Shown: posts 28 to 52 of 53. Go back in thread:
Posted by IsoM on January 29, 2002, at 19:51:09
In reply to The web-site to the road to the crown of life » IsoM, posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 19:19:06
Posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 20:49:07
In reply to Maligning You? Sorry » Lou Pilder, posted by IsoM on January 29, 2002, at 15:39:56
> Ah, Lou - I don't have an argument with you at all. I just think it would be good to post the web-site of what your alternative treatment is. I'm so sorry that your family suffered so much from these drugs. But that's what's so variable. Not all have suffered. Many have been given a new lease on life.
> You've mentioned about your musical hallucinations & said how you've only found 6 other cases like this. Doesn't that show how variable our physical reactions are to different influences? I really believe the only way we'll know how each person feels is to be inside their head & at this point of time it seems highly unlikely.
> No, Lou, I'm not trying to slander you at all, & if it seems so to you, I apologise. You are as entitled to your opinions as we are to ours. Please accept that not all of us will agree with you. And the reason I read your posts is the same for reading other posts - to learn how they think & to be open to new ideas. And some of the ideas have been thoroughly examined from all angles.
> >
> > Iso: This board is about psychotropic drugs. My input is optional to all readers. You can option to not read what I have to say.
> > I have seen the results of taking neuroleptic drugs. My father died from taking them . My two brothers died from taking them. My 3erd brother is a helpless invalid from taking them. I have een the horroes from the taking of psychotrpic drugs and have a mission to warn all. I know that there are people like you who will slander and defame me so that you can keep ohers from hearing what I have to say. To say that I am malighning people is slander and deamation.
> > LouISO: 5 out of 200 people taking neuroleptic drugs will die within 5 years of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Many more will wake up and see purple spots under their skin and find out tha the drug has given them leukemia and that they have just a short time to live. Many more will develop an incurable movement disorder that will ruin their lives permanatly. Many more will become zombies wih no feelings anymore. They will even be sexless. Their spouses will leave them for they have become an unhuman being masquerading as a person. Some will commit suicide . Others will serch for another drug to counteract the original drug and end up with Parkinse's disease-like syndrome. Others will accidently kill themselves by mixing drugs with alchohol like Judy Garland, Marilyn Monroe, Margo Hemmingway and 1000s of others. Others will be killed in auto accidents because the drug distorted their perceptions. Others will wander into the cold an freeze to death.(this happened to a friend of mine on an AD) Others will be killed by the police while committing a crime. Others will become disabled and be poverty stricken. Othes will be stigmatised by society and shunned and ostracised. I don't condone that, but it is a shamefull reality. Is this the "new lease on life" that you are advocating? Don't you see that the drug companys have done a monsterous injustice to you? There is a different road to the crown of life than the road of drugs.
Posted by IsoM on January 29, 2002, at 21:09:00
In reply to New lease on life? » IsoM, posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 20:49:07
Lou, yes, I do believe the main & over-riding purpose of a drug company is to make money. The benefits of lithium carbonate as a mood stabaliser was known in the late '40s at least but it wasn't till a number of decades later that drug companies showed any interest in it. Why? Because lithium carbonate is a natually occuring salt & can't be pateneted. Without the patent, any company could make it cheap & there was no real profit in it. I'm fully aware of how this world operates by money & power.
But I don't believe that makes all medications evil. Lou, I've been taking psychotropic medications for over 15 years - long enough to have 'poisoned' my system by now. What am I like? Well, I'm neither overweight, nor underweight. I have good muscle tone, strength & flexibility still. I have far fewer migraines than I did when young & they're not that severe anymore. My digestion is good, all systems work very well. A thorough physical check-up (not just the annual sort) shows good health. I don't get sick - no stomach 'flus', infections or anything like that. I'm commonly mistaken for someone in my mid-thirties & I'm 52. Am I boasting? No, but I think if my meds were poisoning me there would be evidence to show it. I am careful about living a healthy lifestyle with frequent physical activity & sound nutrition.
If others choose not to take meds & can do without, hurray for them. I'll be behind them every step, but I don't want someone telling me I don't need them. I've decided already. Thank you very much & I sincerely mean it. I hope you success with your quest about your musical hallucinations. If I ever hear something new about it (I read a lot of science journals), I'll let you know.
Posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 21:41:04
In reply to Re: New lease on life? » lou pilder, posted by IsoM on January 29, 2002, at 21:09:00
> Lou, yes, I do believe the main & over-riding purpose of a drug company is to make money. The benefits of lithium carbonate as a mood stabaliser was known in the late '40s at least but it wasn't till a number of decades later that drug companies showed any interest in it. Why? Because lithium carbonate is a natually occuring salt & can't be pateneted. Without the patent, any company could make it cheap & there was no real profit in it. I'm fully aware of how this world operates by money & power.
> But I don't believe that makes all medications evil. Lou, I've been taking psychotropic medications for over 15 years - long enough to have 'poisoned' my system by now. What am I like? Well, I'm neither overweight, nor underweight. I have good muscle tone, strength & flexibility still. I have far fewer migraines than I did when young & they're not that severe anymore. My digestion is good, all systems work very well. A thorough physical check-up (not just the annual sort) shows good health. I don't get sick - no stomach 'flus', infections or anything like that. I'm commonly mistaken for someone in my mid-thirties & I'm 52. Am I boasting? No, but I think if my meds were poisoning me there would be evidence to show it. I am careful about living a healthy lifestyle with frequent physical activity & sound nutrition.
> If others choose not to take meds & can do without, hurray for them. I'll be behind them every step, but I don't want someone telling me I don't need them. I've decided already. Thank you very much & I sincerely mean it. I hope you success with your quest about your musical hallucinations. If I ever hear something new about it (I read a lot of science journals), I'll let you know.ISO; You are in wonderfull shape. My father was a picture of health when the doctor diagnosed his leukemia.The luekemia has another name when it is induced by a psychotropic drug. I remember the purple spotsall over his body. He died 1 year later of a horrible death. He weighed 60 lbs. when he died. ISO, are you so ignorant as to believe that just because you are beautiful that you will not be stricken by one of these fatal diseases? Marilyn Monroe was beatifull. Psychotropic drugs do not exempt people from their ravages just because you look good. My father took a psychtropic drug for 20 years before he died. The statistics show a progression that is greater than an arithmetic progression when the people get older. 20% is a conservative figure with people your age. The 2 1/2 % is for young , healthy people. The older you get, the more your chances are for the drug to kill you. ISO, what is the drug that you take?
Posted by IsoM on January 30, 2002, at 1:48:21
In reply to you are in wondefull shape » IsoM, posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 21:41:04
No, no, Lou - I wasn't saying I was beautiful - I was saying I'm in good health when I said good shape, physical looks have litttle to do with health. You're reading more into the post than I said.
The spots your father had is called purpura, from the clotting problems leukemia brings; it's pin-point bleeding under the skin. I'm familiar with it.
Posted by ST on January 30, 2002, at 4:31:40
In reply to The tradgedy of sticking it out » ST, posted by Lou Pilder on January 29, 2002, at 6:19:43
I'm sorry you feel that by expressing my views in this open forum I am "killing people". And one day I will wake up in torment? Hmmmmm.
Nobody is trying to "defame" you or push you off the board. But we definitley can do without the fire and brimstone. The people on this board strike me as intelligent and as having a good level of rationality. I've found we all seem to be very open minded and interested in what others have found in their experiences with these different drugs. But it doesn't seem that you are.
You refer to me as "people like you" who will "prevent (you) from telling (me) about a way that will lead (me)out of (my) misery". You have no idea what kind of person I am. First of all, I'm not miserable. And second of all, will you please finally tell us what the heck you're talking about? What exactly is the alternative you preach about? I'm listening. We're all listening.
> > Hi,
> >
> > I understand your passion about this, as some people are quite treatment resistant. As for me (and probably some others on this board) while finding the "right" medication(s) was very painful and often discouraging, I have found a combination of meds that seems to work for me. I also have been in therapy, hoping that "getting to the root of things" would eliminate the need for meds. But since being on meds, I've had the stability to finally face issues in my life and actually work through them.
> >
> > I do massage therapy and work with holistic doctors, acupuncurists and others who often challenge my choice to take drugs rather than take a holistic or a cognitive therapy approach. All I know is that when I wasn't on them, I wanted to kill myself. Now that I take meds, I have a life.
> >
> > Remember that not everyone will have your experience. Most people on this board need encouragement to stick it out and to continue to try different drugs until they find what works for them.
> >
> > Good luck.
> >
> > Sarah
> >
> >
> > >
> > > I have been on tons of antidepressants, and all they did was make my life a living hell. I am in the process of sueing doctors and the drug companies for the emotional,physical, and mental suffering that was caused by these medications. I was completely screwed around by these bastards, because they are ignorant,
> > > and believe that only medications can solve problems in life. Dr. Bob take a good look at what you do! your
> > > profession has a very destructive side to it. open your eyes.
> Sarah, your advice to all to "stick it out" will cause millions of people to die from neuroleptic malignant syndrome, suicide, and have their lives ruined from tardive diskoniesia and a plathora of other maladys that are life-ruining. If you send 10,000 swimmers across the crockidile infested waters of the Nile river, some of them will make it. Some skydivers will survive a fall when their parachute fails to open. The drugs that you take do not descriminate. Soon you will wake up in torment and find that your drugs are yor problem. This forum is about psychotropic drugs and the evils of the drugs are just as important to talk about as the psudolove that you get from them, for it will just be a tempoary experiance for you and then it will be time for you to pay the piper. You and others will want to get me off of this board for telling you the truth about the misery that you are headed for from the use of psychotropic drugs. Psychotropic drugs have been used for 5000 years and have never shown to lead anyone to anyplace except death, either physically or a living death that eats the victim's minds . The world is trying to hide the truth from the users of psychotropic drugs, and soon people like Christian, who established this post and had the courage to rebuke the evil of the drugs will be seen by the world. You can get me off this board, but you will not silence me. You can love your drugs, but some people love death. I have been on many boards in the last 5 years and have seen nothing but misery in the people that take these horrible, life-ruining drugs. The boards have thrown me off, for I have told them how they could live a majetic life without drugs. Free from the slavery of these mind-ruining concoctions of death. Perhaps this board will let me talk to the people on this board, not the "social" board,for it is the people on this board that need to hear what I have to say, not the "social" people. If what I could tell you would give you an abundant life, without drugs, would you want to hear , or would you want to silence me? There is a way that will lead you out of your misery, but I expect people like you to prevent me from telling you, even though you could have a whole new life, without drugs and be free fom the jaws of death.
> Lou
Posted by blondemomints on January 30, 2002, at 6:23:27
In reply to Please FINALLY tell us....., posted by ST on January 30, 2002, at 4:31:40
I have to agree with Sarah here. I've read all the posts and don't see where anyone has "defamed or slandered" Lou. Those words are strong words to toss around, perhaps you should look them up in Webster's most recent copy before continuing.
I feel that the only thing everyone is asking to reveal whatever "lifetime success" you are trying to preach about. If it's so great, why is it such a secret? Just out with it, geez.
Posted by pedr on January 30, 2002, at 7:31:18
In reply to Re: New lease on life? » lou pilder, posted by IsoM on January 29, 2002, at 21:09:00
> Lou, yes, I do believe the main & over-riding purpose of a drug company is to make money. The benefits of lithium carbonate as a mood stabaliser was known in the late '40s at least but it wasn't till a number of decades later that drug companies showed any interest in it. Why? Because lithium carbonate is a natually occuring salt & can't be pateneted. Without the patent, any company could make it cheap & there was no real profit in it. I'm fully aware of how this world operates by money & power.
> But I don't believe that makes all medications evil. Lou, I've been taking psychotropic medications for over 15 years - long enough to have 'poisoned' my system by now. What am I like? Well, I'm neither overweight, nor underweight. I have good muscle tone, strength & flexibility still. I have far fewer migraines than I did when young & they're not that severe anymore. My digestion is good, all systems work very well. A thorough physical check-up (not just the annual sort) shows good health. I don't get sick - no stomach 'flus', infections or anything like that. I'm commonly mistaken for someone in my mid-thirties & I'm 52. Am I boasting? No, but I think if my meds were poisoning me there would be evidence to show it. I am careful about living a healthy lifestyle with frequent physical activity & sound nutrition.
> If others choose not to take meds & can do without, hurray for them. I'll be behind them every step, but I don't want someone telling me I don't need them. I've decided already. Thank you very much & I sincerely mean it. I hope you success with your quest about your musical hallucinations. If I ever hear something new about it (I read a lot of science journals), I'll let you know.IsoM,
I'd just like to salute your civility.Bravo!
Posted by lou pilder on January 30, 2002, at 7:35:05
In reply to Re: Please FINALLY tell us....., posted by blondemomints on January 30, 2002, at 6:23:27
> I have to agree with Sarah here. I've read all the posts and don't see where anyone has "defamed or slandered" Lou. Those words are strong words to toss around, perhaps you should look them up in Webster's most recent copy before continuing.
> I feel that the only thing everyone is asking to reveal whatever "lifetime success" you are trying to preach about. If it's so great, why is it such a secret? Just out with it, geez.Group people: Before you can get on the road to the crown of life, you must first understand the pearl. A pearl is made by the oyster when an irritant gets in its shell and the oyster secretes a substance to protect its sensitive membrane from te irritant. This process goes on and the substance gets larger and larger and becomes the pearl. The oyster goes through great pain and suffering through this process. But out of this suffering is born a great treasure. The road that you will find is made from your sufferings. It is made of the tears and the pain and the anguish that you have sufferd. Only people that have suffered can get on this road. Yu do not have to be ingood health , or br a member of a religion, or be intellegent to get on this road. You just have had to suffer. There are 7 gates that you will go through on this road to get to the crown of life. And when you get there you will be free from yur suffering and you will be a shinning pearl that evryone will be amazed at and they will want you to tell them how they can find what you have found. Have you suffered? Are you ready to go on the greatest journey that you have ever gone on in your life? If so, I will tell you about how you can go through the first gate.
Posted by sid on January 30, 2002, at 8:32:20
In reply to AD for 2 months » sid, posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 19:27:20
Brifely at 20 or 21, yes. But otherwise, I've had dysthymia since I was 13 and I'm 34.
Posted by sid on January 30, 2002, at 8:34:46
In reply to other facts about depression » sid, posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 19:39:17
> Sid: Depression can lift without taking psychotropic drugs.
> LouI know, but the probability of it coming back stronger are rather high. What I'm trying to do at this point is try not to have another episode ever again in my life. I am not sure I would survive another one.
Posted by IsoM on January 30, 2002, at 13:01:35
In reply to The Road to the Crown of Life....The Pearl » blondemomints, posted by lou pilder on January 30, 2002, at 7:35:05
I guess that leaves me out. Have I suffered? Hardly. I've had problems & challenges but I wouldn't consider them suffering when I look around at the conditions in other parts of the world & the way the majority of the world's peoples live & die. My problems have strengthened me & helped mould who I am instead.
P.S. Oysters don't go through "great pain & suffering". Their equivalent of a nervous system is far too undeveloped. The build-up of nacre layers to form a pearl more resembles a callus on our skin, slow & not painful. Both the callus & our outer layer of skin are made of keratin. Both the pearl & the lining of the oyster's shell has the same composition, nacre.
Sorry, it's just the "professor" in me always explaining about the wonders of the physical world. I do understand your analogy.
Posted by IsoM on January 30, 2002, at 13:02:58
In reply to Re: New lease on life?, posted by pedr on January 30, 2002, at 7:31:18
Posted by Geezer on January 30, 2002, at 13:05:17
In reply to Re: The tradgedy of sticking it out » Lou Pilder, posted by MB on January 29, 2002, at 10:59:53
Dear Pbabblers - RE: this business about taking meds - take a deep breath, back up, and get analytical for a moment. You are "fencing with wind mills", its not possible to reason with a delusion-takes too much energy. I get drawn into this with my sister (she is not treated), it wears you out for no reason.
OK Dr. Bob-you can put me in the corner now.
Posted by IsoM on January 30, 2002, at 13:31:01
In reply to Re: The tradgedy of sticking it out, posted by Geezer on January 30, 2002, at 13:05:17
Yeah, Geezer, I know & am ready to quit now. The reason for my continuing so long is to let others who may be persuaded that meds are all evil, see both sides. If they choose Lou's 'Pearl', that's fine. I just want them to make an informed choice one way or another. I won't change Lou's mind as he won't change mine. There's more than one way to treat depression - I want someone who's deciding on their choice to know the alternatives in an educated way. Thanks.
I like your Don Quixote example. :)
Posted by Dr. Bob on January 30, 2002, at 20:25:52
In reply to The tradgedy of sticking it out » ST, posted by Lou Pilder on January 29, 2002, at 6:19:43
> Sarah, your advice to all to "stick it out" will cause millions of people to die from neuroleptic malignant syndrome, suicide, and have their lives ruined from tardive diskoniesia and a plathora of other maladys that are life-ruining.
Please don't accuse anyone here of causing millions to die.
> This forum is about psychotropic drugs and the evils of the drugs are just as important to talk about as the psudolove that you get from them
Yes, the problems of drugs are also important. They do get talked about here, you know...
> You and others will want to get me off of this board for telling you the truth about the misery that you are headed for from the use of psychotropic drugs. Psychotropic drugs have been used for 5000 years and have never shown to lead anyone to anyplace except death, either physically or a living death that eats the victim's minds .
Please don't over-generalize. Whether or not you consider that the truth, that's not acceptable here.
> I have told them how they could live a majetic life without drugs. Free from the slavery of these mind-ruining concoctions of death. Perhaps this board will let me talk to the people on this board, not the "social" board,for it is the people on this board that need to hear what I have to say, not the "social" people.
If you have suggestions that involve medication, then they're appropriate here. If they're of another type, then they're more appropriate at Psycho-Social-Babble. What determines where a post goes isn't who "needs" to hear it, but what it's about.
Posted by Dr. Bob on January 30, 2002, at 20:50:37
In reply to Re: New lease on life?, posted by pedr on January 30, 2002, at 7:31:18
> IsoM,
> I'd just like to salute your civility.
> Bravo!
> pete.That goes for all of you, good job! :-)
Posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 3:51:48
In reply to AD for 2 months » sid, posted by lou pilder on January 29, 2002, at 19:27:20
I'd be interested in hearing about your crown of life and oyster pearl theory. Do you have an email or some other way to contact you about this? Thanks.
Posted by Lou Pilder on January 31, 2002, at 7:58:35
In reply to Info on the Pearl, please » lou pilder, posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 3:51:48
> Lou,
> I'd be interested in hearing about your crown of life and oyster pearl theory. Do you have an email or some other way to contact you about this? Thanks.Barbarbacat: I would like to tell you how you can get to the road to the crown of life. Anyone can get tere by opening 7 gates along the road. I have been there and my life has been transformed and I am not selling anything, or asking for money, or have any religion to promulgate. But the people on this board. except for you, are making an irrational attempt to prevent me from sharing the greatest information in the world to you. But it can only be understood by desparate people that are suffering and want a free and natural life. The people om this board advocate the use , for life, of neuroleptic drugs . I am asking you to rise up and demand that this board allow me to tell you about The Road to the Crown of Life. It is about drugs. It is about suffering, it is about life , it is about life, and it is your only hope. Do you want to hear? Can you demand that those backbiters that want to silence me be silenced? You have nothing to loose. ButI must be on this board. I was on a board a year ago and got the same treatment as this board. Even though the people were suffering from drug withdraw they prohibited me fom telling them how they could be transformed into a new creature with a new mind, a mind that erases the suffering. I did tell them of the first gate and after it was posted the board shut down for an hour and a half and people all over the world e mailed me like you to hear how they could open the other 6 gates. Then I was disfellowshipped and not permitted to post. I am a person just like the people on this board. I could not answer all of the people unless I do it on one post. I could annonce the time that I will post the key to the first gate to open and you could go across the narrow bridge, over the Great Gulf to the road that leads to the crown of life. Those people that do not want to hear could ignore me at that time and you could hear wwhat you want to hear and not be prevented from knowing. Now I have posted another part to this and it was deleted by the group yesterday. Could you ask that I be allowed to post it again or did you see my post abput the cicaida?
Posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 14:26:46
In reply to Lou Answers Back to His Scoffers » BarbaraCat, posted by Lou Pilder on January 31, 2002, at 7:58:35
It sounds like what you have been through has given you a great gift, one that would benefit many people. I would certainly be interested in hearing about this fascinating discovery, as would many others here and all over the world. Unfortunately, this board is not the best place to present these teachings, mainly because it is a place of discussion where topics go all over the place. What you're trying present deserves it's own focus. If you don't yet have a website (hopefully you will someday soon), then what about offering these teachings via email? Many teachers do this and it is very effective. Also, those who are ready for your words, or even just curious, can come to you. If they seek you out, you can be assured that they will be ready for your wisdom.
On this board, people come together as a community, each with their own unique story and path. It's a place to share experiences and the great thing about it is that it's one of the few places where a person can be themselves and not feel blamed. I think that's why it's been so difficult for you to feel heard, Lou. Maybe people feel like they're being blamed for just trying their best, and when that happens people no longer want to listen. I can understand how frustrating that must be for you, especially when you're wanting to share something so important. So, how about getting together some 'lessons' and then letting us know how to get in touch with you and you can share them with interested students? That seems much more effective than trying so hard in the wrong place. -- Barbara
> > Lou,
> > I'd be interested in hearing about your crown of life and oyster pearl theory. Do you have an email or some other way to contact you about this? Thanks.
> Barbarbacat: I would like to tell you how you can get to the road to the crown of life. Anyone can get tere by opening 7 gates along the road. I have been there and my life has been transformed and I am not selling anything, or asking for money, or have any religion to promulgate. But the people on this board. except for you, are making an irrational attempt to prevent me from sharing the greatest information in the world to you. But it can only be understood by desparate people that are suffering and want a free and natural life. The people om this board advocate the use , for life, of neuroleptic drugs . I am asking you to rise up and demand that this board allow me to tell you about The Road to the Crown of Life. It is about drugs. It is about suffering, it is about life , it is about life, and it is your only hope. Do you want to hear? Can you demand that those backbiters that want to silence me be silenced? You have nothing to loose. ButI must be on this board. I was on a board a year ago and got the same treatment as this board. Even though the people were suffering from drug withdraw they prohibited me fom telling them how they could be transformed into a new creature with a new mind, a mind that erases the suffering. I did tell them of the first gate and after it was posted the board shut down for an hour and a half and people all over the world e mailed me like you to hear how they could open the other 6 gates. Then I was disfellowshipped and not permitted to post. I am a person just like the people on this board. I could not answer all of the people unless I do it on one post. I could annonce the time that I will post the key to the first gate to open and you could go across the narrow bridge, over the Great Gulf to the road that leads to the crown of life. Those people that do not want to hear could ignore me at that time and you could hear wwhat you want to hear and not be prevented from knowing. Now I have posted another part to this and it was deleted by the group yesterday. Could you ask that I be allowed to post it again or did you see my post abput the cicaida?
> Lou
Posted by Lou Pilder on January 31, 2002, at 14:56:23
In reply to Re: Lou Answers Back to His Scoffers » Lou Pilder, posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 14:26:46
> Lou,
> It sounds like what you have been through has given you a great gift, one that would benefit many people. I would certainly be interested in hearing about this fascinating discovery, as would many others here and all over the world. Unfortunately, this board is not the best place to present these teachings, mainly because it is a place of discussion where topics go all over the place. What you're trying present deserves it's own focus. If you don't yet have a website (hopefully you will someday soon), then what about offering these teachings via email? Many teachers do this and it is very effective. Also, those who are ready for your words, or even just curious, can come to you. If they seek you out, you can be assured that they will be ready for your wisdom.
> On this board, people come together as a community, each with their own unique story and path. It's a place to share experiences and the great thing about it is that it's one of the few places where a person can be themselves and not feel blamed. I think that's why it's been so difficult for you to feel heard, Lou. Maybe people feel like they're being blamed for just trying their best, and when that happens people no longer want to listen. I can understand how frustrating that must be for you, especially when you're wanting to share something so important. So, how about getting together some 'lessons' and then letting us know how to get in touch with you and you can share them with interested students? That seems much more effective than trying so hard in the wrong place. -- Barbara
> > > Lou,
> > > I'd be interested in hearing about your crown of life and oyster pearl theory. Do you have an email or some other way to contact you about this? Thanks.
> >
> > Barbarbacat: I would like to tell you how you can get to the road to the crown of life. Anyone can get tere by opening 7 gates along the road. I have been there and my life has been transformed and I am not selling anything, or asking for money, or have any religion to promulgate. But the people on this board. except for you, are making an irrational attempt to prevent me from sharing the greatest information in the world to you. But it can only be understood by desparate people that are suffering and want a free and natural life. The people om this board advocate the use , for life, of neuroleptic drugs . I am asking you to rise up and demand that this board allow me to tell you about The Road to the Crown of Life. It is about drugs. It is about suffering, it is about life , it is about life, and it is your only hope. Do you want to hear? Can you demand that those backbiters that want to silence me be silenced? You have nothing to loose. ButI must be on this board. I was on a board a year ago and got the same treatment as this board. Even though the people were suffering from drug withdraw they prohibited me fom telling them how they could be transformed into a new creature with a new mind, a mind that erases the suffering. I did tell them of the first gate and after it was posted the board shut down for an hour and a half and people all over the world e mailed me like you to hear how they could open the other 6 gates. Then I was disfellowshipped and not permitted to post. I am a person just like the people on this board. I could not answer all of the people unless I do it on one post. I could annonce the time that I will post the key to the first gate to open and you could go across the narrow bridge, over the Great Gulf to the road that leads to the crown of life. Those people that do not want to hear could ignore me at that time and you could hear wwhat you want to hear and not be prevented from knowing. Now I have posted another part to this and it was deleted by the group yesterday. Could you ask that I be allowed to post it again or did you see my post abput the cicaida?
> > LouBarbarbacat: You are the first person with kindness that I have encounterd on 5 years on several boards. You have a great fruit blossoming in you. Your answer was so good that I am now hearing," For Once in My Life".
But I must reach evryone openly, not on the back board that is considered less important than this board. Not outside this board , but directly to the people.
"It is a place to share experiances and be themselves and not be blamed".
The above is why I must speak on this board. For all men are created equal, and that should be self-evident.
Posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 15:32:36
In reply to Barbaracat is a great person in this group » BarbaraCat, posted by Lou Pilder on January 31, 2002, at 14:56:23
Well, it may be difficult since this particular board is not set up as a teaching format. Perhaps Dr. Bob would have some ideas. Is it possible to start a Yahoo group? It would be tragic that your message not be heard simply because the 'auditorium' is the wrong kind. This really sounds like something perfect for it's own website. I think you'd have a lot of visitors. Also, all kinds of people could visit this site, not just the ones in this particular group. I'd really encourage you to put your abundant energy into creating a 'sure bet' rather than continuing to be disappointed here. You'll just wear yourself out and your message won't get published the best and most effective way it could.
> > Lou,
> >
> > It sounds like what you have been through has given you a great gift, one that would benefit many people. I would certainly be interested in hearing about this fascinating discovery, as would many others here and all over the world. Unfortunately, this board is not the best place to present these teachings, mainly because it is a place of discussion where topics go all over the place. What you're trying present deserves it's own focus. If you don't yet have a website (hopefully you will someday soon), then what about offering these teachings via email? Many teachers do this and it is very effective. Also, those who are ready for your words, or even just curious, can come to you. If they seek you out, you can be assured that they will be ready for your wisdom.
> >
> > On this board, people come together as a community, each with their own unique story and path. It's a place to share experiences and the great thing about it is that it's one of the few places where a person can be themselves and not feel blamed. I think that's why it's been so difficult for you to feel heard, Lou. Maybe people feel like they're being blamed for just trying their best, and when that happens people no longer want to listen. I can understand how frustrating that must be for you, especially when you're wanting to share something so important. So, how about getting together some 'lessons' and then letting us know how to get in touch with you and you can share them with interested students? That seems much more effective than trying so hard in the wrong place. -- Barbara
> >
> > > > Lou,
> > > > I'd be interested in hearing about your crown of life and oyster pearl theory. Do you have an email or some other way to contact you about this? Thanks.
> > >
> > > Barbarbacat: I would like to tell you how you can get to the road to the crown of life. Anyone can get tere by opening 7 gates along the road. I have been there and my life has been transformed and I am not selling anything, or asking for money, or have any religion to promulgate. But the people on this board. except for you, are making an irrational attempt to prevent me from sharing the greatest information in the world to you. But it can only be understood by desparate people that are suffering and want a free and natural life. The people om this board advocate the use , for life, of neuroleptic drugs . I am asking you to rise up and demand that this board allow me to tell you about The Road to the Crown of Life. It is about drugs. It is about suffering, it is about life , it is about life, and it is your only hope. Do you want to hear? Can you demand that those backbiters that want to silence me be silenced? You have nothing to loose. ButI must be on this board. I was on a board a year ago and got the same treatment as this board. Even though the people were suffering from drug withdraw they prohibited me fom telling them how they could be transformed into a new creature with a new mind, a mind that erases the suffering. I did tell them of the first gate and after it was posted the board shut down for an hour and a half and people all over the world e mailed me like you to hear how they could open the other 6 gates. Then I was disfellowshipped and not permitted to post. I am a person just like the people on this board. I could not answer all of the people unless I do it on one post. I could annonce the time that I will post the key to the first gate to open and you could go across the narrow bridge, over the Great Gulf to the road that leads to the crown of life. Those people that do not want to hear could ignore me at that time and you could hear wwhat you want to hear and not be prevented from knowing. Now I have posted another part to this and it was deleted by the group yesterday. Could you ask that I be allowed to post it again or did you see my post abput the cicaida?
> > > Lou
> Barbarbacat: You are the first person with kindness that I have encounterd on 5 years on several boards. You have a great fruit blossoming in you. Your answer was so good that I am now hearing," For Once in My Life".
> But I must reach evryone openly, not on the back board that is considered less important than this board. Not outside this board , but directly to the people.
> "It is a place to share experiances and be themselves and not be blamed".
> The above is why I must speak on this board. For all men are created equal, and that should be self-evident.
> Lou
Posted by Lou Pilder on January 31, 2002, at 15:43:20
In reply to Re: Barbaracat is a great person in this group » Lou Pilder, posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 15:32:36
Posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 16:43:33
In reply to what part of the world are you in? (nm) » BarbaraCat, posted by Lou Pilder on January 31, 2002, at 15:43:20
I have a suggestion. It seems like your message won't get a chance to be heard if you insist on this board as being the vehicle. It's really not an appropriate place for what you want to do, and that's just the way it is. So why not start where you are, here and now, and work with what you've got? Start a Yahoo Group and write as much of your message as you feel is right. Let the folks on this board know how to find you. Then at least there would be a place to go to read your work and you might be surprised at how many people you'd get. You've gotten a few folks on this board who seem really interested in your theory. If you re-read the thread, many have asked for the website and pleaded with you to let us know how to get more of this info. It seems you're not hearing this and focusing on the fact that you can't say it on this forum, rather than on the fact that there are many of us who would welcome a chance to visit a site you've set up DEDICATED to your work. Think about it. Right now you're not getting your message out because you're not 'thinking outside the box' (or is it the bun?) By setting up your own group, at least it's a start and you'd have all kinds of great documentation (messages from readers) and stuff for when you decide to start a website, or write your book or whatever.
If your message is that important, you'll find a way to make it available. It's just not meant to be for Psycho-babble to be your mouthpiece, but there is a more appropriate place out there where your voice can have it's own home.
Posted by ST on January 31, 2002, at 17:09:56
In reply to A suggestion » Lou Pilder, posted by BarbaraCat on January 31, 2002, at 16:43:33
Please listen to Barbara - she's right. I'm sure you have insight in to something great that has really worked for you and could work for others. Instead of blaming, scaring and belittling people on this board to listen to what you have to say, create a forum where those who want to learn CAN GO TO. This makes so much sense. You can never force or cajole people to adopt a different lifestyle. You can only kindly make the information available to them and hope they are READY to receive it. This may not be the forum for your teachings, but you can create that forum! I'd love to learn more, but I don't like being spoken to in an accusatory manner, assuming I'm a "bad" person. Like the path to enlightenment, people have to be ready for each lesson. If they are not, move on to the person who IS, insuring they get the most of what you have to offer. It's wasted energy to stay on this board. Create a site where you CAN actually help those who WANT to learn and make sure we have the link.
> I have a suggestion. It seems like your message won't get a chance to be heard if you insist on this board as being the vehicle. It's really not an appropriate place for what you want to do, and that's just the way it is. So why not start where you are, here and now, and work with what you've got? Start a Yahoo Group and write as much of your message as you feel is right. Let the folks on this board know how to find you. Then at least there would be a place to go to read your work and you might be surprised at how many people you'd get. You've gotten a few folks on this board who seem really interested in your theory. If you re-read the thread, many have asked for the website and pleaded with you to let us know how to get more of this info. It seems you're not hearing this and focusing on the fact that you can't say it on this forum, rather than on the fact that there are many of us who would welcome a chance to visit a site you've set up DEDICATED to your work. Think about it. Right now you're not getting your message out because you're not 'thinking outside the box' (or is it the bun?) By setting up your own group, at least it's a start and you'd have all kinds of great documentation (messages from readers) and stuff for when you decide to start a website, or write your book or whatever.
> If your message is that important, you'll find a way to make it available. It's just not meant to be for Psycho-babble to be your mouthpiece, but there is a more appropriate place out there where your voice can have it's own home.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.