Posted by rjlockhart37 on January 17, 2020, at 18:56:46
i've been doing research, i can't find any accurate articles that compare the two. All i know is that selegiline is a selective MAO-B, and it increases dopamine levels, and used for parkinson disease. Yet it said it's not a indicator as antidepressant. But many people here have taken ENSAM patch and said it worked wonders. Parnate is a non selective MAO-b and from i what i read, they say it's more antidepressant properties, yet it does increase dopamine. I used to be able to find answers on the web, but its like some of the details disappeared. All i know is parnate is potent, but has lots of side effects more than selegiline. But ... question, which is more difference, in potency or mechanism of action, selegiline is a "selective" MAO-b, which it directly increases dopamine levels.
If anyone has taken them, whats the difference, is parnate more potent, or is more antidepressant effects. I read people take d-amphetamine with parnate and experienced major relief from treatment resistant depression. Yet alot doctors today use selegiline with a stimulant to add on to its effect.
Does anyone know the exact difference in their pharmacology? or how they effect the nervous system, i frequently read parnate also works on MAO-A also. It's not used to treat or effective in Parkinson's disease
any evidence or experiences between these two, bedes parnate being a older medication
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