Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: weird symptom » Allen F.

Posted by LisaDiann on February 23, 2002, at 10:19:19

In reply to Re: weird symptom, posted by Allen F. on February 22, 2002, at 23:34:05

I'm wondering if maybe the Prozac or effexor has harmed my body also. I don't see others with posts about tingling in the arms, fingers, legs.
When I have the "brain zap" my heart and leg feels tingly at the same time...then it immediately goes away. I'm trying to stay off all medications now except my estrogen...hopefully these are all withdrawal symptoms !?


just another coming-off-fxr story

Posted by m3 on February 23, 2002, at 13:57:38

In reply to Re: cold turkey, day 21, posted by marlene on February 23, 2002, at 10:10:01

Just posting my story for the benefit of other people who are going through/contemplating going through withdrawing from Effexor.

I was at 300mg/day, like marlene, for about a year and a half. It had taken me about six months to hit that dosage after starting at 75mg. When I first started I didn't really have any side effects and it seemed to help a lot. Moving up to 150mg also produced a noticeable improvement in mood, but the next couple of dose increases didn't do much, and I eventually felt the Effexor wasn't doing anything at all, so I decided to come off. My pdoc suggested Serzone as a replacement.

That was about ten days ago. My pdoc gave me a schedule for ramping down the Effexor (-37.5mg every other day, then stop) and for starting the Serzone (the standard starter pack). I was to start tapering the Effexor and start taking the Serzone at the same time (right away).

I found I got the zaps at each decrease of Effexor, but they weren't too bad, nothing compared to the times when I'd run out of pills and missed multiple doses (1-4 doses at a time).

It was only when I stopped taking any Effexor at all that I got the full-blown withdrawal syndrome: zaps, vertigo, can't get warm but sometimes sweaty, uncontrollable shivering, uncontrollable crying, tinnitus. I also feel a rampant dread and don't trust myself to find my way back home if I go out (though I did today without any problem; don't worry, I was walking, not driving). I notice lots of people have had insomnia; I've had some in the evening but the Serzone generally knocks me out before it's too much of a problem. In fact, the Serzone is causing pretty serious hypersomnolence (like 11-14 hours of sleep several days in a row), but that discussion belongs elsewhere.

This is really no fun, but I'm trying to stick it out, partly due to reading posts here. (Thank you, brave souls who went before and lived to post about it.) I do have some 37.5 mg capsules left and I might eventually give in and take one, but I feel like I'd just be extending the agony.

I guess I have a question for those who have gone before, if they're still reading: *would* it actually be better to take a 37.5mg capsule every couple of days for a while?

Anyway, that's my story. I'll post a follow up when I feel better or in a few days, whichever comes first.



Re: just another coming-off-fxr story » m3

Posted by Reneeb on February 24, 2002, at 21:07:14

In reply to just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by m3 on February 23, 2002, at 13:57:38

> Just posting my story for the benefit of other people who are going through/contemplating going through withdrawing from Effexor.
> I was at 300mg/day, like marlene, for about a year and a half. It had taken me about six months to hit that dosage after starting at 75mg. When I first started I didn't really have any side effects and it seemed to help a lot. Moving up to 150mg also produced a noticeable improvement in mood, but the next couple of dose increases didn't do much, and I eventually felt the Effexor wasn't doing anything at all, so I decided to come off. My pdoc suggested Serzone as a replacement.
> That was about ten days ago. My pdoc gave me a schedule for ramping down the Effexor (-37.5mg every other day, then stop) and for starting the Serzone (the standard starter pack). I was to start tapering the Effexor and start taking the Serzone at the same time (right away).
> I found I got the zaps at each decrease of Effexor, but they weren't too bad, nothing compared to the times when I'd run out of pills and missed multiple doses (1-4 doses at a time).
> It was only when I stopped taking any Effexor at all that I got the full-blown withdrawal syndrome: zaps, vertigo, can't get warm but sometimes sweaty, uncontrollable shivering, uncontrollable crying, tinnitus. I also feel a rampant dread and don't trust myself to find my way back home if I go out (though I did today without any problem; don't worry, I was walking, not driving). I notice lots of people have had insomnia; I've had some in the evening but the Serzone generally knocks me out before it's too much of a problem. In fact, the Serzone is causing pretty serious hypersomnolence (like 11-14 hours of sleep several days in a row), but that discussion belongs elsewhere.
> This is really no fun, but I'm trying to stick it out, partly due to reading posts here. (Thank you, brave souls who went before and lived to post about it.) I do have some 37.5 mg capsules left and I might eventually give in and take one, but I feel like I'd just be extending the agony.
> I guess I have a question for those who have gone before, if they're still reading: *would* it actually be better to take a 37.5mg capsule every couple of days for a while?
> Anyway, that's my story. I'll post a follow up when I feel better or in a few days, whichever comes first.
> m3

m3, I have weaned myself from 150mg to 75mg to 37.5mg. Starting tonight I am going every other day. I have had no problems so far. I am praying that it works out okay. My opinion is you have already began the journey if you can stick it out.

Good Luck,



Re: just another coming-off-fxr story

Posted by LisaDiann on February 24, 2002, at 21:53:38

In reply to Re: just another coming-off-fxr story » m3, posted by Reneeb on February 24, 2002, at 21:07:14

Hello again everybody...

Its been a couple weeks since I've gone off effexor "cold turkey" and I'm still having all the same symptoms...the brain zaps, and the shock feelings throughout my whole body. I feel sooooo angry that my doctors haven't told me these are withdrawl symptoms and are putting me through all the heart tests..tomorrow is the stress test. I just found out a couple days ago from reading these posts what is really wrong with me so I haven't had a chance to mention this to my docs.

I'm wondering if theres a class action suit against effexor!?? If anybody knows of one please let me know...These feelings are intolerable!!!

Good luck to you people...and if you're not off effexor yet you need to be !!!!! I think they're using us to be their damn lab rats.


Re: just another coming-off-fxr story

Posted by Mandy L on February 24, 2002, at 22:20:28

In reply to just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by m3 on February 23, 2002, at 13:57:38

We were told by our doctor to put our 16 year old daughter back on effexor at 37.5 to minimize side effects, but couldn't stand the thought of doing that after 2 weeks of cold turkey. We are now on day 28 and still having withdrawal, although it doesn't last as long and symptoms are farther apart. I am hopefull eventually this will end and we will be back to normal. I am convinced that most of her depression related problems were side effects of this powerful drug. It has caused havoc with school and so many other things. What stress it causes families and lives. I have been keeping a journal to show our doctor this week. I hope it helps her not to put anyone else on this horrible drug. I wish their was a class suit. I'm sure many people would jump on that cause. Good luck to all.

Mandy L.


Re: just another coming-off-fxr story

Posted by marlene on February 25, 2002, at 9:23:14

In reply to just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by m3 on February 23, 2002, at 13:57:38

> Just posting my story for the benefit of other people who are going through/contemplating going through withdrawing from Effexor.
> I was at 300mg/day, like marlene, for about a year and a half. It had taken me about six months to hit that dosage after starting at 75mg. When I first started I didn't really have any side effects and it seemed to help a lot. Moving up to 150mg also produced a noticeable improvement in mood, but the next couple of dose increases didn't do much, and I eventually felt the Effexor wasn't doing anything at all, so I decided to come off. My pdoc suggested Serzone as a replacement.
> That was about ten days ago. My pdoc gave me a schedule for ramping down the Effexor (-37.5mg every other day, then stop) and for starting the Serzone (the standard starter pack). I was to start tapering the Effexor and start taking the Serzone at the same time (right away).
> I found I got the zaps at each decrease of Effexor, but they weren't too bad, nothing compared to the times when I'd run out of pills and missed multiple doses (1-4 doses at a time).
> It was only when I stopped taking any Effexor at all that I got the full-blown withdrawal syndrome: zaps, vertigo, can't get warm but sometimes sweaty, uncontrollable shivering, uncontrollable crying, tinnitus. I also feel a rampant dread and don't trust myself to find my way back home if I go out (though I did today without any problem; don't worry, I was walking, not driving). I notice lots of people have had insomnia; I've had some in the evening but the Serzone generally knocks me out before it's too much of a problem. In fact, the Serzone is causing pretty serious hypersomnolence (like 11-14 hours of sleep several days in a row), but that discussion belongs elsewhere.
> This is really no fun, but I'm trying to stick it out, partly due to reading posts here. (Thank you, brave souls who went before and lived to post about it.) I do have some 37.5 mg capsules left and I might eventually give in and take one, but I feel like I'd just be extending the agony.
> I guess I have a question for those who have gone before, if they're still reading: *would* it actually be better to take a 37.5mg capsule every couple of days for a while?
> Anyway, that's my story. I'll post a follow up when I feel better or in a few days, whichever comes first.
> m3
On the 8 day of cold turkey, I was ready to give in and take effexor, but my spouse and I talked it through and I decided to stick it out. I also talked to a relative who went through withdrawal from valium, and he said that the symptoms I was having, he had. He said the first two weeks were the worse, and I decided that if I already did 8 days without any, then I didn't want to go back on it.
Also, when I tried to talk to my Doctor about going off effexor and on something else, he told me I had to be off effexor for two weeks before I could start something else. I can't take prozac, allergic to it.
I hope all goes well, and serzone works for you.
Good Luck


Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr

Posted by Jetson on February 25, 2002, at 11:14:36

In reply to sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by smokingun35 on September 24, 2000, at 14:09:31

I have been off of Effexor since 1997.
I still do not get erections as easily as I used to. I can have orgasms, but they are mostly not as intense. In general I am frustrated with the side-effects of Effexor that do seem to last for a long time after termination.

> I started taking effexor xr 2 almost 2 weeks ago,my first anti-depressant(possibly last), and felt tired and terrible and dazed every waking hour of the day while taking it, headaches, cannot reach an orgasm at all. I took 37.5 mg aday for 7 days and 75 mg for 2 days and have now stopped cold turkey. I have yet to experience any side effects, been about 55 hours since last dose, still cannot reach an orgasm, wife is very upset and I'm not far behind her. Will this go away or could this be a pemanent development?


Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr

Posted by John2 on February 25, 2002, at 12:11:26

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by Jetson on February 25, 2002, at 11:14:36

i've been taking Effexor for about two months., now at 225 mg. it is generally helping, though i definitely have the sexual side-effects, which are probably so prevalent they really shouldn't be called "side" effects.... with help of viagra things work just fine, just takes a long time, but the orgasms are extremely intense ... however, i had no idea some of these effects could become long term after you stop taking Effexor. have been assuming once i was off effexor all would return to normal... would like to hear if anyone else has had problems like Jetson has.. thanks!


Re: just another coming-off-fxr story » LisaDiann

Posted by Reneeb on February 25, 2002, at 12:34:09

In reply to Re: just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by LisaDiann on February 24, 2002, at 21:53:38

> Hello again everybody...
> Its been a couple weeks since I've gone off effexor "cold turkey" and I'm still having all the same symptoms...the brain zaps, and the shock feelings throughout my whole body. I feel sooooo angry that my doctors haven't told me these are withdrawl symptoms and are putting me through all the heart tests..tomorrow is the stress test. I just found out a couple days ago from reading these posts what is really wrong with me so I haven't had a chance to mention this to my docs.
> I'm wondering if theres a class action suit against effexor!?? If anybody knows of one please let me know...These feelings are intolerable!!!
> Good luck to you people...and if you're not off effexor yet you need to be !!!!! I think they're using us to be their damn lab rats.

Hi, What I think the problem is the Doctors need to be educated !!!!!



Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr » Jetson

Posted by Reneeb on February 25, 2002, at 12:37:59

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by Jetson on February 25, 2002, at 11:14:36

> I have been off of Effexor since 1997.
> I still do not get erections as easily as I used to. I can have orgasms, but they are mostly not as intense. In general I am frustrated with the side-effects of Effexor that do seem to last for a long time after termination.
> > I started taking effexor xr 2 almost 2 weeks ago,my first anti-depressant(possibly last), and felt tired and terrible and dazed every waking hour of the day while taking it, headaches, cannot reach an orgasm at all. I took 37.5 mg aday for 7 days and 75 mg for 2 days and have now stopped cold turkey. I have yet to experience any side effects, been about 55 hours since last dose, still cannot reach an orgasm, wife is very upset and I'm not far behind her. Will this go away or could this be a pemanent development?

Hi, I can only tell you from a womens view. It does go away - it does get better



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Allen F. on February 25, 2002, at 12:41:53

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I have read that some have benefited from Wellbrutin (sp?) when coming off of Effexor, true?

How do you all sleep? Do you need to take something to sleep while on Effexor?

Anyone had experience with Remeron? He said there is a possibility of weight gain. My Pdoc suggested it as I wein off of Effexor.

Are the withdrawals really that bad? Am I just beeing a weeny about all this?



Re: just another coming-off-fxr story

Posted by LisaDiann on February 25, 2002, at 12:51:50

In reply to Re: just another coming-off-fxr story » LisaDiann, posted by Reneeb on February 25, 2002, at 12:34:09

Renee...I agree with you on that one also!! I'm looking for another doctor this week. I called my pharmacist yesterday and asked if he has ever heard of withdrawals from Effexor and he said NO...can you believe that????? man o man...what a bunch of crap.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » Allen F.

Posted by Reneeb on February 25, 2002, at 12:53:10

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Allen F. on February 25, 2002, at 12:41:53

> I have read that some have benefited from Wellbrutin (sp?) when coming off of Effexor, true?
> How do you all sleep? Do you need to take something to sleep while on Effexor?
> Anyone had experience with Remeron? He said there is a possibility of weight gain. My Pdoc suggested it as I wein off of Effexor.
> Are the withdrawals really that bad? Am I just beeing a weeny about all this?
> Thanks

Hi, I have been weaning off of effexor really slow and last night I started doing taking it every other day. Today, I have a headache that won't go away. I feel sick to my stomach. I started on 150mg for a year. Weaned down to 75mg and now 37.5mg. I have also been on wellbutrin for the same time. I have had no problems with it. Only in the beginning which is probably standard with all meds.

I had a problem with sleep in the beginning of taking effexor,but it seemed to go away. (I have a sleeping disorder) and it was okay.

Hope this helps,



Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr » Jetson

Posted by JANNBEAU on February 25, 2002, at 13:49:41

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by Jetson on February 25, 2002, at 11:14:36


I think you should have a thorough checkup to rule out some other cause of your erectile dysfunction (ED). Although I could not (and would not)tell you that your ED is NOT due to having taken Effexor five years ago, that seems an excessive length of time to attribute an adverse event to a medication. There are many for ED, including: age-related hormonal changes; physical illness to include diabetes mellitus (recognized or unrecognized); vascular disorders; psychological illnesses unrecognized anxiety or depression; medications you currently take that might include over-the-counter meds--just a few examples. I don't pretend to be an expert. The point is go to see a GOOD urologist, endocrinologist, or other internal medicine specialist for a work up. Don't take "no" for an answer from your GP or psychiatrist.

Thanks for listening.

> I have been off of Effexor since 1997.
> I still do not get erections as easily as I used to. I can have orgasms, but they are mostly not as intense. In general I am frustrated with the side-effects of Effexor that do seem to last for a long time after termination.
> > I started taking effexor xr 2 almost 2 weeks ago,my first anti-depressant(possibly last), and felt tired and terrible and dazed every waking hour of the day while taking it, headaches, cannot reach an orgasm at all. I took 37.5 mg aday for 7 days and 75 mg for 2 days and have now stopped cold turkey. I have yet to experience any side effects, been about 55 hours since last dose, still cannot reach an orgasm, wife is very upset and I'm not far behind her. Will this go away or could this be a pemanent development?


Re: just another coming-off-fxr story » LisaDiann

Posted by Reneeb on February 25, 2002, at 14:06:46

In reply to Re: just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by LisaDiann on February 25, 2002, at 12:51:50

> Renee...I agree with you on that one also!! I'm looking for another doctor this week. I called my pharmacist yesterday and asked if he has ever heard of withdrawals from Effexor and he said NO...can you believe that????? man o man...what a bunch of crap.

You know you probably wouldn't mind if they would have asked you to be a guinea pig!! It's just so scarey that the Doctors and pharmacists don't have all the information on the meds they are passing out.


Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr

Posted by marlene on February 25, 2002, at 16:57:37

In reply to Re: sexual side effect- effexor-xr, posted by John2 on February 25, 2002, at 12:11:26

> i've been taking Effexor for about two months., now at 225 mg. it is generally helping, though i definitely have the sexual side-effects, which are probably so prevalent they really shouldn't be called "side" effects.... with help of viagra things work just fine, just takes a long time, but the orgasms are extremely intense ... however, i had no idea some of these effects could become long term after you stop taking Effexor. have been assuming once i was off effexor all would return to normal... would like to hear if anyone else has had problems like Jetson has.. thanks!

another woman's view on sexual side effects, within 7 days of going cold turkey of 300 mg effexor per day for over two years, my sex drive came back as strong as before. It was really non-exsistant for the last 9 months till I stopped effexor. Also had a hysterectomy in 9/00, doctor thought it(lack of interest in sex) was due to that. I did have complete work up, and it was nothing they could find. As soon as I stopped effexor, and got over the nausea, shaking and skin crawling, my sex drive came back. I want to stress, I did have a complete check up to rule anything else out. Go to the doctor and get checked, and then decide what to do from there.


Re: weird symptom

Posted by noa on February 25, 2002, at 16:59:54

In reply to Re: weird symptom, posted by Allen F. on February 22, 2002, at 23:34:05

getting a second opinion from another pdoc is always an option.


Re: just another coming-off-fxr story

Posted by dot on February 26, 2002, at 20:27:07

In reply to Re: just another coming-off-fxr story » LisaDiann, posted by Reneeb on February 25, 2002, at 14:06:46

i experienced a severe allergic reaction while taking effexor xr. had been on for 3.5 months with some side effects but nothing major, and i think it was helping with mood. anyway, started getting severe hives, trouble breathing etc. doc thinks it is attributed to effexor but took blood and will do tests, results by end of week. he told me to stop cold turkey and come back and see him in a week. i was at 150 mg per day and am suffering withdrawal symptoms quite strong after day two of being off. hives are still here but less intense and can breathe now. can anyone tell me if they have heard of similar allergy reactions? any tips to help me ride out the dizziness etc? any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!


Trying to get off Effexor

Posted by RIgirl on February 27, 2002, at 11:02:02

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by Janey on April 18, 2000, at 17:59:12

I'm trying to get off Effexor completely and find out what life is like without it. I went on 75mg in September and have gotten myself down to 37.5 now. Any thoughts on what to expect or how to deal with the withdrawal symptoms? Today will be my second day skipping...


The Colour Of Life.

Posted by D. Riley on February 27, 2002, at 12:47:17

In reply to just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by m3 on February 23, 2002, at 13:57:38

Hi there,

I'm new to Effexor, I just started taking it 3 weeks ago. After one week of taking it, I felt the colour of life changing. Day to day things I once found myself struggling through, I no longer am. In such a short time, my eating habits have changed, my sleeping habits, and day to day living. I've been on other meds, I.E. Paxil, Trazadone, Prozac with limited success. I'm praying this one works. I'm 33 and tired. Is life always going to be like this? I've been off medications before and in little or no time, find myself at the bottom of the loop of life. I just can't seem to function without them. This time.. I'm hoping for a small miracle.


Re: The Colour Of Life.

Posted by MaKi on February 27, 2002, at 14:39:47

In reply to The Colour Of Life., posted by D. Riley on February 27, 2002, at 12:47:17

Hi there, I'm glad to hear that so far you've been
having some good luck with Effexor XR. I've been
taking Effexor XR since November and I as well have
noticed a big change. I have been feeling so good
and my panic attacks have gone from severe to very
mild. I'm finally able to get out of the house and
do more things and I can honestly say that I'm actually
very proud of who I am today. I really hope that you
continue experiencing good things for as long as you
take your meds. Even though many people have had
bad experiences with this medication, I feel that it
is doing wonders for me, and hopefully it will
continue to do so.

I wish you the best of luck and please keep us posted.



Re: Permanently damaged!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Angel Girl on February 27, 2002, at 21:42:58

In reply to Permanently damaged!!!!!!!!!, posted by kane on February 7, 2001, at 15:00:48

> I came across a post at a message board last night that scared me, I think everyone on Effexor should read these following sites that were givin by this person.
> Matt stated he had done quite a bit of research over the past few years,since his wife was prescribed Effexor with devastating conseqences on his family.He suggest the following sites and will be posting some more info in a couple days,he is getting messages daily from people who are being permanently damaged. He welcomes any e-mails also.
> and the e-group toxic psychiatry and drug awareness.

What is an e-group and how do I access it???


Just took my 1st Effexor XR Pill Today!

Posted by Scott Hendrix on February 28, 2002, at 20:46:57

In reply to just another coming-off-fxr story, posted by m3 on February 23, 2002, at 13:57:38

I have been on Prozac for over a year now with very minimal problems with depression. I actually do feel better on Prozac, but I also have Anxiety Attacks and my doctor had me on Xanax with the prozac for the last year. A few months ago he said he wanted to move me over to Klonopin and wean me off of the Xanax because the Xanax is addictive. So I gave it a try he reduced my xanax and gave me plenty of Klonopin 3xday 1mg. Today, however I went into the doctor for a visit that he required and I asked for an increase in Xanax and to be removed from the Kolonopin because it was making me feel too tired and sleepy during the day. Instead, He took me off the Prozac and Klonopin all together and put me on Effexor XR 1xday and Xanax .25mg 1xday as needed for anxiety. I was ok with taking the effexor until I read some of these posts. What should I do now, ask him to put me back on my old meds. My old prescriptions were working with the exception of the drowsiness in morning and during day. No depression and I had Xanax for anxiety. What are your Suggestions. Thank you.


To Scott

Posted by SusanG on February 28, 2002, at 21:24:23

In reply to Just took my 1st Effexor XR Pill Today!, posted by Scott Hendrix on February 28, 2002, at 20:46:57

Hi Scott,
I wouldn't let these posts scare you too much. After all, you know that the opinions here represent a skewed sample of the population in that anyone posting here is more likely dissatisfied or he or she wouldn't bother surfing the net for info on meds. I think the only real problems are when people decide Effexor is not for them and they try to go off it cold turkey. When folks taper off gradually, it seems that many are able to wean themselves off with mostly tolerable side effects. Every medicine seems to have disadvantages and while I was one who decided not to continue with Effexor primarily due to weight gain and drowsiness, it seems some people do fine with it. My humble opinion is that you could give it a try since you may find you like it better than the old meds. If not, you can always taper off slowly and go back to square one. Good luck to you.


Re: weird symptom » SusanG

Posted by Your friend, Scott on February 28, 2002, at 23:46:23

In reply to weird symptom, posted by SusanG on February 20, 2002, at 12:29:49


I've experienced exactly the same thing as you, on a consistent basis. I'm on 150 mg of Effexor-XR, and I'm careless as all hell with my medication. I've noticed that if I don't adhere to a regular daily time to take the medication, or if I miss a day, my head will periodically spin all over the place and I'll experience tingling sensations through my body and numbness of my bottom lip. It will only occur for a couple of seconds, but I realise that I should probably take more notice of this than I do.

Same thing happens when I take a double dose, although I've noticed that the 'attacks' are slightly more concentrated and taper off in a shorter time frame.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

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