Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 1045

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Re: celexa

Posted by Donna on November 16, 1998, at 16:52:26

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Amy on November 14, 1998, at 20:09:20

I just started Celexa, and I have never taken anti-depression medication. I have extremely dry mouth, diaherra (mild), and palpitations (which) I would get occasionaly before medicataion.
But since I started medication it is more frequent than ever before. Any information others have about it would be appreciated, as I am very concerned about taking any kinds of medication
and would rather go with more natural alternatives.


Re: celexa

Posted by Tom on November 20, 1998, at 9:16:39

In reply to celexa, posted by connie on November 3, 1998, at 19:20:02

> I took Celexa for about 3 weeks as a sample and thought it was wonderful! I really helped more than the other I'd taken and my only side effect was slightly more difficulty ejaculating. Naturally my insurance will now not pay for it so I get to try Prozac and something else. From what I've read with the others, I am really concerned about sexual affects.

I'd recommend Celexa highly. Good luck.


Re: celexa

Posted by Jeff on November 20, 1998, at 17:30:13

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Alayne on November 10, 1998, at 16:20:13

I started taking celexa about 5 weeks ago. 40mg. Also takingt Dexadrine about 25mg a day. celexa seems to have virtually no effect on me so far except giving me occasional anxiety. Paxil worked better for me so far but my Dr said to give it 8 weeks.


Re: celexa

Posted by Anne on December 1, 1998, at 8:50:23

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Jeff on November 20, 1998, at 17:25:49

> > I started taking it about a week ago. It has helped a little so far. There's some great reviews on it. It has less severe side effects than most SSRI's like it. I have had a little nausia if I take it without food. Best of luck to you.

Hey - can we keep in touch about what is happening? I've been on a week or so too. I'm coming off a prozac/wellbutrin combo. I cannot find very much info about this drug or about what combos are good with it.


Re: celexa

Posted by Jen on December 2, 1998, at 11:20:22

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Amy on November 14, 1998, at 20:09:20

Hello Amy,

I have a very good friend just about to start Celexa. However, I am currently on Luvox and I have had absolutely no sexual dysfunction! I suggested Luvox to my friend because of her experience with sexual dysfunction previously. However, her managed care plan will not pay for Luvox. That is a shame because I have tried Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft before Luvox and they all had sexual dysfunction or I could not tolerate them. Anyway, good luck!


Re: celexa

Posted by phil on December 20, 1998, at 23:26:29

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Tom on November 20, 1998, at 9:16:39

.been on drug for 5 weeks, sex is great and normal was on paxel had problems getting off.
paxil was the best for my problem but the weight gain was unreal so i changed to celexa, but stomach stays upset all time which gives me same feeling of the problem i had please give me feed back on differnt medication , phil


celexa & depakote

Posted by gabby on December 21, 1998, at 7:30:23

In reply to celexa, posted by connie on November 3, 1998, at 19:20:02

After being on Zoloft for 4+ years, I am just starting celexa. Has anyone used it in combination with Depakote?


Re: celexa & depakote

Posted by bev on December 21, 1998, at 10:21:36

In reply to celexa & depakote, posted by gabby on December 21, 1998, at 7:30:23

I have been on celexa for two weeks. I feel much better, but I feel anxious alot of the time.
Does anyone know if this is from the drug or something else.
I didn't see it as one of the side effects.


Re: celexa

Posted by bev on December 22, 1998, at 4:32:28

In reply to celexa, posted by connie on November 3, 1998, at 19:20:02

I have been on this drug for three weeks and feel much better. All of my side affects are gone, but I feel anxious most of the time. Does any one know if this is a side affect or do you think it is from something else.


Re: celexa

Posted by ginny on December 22, 1998, at 10:30:03

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by bev on December 22, 1998, at 4:32:28

> I have been on this drug for three weeks and feel much better. All of my side affects are gone, but I feel anxious most of the time. Does any one know if this is a side affect or do you think it is from something else.
Started taking Celexa about 5 weeks ago. Gradually
moving up to 50 mg/day for OCD. I experience
anxiety/panic, generally within an hour of
taking my meds in the morning. Some slight gastro
upset, but nothing I cannot handle. I think it's
beginning to kick in. I had a tiny down-turn when
I kicked up to 50, but I think it's leveling out.
Keep me posted on how you do. I really want this to
be an answer.


Re: celexa

Posted by Ginny on December 22, 1998, at 10:35:59

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Anne on December 1, 1998, at 8:50:23

> > > I started taking it about a week ago. It has helped a little so far. There's some great reviews on it. It has less severe side effects than most SSRI's like it. I have had a little nausia if I take it without food. Best of luck to you.
> Hey - can we keep in touch about what is happening? I've been on a week or so too. I'm coming off a prozac/wellbutrin combo. I cannot find very much info about this drug or about what combos are good with it.

I took Wellbutrin for about 2 1/2 years and just started
Celexa about 5 weeks ago. I notice a big difference,
but have some really bleak spells. Probably just getting
adjusted - said to take up to 8 weeks to stabilize.
I didn't realize so many people would be posting already.
I notice anxiety, nausea, and some panicky feelings, generally
within an hour of taking it. That's about it, really, as far as
side effects go. Please, keep in touch. Ginny


Re: celexa

Posted by patty on December 24, 1998, at 10:17:19

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by phil on December 20, 1998, at 23:26:29

I have been on Celexa for about a month now and I find it to be one of the best antidepressants so far. Absolutly no side effects and my mood is excellent. Before Celexa, I started on Prozac, then I went to Zoloft, and both of those left me with no sexual desire. So I tried Serzone. Sex was OK but I was tired all of the time. Thats when I went to Celexa. Maybe the Serzone would work for you.


Re: celexa

Posted by Dawn on December 24, 1998, at 13:00:55

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by bev on December 22, 1998, at 4:32:28

> I have been on this drug for three weeks and feel much better. All of my side affects are gone, but I feel anxious most of the time. Does any one know if this is a side affect or do you think it is from something else.

I have been on Celexa for about 2 weeks and still feel anxious, also. My side effects are slowly going away that seemed so severe at first. I'd like to know if the anxiety is from something else or the meds.


Re: celexa

Posted by jak on December 25, 1998, at 21:21:27

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by candy on November 3, 1998, at 19:36:31

> > I haven't heard of this drug and was wondering if anybody has tried it. It will be used in conjunction with Effexor. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
> I am looking into Celexa. So far, info has been difficult to come by. Combining it with Effexor sounds dangerous. I hope your DR. knows what s/he is doing. I would seek a second opnion before combining two SSRI's. Isn't Effexor working for your? It's supposed to be great!

This is Jak. I've been on Serzone for about a year and it doesn't seem to be working so well anymore, so last week my doc kept me on Serzone but added Celexa. He said it's o.k. to combine Serzone and Celexa, which are both SSRIs, although I don't know if certain other combinations, like Effexor and Celexa, or Zoloft and Celexa, for example, could be dangerous. Any pharmacist could answer that question if you can't get a quicker answer from your doc. Also, not all anti-depressants work for everybody. My doc said Serzone and Celexa work on different sites in the Serotonin section of the brain. That's why he said they're good together. After I've used them together for awhile, I'll post my results.


Re: celexa

Posted by jak on December 25, 1998, at 21:32:02

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Dawn on December 24, 1998, at 13:00:55

> > I have been on this drug for three weeks and feel much better. All of my side affects are gone, but I feel anxious most of the time. Does any one know if this is a side affect or do you think it is from something else.
> I have been on Celexa for about 2 weeks and still feel anxious, also. My side effects are slowly going away that seemed so severe at first. I'd like to know if the anxiety is from something else or the meds.

This is Jak. I've always been told by my doc and heard elsewhere that anxiety is separate and distinct from depression, so they are 2 different diagnoses. So your anxiety may have nothing to do with Celexa. You can have depression and anxiety at the same time, which is quite common. I've been really anxious lately, too, and on 12/21 my doc started me on BuSpar, which is a nonhabit-forming anti-anxiety med. It can take about 7-10 days before you feel better and you get the full effects in 3-4 weeks, just like with the anti-depressants. BuSpar is non-sedating, so it's unlike Valium or Xanax, which are really not good for you because in the long run you can become addicted to them and have horrible withdrawal symptoms if you try to abruptly stop. BuSpar doesn't do this. Check out BuSpar's website: It's really informative.


Re: celexa

Posted by Mimi on December 26, 1998, at 1:08:48

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Dawn on December 24, 1998, at 13:00:55

>I have been on just about every antidepressant out there. Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Effexor, Wellbrutin, Serzone, to name a few. Celexa has given me the least amount of side effects, although I've only been on it for about two weeks. So far I noticed being a little jittery and nauseated right after taking it. I have been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was wondering if anyone has complained of fatigue from this drug. Also, I am a weightlifter, and was wondering if anyone has noticed any loss of strength with this drug because I heard that it could be a side effect. Any info from other women on this drug would be greatly appreciated. > I have been on this drug for three weeks and feel much better. All of my side affects are gone, but I feel anxious most of the time. Does any one know if this is a side affect or do you think it is from something else.
> I have been on Celexa for about 2 weeks and still feel anxious, also. My side effects are slowly going away that seemed so severe at first. I'd like to know if the anxiety is from something else or the meds.


Re: celexa

Posted by Tina on December 26, 1998, at 6:05:05

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Mimi on December 26, 1998, at 1:08:48

I have been on Celexa since September 24th. I noticed almost immediate results. I'm on it for depression, anxiety, and OCD. I still feel anxious, depending on certain situations. However, the depression and OCD have been diminished greatly. I have searched high and low for side effects, drug interations, etc. The 1999 PDR does not even contain info on this drug. There is very little info provided by the pharmacist. My side effects have been severely decreased sexual libido, great tiredness, and inability to make myself exercise. I hate all of these side effects, but love the fact that my symptoms are so minimal now. My doctor and counselor keep telling me to push myself and try to at least walk or keep moving and hopefully the sleepiness will diminish.


Re: celexa

Posted by gayle on December 26, 1998, at 9:10:00

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Tina on December 26, 1998, at 6:05:05

> I have been on Celexa since September 24th. I noticed almost immediate results. I'm on it for depression, anxiety, and OCD. I still feel anxious, depending on certain situations. However, the depression and OCD have been diminished greatly. I have searched high and low for side effects, drug interations, etc. The 1999 PDR does not even contain info on this drug. There is very little info provided by the pharmacist. My side effects have been severely decreased sexual libido, great tiredness, and inability to make myself exercise. I hate all of these side effects, but love the fact that my symptoms are so minimal now. My doctor and counselor keep telling me to push myself and try to at least walk or keep moving and hopefully the sleepiness will diminish.
< I have been on celexa for 5 weeks. I feel good, I'm on 20 mil. I've never been on antidepressants before celexa. (wait, thats not true, I tried paxil for 1 week and never got up out of my living room floor)As far as exercise I dance the tango and seem to have a lot of energy. I have also maintained muscle, therefore It has not affected my ability to work out. However, I do have one side effect and that is sexual.


Re: celexa

Posted by Dave on December 26, 1998, at 20:05:35

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by gayle on December 26, 1998, at 9:10:00

> I have been on celexa since 11-24 and am up to 60mg. I did not know this was a high dosage until checking the net. I had several days of anxiety and lightheadedness during first week and at each increase in dosage. This is my first time on such medication and I am embarassed to be on it. I also am having sexual trouble. Almost immediately I could not get a erection or ejaculate. This condition has improved but is not at premedication levels. The Dr. tells me to let some more time go by and then if need be we can add medication to help mitigate the sexual side effects. I also have gained some wt and am more tired but have trouble sleeping. Dr. said that should pass too. Have any guys had their sexual activity restored to premed days?> I have been on Celexa since September 24th. I noticed almost immediate results. I'm on it for depression, anxiety, and OCD. I still feel anxious, depending on certain situations. However, the depression and OCD have been diminished greatly. I have searched high and low for side effects, drug interations, etc. The 1999 PDR does not even contain info on this drug. There is very little info provided by the pharmacist. My side effects have been severely decreased sexual libido, great tiredness, and inability to make myself exercise. I hate all of these side effects, but love the fact that my symptoms are so minimal now. My doctor and counselor keep telling me to push myself and try to at least walk or keep moving and hopefully the sleepiness will diminish.
> < I have been on celexa for 5 weeks. I feel good, I'm on 20 mil. I've never been on antidepressants before celexa. (wait, thats not true, I tried paxil for 1 week and never got up out of my living room floor)As far as exercise I dance the tango and seem to have a lot of energy. I have also maintained muscle, therefore It has not affected my ability to work out. However, I do have one side effect and that is sexual.


Re: celexa

Posted by Bryan on December 26, 1998, at 21:11:56

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Dave on December 26, 1998, at 20:05:35

I have just started using Celexa. How long does it take before the drug starts to take effect? I have not had a side effect of tiredness, but I have only taken the drug four days.


Re: celexa

Posted by steve on December 26, 1998, at 22:45:06

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Dave on December 26, 1998, at 20:05:35

I have been on 40 mgs of Celexa for about 6 weeks. I have been on all of the other antidepressants, most notably, prozac at 80 mgs for 4 years. My feelings about celexa are mixed. I feel pretty good, but the sexual side-effects are still there (not as bad as prozac though). Also, I've noticed that it's not very good on the anxiety, but on the other hand I've had some significant weight loss! I have resigned myself to the fact that as long as I'm on anti-depressants, there just isn't going to be any great sex. Has anyone had good responses with Serzone over the long-haul???


Re: celexa

Posted by Dawn on December 27, 1998, at 7:59:36

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Bryan on December 26, 1998, at 21:11:56

> I have just started using Celexa. How long does it take before the drug starts to take effect? I have not had a side effect of tiredness, but I have only taken the drug four days.

I've been taking celexa for about two and a half weeks. My most noticeable side effects are yawning, decreased sex life(which sucks most), and sleepiness. I was perscribed this for anxiety but doesn't seem to rid of all the anxiety by far. Does anyone know if the side effects will go away or remain?


Re: celexa

Posted by Brian on December 27, 1998, at 9:35:28

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Alayne on November 10, 1998, at 16:20:13

I began Celexa about 3 weeks ago and thus far I have been seeing some improvements. Having taken Prozac some four years ago I have also seen some improvements. Don't miss the point though, any drug taken must be used in combination with soal enriching experiences. You are in command of your life while Celexa is only a tempory stepping stone to reach your wildest dreams.


Re: celexa

Posted by Mary on December 27, 1998, at 14:06:18

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by ginny on December 22, 1998, at 10:30:03

> >I have been taking celexa for 1 1/2 wk. for panic attacks and had to
adjust dosage down to 10mg as anxiety increased and insomnia with
20mg. So far I am much better already.


Re: celexa

Posted by steve on December 27, 1998, at 16:17:43

In reply to Re: celexa, posted by Dave on December 26, 1998, at 20:05:35

Just wondering what people's experiences have been with sexual side-effects with celexa (especially at higher doses and compared with Serzone).

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