Posted by rjlockhart37 on February 20, 2020, at 15:13:01
i've been wondering why, even at moderate doses of a benzo i take for anxiety, diazepam. I didnt undertstand why i was not relieved of it, and actually it caused hyper-activty. So...i did some research, when GABA medications are used too much, even like phenibut, it can wear the GABA level. Just like dopamine deleption after doing amphetamines for a long time. But i don't, i only take 2.5mg in morning, and 5mg during the day. I went to the nutrition store, and bought the percuser GABA, its cheap, and my goodness, it was all resotred, i was able to be calmed down, or anxiety relievrd.
It was gaba depletion, and diazepam won't work without enough gaba in the brain. I took it, and i would tiny relief, then i would hyper-activity, or even irritability. Diazepam is the borning benzo, no particular properties except slight general relief of anxiety. alprazolam is more for panic attacks, same to lorazepam, there both more potent then diazepam. They have more recreational properties.
But, i solved it, ther was not enough GABA in the synapse, benzos won't work if there isnt gaba, i took the supplement and my goodness it worked, slowly....but i felt relief.
suing gaba meds all the time downgrades it, so...i read in the past peopl who took barbiturates, for a while sedated and calmed, then reports of causing paradox like hyperactivity and being awake, its because there is not enough gaba in the brain.
anyways....just wanted to share that for general info
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-Shannon L Alder