Posted by alexandra_k on September 6, 2022, at 21:09:29
In reply to maths word problems, posted by alexandra_k on September 6, 2022, at 21:02:09
because they won't do the word problems around things like perimeter and area that make sense. they won't introduce algebra properly.
not until they have forced them into dropping out because no matter how you answer the question about the expenses involved in some stupid trip your answer will be written up as wrong.
not numerically... but because there are many many different ways to solve the problem.. . whichever way you choose to do it, the teacher will write on your paper that you did not do it the way they wanted you to.
because you are required to be wrong.
because you have been chosen to clean chris hipkins toilet for minimum wage intergenerationally.
or whatever.
because that's what education is for.
and if we could programme a automaton to clean chris hipkinos toilet.. then someone would need to figure out something equally demeaning... that's the way they view it. that's the point of it, you see... the whole point or purpose is that there be postions in life that are percied by tohs ein power to be undesirable and demeaning. to be handed out to people who aren't suitably sucking up and so on. to people who say things that they do not wnat to hear. they only want to hear themselvs. their own echo chamber of themselves.
that wasn't me. I applied to be enrolled in medicine. i wanted to be seeing actual patients. i wanted a social services job. they choose for me that they would rather keep me isolated on disability. no classes for me. no cohort for me. no job for me. this is what htey have chosen witih all of their power that i am to do with my life. curl up and die is wha they most want. of course. I'm too old now the pedophiles don't find me sexually desirable anymore. my only value as a homo sapiens in new zealand (the world apparently) is gone.
i'm realy glad that i did not have a kid. i wouldnt' voluntarily choose to bring another life into this f*ck*ng mess or hell hole.
i guess they get to gloat about that too. how they had children so that they would have something for htemslves to eat if things became hard for thsemselves at some point.