Posted by linkadge on September 24, 2009, at 19:58:13
In reply to Dexedrine and Benzodiazepine Tolerance, posted by philipmarlowe78 on September 23, 2009, at 14:42:04
To be honest, you are dealing with two classes with a high potential for tollerance and addiction. Unless you are a rockstar on the road - the upper/downer combination is kind of a bad path IMHO.
I don't know what to say, if 2 years off these medications did not reset tollerance I'm not sure what to say. I am just assuming you're not seeking a high. I am assuming you are seeking relief from ADHD and anxiety. In which case, a switch to a different class of meds may be warrented. A TCA like nortriptyline may help both.
With amphetamines the user almost never gets the same subjective high as they did the first time - even after (like you say) long period of abstainance. The brain can built up a memory for certain drugs. Addiction genes like delta-fos-b, which work to 'remember' drugs like this to prevent maladaptive responses to drugs.
Most of the NMDA antagonist reasearch is aimed at restoring the 'theraputic' effect of drugs like opiates and stimulants.
The first few times I took ritalin I got a buzz, but now I don't. It still works well for my attention though, so really I don't care about the buzz because to be honest it was a little distracting.