Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: My story of Effexor » SusanG

Posted by AnneL on January 20, 2002, at 15:29:22

In reply to My story of Effexor, posted by SusanG on January 19, 2002, at 21:46:32

Hi Susan,

Thank you for sharing your story and for seeking some information regarding Effexor. I have been on Effexor for 1 year and am taking 225 mg. daily.

Approximately 2 months ago, I decided to get off of Effexor because I have been feeling very good and like my "old self" again. I dropped my dose down to 150 mg. daily x 3 days and did just fine so I dropped my dose down to 75 mg. for another 2 days until I saw my psychiatrist. After I casually mentioned that I had dropped from 225 mg. to 75 mg. with 5 days he became very alarmed and "asked" me to please increase my dose back to 150 mg. at the very least because he was concerned that I would experience "discontinuation syndrome". I conceded his point and the following day I upped my dose to 150 mg. SEVEN DAYS later I started sobbing and could not stop! I had very odd thoughts of causing bodily harm to myself and totally "freaked out". I called my pdoc on a Sunday as an emergency call and thank God that I have a very patient and compassionate doctor! He explained that what I was experiencing was not some psychotic event or return of major depression but that I was one of the unfortunate people who are very, very sensitive to changing levels of seratonin and that I should immediately take 225 mg. of Effexor and stay at that level until my next appt. I was fine within 24 hours of resuming my dose.

The moral of the story is this: Effexor is a very helpful medication for many, many people. But do not try and discontinue the medication without professional advice. I will follow my pdoc's advise this time. Luckily, it only takes me one time to learn something!

Good luck!


Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG)

Posted by SusanG on January 20, 2002, at 15:30:56

In reply to My Story Of Effexor (SusanG), posted by MaKi on January 20, 2002, at 8:15:09

Hi Joanne and thanks for your response. I was (and am again, having chickened out on going off of it) on 75 mg which doesn't seem like much compared to the doses some people have mentioned on here. Yes, I get incredibly sleepy at times and can barely drag myself around. Some days are worse than others and I'm not sure why. I'm not sure if the fatigue is a symptom of my depression or a side effect of the medication. I used to have a problem with insomnia at least once or twice a week, sort of in random cycles. Now I mostly work at staying conscious and have little energy.


Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG) » SusanG

Posted by michelle a. on January 20, 2002, at 20:17:05

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG), posted by SusanG on January 20, 2002, at 15:30:56

hi susan...

i read your last two posts and all i can suggest is see a psychiatrist. general practioners don't have much background on psych issues/medications, and psych drugs are so funny that way... if you feel good on 37.5, i would check that out with a psych... general practitioners go by the "book" i.e. whatever info the pharmicutical companies give them. and they're in the business of making money, first and foremost. i had done some research online and come to find out, the makers of effexor didn't reveal much in the way of the side effects that people were having. it was only after that they came clean and admitted that some people do become very ill coming off of effexor, both mentally and physically. a psychiatrist, who deals with the tinkering of these meds every day, with many people, will be more in tune to the effects and sucesses of meds. i'm sure it is completely legitimate and feasable that someone could be quite happy on just 37.5 mg. why not? some people need upwards of 300 mg of effexor, some people don't. some people come off it with vertually no problems, others, like myself, are pretty sensitive. a good doctor will listen to the patient and take what they say into serious consideration when dosing. who better knows how you feel than you?

i'm off of effexor, by the way, and on wellbutrin. i just hate the headaches which are common with wellbutrin, but i feel pretty good other than that, and my sex drive is awesome!!! and i'm very sensitive to stuff like that anyway.

good luck and don't give up if you feel strongly about something. you know yourself best!!


Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG) » SusanG

Posted by Mr. Scott on January 23, 2002, at 21:50:23

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG), posted by SusanG on January 20, 2002, at 15:30:56

It's the Effexor...


Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG) » Mr. Scott

Posted by JANNBEAU on January 24, 2002, at 11:36:41

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG) » SusanG, posted by Mr. Scott on January 23, 2002, at 21:50:23

> It's the Effexor...

Quite likely you're right! Seems a familiar story. I have certainly experienced this side effect. I have decreased my dose from 225 mg per day to 75 mg per day and am just now seeing an increase in alertness and a decrease in sleepiness. HOWEVER, the price I am paying for the increased alertness and vigilence is a significant increase in my GAD. Was Effexor really helping the GAD or was it just sedating me to the point that I didn't have any energy to be anxious? Who knows, but I think I'd rather be alert and anxious than sedated and not anxious.



Re: My Story Of Effexor }}SusanG

Posted by sweet_slider on January 24, 2002, at 19:18:33

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor (SusanG) » Mr. Scott, posted by JANNBEAU on January 24, 2002, at 11:36:41

Everyone's story is different so it may or may not be a side effect of the effexor. I have a great difficulty in getting any sleep at all and so the effexor is not at all making me sleepy or drowsy. Others have told me that it is the high dose that makes me unsleepy. Whether that is true or not it does not change my mind in taking it at that dose. I am capable of leading a somewhat "normal" life on my dose of 300mg XR where as before I was unable to due to my GAD and Depression. The side effects I experience are nothing compared to how I was feeling prior to starting effexor xr, I was on Zoloft from 25mg-200mg and it did nothing. I'm not looking forward to coming off it but for now it is helping me to function as I couldn't before. Good luck and do go see a psychiatrist as they are better acustomed in prescribing AD's then GP's just by the fact that they deal everyday with them and get to see and hear about updated side effects that GP's might not get.
~Sweet Slider~ :)


Re: My Story Of Effexor }}SusanG

Posted by sid on January 25, 2002, at 8:47:35

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor }}SusanG, posted by sweet_slider on January 24, 2002, at 19:18:33

I had trouble sleeping on Effexor XR at 37.5mg. It would make me drowsy during the day and then I'd sleep 2 hours at night, during the 1st week. Then things got better. Now I've been at 75mg a day for a couple of weeks and I wake up a few times per night whereas I never do that when I don't take meds. During the day I feel VERY sleepy at times, although the feeling does not last long, fortunately.

So it is different for everyone. Effexor XR affects my sleep big time, even at small doses. It takes several weeks for my sleep pattern to get back to normal, so I am afraid that at higher doses I may be inconvenienced even more... we'll see.


Re: My Story Of Effexor }}Mr.Scott

Posted by Mr. Scott on January 25, 2002, at 20:18:35

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor }}SusanG, posted by sid on January 25, 2002, at 8:47:35

I got to Effexor after trying most of the antidepressants available in the U.S. Some were better than others and most were at least a bit helpful. However, the all have side effects or stop working. So I tried Effexor, and at first I felt like everyone else always looks when I'm depressed. Energy, optimistism, I felt everything wouls eventually be okay! I'm sure someone could even call it hypomanic. They that kind of settled down, and now I just feel like I have thicker skin, I'm not so scared and sad although I aint perfect either...

And I have side-effects too.
Agitation(mild), bruxism, delayed orgasm, low sex drive, constipation.

Also the withdrawal is far worse than benzodiazepine withdrawal which I have gone through 3 times in my life.

I wish I could just go back to Prozac which at the time had no side-effects. But alas..That was many years ago..



Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain

Posted by jenna23 on January 25, 2002, at 20:22:39

In reply to Re: Effexor XR vs. Paxil and weight gain , posted by Cindy W on March 15, 2000, at 13:37:41

I've been taking Effexor xr 300mg for about 3 years and i've put on weight but thats the price you pay.


Re: My Story Of Effexor

Posted by SusanG on January 25, 2002, at 21:30:27

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor }}Mr.Scott, posted by Mr. Scott on January 25, 2002, at 20:18:35

Thanks to all who responded to my post. I still am in a quandry about what to do next but I do know I should see a psychiatrist for help in sorting this out. Can't seem to make myself take that step...not sure why exactly though I have some ideas. I really wish I had kept a journal of my moods and symptoms since I started the medication. As I read the side effects everyone has listed, I find myself saying often, "Yes, I experienced that too!", yet many are contradictory...insomnia and drowsiness, for example. And there are so many other variables to be considered. I don't have a lot of confidence that even a shrink can help me figure this out as I'm not even sure what to report confusion a side effect??!! I know that this weight gain may not seem a big price to pay to some people but it is extremely bothersome to me and when added to other side effects it sways the balance in favor of going off of it. I could even handle the low level omnipressant depression I used to experience but not the occasional deep dips into hopelessness. But the thought of trying to go off of this again gives me the willies.....Sigh.


Re: I'm a newie to Effexor XR

Posted by multix on January 25, 2002, at 21:32:07

In reply to I'm a newie to Effexor XR, posted by CKT on April 27, 2000, at 14:12:52

> As stated, I'm a newie with Effexor XR I just started yesterday on the starter kit and i am feeling a little anxious I feel like i'm on some type of speed. Is this normal? It kind of has me worried. I have tried Zoloft and Elevil and both have made me feel "racy" My doctor put me on Effexor because i am "Depressed" i don't know why and i'm tired all the time. I can't keep my eyes open and this seems to not let me sleep eventhough i keep yawning. I guess i really don't know what to expect and i'm afraid to become a "pill-popper" can anyone help me understand better please?

Personally, I kind of liked the beginning side of Effexor. It wore off after a few days. Perhaps a week. I have taken perhaps five different types of antidepressants. Prozac and Effexor are the ones which work best for me. I have been taking Effexor maybe three months. I take notes on my behavior and I would say that Effexor is the most effective drug I have taken. I have not experienced this side effects that many seem to experience. But I think that perhaps only people who have problems will contribute to this forum. Not many contributors here have zero side effects. I have experienced one side effect. Lack of sexual response. For me it is not enough to stop taking and the drug. For me life is not worth living and if I spend all my time holed up in the apartment.


Effexor -- what to do???

Posted by Allen F. on January 25, 2002, at 23:50:47

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

In 1990 I starting taking Prozac and thought it was no big deal. The doctor casually proscibed it and I took it up until about six months ago. I heard about Selexia (sp?) and changed ... big mistake. Didn't help. The Doctor then put me on Effexor, which I didn't do well on, so he tried me on something else. Long story short, the changes caused havic with my system and a Phyc. put be back on Effexor.

I started having physical problems (side effects) but the Phyc. says that he hasn't had problems with patients on Effexor, especially at the low dose (75 mg) I am on. He wants me to go off over a period of about two weeks. Says it will be no big deal. On the advice of another Doc. I have been reducing it at about 10% per week and have been more irritable than normal. I have had problems in the mornings all along (is this normal with Effexor) but it seems to be worse.

What have others experienced when weaning off. Any experience with tapering off over a longer period of time versus a few weeks? Does the "irritability" go away? How can I protect those around me from the effects of weaning off?

Any help is appreciated.



Re: I'm a newie to Effexor XR » multix

Posted by Mr.Scott on January 26, 2002, at 14:04:33

In reply to Re: I'm a newie to Effexor XR, posted by multix on January 25, 2002, at 21:32:07

> > As stated, I'm a newie with Effexor XR I just started yesterday on the starter kit and i am feeling a little anxious I feel like i'm on some type of speed. Is this normal? It kind of has me worried. I have tried Zoloft and Elevil and both have made me feel "racy" My doctor put me on Effexor because i am "Depressed" i don't know why and i'm tired all the time. I can't keep my eyes open and this seems to not let me sleep eventhough i keep yawning. I guess i really don't know what to expect and i'm afraid to become a "pill-popper" can anyone help me understand better please?
> Personally, I kind of liked the beginning side of Effexor. It wore off after a few days. Perhaps a week. I have taken perhaps five different types of antidepressants. Prozac and Effexor are the ones which work best for me. I have been taking Effexor maybe three months. I take notes on my behavior and I would say that Effexor is the most effective drug I have taken. I have not experienced this side effects that many seem to experience. But I think that perhaps only people who have problems will contribute to this forum. Not many contributors here have zero side effects. I have experienced one side effect. Lack of sexual response. For me it is not enough to stop taking and the drug. For me life is not worth living and if I spend all my time holed up in the apartment.

Everyone in the US takes something everyday from vitamins to coffee, to street drugs, to medicines..Your just unhappy that yours is a psychiatric drug.. See your experiment through..Might as well finish what you started especially since your results sound good so far.




Posted by nocman on January 27, 2002, at 12:11:08

In reply to Effexor -- what to do???, posted by Allen F. on January 25, 2002, at 23:50:47

after reading the above messages, i'm going to need a barbituate just to continue my daily dosage of effexor. i just got off prozac but now wondering whether that was the right way to go...


Re: My Story Of Effexor

Posted by grawilsoca on January 27, 2002, at 14:04:25

In reply to Re: My Story Of Effexor , posted by SusanG on January 25, 2002, at 21:30:27

After suffering the past two weeks withdrawing from Effexor I got on the internet to see if this was normal. I was in shock to find this site and learn that so many people had gone through ever worse. If I had known before I started that it was going to be like this I would never have started.
I'm upset with my GP for putting me on it as I thought I was doing ok with Wellbutrin - he told me I would really like the new drug, Effexor, even more.
When I started I had no problems 'adjusting' to it, it worked great (did exactly what the GP said it would do),but after 2 months at 175mg the loss of ANY sexual interest was not helping my relationship with my wife. The ONLY other side effects I had were constipation, but with changes to my diet (ie. eating properly) that went away and sudden weight gain (I'm down to the last pair of pants the will fit me).
After reading a years worth of postings I guess I'll just have to "grin and bare it" while I switch back to Wellbutrin.
I was on Wellbutrin and Buspar 3 years ago and withdrawing from them was easy compared to Effexor.
When you are the only person in your immediate and extended family experiencing being on psyc drugs it is a relief to find out that there are thousands 'out there' going through the same thing.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by MK12345 on January 27, 2002, at 18:51:26

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Hello, I am new to this, and I was reading some of the e-mails and happy to see many people have similar problems....unfortunatly makes me feel a little better, anyways, I was on Zoloft, didn't work, been Effexor for about 3 to 4 months, at first worked great!! no real noticable side I am at 225mg and it seems to not work anymore, almost like I am immuned to it...I have no self-esteem! I was and sorta still am scared to go very far! I freak out when people joke with me, because I am not sure what they mean by it!! I also get dizzy once at school, work sometimes...before i go this part of anxiety? heard it is.....I would just like someone to tell me whats going on before i got back to the doc. Thanks!!!


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? }} MK12345

Posted by sweet_slider on January 29, 2002, at 1:53:11

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by MK12345 on January 27, 2002, at 18:51:26

Hey, you are not alone, cetainly not on this site at least, many people have the same symptoms you are describing, it sounds a little like agoraphobia-that's when you are scared to leave the house for fear of having an attack when you do. The dizzyness is common to a lot of people, I have it all the time and it may be a symptom of anxiety or a side effect of the drugs, it's different for everyone. I was also on Zoloft and it did nothing for me either. I am now at 6 months on effexor XR at 300mg/day and it took a while to get to a stable dosage, you may need to up yours(with your doctor of course) until you find a comfortable dose. I thought the effexor was pooping out on me every few weeks, you may have read an earlier post of mine, it turns out I just wasn't on enough of it and was processing it too fast so it wasn't helping me any, now I am feeling (not great) but definetly better. Hope you find some of this useful! :)
~Sweet Slider~


Re: My story of Effexor

Posted by JAG on January 30, 2002, at 9:19:44

In reply to My story of Effexor, posted by SusanG on January 19, 2002, at 21:46:32

Hello, I just happened to stumble upon this sight while researching information about the new medication that my doctor prescribed for me. I have a variety of conditions that all mesh into one depressed & anxious person. I have been diagnosed to experience PTSD, OCD, Panic attacks, depression, and Bi-polarism. I have tried to take Paxil, Wellbutrin, and Zoloft. I am now on Effexor. I found that the other meds lowered my libido and increased my pants size, which in turn was not good for my depression. Since you mentioned weight gain on Effexor, I am concerned. I know that not everyone reacts the same to medications, but I am still worried. My doctor told me that it was least likely that I would gain added weight. In fact, she told me that I would lose the extra weight that I had gained with the other medications. Even if it is not truely the reason that I may lose weight, I was still hoping for a placebo effect. Should I be worried about my weight as I did on Zoloft? On another note, my doctor also wanted to mix Wellbutrin & Effexor for the added response of the libido. I am leary to go on the two meds at the same time, plus I experienced ringing in the ears with the Wellbutrin and am afraid to try it again. If anyone has any insight to these concerns please let me know. I am fairly new to antidepressants and panic disorder meds (9 trial months). It is nice to know that there are individuals that have had similar experiences. Hope all is well, JAG


Re: My story of Effexor » JAG

Posted by JANNBEAU on January 30, 2002, at 11:52:18

In reply to Re: My story of Effexor, posted by JAG on January 30, 2002, at 9:19:44

>Hi, JAG. I can't tell you how your body will react to Effexor with respect to weight gain or loss, but IN GENERAL - (please understand that, by "in general" I mean the statistical probability that any given therapeutic or side effect will occur with a given medication) - those who gain weight on one psychotrophic med will respond similarly to most of them, while those who lose weight (often people who are lightweight to start with, have difficulty keeping their weight up, and who react to stress, depression, etc., by further DECREASING their caloric intake will also be the ones who lose weight on a medication. It is my personal opinion that this is some type of "hard wiring" in the brain). Of course this is not invariable. If it were, it wouldn't be a probability, but an absolute and doctors would be able to say "you will lose weight with this medication" or "you will gain". At this point, I don't think any doctor can say absolutely that your body will react in a certain way to any medication. He/she can only say "you MAY do or feel or react in such and such a way" based on what is known about the specific medication from others and from research--

The problem for me seems to be one of medication-induced loss of control over what I eat and how much. I crave carbohydrates and sweets on Effexor and don't seem able to fight this.

On the other hand, if your weight is already up, perhaps you will have hit a plateau and won't gain any more. Then, also, if the medication works for your other problems, you might be able to concentrate better on your physical health and lose weight by cutting calories and increasing exercise. Or, you just might be one of the lucky ones who lose weight.

Good Luck and Hang In There!!


Hello, I just happened to stumble upon this sight while researching information about the new medication that my doctor prescribed for me. I have a variety of conditions that all mesh into one depressed & anxious person. I have been diagnosed to experience PTSD, OCD, Panic attacks, depression, and Bi-polarism. I have tried to take Paxil, Wellbutrin, and Zoloft. I am now on Effexor. I found that the other meds lowered my libido and increased my pants size, which in turn was not good for my depression. Since you mentioned weight gain on Effexor, I am concerned. I know that not everyone reacts the same to medications, but I am still worried. My doctor told me that it was least likely that I would gain added weight. In fact, she told me that I would lose the extra weight that I had gained with the other medications. Even if it is not truely the reason that I may lose weight, I was still hoping for a placebo effect. Should I be worried about my weight as I did on Zoloft? On another note, my doctor also wanted to mix Wellbutrin & Effexor for the added response of the libido. I am leary to go on the two meds at the same time, plus I experienced ringing in the ears with the Wellbutrin and am afraid to try it again. If anyone has any insight to these concerns please let me know. I am fairly new to antidepressants and panic disorder meds (9 trial months). It is nice to know that there are individuals that have had similar experiences. Hope all is well, JAG


Re: My story of Effexor

Posted by SusanG on January 30, 2002, at 13:40:05

In reply to Re: My story of Effexor » JAG, posted by JANNBEAU on January 30, 2002, at 11:52:18

I recently called my gyn who originally prescribed my Effexor SR and asked about switchin from Effexor to Wellbutrin. Her nurse just called and told me to gradually withdraw from the Effexor by taking one full dose one day, then half the next, a full dose again, and so on for a week. Week two should be all half doses, then a half dose every other day for the third week. She would then start me on the Wellbutrin. I exlained that I use the capsules, not pills, and the nurse's response was for me to just take them every other day, then every third day and this would accomplish the same thing. Do you really think so? It seems the level of medication in my blood would not be the same with the two methods. I have read earlier posts about trying to split the capsules and I'm wondering if I really should do that instead though it sounds like a pain and would lead to inconsistent dosages. Any thoughts on this? I'm also concerned about hitting one of those horrid "crash and burn" episodes as I do this. Last time when I went cold turkey (stupid, I know) it was awful. If this should occur again, any ideas of what to do to get through it until I can get on the Wellbutrin other than putting me in a padded room? I know the gradual withdrawl is supposed to avoid this but I'm apprehensive.Thanks.


Re: My story of Effexor

Posted by sweet_slider on January 30, 2002, at 20:07:03

In reply to Re: My story of Effexor, posted by SusanG on January 30, 2002, at 13:40:05

The only comment I have for you is that the granules in the capsules taste horribly nasty! One capsule broke open while I was taking it and I almost threw up, it took nearly ten minutes to get the taste washed down without puking, so I don't really recommend you spliting them, good luck if you do! Have something good-tasting nearby! :)
~Sweet Slider~


Re: My story of Effexor

Posted by Allen F. on January 30, 2002, at 21:37:12

In reply to Re: My story of Effexor, posted by SusanG on January 30, 2002, at 13:40:05

I am trying to wean off of Effexor too and I am very amprehensive. I have been taking a few of the granuals out of the capsule each does, increaing each week. I have found that I am very irritable and my mood is not as stable as I would like it. To say I have "fear" about this whole thing is an understatement.

I posted (1/25/02) and asked for ideas, would love to hear them if there are any out there.



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » MK12345

Posted by RENEEB on January 31, 2002, at 14:21:50

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by MK12345 on January 27, 2002, at 18:51:26

Hi! I started on effexor about 9 months ago. I got dizzy on the first week after that I was okay.

I was noticing as time went on that it made me very tired. What my doctor did was put me on Wellburtin ( it gives you more energy )- know I take 300mg in the morning and in the evening before bedtime I take 300mg of effexor. This seemed to be a good mix for me. The reason I didnt want to get off effexor is that I liked the fact that you really don't feel like you on a drug.

Hope this helps!!


Re: My story of Effexor » SusanG

Posted by michelle a. on February 1, 2002, at 17:27:40

In reply to Re: My story of Effexor, posted by SusanG on January 30, 2002, at 13:40:05

hello susan...

sounds like a decent plan. i ended up having to wean off like that.. i just spaced my doses (at the end when i was every other day and couldn't seem to get off it)so that i was taking a 37.5 xr capsule only when i couldn't take it anymore and was feeling uncomfortable. that would alieviate the symptoms i was having and the space in between would get longer and longer. i am currently MED free!!! i was taking wellbutrin and i forgot to take it for some reason and eventually i was taking it every other day, then third, then i realized it had been a few days and i felt ok. it's been about 2weeks now and i feel pretty good! i basially weaned myself off it by accident. hey, if i can do it and feel ok, that's good.



Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by grawilsoca on February 3, 2002, at 13:10:33

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? » MK12345, posted by RENEEB on January 31, 2002, at 14:21:50

I was originally on 150 of Wellbutrin then the Dr added 150 of effexor. They worked well in combination, but I wanted off the Effexor, as I said previously, for the absence of libedo and the weight gain.
I'm starting week 4 of withdrawl and have found that eating small amounts, several times a day, to keep something on my stomach, and keeping my body cool has helped.
Has anyone else found that to be true??

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