Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1016

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Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by JOHN R. HIRST on June 17, 2001, at 15:01:24

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by dave_fox on June 17, 2001, at 10:07:30

I too am withdrawing from effexor xr. I was on just 150 mg for about a year after being on prozac for about 3 years. I wanted to get off since I was soooo tired and could not get through a day. My joints and muscles ached every day and I could not hardly exercise, which has been very important to me over the years. I think effexor has truely changed my life and not for the better. I totally lost my personality, i had no motivation and my job performance greatly declined. I dont want to blame everything on meds, but I really believe it was a big factor. Now I have been totally off for 14 days after just tapering for 2 weeks(it should have been longer as I am now reading).
This has been a nightmare with all the effects (or effexors as I call them) that others have posted about. I thought it was better after a week and then I saw it get even worse. The last 2 days have been unbearable with constant shock like sensations and dizziness. I was sick, fatigued, weak, muscles ache. I can totally not function. I went to half days at work and even this was too much. I work with people with mental illness and it is totally hard to recommend meds to them now. I feel for all of you going through this.
I am just so afraid that this will not pass soon enough. My boss at work just does not understand and I am taking most of my days off. I feel I will need more and dont know how we are going to pay bills. My wife has been great, but it is very hard for her. How can one medication cause so much turmoil? I will pray for all of you and I need your prayers also. With God only,

John H.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Zo on June 17, 2001, at 15:46:16

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by JOHN R. HIRST on June 17, 2001, at 15:01:24

Tough as the situation is, let's not lose perspective and demonize Effexor -- or any med. The important thing to remember is how wildly variable the effects of medications are, for each of us. . .And I think this is knowledge we can take away from this board and bring to disbelieving docs. How astonishingly individual we are. My pdoc has over 300 patients whose needs and reactions to all these drugs is so idiosyncratic, he happens to thrive on that. . .and I think what we can do is support each other. I'm amazed and really sorry to hear of the bad effects Effexor is having on some of you, I know how awful a med can be that doesn't work for one. Lamactil about drove me over the edge. . .

Love to all,


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Andy123 on June 17, 2001, at 16:26:35

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by slazart on June 13, 2001, at 17:42:22

I'd like to add my two cents to this effexor withdraw topic. I had been on effexor for 7 or so months (I have a long history of being on antidepressants.) It is troubling to be so dependent on a medication so I stopped taking effexor without tapering with pretty bad results. I was feeling really terrible and went back on it. I again stopped and am now so "out of it" that I am doing very odd things. I can't remember things and my hygeine is declining. The effexor had significantly suppressed my libido. All of my latent sexual thoughts and urges must have been stored somewhere during my treatment because in the past 2 weeks i've had 7 months worth of sexual motivation. I have gone into my old cabinet to try to find things to help me deal with this withdrawal and i have taken prozac 20 mg 2X. Today I have taken d-amphetamine 2X with some improvement in the "undirectedness" and hypotension.
There are some positive sides to this withdrawal... finally an end to the mushed down affect, when i get down to work I have had some really intense periods of enjoyment and productivity, exercise is easier, and the hypersexuality hasn't been all bad. The worst part of the withdrawal has been a return to very intense feelings of shame. I had that as a major symptom before I ever took antidepressants and it is very difficult to deal with. Its like I think about something embarassing I have done and think about it over and over (very OCD.)


Re: Effexor Withdrawl » slazart

Posted by Seraphim on June 17, 2001, at 18:02:36

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by slazart on June 13, 2001, at 17:42:22

> > I am currently tapering off effexor and 'OH MY GOD!' i have done such a gradual taper and am in a panic. I feel manic one minute & then like crying, I feel like I am going nuts and can't explain the inner turmoil to my family. I fight minute by minute to appear even somewhat level headed and not chew someone's butt. Outwardly I say 'you shouldn't add to the situation if you don't understand what is happening' (while smiling of course) inside I want to bellow out 'you inconsiderate piece of crap shut up and don't butt in where you don't belong!!" My head is dizzy, I have the 'electric feeling' and especially when I move my head or eyes, I am anxious and feel like jumping from one thing to another as long as it doesn't require my brain or a decision which is impossible because I own my own business. I can't seem to take a deep breath. I feel feverish and shivery but my body temp is only 97. I went from 75 mg to 37.5 2x/day then spread the time out between doses to eventually get to 37.5 1/day then began half doses of the 37.5 2x/day spreading that time until I was to once a day. Now I cut the 37.5 to taper in the same way and am even still having psychotic difficulty breaking free. I took my last half of a half of a half, Monday at noon and can barely take it anymore. I want to take a small dose to make it all go away but am trying to get over the hump and stick with it? How much longer?????? I am a basket case (and I didn't even mention the nightmares every 10 minutes.

Hang in there! I have been experiencing EXACTLY the same. I started tapering from 300mg three and a half months ago. I am finally on day 15 with absolutely no Effexor. I am still experiencing many of the withdrawal effects. Dizzy, nauseau, mood swings, nightmares, etc... BUT it has been getting better and the glimpses of optimism, determination, waking up feeling like I want to accomplish something and succeed at work, have been coming more frequently and lasting longer and longer. I had the worst withdrawal effects tapering down from 37.5, once I got there. I finally broke down and went to my doctor. He gave me the original 25mg. Effexor tablets, which I broke in half in order to continue tapering and stretching out the dosages. I also took Prozac Weekly(the new once a week dose) for three weeks (Dr. gave me samples). It did help tremendously with the withdrawal effects, although my libido died almost immediately. But at least it was a little easier to get through the day without having periods where I want to jump out of my skin, jump down someone's throat or just jump off a bridge to make the withdrawal go away. And the nightmares aren't coming every night anymore (for a while it was really bad and affecting my waking life. Now I only have nightmares once or twice a week) Like I said, I am now on day 15 without ANY meds. I have also been drinking gallons of water, taking vitamins, making sure to eat only the healthiest foods, and forcing myself to get even a little exercise every day(very hard to do, but is definitely helping). Today I feel good, in fact really good and that's what I'm focusing on; each day, sometimes just each hour. I told a friend, that I met on this board a few months ago(she has provided invaluable support), that when I looked at pictures from a few years ago and then looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but cry for the person I lost. Now I see her coming back. I'm not there yet, but am very determined. Hang on to your determination, no matter what! Feel free to stay in touch.



Re: Effexor Withdrawl » Seraphim

Posted by AD on June 20, 2001, at 6:39:21

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl » slazart, posted by Seraphim on June 17, 2001, at 18:02:36

> > > I am currently tapering off effexor and 'OH MY GOD!' i have done such a gradual taper and am in a panic. I feel manic one minute & then like crying, I feel like I am going nuts and can't explain the inner turmoil to my family. I fight minute by minute to appear even somewhat level headed and not chew someone's butt. Outwardly I say 'you shouldn't add to the situation if you don't understand what is happening' (while smiling of course) inside I want to bellow out 'you inconsiderate piece of crap shut up and don't butt in where you don't belong!!" My head is dizzy, I have the 'electric feeling' and especially when I move my head or eyes, I am anxious and feel like jumping from one thing to another as long as it doesn't require my brain or a decision which is impossible because I own my own business. I can't seem to take a deep breath. I feel feverish and shivery but my body temp is only 97. I went from 75 mg to 37.5 2x/day then spread the time out between doses to eventually get to 37.5 1/day then began half doses of the 37.5 2x/day spreading that time until I was to once a day. Now I cut the 37.5 to taper in the same way and am even still having psychotic difficulty breaking free. I took my last half of a half of a half, Monday at noon and can barely take it anymore. I want to take a small dose to make it all go away but am trying to get over the hump and stick with it? How much longer?????? I am a basket case (and I didn't even mention the nightmares every 10 minutes.
> Hang in there! I have been experiencing EXACTLY the same. I started tapering from 300mg three and a half months ago. I am finally on day 15 with absolutely no Effexor. I am still experiencing many of the withdrawal effects. Dizzy, nauseau, mood swings, nightmares, etc... BUT it has been getting better and the glimpses of optimism, determination, waking up feeling like I want to accomplish something and succeed at work, have been coming more frequently and lasting longer and longer. I had the worst withdrawal effects tapering down from 37.5, once I got there. I finally broke down and went to my doctor. He gave me the original 25mg. Effexor tablets, which I broke in half in order to continue tapering and stretching out the dosages. I also took Prozac Weekly(the new once a week dose) for three weeks (Dr. gave me samples). It did help tremendously with the withdrawal effects, although my libido died almost immediately. But at least it was a little easier to get through the day without having periods where I want to jump out of my skin, jump down someone's throat or just jump off a bridge to make the withdrawal go away. And the nightmares aren't coming every night anymore (for a while it was really bad and affecting my waking life. Now I only have nightmares once or twice a week) Like I said, I am now on day 15 without ANY meds. I have also been drinking gallons of water, taking vitamins, making sure to eat only the healthiest foods, and forcing myself to get even a little exercise every day(very hard to do, but is definitely helping). Today I feel good, in fact really good and that's what I'm focusing on; each day, sometimes just each hour. I told a friend, that I met on this board a few months ago(she has provided invaluable support), that when I looked at pictures from a few years ago and then looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but cry for the person I lost. Now I see her coming back. I'm not there yet, but am very determined. Hang on to your determination, no matter what! Feel free to stay in touch.
> Seraphim

I can't believe how many people are experiencing the same withdrawal effects that I am coming off of effexor. It's good to know I'm not alone. Does anyone know how long these side effects last?? I just about can't take it anymore.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by Janelle on June 24, 2001, at 1:13:51

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl » slazart, posted by Seraphim on June 17, 2001, at 18:02:36

Wow - I had the SAME experience (and man was it frightening) doing what turned out to be getting of PAXIL waaaaaaay too fast. I was soooo sick, it was horrible. My doctor did the tapering schedule for me, so SHE learned too, just how GRADUALLY and SLOWLY one has to taper off these kinds of meds. Good luck.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl » Janelle

Posted by AD on June 24, 2001, at 7:44:21

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by Janelle on June 24, 2001, at 1:13:51

> Wow - I had the SAME experience (and man was it frightening) doing what turned out to be getting of PAXIL waaaaaaay too fast. I was soooo sick, it was horrible. My doctor did the tapering schedule for me, so SHE learned too, just how GRADUALLY and SLOWLY one has to taper off these kinds of meds. Good luck.

Well I have been off of Effexor for almost 7 days - the symptoms are much better, I have to admit. Still having the electric "shocks". but not as often. Please, please listen to me that it is soooo important to GRADUALLY wean off these anti-depressants. I have now been on Wellbutrin for 3 days and am starting to have less and less depressive episodes. The Xanax (3 tims a day) seems to lessen the anxiety I have felt going off the Effexor. If and when I go off the Wellbutrin, it will be a slow process. Hang in there all - the crisis always ends.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by AnimalRescue on June 24, 2001, at 20:12:00

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl » Janelle, posted by AD on June 24, 2001, at 7:44:21

Sappy as it sounds, thank heavens for this board because I would have thought I'd gone insane if I hadn't read what everyone else has gone through. I'm "off" Effexor XR now - about 2 weeks - but I still don't feel myself. Because of what I read here, I requested Prozac from my pdoc to help with the withdrawal, which she was fine with. She had first suggested Wellbutrin to help with withdrawal, but since I had been on Prozac before, and had never tried Wellbutrin, we went for Prozac. Made it tolerable. I did resort to opening up a capsule of the 37.5 mg. and dividing it into two smaller doses (it was so pathetic - I had to divide the pellets into sizes and then divide each size...) But, taking the smaller dose about three days apart did help.

My real question/problem is regarding lasting effects. Does the residual EVER go away? Anxiety is back (which is why I went on it), but now I am also ANGRY all the time. True, I've had a lot of crap happen to me lately, but my anger is constant and exaggerated. I am always mad. It was happening while on Effexor, too. Then, and while I was tapering, I was virtually psycho - lash out with nasty emails to coworkers. Stuff I know better than doing.

Has anyone else had these anger problems? Do they go away? Has Wellbutrin been a better choice for some than Prozac? Also, pdoc just prescribed BuSpar and low dose of Xanax until that kicks in. But I am so reluctant to get on another drug. Anyone have any thoughts on BuSpar? I did have to start taking a 1/4 tab of Lorazepam (Ativan) in order to sleep, which is why I think the pdoc gave me the Xanax instead.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by AD on June 25, 2001, at 6:52:02

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by AnimalRescue on June 24, 2001, at 20:12:00

> Sappy as it sounds, thank heavens for this board because I would have thought I'd gone insane if I hadn't read what everyone else has gone through. I'm "off" Effexor XR now - about 2 weeks - but I still don't feel myself. Because of what I read here, I requested Prozac from my pdoc to help with the withdrawal, which she was fine with. She had first suggested Wellbutrin to help with withdrawal, but since I had been on Prozac before, and had never tried Wellbutrin, we went for Prozac. Made it tolerable. I did resort to opening up a capsule of the 37.5 mg. and dividing it into two smaller doses (it was so pathetic - I had to divide the pellets into sizes and then divide each size...) But, taking the smaller dose about three days apart did help.
> My real question/problem is regarding lasting effects. Does the residual EVER go away? Anxiety is back (which is why I went on it), but now I am also ANGRY all the time. True, I've had a lot of crap happen to me lately, but my anger is constant and exaggerated. I am always mad. It was happening while on Effexor, too. Then, and while I was tapering, I was virtually psycho - lash out with nasty emails to coworkers. Stuff I know better than doing.
> Has anyone else had these anger problems? Do they go away? Has Wellbutrin been a better choice for some than Prozac? Also, pdoc just prescribed BuSpar and low dose of Xanax until that kicks in. But I am so reluctant to get on another drug. Anyone have any thoughts on BuSpar? I did have to start taking a 1/4 tab of Lorazepam (Ativan) in order to sleep, which is why I think the pdoc gave me the Xanax instead.

YES! I have been VERY angry since I've been coming off the Effexor. I haven't behaved this way since before I went on Prozac or Effexor. It is getting much better since I started the Wellbutrin - 4 days now - woo hoo!! My friend is on BuSpar for anxiety, it has worked well for her. I am on Xanax (.25 mg.) three times a day until the Wellbutrin takes full effect (my doc said it works well for anxiety too, but may have to go on BuSpar, we'll see). I know the anger is hard to control - are you receiving any counseling along with the anti-depressants? It helps tremendously. Good luck my friend, hang in there ... the crisis always ends.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by Eugene75 on June 25, 2001, at 13:01:58

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by AD on June 25, 2001, at 6:52:02

This is my first post here, and I have to agree as well, I'm very grateful for the board and knowing I wasn't the only one going through an awful time on Effexor XR. Was on it for about 6 months, and it made me so apathetic I didn't notice it was making me gradually more and more forgetful, lethargic, irritable, and now that I look back on it, uncontrollably angry and resentful at times, especially with close friends and some co-workers.

Got off of it rather quickly (in 2 weeks), which made me the most depressed I'd ever felt in my life...just a hollow, hopeless feeling... That was three months ago, and I'm just starting to feel a little like my old self again. Since then I've been on and off various other meds, including Wellbutrin, Prozac, and Buspar. Wellbutrin SR did seem to help in mood, but gave me immense anxiety (@ 75mg 2x/day), to the point that I'd be afraid to leave the house and see people. Added Buspar to the mix for anxiety, but that only seemed to make it worse for me...

The anger's fading, but it's left me with moments of intense resentment, esp at my doc for upping the Effexor, seemingly without reason, and at Effexor in general because it's seemed to fundamentally alter me. Went from anger to extreme irritability, some anxiety, and now it's mostly a mild anxiety...which ironically enough was the reason my doc started me down this whole horrible path a year ago.

Good luck...let us know how the other meds go, IMO Effexor's a horrible drug...just my opinion tho...


Re: Effexor Withdrawl » JOHN R. HIRST

Posted by Eugene75 on June 25, 2001, at 13:15:49

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by JOHN R. HIRST on June 17, 2001, at 15:01:24


Reading your post was like reading something I would have written about getting off of effexor xr... I was on the same dosage as you, 150mg/day, for about 6 months for anxiety. I stopped taking the meds, tapering over a 4-5 day period, which was what my doc had recommended, and which i now realize was way too fast. I clearly remember about a week after I'd stopped entirely, one day I woke up and my head felt clear, thoughts weren't foggy, and I was almost ecstatic at feeling like my old self... that was pretty shortlived, it turned into extreme fatigue, did the same as you and took a LOT of sick days, and those days I went in were half days at best. I must have spent 2-3 days in bed straight through... Truly the most horrible feeling I've ever felt, and it put me into a deep depression. I was reluctant to try new meds after that, but after I couldn't take it any more I tried a trial of Wellbutrin SR, which seemed to help slightly.

I too feel that effexor's changed me fundamentally, definitely not for the better, and I'm hoping with time I can feel like my old self again.

I wish you the best and keep us posted on your progress...

> I too am withdrawing from effexor xr. I was on just 150 mg for about a year after being on prozac for about 3 years. I wanted to get off since I was soooo tired and could not get through a day. My joints and muscles ached every day and I could not hardly exercise, which has been very important to me over the years. I think effexor has truely changed my life and not for the better. I totally lost my personality, i had no motivation and my job performance greatly declined. I dont want to blame everything on meds, but I really believe it was a big factor. Now I have been totally off for 14 days after just tapering for 2 weeks(it should have been longer as I am now reading).
> This has been a nightmare with all the effects (or effexors as I call them) that others have posted about. I thought it was better after a week and then I saw it get even worse. The last 2 days have been unbearable with constant shock like sensations and dizziness. I was sick, fatigued, weak, muscles ache. I can totally not function. I went to half days at work and even this was too much. I work with people with mental illness and it is totally hard to recommend meds to them now. I feel for all of you going through this.
> I am just so afraid that this will not pass soon enough. My boss at work just does not understand and I am taking most of my days off. I feel I will need more and dont know how we are going to pay bills. My wife has been great, but it is very hard for her. How can one medication cause so much turmoil? I will pray for all of you and I need your prayers also. With God only,
> John H.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by slazart on June 25, 2001, at 21:46:12

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by Eugene75 on June 25, 2001, at 13:01:58

Well after being gone for two weeks, I was supposed to "Ride the Rockies" which this effexor withdrawal stuff put a huge damper on, and I am sad to have missed it but cheered on my hubby. Next year watch out!! Previously posted as sllazar/sharon, I am doing better and this board is wonderful for the support because I went back to my doc and he told me I was the first he had heard of having such symptoms from effexor and admitted that he thought one guy that had told him about the 'electric shock-type feelings' sounded weird and attributed it to that particular guy. The good thing is he was very empathetic and said it helps him greatly in treating others. We talked in length about a game plan (I did reserve extra time with him).
I was previously on Celexa which was in every way wonderful but my libido was lessened. At the time, I wasn't willing to accept that and that was why I tried effexor. Now, after all these side effects with effexor, this seems trivial. He recommended a smaller dose of celexa and perhaps the lower libido would abate, and we took an incredibly slow rate of tapering off effexor. We are all affected so differently and I seem to be pretty sensitive to drugs. The effect effexor has on you is varied greatly from one to another but because of its very short half-life (how quickly it comes out of your system) it leaves your body without anything to take its place and your body can't compensate. Also for this reason, as you taper you must let your body adjust to each new reduction in dose. This has helped me tremedously and hope to be off it completely this month. For a week at a time I have taken my regular dose and cut it in half but take it twice a day and then cut it in half again until I am down to half doses twice a day. Stay on that 1 week and then cut again. My recent program was 37.5 cut to the approx. 19 mg twice a day. Then I went to the 25mg cut in half. Back to the 37.5 cut in quarters and I am now on 25 mg cut in quarters to equal 6.25 mg twice a day. The final step will be 6.25 mg once a day. It may seem extreme; but for me it seems to be what it takes. If I have to, I will get to taking just a lick ;) In the meantime I have started the celexa in half doses and Klonopin as needed(generic name) .5 mg for when I can't sleep. I do this on the weekends and I am able to work and see normal life slowly returning.

Alas, I too have been a bit angry but the celexa and klonopin have helped.

To all; see your doc and if you have to reserve extra time so he/she doesn't feel rushed he/she can help immensely. It is true, you are affected differently than the next and although some love this med, those that it does not agree with, are in for a rocky ride. And no, you're not crazy,
no your not losing your eyesight, temper, patience, love of life and people. Just the opposite! If you didn't care and were calloused to other's feelings and those around you, you wouldn't be looking for relief. It is the most sensitive and emotional individuals that seem to seek out a little inner peace. Good luck to all ... dream like there is eternity, and live to make your dreams come true like it may end tomorrow!! Sharon


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by liz taylor on June 28, 2001, at 13:44:02

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by JOHN R. HIRST on June 17, 2001, at 15:01:24

> I too am withdrawing from effexor xr. I was on just 150 mg for about a year after being on prozac for about 3 years. I wanted to get off since I was soooo tired and could not get through a day. My joints and muscles ached every day and I could not hardly exercise, which has been very important to me over the years. I think effexor has truely changed my life and not for the better. I totally lost my personality, i had no motivation and my job performance greatly declined. I dont want to blame everything on meds, but I really believe it was a big factor. Now I have been totally off for 14 days after just tapering for 2 weeks(it should have been longer as I am now reading).
> This has been a nightmare with all the effects (or effexors as I call them) that others have posted about. I thought it was better after a week and then I saw it get even worse. The last 2 days have been unbearable with constant shock like sensations and dizziness. I was sick, fatigued, weak, muscles ache. I can totally not function. I went to half days at work and even this was too much. I work with people with mental illness and it is totally hard to recommend meds to them now. I feel for all of you going through this.
> I am just so afraid that this will not pass soon enough. My boss at work just does not understand and I am taking most of my days off. I feel I will need more and dont know how we are going to pay bills. My wife has been great, but it is very hard for her. How can one medication cause so much turmoil? I will pray for all of you and I need your prayers also. With God only,
> John H.

Dear John: I have had all the side effects you and others have mentioned and I have not gotten off the Effexor XR as yet. I go fo about 4-5 months and feel pretty good though the side effects seem to be getting worse, i.e. joint aches, sweatieness, jittery, tired ALL the time, blurred vision. It scares me to think of getting worse than this when I go off this drug.

I have an appointment with my doc tomorrow and I am hoping to be able to get off, but my depression is worse, rather than better - I'm on 150mg every AM. The doc told me last time when the depression came back and we upped the does to 150 from75 that I may have to up it again. Since the side effects are getting worse at 150 and the depression is worse, I really see no reason to up the does.

Since the beginning of the Effexor I have had a hard time getting to sleep at night and then a VERY hard time waking in the morning. I'd say it was time to find something else. If I could not take anything I would but my family (veery supportive) knows I need something - I've been on the Effexor for 10 months. Before that I was VERY depressed and it really helped for a while, but what with the side effects and now depression getting worse even at 150 mg. I think I need a change.

Thanks for your words as they made me ralizethat I need a change. I will pray that all goes well with you.

Sincerely, Liz Taylor


adding my story

Posted by Charlie on June 30, 2001, at 21:49:59

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by liz taylor on June 28, 2001, at 13:44:02

Hi all,
Wow, I am so glad to find this site! This really helps me understand what I have been going through and have been contributing to other factors. I was taking Effexor xr for about 7 months. I felt good and liked the changes that occured. At some point, I wanted to try going without the medication to see what what was really me and what was connected to the drugs. About a month ago I forgot to take my morning 75mg. I felt good all day, and that night was able to meditate (something I haven't been able to do since taking effexor xr) The next day I didn't take it and by noon I felt awful...headache, dizziness and feeling sick. I went home, took a pill and spent the rest of the day in bed. Didn't really connect this to the effexor, but must have had enough suspicion to take a pill. Last week,with doctors guidance, I ended a weeks taper down using 37.5 mg tabs. also went on holidays camping and hiking. As the days wore on, I felt more dizzy and sick. I attributed this to heat exhaustion. and was wondering why I wasn't getting better. I'm drinking lots of water and eating some salty stuff. Hadn't connected it to effexor xr until I reached this site. but that's what it is. I was most interested in hearing about the "electricity feeling". I have that with visual occurances sometimes,(light) as well as persisting dizziness. and dreams... wow, had a nap this afternoon in which I was a teacher. I was actually two people in the dream at the same time, like different aspscts of the same self, and we were talking about the holocaust to children. They said, oh nothing will come of this, and I said, to my Jewish students, No, that's not what's going to happen", and I started crying in the dream, because I had knowledge of the future. Then outside the window, destruction. and that's only one of the dreams.
It's not nice to know that others are suffering, but, Thank-you for contributing to this board. It's helped me understand what I'm going through. Hang in there, everybody!
Charlie > > I too am withdrawing from effexor xr. I was on just 150 mg for about a year after being on prozac for about 3 years. I wanted to get off since I was soooo tired and could not get through a day. My joints and muscles ached every day and I could not hardly exercise, which has been very important to me over the years. I think effexor has truely changed my life and not for the better. I totally lost my personality, i had no motivation and my job performance greatly declined. I dont want to blame everything on meds, but I really believe it was a big factor. Now I have been totally off for 14 days after just tapering for 2 weeks(it should have been longer as I am now reading).
> > This has been a nightmare with all the effects (or effexors as I call them) that others have posted about. I thought it was better after a week and then I saw it get even worse. The last 2 days have been unbearable with constant shock like sensations and dizziness. I was sick, fatigued, weak, muscles ache. I can totally not function. I went to half days at work and even this was too much. I work with people with mental illness and it is totally hard to recommend meds to them now. I feel for all of you going through this.
> > I am just so afraid that this will not pass soon enough. My boss at work just does not understand and I am taking most of my days off. I feel I will need more and dont know how we are going to pay bills. My wife has been great, but it is very hard for her. How can one medication cause so much turmoil? I will pray for all of you and I need your prayers also. With God only,
> >
> > John H.
> Dear John: I have had all the side effects you and others have mentioned and I have not gotten off the Effexor XR as yet. I go fo about 4-5 months and feel pretty good though the side effects seem to be getting worse, i.e. joint aches, sweatieness, jittery, tired ALL the time, blurred vision. It scares me to think of getting worse than this when I go off this drug.
> I have an appointment with my doc tomorrow and I am hoping to be able to get off, but my depression is worse, rather than better - I'm on 150mg every AM. The doc told me last time when the depression came back and we upped the does to 150 from75 that I may have to up it again. Since the side effects are getting worse at 150 and the depression is worse, I really see no reason to up the does.
> Since the beginning of the Effexor I have had a hard time getting to sleep at night and then a VERY hard time waking in the morning. I'd say it was time to find something else. If I could not take anything I would but my family (veery supportive) knows I need something - I've been on the Effexor for 10 months. Before that I was VERY depressed and it really helped for a while, but what with the side effects and now depression getting worse even at 150 mg. I think I need a change.
> Thanks for your words as they made me ralizethat I need a change. I will pray that all goes well with you.
> Sincerely, Liz Taylor


Re: Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by EvaG on July 6, 2001, at 21:38:17

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl , posted by louisi on June 17, 2001, at 7:58:40

I would like to say thank you to all who have posted here. I approx 4 weeks ago starting to wean of the effexor & have been having a hard time but am now effexor free for 1 1/2 weeks. During my hardest time I found this website & your posts helped me to realize I am not alone & this to shall pass.
Still having alot of hard withdrawl symptoms but with the grace of God it will hopefully pass very soon...
Good luck to all of you & thank you so much.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl after one dose?

Posted by dash05 on July 7, 2001, at 8:27:51

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by AD on June 25, 2001, at 6:52:02

Hi all, just wanted to say thank you for sharing all your horror stories, they scared me enough to stop taking Effexor XR after only one dose! Unbeleivably, I started with the headache and nausea about one hour after my next dose was due. Also have that buzzing in my ears. The headache is the worst part. Yes, I am very drug sensitive. Thank God and all of you thaat I didnt take this BAD (for me) drug longer.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by DPR on July 26, 2001, at 19:47:40

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by Samantha on July 26, 2001, at 17:36:15

I have just completed a very graduated withdrawal from Effexor and thought I was losing my mind. Thanks to this board I now understand that the anger and the major tearfulness are part and parcel of getting off this drug.
I am a "lifer" in terms of anti-depressants (past 30+ years)and I am just sick of taking meds and how they screw up my system. I am coming off Effexor because I gained 60 lbs in 2 years and while the drug worked well for me, the weight gain has provided me with all those wonderful things that just feed depression - low self esteem, self loathing etc..

I have plummeted into the chemical slide even tho I am keeping my Wellbutrin & Tradzone up - waiting for relief I guess and am hopeful it will pass.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by louisi on July 26, 2001, at 20:51:23

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by Samantha on July 26, 2001, at 17:36:15

I, too, have been filled with unexplained anger. I just feel hateful all the time. It takes an extraordinary amount of effort to just remain calm and silent. Yesterday, an incident at work that was truly unfair but not worth becoming emotional about caused me to break into tears and I had a very angry outburst with my boss. Now, everyone is walking on pins and needles around me and my boss thinks I am over the edge. These are not the kind of people I can be honest with either. It would forever color their opinion of me and my work.

I am not on any medications now. In fact, while I sometimes think I should call a doctor and try to get started on something, I am increasingly wishing my high cholesterol would do me a favor and just clog everything up.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger

Posted by Samantha on July 27, 2001, at 0:15:29

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by louisi on July 26, 2001, at 20:51:23

Sorry, that post was just a repeat of the one before it or something, and contained NONE of the novel I wrote and tried to submit. How frustrating! I will write it all out again now...


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger » louisi

Posted by AD on July 27, 2001, at 15:11:33

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by louisi on July 26, 2001, at 20:51:23

Samantha - Please hang in there. I have been completely off the Effexor and on Wellbutrin for about a month now. Life is so much better!! I have TONS of stress going on in my life right now, yet I am able to cope and not fall apart. Please hang in there - you WILL get through this. The crisis always ends.

> I, too, have been filled with unexplained anger. I just feel hateful all the time. It takes an extraordinary amount of effort to just remain calm and silent. Yesterday, an incident at work that was truly unfair but not worth becoming emotional about caused me to break into tears and I had a very angry outburst with my boss. Now, everyone is walking on pins and needles around me and my boss thinks I am over the edge. These are not the kind of people I can be honest with either. It would forever color their opinion of me and my work.
> I am not on any medications now. In fact, while I sometimes think I should call a doctor and try to get started on something, I am increasingly wishing my high cholesterol would do me a favor and just clog everything up.


Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger » DPR

Posted by Milda on July 30, 2001, at 4:54:07

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by DPR on July 26, 2001, at 19:47:40

I'm in the process of coming off Effexor XR because I switched from well-treated bipolar depression to mania with rapid cycling. My pdoc has me decreasing by 37.5 mg. every 5 days. I've also had the irritability, the tearfulness, the emotional lability and the sad & lonelies, although I think some of it, for me, is rapid cycling into a mixed state from my mania, and some of it is Effexor withdrawal. Anyway, the Effexor withdrawal symptoms are better than being almost psychotic, any day, even though they really suck and are causing problems in my relationships. Also, I once stupidly let myself run out of Effexor when I was on 300 mg. at bedtime. Big mistake. I was absolutely delirious by morning. I was totally non-functional until I got a refill in and caught up on my dose. That experience definitely taught me the importance of keeping my brain waves running smoothly by not taking my meds lightly.


I just want to be me again

Posted by LoJo on August 5, 2001, at 16:00:17

In reply to Re: Effexor Withdrawl Anger, posted by AnimalRescue on June 24, 2001, at 20:12:00

I have been on 150mg of Effexor for about 2 years and asked my doctor to come off of it because of the dreams and the brain shivers it gave me. She lowered the dose by 75mg for 2 weeks at a time, I have now been off totaly for 5 days and still am crying and nausated very bad. I have 5 kids and I feel like I can't even to things to help them, I know I can't, today is the first day i can actually sit up for periods at a time. I am still very emotional and nausated. I just want to be normal again. I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one that has been going throuhg this. But does anyone know how much longer to expect me feeling like this. I am also on Welbutrin to help with side effects, but don't think it has helped and if it has, then i would of never made it full force.


Re: I just want to be me again » LoJo

Posted by anna on August 5, 2001, at 23:43:14

In reply to I just want to be me again, posted by LoJo on August 5, 2001, at 16:00:17

> I have been on 150mg of Effexor for about 2 years and asked my doctor to come off of it because of the dreams and the brain shivers it gave me. She lowered the dose by 75mg for 2 weeks at a time, I have now been off totaly for 5 days and still am crying and nausated very bad. I have 5 kids and I feel like I can't even to things to help them, I know I can't, today is the first day i can actually sit up for periods at a time. I am still very emotional and nausated. I just want to be normal again. I was glad to see that I wasn't the only one that has been going throuhg this. But does anyone know how much longer to expect me feeling like this. I am also on Welbutrin to help with side effects, but don't think it has helped and if it has, then i would of never made it full force.

You poor thing. I have gone through this (the past 2 months to be exact) and am just now feeling ok from it. It sounds like you were not being weaned off slow enough. I got down from 225, to 150 for a week, to 75 a week, to a 75 + a 37.5 for a week, then 37.5 for a week. Then I actually had to sprinkle a few dots from a 37.5 on my baked potato last week (I ate one everyday,LOL) I had the tremors so bad) At times I would have to add back a dose if I started feeling bad (like nausea, dizziness, trmors,etc) I also have 3 small children and had a very hard time taking care of them. I could barely take care of me. Thank God for my MIL. Also my pdoc gave me neurontin 600 mg a day (at night) to ease the side effects. Good luck to you, talk to your doctor!!! Don't keep suffering, get a new doc if you have to!!


Re: I just want to be me again

Posted by LoJo on August 6, 2001, at 18:05:14

In reply to I just want to be me again, posted by LoJo on August 5, 2001, at 16:00:17

Hi all, well today was a very bad day, called my doc and she added klonipin 3 times a day, don't yet know how it is going to help but i sure did sleep good this afternoon for the first time in a long time. I am still hanging in there and just waiting for it to all be over.



Re: I just want to be me again » LoJo

Posted by Eugene75 on August 7, 2001, at 8:17:24

In reply to Re: I just want to be me again, posted by LoJo on August 6, 2001, at 18:05:14

Hello there!

I read your post and totally understand what you must be going through...or at least, I hope I can empathize if not completely understand, b/c I went through similar withdrawals but thank goodness I didn't have little ones to take care of at the same time.

What I would like to say is that it does help to realize you're not alone, and once you can recognize the symptoms I think it's an easier battle to isolate them and try and see them in a more clinical way.

In my case, I had none of that until about 3-4 weeks off the effexor, with only a 3-4 day weaning period from 150 (or was it 225?) down to nothing. I am happy to say that time apparently is a good healer for this, as is knowing what is happening to you. Med-wise, the Wellbutrin for me seemed to help me "snap" out of the cloud of effexor negativeness, but I couldn't take it for more than 2 weeks b/c it gave me intense anxiety and social avoidance.

I wish you the's been about 5-6 months for me since I've gotten off and it's fading into a bad memory for me.

All the best,

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