Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

Shown: posts 222 to 246 of 10407. Go back in thread:


Re: I've had success. Why won't you print that?

Posted by gerri_mww on August 20, 2000, at 21:24:32

In reply to Re: I've had success. Why won't you print that?, posted by heidamommy on August 19, 2000, at 1:20:58

First to A. I think your post was unfair and possible reasons for your "unposts" may be due to a glitch. I know the first time I tried to post it took 3 tries to get it "seen" (and I have only great things to say about Effexor).

Next to Heidamommy:
How long have you been on the med? I know that for the first few weeks it seems to make you really tired (I was also on serzone for a while which knocked me out the first four days of taking that too). I now have been on Effexor for about 3 months and have no side-effects of being overly sleepy. I haven't noticed any weight loss except maybe slightly since I am now more active with the meds than before.
Let us know your progress.

> Hello I have just started on effexor and I wondered if anyone had a view on when is the best time to take the med am or pm I am having problems sleeping either way!! I also wondered if anyone has had any weight loss the last med I was on made me gain 15 lbs in 3 months help


Re: I've had success. Why won't you print that?

Posted by gerri_mww on August 20, 2000, at 21:27:43

In reply to Re: I've had success. Why won't you print that?, posted by gerri_mww on August 20, 2000, at 21:24:32

PS Heidamommy,
I take mine in the am as I have noticed most of the people here do.


Re: I've had success. Why won't you print that? » A

Posted by shar on August 21, 2000, at 17:04:49

In reply to I've had success. Why won't you print that?, posted by A on August 18, 2000, at 9:02:04

I don't know if someone's already told you this, but I think your post was archived. To see it, you have to go to the previous period to this one.

However, your post had a response from Kath, which is down further in this set of posts.

If I'm not correct (if it's not your post after all)....never mind.


> Dr. Bob
> I wrote on 8/10 that I have had great success with Effexor XR. Why haven't you posted that? Are you posting only those follow-ups that include problems with the medication? Are you trying to make it seem as if Effexor XR causes nothing but side effects? Are you working for a drug company that produces another anti-depressant?


Re:Intractable Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by cjl on August 23, 2000, at 21:07:19

In reply to Re:Intractable Effexor Withdrawl , posted by Cam W. on February 11, 2000, at 22:42:41

> > I have been tapering off EFFEXOR XR for 2 months now and am stuck at 75 mg, down from my high dose of 600 mg. When I try to cut down to 37.5 mg, I get terrible nausea. My doctor says just to stay on the 75 mg to prevent the nausea, but I'm not crazy about that idea. Anyone have any better ideas?
> > > > Just stopped taking Effexor this past weekend. Effexor made a definite improvement in my life. Just decided it was time to row my own boat for awhile and see what happens. The situation which produced the need for an AD has been mostly resolved anyway. My wife currently takes Effexor and had tried nearly everything else with absolutely no success. If you stick with it and give it a fair trial you may quite pleased with the results. Have to say though that going off of Effexor makes the minor initial side effects seem pretty tame. I knew going in that getting off Effexor would not be fun, and it hasn't been, but the benefit to my life certainly outweighs what I am now dealing with. Hope it helps you.
> > >
> > > For anyone who is interested I only lasted 5 1/2 days after stopping Effexor. Just before stopping Effexor I had taken the last bit of Vicoprofen (hydrocodone) and that didn't help things. Also dealing with a stomach virus and I assumed that all of the nausea, cramps, etc. was due to virus. This AM I felt like I was on the verge of shutdown. No sleep, leg cramps, stomach horrible, head buzzing constantly plus all the rest. Then my wife and the doc talked me into at least taking med till he can devise a plan to lessen withdrawal effects. Does weaning off Effexor make it easier?
> To All - Prozac 10mg per day added to the Effexor (at the dose where you are stuck in the weaning process) taken for 2-4 weeks, dropping the Effexor dose gradually every 4-5 days until you can stop the Effexor. If the symptoms start to return, increase the Prozac to 20mg per day and decrease the Effexor slower. Take the Prozac for 2 weeks after you've stopped the Effexor.(If Prozac dose was raised to 20mg, drop it to 10mg after one week) This formula has worked in a number of case reports of people who have had intractable withdrawl from Effexor. Good luck - Cam W.

I was prescribed Effexor for job related stress and began at 37.5 mgs for a week; then 75 mgs for a week; then 150 mgs until August 19. I attributed the little weight I gained to being relaxed and my food no longer going down in a ball into the pit of my stomach. I slept between 10 and 12 hours a day, but I was such a mess before taking the Effexor, I welcomed the sleep. I woke up feeling terrific, and my depression was tremendously helped.

The problem was at night. Although I had a fantastic rest, my family didn't. I must have been having weird dreams and acting them out in my sleep. I carried on conversations throughout the night, keeping my husband awake for much of the night. I'd probably have left the house if he hadn't been keeping an eye on me. I was really upset when he told me I had bitten his hand the night before, leaving teethmarks. I had no recollection of this nor of whatever I was dreaming.

My friend, who is a nurse, told me to stop the medication immediately and contact my doctor. The next day I began feeling strange. Whenever I moved my head, I felt like I was "zoning in and out", the kind of feeling you get, NOT when you bend down too quickly, but when you stand up. My hands got very sweaty, and my face kept getting flushed. I had trouble concentrating. But I didn't call the doctor the first day because I truly thought I was having sinus trouble.

The second day I awoke the beep beep noises started happening. I felt "strange" but couldn't get a handle on it. Since the doctor was in till 12, I called the pharmacist, who told me I was going through withdrawal. I couldn't believe it. When I got hold of my doctor, he took me off the Effexor and put me on Paxil.

I'm going away to another state for ten days, and am nervous that something might happen to me while I'm away.

I hope the Paxil will do the trick. Will get back to you guys when I return to let you know. If you can't say a prayer for me, wish me luck! The Effexor did make a big positive difference in my life, but I've never experienced anything like withdrawal ever in my life. I felt as if I were going crazy. Until I got my new meds, I had to take the Effexor. I start the Paxil tomorrow and am trying to have a positive attitude. I'm going to hope for the best. On that note, guys, have to go. Good luck to all of you, too!


Re:Intractable Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by JulieK on August 23, 2000, at 21:23:13

In reply to Re:Intractable Effexor Withdrawl , posted by Cam W. on February 11, 2000, at 22:42:41

Just a note about withdrawing from Effexor. I had similiar problems going through withdrawal. Had the dizziness, buzzing in my head, zoning in and out and crying uncontrollably. I was on 150 MGs a day, then declined to 75mgs a day for about 2 weeks. I then went down to 37.5 per day for approx. 3 weeks. Next I went to the 25 mg of regular Effexor, not the SR. I did this for about 10 days. Then I cut the 25 tablet in half and took aprox. 12.5 for a week. After that I cut the half in half for a few days. I literally took a few crumbs the last day. The following couple of days were a little wobbly but nothing compared to how I felt when I went straight off of the 37.5. It's been a about 2 weeks now and I feel great. I'm still taking Wellbutrin. Anyway, I hope this withdrawal pattern helps those that are struggling. Best Wishes. Julie K.


Re: Dry mouth-Wet hair...Surf's up!

Posted by gerri_mww on August 25, 2000, at 0:53:17

In reply to Dry mouth-Wet hair...Surf's up!, posted by gerri_mww on August 11, 2000, at 2:00:58

Just a note for this update...
I saw my doc and did increase the effexor to 300mg/day. I hadn't noticed any change until today. It was very hot but my hair was dry. Actually the past week it's been great but didn't really notice since we had a cool spell.



Re: Dry mouth-Wet hair...Surf's up!

Posted by dierdre on August 27, 2000, at 16:29:28

In reply to Re: Dry mouth-Wet hair...Surf's up!, posted by gerri_mww on August 25, 2000, at 0:53:17

Has anybody had anxiety problems on Wellbutrin?
I 've been taking it for 6 months and was fine - all of a sudden I've got TERRIBLE anxiety - I need a xanax every 4 hrs. Do you think effexor would be better for me?


New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?

Posted by Kara on August 28, 2000, at 13:12:27

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I started out at 35mg, then after 4 pills, I moved up to 75mg. I have been taking my dose early in the morning and by 8pm, I can not stop yawning. Do I need my doc to up my dose? Some other side effects that I have been experiencing, after 10 days on Effexor are headaches, strange dreams (inludes waking up laughing my head off), first 5 days of everything I ate tasting like metal, and losing 5 lbs. in 2 weeks with no desire to eat still. Has anyone else experienced these side effects. Do they ever go away? Is it better to take my med at night or in the morning?


Re: New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?

Posted by elizabeth777 on August 28, 2000, at 13:26:18

In reply to New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?, posted by Kara on August 28, 2000, at 13:12:27

> I started out at 35mg, then after 4 pills, I moved up to 75mg. I have been taking my dose early in the morning and by 8pm, I can not stop yawning. Do I need my doc to up my dose? Some other side effects that I have been experiencing, after 10 days on Effexor are headaches, strange dreams (inludes waking up laughing my head off), first 5 days of everything I ate tasting like metal, and losing 5 lbs. in 2 weeks with no desire to eat still. Has anyone else experienced these side effects. Do they ever go away? Is it better to take my med at night or in the morning?
> >I have been taking effexor xr for 2 months and I have some side effects. I sweat some and I have lost 20 lbs in that 2 months, but that is a blessing. I did have that metal taste but it went away. Most of the side affects have went away.
I still have some mild sweating but I can tolerate that. I love this med I feel great for the first ime in nine yrs.


Re: New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?

Posted by Kara on August 28, 2000, at 13:45:02

In reply to Re: New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?, posted by elizabeth777 on August 28, 2000, at 13:26:18

> > I started out at 35mg, then after 4 pills, I moved up to 75mg. I have been taking my dose early in the morning and by 8pm, I can not stop yawning. Do I need my doc to up my dose? Some other side effects that I have been experiencing, after 10 days on Effexor are headaches, strange dreams (inludes waking up laughing my head off), first 5 days of everything I ate tasting like metal, and losing 5 lbs. in 2 weeks with no desire to eat still. Has anyone else experienced these side effects. Do they ever go away? Is it better to take my med at night or in the morning?
> > >I have been taking effexor xr for 2 months and I have some side effects. I sweat some and I have lost 20 lbs in that 2 months, but that is a blessing. I did have that metal taste but it went away. Most of the side affects have went away.
> I still have some mild sweating but I can tolerate that. I love this med I feel great for the first ime in nine yrs.
> Beth
**Well, I am happy to hear that you are doing good, I actually have been feeling great and smiling a lot more than ever. I can get pass the side effects, but I am afraid that the weight loss my hurt me. I am already 15 lbs underweight. But, maybe that will pass with time. Good luck.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Dee Dee on August 28, 2000, at 20:03:58

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

> Hi there,
> Anyone care to comment on the use of Effexor? Anyone
> "happy" with it? I have tried Prozac (too much anxiety),
> Serzone (too sedating). I am currently on Buspar for anxiety.
> Been reading many different reports... Effexor seems
> to have a lot of success...
> please share your thoughts on this.
HI!! My mother & I are both on effexor and love it!!!She was on Paxil before (didn't work). She's on 75mg in the morning & 37 at noon, she takes elavil & remaron @ night.....I'm on 75mg in the morn...& 20mg of flexaril @ night for fibramyalgia. I started taking the effexor for hair loss. My dr. says it's stress...We've done a thyroid & lupus test (my mother has lupus)..all negative.So I decided To try the effexor...It has helped me so much...I have a hyper & anxious personallity. Mother's been on it about 1 year & myself 1 month..she sweats a little & has sometimes an elavated bloodpressure...I sweat more than usual when I play golf. I have a friend who took effexor for 3 moths when a close family member died. She got off of it cold turkey with no problems & would take again if she needed it.. I guess Different people react differently...WE LOVE IT!! Dee Dee


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by quilter on August 28, 2000, at 20:37:57

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Dee Dee on August 28, 2000, at 20:03:58

Kara, My daughter had significant weight loss with Effexor. Her Dr. set a point (105 lbs.) at which he said she would need to add Remeron to improve her appetite. She finally fell below that weight in spite of her best efforts to eat enough, and the two meds together have been really good for her. She has lost the haggard, pale look, is finally warm enough, and has become much more emotionally responsive as well. If your health is at risk because of low weight you might want to ask your pdoc about adding or switching to Remeron. Quilter


Re: New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?

Posted by Cindy W on August 28, 2000, at 21:57:24

In reply to New to Effexor XR, my side effects, anyone else?, posted by Kara on August 28, 2000, at 13:12:27

> I started out at 35mg, then after 4 pills, I moved up to 75mg. I have been taking my dose early in the morning and by 8pm, I can not stop yawning. Do I need my doc to up my dose? Some other side effects that I have been experiencing, after 10 days on Effexor are headaches, strange dreams (inludes waking up laughing my head off), first 5 days of everything I ate tasting like metal, and losing 5 lbs. in 2 weeks with no desire to eat still. Has anyone else experienced these side effects. Do they ever go away? Is it better to take my med at night or in the morning?

Kara, I started at 37.5 mg/day, and am up to 375 mg/day. I've never had side effects except for occasional headaches (when I first started Effexor-XR) and occasional dizziness. Talk to your pdoc and ask if what you are experiencing are likely to be transitory side effects. Good luck to you! BTW, I take all the Effexor-XR in the morning, and actually have some trouble sleeping, rather than yawning and fatigue!


Re: Was This A Side Affect?

Posted by eiroc on August 29, 2000, at 3:07:29

In reply to Was This A Side Affect?, posted by Sis on August 12, 2000, at 16:57:20

> I started Effexor XR just yesterday, and about 4:00 AM this morning I awoke feeling "strange", anxious, a little nauseaous, and then my whole body felt like it was on fire, from the neck down. Lasted for about 2-3 minutes. Is this a common side affect, perhaps some sort of reaction, or do you all think it was unrelated? I haven't taken any today 'cause it really scared me.
> Thanks, :-)

I have been on Effexor at the 150mg dose for two years now. When I first started the effexor I felt the same way, but if you skip a dose it will only get worse ( at least in my case it did ).
I was not very good about taking my medication every day. After about two weeks, every once in a while I would have a day when I almost could not function. I would feel what you are describing but with these terrible head rush feelings that I can't even describe. This continued on and off for three months. After countless trips to the ER and my doctor I had come to the conclusion that I was dying, then one day when I was terribly sick with these symptoms I remembered that I hadn't taken my effexor for two days...within an hour and a half I was fine. I then began to experiment to make sure my problems were from missing my effexor and sure enough that was it. Now days I don't miss a single dose, even if I'm only a couple of hours late taking my pill I will start to feel yucky.
I don't mean to ramble, I just don't want anyone to have to go through what I did, not knowing what was going on in my head.
Now that I have said all that, I also have to let you know that the Effexor has made a dramatic improvement in my life. I am a little worried about how I will get off of the drug when the time comes, but it will have been worth it.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Dee Dee on August 29, 2000, at 17:32:24

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

> Hi there,
> Anyone care to comment on the use of Effexor? Anyone
> "happy" with it? I have tried Prozac (too much anxiety),
> Serzone (too sedating). I am currently on Buspar for anxiety.
> Been reading many different reports... Effexor seems
> to have a lot of success...
> please share your thoughts on this.

I hope I never have to stop taking effexor. It has made the quality of my life so much better. I realize now that I had some social anxity [misspelled]problems. That's pretty much corrected. My handwriting has improved. I realize I was getting mad at my husband for silly things..none of this has happened since I'm on the effexor. I was riding in the car one day and had the radio on an oldie station...and suddenly realized I was hearing the story of the song for the first time.This means I'm focusing much better. I've allways been hyper and probably would have been on ritalin if we would have had it back then. My older son was on ritalin....anyway even my golf game has improved!! My relation with my mother has improved alot,too!! I've lost about 5 pounds in the month I've been on it ,too!! I think I was eating out of anziaty[miss spelled again].I don't think of food unless I'm hungry...Dee Dee


Whats up with these dreams

Posted by Kara on August 30, 2000, at 13:16:02

In reply to Re: effexor xr and side effects - Ann and Judy, posted by Cam W. on April 23, 2000, at 23:08:36

Never in my life have i experienced the dreams that I have been having on this med. I've been on it for 11 days and I have vivid dreams every night. My sister and I share a room and she tells me that I laugh all night long and talk in my sleep, which I have never done before. Does anyone know why this med causes this side effect. Also, has anyone had a tingling sensation in the back of the top of their head?


Re: Whats up with these dreams

Posted by michael on August 30, 2000, at 23:11:16

In reply to Whats up with these dreams, posted by Kara on August 30, 2000, at 13:16:02

I can't tell you why... but I can tell you that since I've stopped taking effexor, the thing that I miss the most is the dreams - very vivid, and always pleasant/fun/interesting... I didn't have the tingling. Enjoy the dreams...

> Never in my life have i experienced the dreams that I have been having on this med. I've been on it for 11 days and I have vivid dreams every night. My sister and I share a room and she tells me that I laugh all night long and talk in my sleep, which I have never done before. Does anyone know why this med causes this side effect. Also, has anyone had a tingling sensation in the back of the top of their head?


Re: Whats up with these dreams

Posted by michael on August 30, 2000, at 23:14:53

In reply to Whats up with these dreams, posted by Kara on August 30, 2000, at 13:16:02

I can't tell you why... but I can tell you that since I've stopped taking effexor, the thing that I miss the most is the dreams - very vivid, and always pleasant/fun/interesting... I didn't have the tingling. Enjoy the dreams...

> Never in my life have i experienced the dreams that I have been having on this med. I've been on it for 11 days and I have vivid dreams every night. My sister and I share a room and she tells me that I laugh all night long and talk in my sleep, which I have never done before. Does anyone know why this med causes this side effect. Also, has anyone had a tingling sensation in the back of the top of their head?


Re: Whats up with these dreams

Posted by Cindy W on August 31, 2000, at 9:27:38

In reply to Re: Whats up with these dreams, posted by michael on August 30, 2000, at 23:11:16

> I can't tell you why... but I can tell you that since I've stopped taking effexor, the thing that I miss the most is the dreams - very vivid, and always pleasant/fun/interesting... I didn't have the tingling. Enjoy the dreams...
> > Never in my life have i experienced the dreams that I have been having on this med. I've been on it for 11 days and I have vivid dreams every night. My sister and I share a room and she tells me that I laugh all night long and talk in my sleep, which I have never done before. Does anyone know why this med causes this side effect. Also, has anyone had a tingling sensation in the back of the top of their head?

Michael, Consider yourself lucky! I never remember any dreams on Effexor-XR, and miss the really vivid, in-color, sometimes with music, movie-like dreams I had before I took Effexor-XR.--Cindy W.


Re: Long-term effects

Posted by Naanra on August 31, 2000, at 12:45:04

In reply to Re: Long-term effects, posted by Moose on July 28, 2000, at 9:50:04

> HI
> My dr gave effexor xr to me about 4 weeks ago. I struggled with taking it because I just thought that taking something is a cop out,lol. I am having sever mood swings and I am angry and depressed a lot. I will pick fights with my oldest 18 and my dh is confused because I swing in moods so quilckly. anyways, I took the first pill 1 pm after another senseless blow out with my son. I felt fine all day maybe a bit nauses and could not fall asleep last night and right now I am feeling a bit edgy.....I have been reading alot of the posts and now I am so scared to takes this stuff!! I don't want the side effects or the withdraws.....I feel like I am having a hard tome breathing something i never had before......could it be this stuff already!!

I have been on this stuff since it came out in 1994. The longer I take it, the worse the side effects become. I have developed what they call fibromyalgia, have developed hypertension, have terrible insomnia, nausea, no libido, no orgasm, dry skin and itching, incontinence, trouble starting to urinate, electric shocks through my legs and feet that cause them to move, brittle nails, thinning hair, my hearing is decreasing, mental fog and memory loss (what was I saying?), fatigue, no stamina, no enthusiasm, night sweats, profuse sweating, and weird dreams. I am terribly sensitive to medications, and have only been on the 37.5 dose! And yes, these might be symptoms of other problems, but I am careful about seeing my doctor, and there doesn't appear to be any other source. I am trying to wean myself from this stuff after attempting cold turkey once before. I just hope I haven't incurred some kind of permanent brain damage from this stuff. And since I've been on it so long, it will probably take forever to vacate the premises. Never take a new drug they know little or nothing about!


Re: Long-term effects

Posted by elizabeth777 on August 31, 2000, at 20:33:27

In reply to Re: Long-term effects, posted by Naanra on August 31, 2000, at 12:45:04

> > HI
> >
> > My dr gave effexor xr to me about 4 weeks ago. I struggled with taking it because I just thought that taking something is a cop out,lol. I am having sever mood swings and I am angry and depressed a lot. I will pick fights with my oldest 18 and my dh is confused because I swing in moods so quilckly. anyways, I took the first pill 1 pm after another senseless blow out with my son. I felt fine all day maybe a bit nauses and could not fall asleep last night and right now I am feeling a bit edgy.....I have been reading alot of the posts and now I am so scared to takes this stuff!! I don't want the side effects or the withdraws.....I feel like I am having a hard tome breathing something i never had before......could it be this stuff already!!
> >
> I have been on this stuff since it came out in 1994. The longer I take it, the worse the side effects become. I have developed what they call fibromyalgia, have developed hypertension, have terrible insomnia, nausea, no libido, no orgasm, dry skin and itching, incontinence, trouble starting to urinate, electric shocks through my legs and feet that cause them to move, brittle nails, thinning hair, my hearing is decreasing, mental fog and memory loss (what was I saying?), fatigue, no stamina, no enthusiasm, night sweats, profuse sweating, and weird dreams. I am terribly sensitive to medications, and have only been on the 37.5 dose! And yes, these might be symptoms of other problems, but I am careful about seeing my doctor, and there doesn't appear to be any other source. I am trying to wean myself from this stuff after attempting cold turkey once before. I just hope I haven't incurred some kind of permanent brain damage from this stuff. And since I've been on it so long, it will probably take forever to vacate the premises. Never take a new drug they know little or nothing about!

> >I have been on effexor xr for three months 150 mils. I have very FEW side effects. I have mild
sweating and nausea only if I don't eat before I take it. I also have lost 23lbs and that is a God send.I love this med and please anyone reading the post before this one don't be scared off trying this med , I have heard mostly good reports with only some side effects. And to the person who is yawning all day try taking your med at night before you go to bed ask your doctor to see if it is ok. Thats what I do and I stopped yawning all day.


Re: Long-term effects

Posted by Cindy W on August 31, 2000, at 21:48:33

In reply to Re: Long-term effects, posted by Naanra on August 31, 2000, at 12:45:04

> > HI
> >
> > My dr gave effexor xr to me about 4 weeks ago. I struggled with taking it because I just thought that taking something is a cop out,lol. I am having sever mood swings and I am angry and depressed a lot. I will pick fights with my oldest 18 and my dh is confused because I swing in moods so quilckly. anyways, I took the first pill 1 pm after another senseless blow out with my son. I felt fine all day maybe a bit nauses and could not fall asleep last night and right now I am feeling a bit edgy.....I have been reading alot of the posts and now I am so scared to takes this stuff!! I don't want the side effects or the withdraws.....I feel like I am having a hard tome breathing something i never had before......could it be this stuff already!!
> >
> I have been on this stuff since it came out in 1994. The longer I take it, the worse the side effects become. I have developed what they call fibromyalgia, have developed hypertension, have terrible insomnia, nausea, no libido, no orgasm, dry skin and itching, incontinence, trouble starting to urinate, electric shocks through my legs and feet that cause them to move, brittle nails, thinning hair, my hearing is decreasing, mental fog and memory loss (what was I saying?), fatigue, no stamina, no enthusiasm, night sweats, profuse sweating, and weird dreams. I am terribly sensitive to medications, and have only been on the 37.5 dose! And yes, these might be symptoms of other problems, but I am careful about seeing my doctor, and there doesn't appear to be any other source. I am trying to wean myself from this stuff after attempting cold turkey once before. I just hope I haven't incurred some kind of permanent brain damage from this stuff. And since I've been on it so long, it will probably take forever to vacate the premises. Never take a new drug they know little or nothing about!

Naanra, I take Effexor-XR 375 mg/day. A couple of months ago, I started itching terribly. Could you describe your itching? I'm trying to find out if my hives (which occur at night and fade by morning) are due to the Effexor-XR (which I've taken now for 9 months) or some kind of allergy. Thanks!!--Cindy W


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Lisa C. on September 2, 2000, at 12:45:05

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

> Hi there,
> Anyone care to comment on the use of Effexor? I am suppose to start this on Monday.
I have to take 37.5 each morning for 3 days then 75 for 3 days then go to 112.5 each morning
after that. I have read several of the comments in
here and don't even know if I should start this stuff. It seems like I have tried everything.



Re:Intractable Effexor Withdrawl

Posted by wiley on September 2, 2000, at 19:22:01

In reply to Re:Intractable Effexor Withdrawl , posted by JulieK on August 23, 2000, at 21:23:13

I am so glad to have found this site. I had my husband online yesterday, trying to find some answers to what I was experiencing. I was too dizzy to read. I ended up going to the ER, thinking I was going to pass out. I went off 150mg, not knowing I needed to taper. My doctor didn't know that either. WOW. I am back on 37.5mg today, and for the next 4 days. Then I am to go back off. I am also taking 50mg Zoloft. I understand that Prozac helps with the Effexor weaning, does Zoloft produce similar results? I'm pretty worried about going back off this entirely. I won't use this drug again after this is all over. Brenda


Re: Lisa C who's about to start

Posted by A on September 3, 2000, at 21:27:00

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

After reading several of these posts, it's obvious the drug effects everyone differently. In my case, I've had very little side effects. And some very good ones as well.

I was always fearful of talking to strangers. Now, it's so easy! I feel I'm more creative on the job. When I think of certain things that upset me, I literally shed half of a tear instead of an hours worth. I'm not a fair skinned blue eyed blond and have experienced some hateful, racists remarks in the past. They were very hurtful. But now, I don't take them so personally.

So give Effexor XR a try. If you don't like it, remember, you can always stop.

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