel sooooo sad again. AND to make matters worse the twitches and jerks are still here. :( I HATE feeling so depressed. I had finally had some relief for 2 weeks and now I'm back into this once again. I'm so tired of dealing with this all the time. I need the higher dosage but yet I can't take these side effects. All I can do is cry, cry, cry!!!! And I've yet to find a dosage that has given me any slight bit of motivation to do anything. :( :( :(
> Sorry to be such a downer. I just felt like getting it out. :(
> Angel Girl


Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR » Ron Hill

Posted by Scott Hendrix on March 9, 2002, at 21:16:25

In reply to Re: I'm soooooo depressed!!! » Angel Girl, posted by Ron Hill on March 9, 2002, at 14:34:00

I just completed my first 7 days of the 37.5 Effexor XR 1xday. Really the only good thing I have to say about it is that my original complaint of sleeping to much has been resolved. I now have begun to have mixed thoughts / depression but now I'm awake, but sleepy by 5pm. I have been haveing really vivid and sometimes anxiety type nightmares, also I am still having Anxiety during the day, although a little less than before taking effexor but its also making me more unfriendly, edgie, and thinking negatively about other people in the office, which I didn't have before, and very slightly depressed, with the negative thoughts. I have started to seem to gain weight and eat lots more than normal (Went shopping and bought two 1/2 gallons of Chocolate Ice Cream. I have also notice an increase in weired out of the norm type thoughts, which scare me, I have never had before while on prozac. I am suppose to start to the next increased dose of 75mg today for 7 days. I have noticed increased sweating since not taking my next dose today. I called my Primary Care doctor yesterday and left a message, he has yet to return my call. I told him I wanted to go back on the Prozac that he took me off of 7-8 days ago, because he said it would help me wake up and lower my anxiety so he could take me off xanax and prozac with one drug (Effexor). I have been waking up like at 5am everyday and then forcing myself back to sleep till 7 am sometimes waking again before 7 at 6am. Traditionally I have been a very heavy sleeper and enjoy my sleep, but with the negative dreaded oversleeping syndrom in the mornings. So with all this hype about withdrawl and it's really not making me happier like the prozac did, I think I am calling it quits on Effexor. I just read about Brain Zaps today?? What is that?? I have never heard of that side effect, should I expect it from quiting Effexor after only 7 days on the 37.5mg dose? I am concerned about stopping it now. I had some left over prozac so I started taking those today, until my doc calls me back. I still have my anxiety med. xanax but at a low dose of .25mg 2xday to keep the prozac jittery side effects and my panic attacts in control. Any suggestions? By the way I am Mixed Bi-polar or Bi-polar II. I have tried lithium, and it doesn't work for me, metalic tastes, flat mood, no emotions, zoobie type attitude. I have heard about the other bi-polar meds, but my main problem is deppression not the mania as much just anxiety. I keep asking my doctor for Ambiem to help me with my sleeping patter, which really is my only problem when taking prozac and xanax. He for some reason doesn't want to prescribe Ambiem, He just wants to keep changing my meds that work for everything but sleeping too much. What are everyones thoughts.

> Angel,
> Are you bipolar? Have you told your pdoc about your mania/hypomania? Are you taking a mood stabilizer? If not, could it be that you are bipolar and a mood stabilizer is needed to, among other things, facilate to effectivenes of the AD?
> -- Ron
> -------------------
> > I've been taking Effexor since last November. I never felt any improvement in my moods and constant suicidal thoughts until my dosage was increased 2 weeks ago to 225mg. Unfortunately, with the good came the bad. :( I started having severe muscle twitches and jerks and it was hard to get to sleep. So when I went to my doctor last Thursday he decreased my dosage back to 150mg with hopes that the twitches/jerks would go away and then when I go back this Wednesday, he wants to start more slowly to increase it again.
> >
> > Unfortunately, even though I was severely depressed before, on the first day on the reduced dosage I was manic. I haven't had a manic episode since last summer. I thought they were a thing of the past. I actually like the manic episodes but what I don't like is the inevitable crashes that follow and that is where I have been ever since. I can't stop crying. I feel sooooo sad again. AND to make matters worse the twitches and jerks are still here. :( I HATE feeling so depressed. I had finally had some relief for 2 weeks and now I'm back into this once again. I'm so tired of dealing with this all the time. I need the higher dosage but yet I can't take these side effects. All I can do is cry, cry, cry!!!! And I've yet to find a dosage that has given me any slight bit of motivation to do anything. :( :( :(
> >
> > Sorry to be such a downer. I just felt like getting it out. :(
> >
> > Angel Girl



Posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 21:36:12

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Since I've been depressed I have had absolutely NO motivation whatsoever. All I want to ever do is to be by myself and watch mindless hours of TV. Does anybody else have this problem? And what do you do about it????

Angel Girl


Re: Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR

Posted by Allen F. on March 9, 2002, at 23:40:52

In reply to Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR » Ron Hill, posted by Scott Hendrix on March 9, 2002, at 21:16:25

Did you go "cold turky" off of the Xanax? I was on Prozac and Xanax for years, the doc then took me off of them and put me on Effexor. I learned the hard way about withdrawals from Xanax ... wasn't fun.

The things you have talked about during the first seven days on Effexor are simular to what I experienced. I have been on it for six months and have not tolerated it well. I am into week two of wiening off the Effexor and it is not fun. Next week is the last week I will be on it. The doc wants me to go onto Remeron and I am really hesitant. After Xanax and now Effexor withdrawals I am not sure I want to take anything else.

I have asked the "post" if anyone has had any experience with Remeron but did not hear anything.

Hope things go well for you.


Re: Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR » Scott Hendrix

Posted by Ron Hill on March 10, 2002, at 12:00:28

In reply to Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR » Ron Hill, posted by Scott Hendrix on March 9, 2002, at 21:16:25

> I called my Primary Care doctor yesterday and left a message, he has yet to return my call. I told him I wanted to go back on the Prozac that he took me off of 7-8 days ago, because he said it would help me wake up and lower my anxiety so he could take me off xanax and prozac with one drug (Effexor).

My opinion: Your Primary Care doctor is in over his head. Find a good pdoc. If it cost extra money to see a pdoc, spend it!

>Any suggestions? By the way I am Mixed Bi-polar or Bi-polar II. I have tried lithium, and it doesn't work for me, metalic tastes, flat mood, no emotions, zoobie type attitude. I have heard about the other bi-polar meds, but my main problem is deppression not the mania as much just anxiety. I keep asking my doctor for Ambiem to help me with my sleeping patter, which really is my only problem when taking prozac and xanax. He for some reason doesn't want to prescribe Ambiem, He just wants to keep changing my meds that work for everything but sleeping too much. What are everyones thoughts.

My opinions: How do you know that you are bipolar? Did the primary care doctor give a bipolar dx? If indeed you are bipolar then you need to get on a mood stabilizer first and foremost. I personally have never heard of treating a bipolar patient successfully with an antidepressant without also using a mood stabilizer. If Li doesn't work for you then try the AEDs (Depakote, Lamictal, etc).

-- Ron


Re: Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR » Allen F.

Posted by Pamela Lynn on March 10, 2002, at 12:29:51

In reply to Re: Bi-polar- Just finished First 7days on Effexor XR, posted by Allen F. on March 9, 2002, at 23:40:52

I was on Remeron for 7 months a couple of years back....It is usually given at bedtime, as it can tend to make one very sleepy. As for side effects while on it 'I' had none, and none when I went off of it either. I took the sol-tab for (the tablet melts into your mouth, so it works quicker).

> Did you go "cold turky" off of the Xanax? I was on Prozac and Xanax for years, the doc then took me off of them and put me on Effexor. I learned the hard way about withdrawals from Xanax ... wasn't fun.
> The things you have talked about during the first seven days on Effexor are simular to what I experienced. I have been on it for six months and have not tolerated it well. I am into week two of wiening off the Effexor and it is not fun. Next week is the last week I will be on it. The doc wants me to go onto Remeron and I am really hesitant. After Xanax and now Effexor withdrawals I am not sure I want to take anything else.
> I have asked the "post" if anyone has had any experience with Remeron but did not hear anything.
> Hope things go well for you.


Re: Motivation » Angel Girl

Posted by Shanti on March 10, 2002, at 13:10:27

In reply to Motivation, posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 21:36:12

Hi Angel Girl,

i am into my 2nd week of this new type of antidepressant, after switching from paxil and going straight to that i went through some very high manic behaviour as well, but strangely enough if i thought about it conciously and took notice of my behaviour i was able to bring myself back to balance and not freak out on any one around me. i find that i am speaking up more on this med and my family can see the changes but right now are not willing to give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. i have been reading about all these side effects, i experience a little of them but not severe i am only on 75 mg. i will see my doctor in 2 weeks and talk about this again, i am going to try and stay on it and see if it works (remember it takes 6 weeks or so to really get into your system) as for the depression, i also expereince it but what i do is i go outside or even look out the window and look for all the beautiful things life has to offer and then as hard as it is i will get outside and once i do i feel great (even cleaning the house for me helps because i know to some people that is an everyday thing but for me when things are down they are really down and along with me everything else around my stands still until i can get going again. do you read? when i am feeling really down i always go and look for a book and low and behold i find the book that fits my life right here and right now. also, remember that at this time of year just before spring it always feels like death so to speak because we are waiting for the rebirth of all plants, trees, etc. outside. last week i found myself getting depressed and realized it was partly do to the weather so instead of remaing down, i thought of all the beautiful sights that will arrive with the help of this cold, grey weather, then i looked for buds, saw them and felt better!

For me the weeks of March18-23 & March 25-29 will be the true test to see if this medicine really works, by then i will have been taking it for 4 weeks. You see, two weeks out of the month i am fine and the other two i can barely stay in tuned with life and those around me, so wish me luck and i will post after that.

ps angel girl, if interested i would like your email so i could compare with you somemore!

good luck,


ps as for tv - gotta love the judge shows and blind date, eliminadate, 5th wheel etc. these are my shows that i watch when i am going through my stuff!


Are you still off of meds? What's happening? » RIgirl

Posted by sue doe on March 10, 2002, at 14:20:09

In reply to Re: Trying to get off Effexor, posted by RIgirl on March 7, 2002, at 23:52:56

> It's definitely better than the first few days when the nausea and dizziness was unbearable, but still have some weird things going on. I'm having a horrible time falling asleep and night sweats once I do. The frequency of panic attacks is much greater than before I went on it, but I'm not ready to consider that among the withdrawel symptoms yet.
> This sucks, huh?

I am in my eighth day off of all meds (except for thyroxin, b vitamins, St. John's wort and Omega 3's) Are you still off of your meds, and if, or if not, what's happening?
Sue Doe (Nym)


Re: Trying to get off Effexor

Posted by Celeste on March 10, 2002, at 19:49:19

In reply to Re: Trying to get off Effexor, posted by RIgirl on March 7, 2002, at 23:52:56

Thought I'd pass along my withdrawal experience-- which was same as the rest of you, including the brain zaps (great name!) which I told my pdoc were head noises that went "Wonnnggga-wonngga" even if I just moved my eyeballs. Anyway, I was 2 weeks into my taper and it was awful. So I got a pill cutter and cut those suckers into halves, then quarters then eighths! I think it took 6 weeks, but it worked. The brain zaps lasted for months, and I had a problem with dairy products the whole time.
But just to show how much I loved being on Effexor-- I just returned to taking it after a year and a half off. Got depressed again. I had no bad side effects once established (had problems with Prozac & Wellbutrin) except for insomnia, and Trazodone 25 or 50mg helped beautifully. Hope this helps someone. I wish I'd seen this site when I was in withdrawal.


Re: Trying to get off Effexor » RIgirl

Posted by Reneeb on March 11, 2002, at 20:25:25

In reply to Re: Trying to get off Effexor, posted by RIgirl on March 7, 2002, at 23:52:56

> It's definitely better than the first few days when the nausea and dizziness was unbearable, but still have some weird things going on. I'm having a horrible time falling asleep and night sweats once I do. The frequency of panic attacks is much greater than before I went on it, but I'm not ready to consider that among the withdrawel symptoms yet.
> This sucks, huh?

Yes, it really does!!! I went to my pdoc on friday. He didn't want me to wean myself off the way I was doing it. He has me on a schedule for 2 months to get off this stuff. 2 weeks at 25mg 1/2 morning and 1/2 evening then 2 weeks 1/2 morning and 1/4 evening etc., till I finish. He told me that he doesn't like to give effexor out because of the withdrawal factor.

So, I am going to try it his way and see whats happens. I wasn't doing well the way I was doing it. LOL



Re: Motivation » Angel Girl

Posted by Reneeb on March 11, 2002, at 20:47:59

In reply to Motivation, posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 21:36:12

> Since I've been depressed I have had absolutely NO motivation whatsoever. All I want to ever do is to be by myself and watch mindless hours of TV. Does anybody else have this problem? And what do you do about it????
> Angel Girl

Hi Angel Girl, Are you feeling any better today? Can I ask where you live? Do you have someone near by that could help you by getting you outside to get some fresh air - take a walk. Sometimes I just need to get out.

Take care,



Re: Trying to get off Effexor

Posted by Allen F. on March 11, 2002, at 21:42:44

In reply to Re: Trying to get off Effexor » RIgirl, posted by Reneeb on March 11, 2002, at 20:25:25

It does suck! My PDoc told me to reduce it by one-third each week for three weeks, at which time I would be off of it. Its not been a fun two weeks. The mornings are the hardest. I am nauseaded, tired, and wake up very grogy. Its kinda like having the flu. I am also more testy and have to really watch it. I DO NOT want to say something that I will regreat.

I hope it goes beter for you.



Re: I'm soooooo depressed!!! » Angel Girl

Posted by ST on March 12, 2002, at 4:33:46

In reply to I'm soooooo depressed!!!, posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 14:17:16

It sounds like you need a different drug altogether. I'm sorry to hear you're so miserable!!! I can't remember: have you tried Wellbutrin?



Posted by Angel Girl on March 12, 2002, at 12:40:07

In reply to Re: I'm soooooo depressed!!! » Angel Girl, posted by ST on March 12, 2002, at 4:33:46

Is it possible to overdose enough to kill yourself on Effexor??? How many would it take? Also how about Alpralozam? How many would it take for that too?

Angel Girl



Posted by JANNBEAU on March 12, 2002, at 13:14:42

In reply to URGENT - OVERDOSE QUESTION!!!, posted by Angel Girl on March 12, 2002, at 12:40:07

Angel Girl:

Why are you asking these questions? If you think you have overdosed or if you think someone you know has OD'you MUST call 911! If you are considering ODing or if you know someone that you think is going to OD, you MUST contact a physician or a crisis hotline or go to an emergency room for help-NOW.

Obviously, by the time you read this, my advice will not be relevant to your most recent post, but maybe, just maybe, you or your friend are ok for the time being. I don't have your email so I can't contact you directly and I don't even know how to contact anyone at Psychobabble, so this puts me and anyone else who reads your post at a tremendous disadvantage. Can't really help under these circumstances. I hope you have made it through the night and that, with the coming of the day, you are better. You know, it seems we feel the worst in the middle of the night when nobody is around to listen or to help, but, believe me, "this, too, shall pass." I've been there, done that! and NOTHING is worth ODing for!

Please, Please get some crisis intervention help and then some long term help and know that things do usually get much better if you can just wait it out!

Also, please think about your responsibility to keep yourself safe and to use your medications only in the way they were prescribed. I am a mother and it would kill me if one of my children OD'd. Call your parents or your doctor. The doctor who gave you these medications TRUSTED you to use them to help yourself, not to destroy yourself! That's a sacred trust and a contract between you and your doctor. Don't let him/her and the rest of us out here who feel helpless to help down!



Re: I'm soooooo depressed!!!

Posted by Ashyton on March 12, 2002, at 19:58:53

In reply to I'm soooooo depressed!!!, posted by Angel Girl on March 9, 2002, at 14:17:16

> I've been taking Effexor since last November. I never felt any improvement in my moods and constant suicidal thoughts until my dosage was increased 2 weeks ago to 225mg. Unfortunately, with the good came the bad. :( I started having severe muscle twitches and jerks and it was hard to get to sleep. So when I went to my doctor last Thursday he decreased my dosage back to 150mg with hopes that the twitches/jerks would go away and then when I go back this Wednesday, he wants to start more slowly to increase it again.
> Unfortunately, even though I was severely depressed before, on the first day on the reduced dosage I was manic. I haven't had a manic episode since last summer. I thought they were a thing of the past. I actually like the manic episodes but what I don't like is the inevitable crashes that follow and that is where I have been ever since. I can't stop crying. I feel sooooo sad again. AND to make matters worse the twitches and jerks are still here. :( I HATE feeling so depressed. I had finally had some relief for 2 weeks and now I'm back into this once again. I'm so tired of dealing with this all the time. I need the higher dosage but yet I can't take these side effects. All I can do is cry, cry, cry!!!! And I've yet to find a dosage that has given me any slight bit of motivation to do anything. :( :( :(
> Sorry to be such a downer. I just felt like getting it out. :(
> Angel Girl

Sorry you are feeling sad,and sorry I couldn't respond sooner,to help you feel a little happier :) i just started on Paxil one week ago and felt sad and depressed so I been there too.just try to hang in there a lttile longer and know you have freinds "here".



Posted by Allen F. on March 12, 2002, at 23:31:47

In reply to URGENT - OVERDOSE QUESTION!!!, posted by Angel Girl on March 12, 2002, at 12:40:07

Anything is possible ... why do you ask? If you have taken more, or are conimplating taking more, than prescibed call your doctor, crises line,family member, someone NOW and let them know how your feeling.

If your afraid that you have been prescribed too much, that your dosage it to high, talk to your doctor immediately. Are you feeling like it is?

Either way, talk to someone.


to od or not to od; is that the question

Posted by maximillian on March 13, 2002, at 3:42:00

In reply to Re: URGENT - OVERDOSE QUESTION!!!, posted by Allen F. on March 12, 2002, at 23:31:47

if it is the answer is no. that isn't the solution and it won't help. after the od what have you accomplished? its a quick(hopefully) short time fix and it goes nowhere. you been defeated and you won't go anywhere. too many good things in this life worth living for. i've been where you are(a couple of times) but, i've always pulled back. i think about everything that is beautiful in this life; a newborn's cry, a kid's smile or laughter, the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the moon, the stars, leaves on a tree, roses on a bush, a baby's sweet smelling breath, little birds singing, a puppys' tiny bark, a kitten's meow and playfulness, rain, snow, spring, name a few. its not worth it; theres too much that with a little effort on my part makes me too happy, even in my darkest days. think real hard about making a decision such as this and just look at some of the things i just described and see the feelings i experience...they're there; just be willing to look st them and see what i mean. take care.

much love, max

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
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