Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Re: for Racer

Posted by Racer on October 26, 1999, at 10:16:15

In reply to for Racer, posted by jp on October 26, 1999, at 4:13:49

I started on the XR, but then the doctor was not only handing over samples, but also totally incompetant. It sounds good to me...


Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by lg on October 26, 1999, at 19:09:26

In reply to starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by jp on October 25, 1999, at 12:01:53

I have been on effexor XR about 3 weeks,(started at 37.5 mgs), to help with energy. Upped to 75mgs and by 2 weeks to 75mgs twice a day. Have also taken the regular form. Wasn't on regular but maybe a week. Too much and severe nausea!
I don't have it on XR, but am on Axid(for stomach acid-reflux) .I have heard the nausea effects of effexor can be negated by use of h2 blockers for acid(pepsid,zantac,axid) and (?)prilosec and prevacid. All I know is I am proof of
the acid blocker completely ridding of nausea. Now I just have anorexia,which I need----- and sweating and insomnia(both again) which I don't : )


Re: for jp Effexor vs SR

Posted by JohnL on October 27, 1999, at 3:01:32

In reply to for Racer, posted by jp on October 26, 1999, at 4:13:49

> Took my first 37.5mg Effexor this morning, and
> wasnt sure at first whether I should sleep or vomit.

Those are common side effects experienced by many during the first 3 weeks according to my pdoc. The nausea is supposed to go away in 2 to 3 weeks.

> What do you make of my doctors idea of putting me
> on the Effexor regular first?

I think that's a good choice and here's why. The SR cannot be broken into smaller doses. But the regular can. I have often heard it recommended that if the drug is not tolerated well at first to divide the 37.5mg dose in half and start with that instead. Then work up as tolerated. Perhaps later after stabilized at a higher dose the SR would make more sense. But for now, the regular has the advantage of customizing dose sizes until you get used to it.


Re: for jp Effexor vs SR

Posted by jo on October 27, 1999, at 11:05:39

In reply to Re: for jp Effexor vs SR, posted by JohnL on October 27, 1999, at 3:01:32

Phew. I refrained from taking a second dose
of Effexor... it was just too trippy. I am moving
countries to live with family, because I know I
can get a proper decent psychiatric evaluation
there... (I live in Europe). This GP and NHS stuff
is just not working out. Since I have mood swings
several times a day as well, I would probably
benefit from Lithium with an AD. Who knows. I am
taking a break from all this semi-self-medication
for now...

For now it's back to tryptophan, st.johns wort,
and piracetam for mental energy...

Thanks all for the advice. I will be back here in
a few days or weeks. ;)


Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 19:11:05

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by lg on October 26, 1999, at 19:09:26

I am still on EffexorXR @ 75mgs twice a day.
Have less anorexia than I did. :( But am also on
Remeron at 45mgs at nite. I am eating like a pig!
Sleeping a *little* better- only a little.
Sweating Just as Much. I thought these 2
drugs were supposed to counteract each others'
I get jumpy,especially with chocolate.Klonipin
helps.In spite of these side effects:I FEEL BETTER
The Remeron-Effexor duo has to be commended at
least as far as *feeling* better. I think
I'll stay on them a while and enjoy the ride
a little, and hope the less desirable effects
fade further into the background:?) Keeping
fingers crossed.(for all of us)Watch- for me the
worst side effects will probably be doubled!



Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by Noa on November 7, 1999, at 19:31:21

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 19:11:05

Hi, best of luck to you. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I also take effexor XR, 375 mg every morning (plus: methylphenidate 10 mg, 3x/day, synthroid 25 mcg, cytomel 12.5 mcg, and in the evening, I take serzone 150 mg.).
I know what it is like when you cannot say that your drug combo is terrific, because of adverse effects. I feel fidgety with this combo, which is very disconcerting, but I am hanging in there because so far, it is helping with the depression. However, lately, with added stress, I am feeling more depressed again. I don't know if I should ask the pdoc for a change or not. I hate the medication transitions.


Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 19:55:10

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by Noa on November 7, 1999, at 19:31:21

How 'bout Remeron?I think It is what is helping
me most.But I don't want to go off Effexor because
of it decreasing appetite---untill recently--
until I started feeling better and better. Ha!
I too am on thyroid. It *might* be that.I did takeed to take
cytomel and synthroid. Now I get them both
*supposedly* in one Armour Thyroid pill. Don't
know about the other thing you are on.I am also
on 3 other meds to help me calm down: Tegretol,
Neurontin(small dose) and 0.25 mgs Klonipin.
More later.


Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 20:09:59

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by Noa on November 7, 1999, at 19:31:21

Hopefully you are on a mood stablizer???
Maybe that is the methylphenedate(sp?) Have u
tried lithium,tegretol,neurontin, or depakote-to
name a few,in addition to ad's? Tegretol has real-
ly helped the nervy feeling-but not completely. My
hands shake from effexor; and I get short of breath
when I have to talk alot(had this before).
It's been hard to not rush to change and to give
things time.
Med changes stink. Hang it there.Are u on maybe
too much effexor?? Just wondering. For *me*
effexor innervates and remeron relaxes. But
feeling like I want to do things-I just can't
for the life of me figure out which one is helping
with that.I guess the combo.
Oh well.
Bye :)


Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?

Posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 20:21:19

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 20:09:59

> Hey,
> Hopefully you are on a mood stablizer???
> Maybe that is the methylphenedate(sp?) Have u
> tried lithium,tegretol,neurontin, or depakote-to
> name a few,in addition to ad's? Tegretol has real-
> ly helped the nervy feeling-but not completely. My
> hands shake from effexor; and I get short of breath
> when I have to talk alot(had this before).
> It's been hard to not rush to change and to give
> things time.
> Med changes stink. Hang it there.Are u on maybe
> too much effexor?? Just wondering. For *me*
> effexor innervates and remeron relaxes. But
> feeling like I want to do things-I just can't
> for the life of me figure out which one is helping
> with that.I guess the combo.
> Oh well.
> Bye :)
Hello again, Methylphenedate (ritalin?) No
wonder u are wired!
A funny thing about ritalin....I don't know when
to start a new thread...hummmmmmm
What I first took it it relaxed me, but I quickly
got tolerant to it. Felt really well to be that
relaxed even if ON a Stimulant!!! I'm also part
I must go.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Parks on January 4, 2000, at 16:10:07

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

> My husband has shown great progress with effexor xr 75mg...He is a new person...His main problems have been some occasional very negative dreams, for a short time sexuall disfunction, and it has elevated his blood preasure (however he has had juvinile hypertension)...This dug as worked better than any other!!!
Hi there,
> Anyone care to comment on the use of Effexor? Anyone
> "happy" with it? I have tried Prozac (too much anxiety),
> Serzone (too sedating). I am currently on Buspar for anxiety.
> Been reading many different reports... Effexor seems
> to have a lot of success...
> please share your thoughts on this.


Re: for Racer

Posted by justin groom on January 4, 2000, at 20:55:21

In reply to for Racer, posted by jp on October 26, 1999, at 4:13:49

> Took my first 37.5mg Effexor this morning, and
> wasnt sure at first whether I should sleep or vomit. :)
> But that passed after an hour or so, but I am still
> feeling a tired and squeezy.

effexor really does the number on me for vomiting.
i have been on it for a couple pf months.
i have increased my dosage to 3 x 37.5 a day and i still get nausea.( i understand it helps to eat when taking) thinking of switching to remeral (sp) i have been on prozac, paxil, and zoloft with no success...........


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Kev on January 4, 2000, at 21:32:43

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Noa on January 4, 2000, at 20:18:46

Here is my experience with Effexor XR: No improvement in depressed mood or motivation; high efficacy in blocking Panic; some efficacy in blocking generalized Anxiety; horrendous withdrawal symptoms upon cessation lasting for over 3 weeks.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by shan on January 6, 2000, at 4:38:49

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by Kev on January 4, 2000, at 21:32:43

i've been on effexor xr since 07/99--6months. for the first 5 1/2 months, it was the greatest, now i've been diagnosed with manic depression, so i find out tomorrow whether or not i'll still be on it. withdrawal symptoms are a very horrible experience--never want to do that again. now i'm at the highest dose/day of effexor xr and it's not working as well anymore. don't know what to do, guess i'll find out tomorrow...keep me posted.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Noa on January 6, 2000, at 6:14:55

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by shan on January 6, 2000, at 4:38:49

When you say highest dose, exactly what do you mean? Just curious.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by shan on January 6, 2000, at 23:27:19

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by Noa on January 6, 2000, at 6:14:55

> When you say highest dose, exactly what do you mean? Just curious.

i'm on effexor xr 300mg/daily, i think the max is 375mg/daily but that might be for effexor. i don't know. but i just got diagnosed with bipolar so i'll be switching to lithium in a few weeks. but for now i'm still on effexor xr along with 2mg of klonopin for temporary control of mania and anxiety. --shan :)


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by shan on January 7, 2000, at 15:01:19

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by Noa on January 7, 2000, at 5:23:25

i'm kinda scared to take lithium, any info that might help? would be greatly appreciated.
thanx :)


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Noa on January 7, 2000, at 16:08:50

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by shan on January 7, 2000, at 15:01:19

> i'm kinda scared to take lithium, any info that might help? would be greatly appreciated.
> thanx :)

I was, too. About 3 years ago or so, my doc introduced the idea to me, but I did not want to go there. He said he understood. Since I hadn't tried what I considered to be less "serious" medications at that time, at least in combo, I thought I didn't really need to consider lithium. Well, more recently it has become clear that I need something of a different class than the usual drugs, both to augment the AD effect, and to address what appears to be a cycling aspect of my depression.

So, I started the lithium. I asked a lot of questions here and had a bunch of tests done, spoke with my GP about my overall health and the appropriateness of lithium, etc. She agreed it was a good idea to try it.

So far, it is ok. The lithium has had none of the usual sorts of side effects, like drowsiness, headache, etc. The main problem is the annoyance of having to pee a lot, and being thirsty all the time. But I am getting used to it.

As far as safety, my doc has had me get blood levels twice. The first time (at dose of 900 per day) my level was low, 0.5. I just took another blood test yesterday. When I get the results, I will let you know. My doc does not like to go above 1.0, even tho it has been customary to treat bipolar disorder above that. Toxic levels are something like 1.5. What my doc does is combine lithium with another mood stabilizer, like neurontin, depakote, or lamictal, so the person doesn't have to keep lithium levels up close to toxicity. I think the aim for me is around 0.8.

When we decided to go the route of a mood stabilizer, I asked why he prefered lithium. His response, and incidentally, my GP had the same response, was that lithium is a better known entity and has a good record of producing a good antidepressant effect.

S. Suggs wrote that he has been taking lithium for three years and is happy with how it works.

Where are you at in your thinking/decision making? Are you looking at lithium for augmentation of the effexor xr? Do you have bipolar symptoms in addition to the depression?


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by shan on January 8, 2000, at 21:32:30

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?, posted by Noa on January 7, 2000, at 16:08:50

well, i thought that i just had depression.
i had a few manic episodes here and there, then all of a sudden i became more manic than depressed. i started scaring my friends and family. for now i'm taking 300mg effexor xr along with 2 mg klonopin too keep the manic episodes down. in a couple weeks i think that i will try out the lithium, i just need more time to think. i read Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel, and i think that's what kind of scared me. thanx for replying, keep in touch.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Cindy W on January 11, 2000, at 9:14:46

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by saint james on January 11, 2000, at 0:50:35

Have been on Effexor-XR for about l l/2 months now. Recently increased to 225 mg/day. It seems to give me more energy and makes me feel less hopeless, but I feel kind of agitated and restless. Does not seem to have the sexual side effects that Prozac, Luvox, and Zoloft did, but doesn't reduce the social anxiety like Serzone did. It seems to have some effect on OCD (I feel like I'm spending less energy and time obsessing about things). --Cindy W


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Noa on January 11, 2000, at 22:03:41

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Cindy W on January 11, 2000, at 9:14:46

Cindy, I also have felt some kind of jitteriness from the effexor xr, but with my current dose of serzone (225 mg.), I notice the jitteriness is gone, I guess because of the sedating qualities of the serzone. BTW, I take 375 mg of effexor xr.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Cindy W on January 11, 2000, at 22:18:51

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Noa on January 11, 2000, at 22:03:41

> Cindy, I also have felt some kind of jitteriness from the effexor xr, but with my current dose of serzone (225 mg.), I notice the jitteriness is gone, I guess because of the sedating qualities of the serzone. BTW, I take 375 mg of effexor xr.
Noa, thanks for letting me know about your taking both Effexor and Serzone. I'd like to ask my psychdoc about combining them, when I go see him at the end of this month, because I suspect that would be a good combination for me too. Right now, I only take 225 mg/day of Effexor. I used to take 450 mg/day of Serzone. Hope things are working out well for you.--Cindy W


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Noa on January 11, 2000, at 22:30:09

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Cindy W on January 11, 2000, at 22:18:51

thanks, Cindy. I also take cytomel and synthroid, as well as methylphenidate, and started lithium last month. I think I am doing better because of the lithium. But I am also working hard in therapy to try to understand the psychological aspects of my depression. I sometimes wish the medication would do it all, but I know that isn't how it works.



Posted by TANYA on January 14, 2000, at 10:48:44

In reply to Re: starting effexor... keep posting.. success/dosage?, posted by lg on November 7, 1999, at 19:11:05

Hi, I have just started taking effexor xr and I have only been on it for 3 days. I had been suffering from mild depression and sleeplessness. My dr. has also given me tryodozone for sleeping at night. it really helps and I wake up feeling refreshed after sleep. I don't have much of an appetite which to me feels good because I need to loose some weight. The only concern that I have is that I get severely tired during the day when taking the effexor xr the dr. said he wants me to take it during the day so that it will give me energy, but i haven't experienced that yet. I know it's only been 3 days, but am worried that I don't want to feel this exhausted during the day while taking it. Did anyone else experience this and if so how long before it went away?



Posted by RG on January 14, 2000, at 12:14:30

In reply to JUST STARTED TAKING EFFEXOR XR, posted by TANYA on January 14, 2000, at 10:48:44

> Hi, I have just started taking effexor xr and I have only been on it for 3 days. I had been suffering from mild depression and sleeplessness. My dr. has also given me tryodozone for sleeping at night. it really helps and I wake up feeling refreshed after sleep. I don't have much of an appetite which to me feels good because I need to loose some weight. The only concern that I have is that I get severely tired during the day when taking the effexor xr the dr. said he wants me to take it during the day so that it will give me energy, but i haven't experienced that yet. I know it's only been 3 days, but am worried that I don't want to feel this exhausted during the day while taking it. Did anyone else experience this and if so how long before it went away?
> thanks,
> tanya

It goes away! But not for 5 weeks with me. Don't worry about it, just take a nap or relax more and let it pass with time. It will pass once you adjust.



Posted by Cindy W on January 14, 2000, at 21:23:34

In reply to Re: JUST STARTED TAKING EFFEXOR XR, posted by RG on January 14, 2000, at 12:14:30

> > Hi, I have just started taking effexor xr and I have only been on it for 3 days. I had been suffering from mild depression and sleeplessness. My dr. has also given me tryodozone for sleeping at night. it really helps and I wake up feeling refreshed after sleep. I don't have much of an appetite which to me feels good because I need to loose some weight. The only concern that I have is that I get severely tired during the day when taking the effexor xr the dr. said he wants me to take it during the day so that it will give me energy, but i haven't experienced that yet. I know it's only been 3 days, but am worried that I don't want to feel this exhausted during the day while taking it. Did anyone else experience this and if so how long before it went away?
> > thanks,
> > tanya
> It goes away! But not for 5 weeks with me. Don't worry about it, just take a nap or relax more and let it pass with time. It will pass once you adjust.

Tanya, I agree with RG...the fatigue passes. After about three weeks, I started feeling like I had much more energy. Hope it works out for you!--Cindy W

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