Posted by Nuala on August 2, 2008, at 20:02:28
I have been on Seroquel (quetiapine) for 4 years, along with Lexapro. Originally, I was on 300 mg Seroquel and 30 Lexapro. Currently 70% of 25mg (tapering down)and no lexapro.
I was subsequently diagnosed as hypothyroid 3 years ago, and placed on thyroxine. My old medical records, which I consulted showed I was hypothyroid in 1996!
I began tapering my psych meds as I felt infinately better!
However, after a time, I could no longer tolerate any dose of thyroxine (any variety) or Armour.
I was recently diagnosed with partial secondary adrenal insufficency, which I researched and had tests run for as a result of intolerance to all thyroid medications.
I believe that my HPA axis and HPT axis were likely already depressed and it was an error to place me on Seroquel.
From what little I could find in abstract form on Pubmed, showed that Seroquel, even in low doses can significantly lower ACTH and cortisol.
I don't want to go on hydrocortisone for life if there is any chance that the current Seroqeul dose I am taking is interfering sufficiently with my cortisol production.
However, at a 30% taper, I vary in anxiety and fatigue throughout the day. TOTALLY variable and I can't predict when it will strike, or if I will feel well enough to do things. Sometimes I feel ok, others, paralyzed in anxiety and extreme fatigue.
I am starting to wonder if the Seroquel has caused a permanent impairment to my HPA axis and adrenal glands and god knows what else.
Has anyone else been through something similar?
Does anyone have a low cortisol situation (any form of adrenal insufficiency not caused by a antipsychotic) and is on psych meds becasue of it?
I feel that the literature is so under represented on the subject of hypoadrenia or impaired HPA axis function > I see plenty on cushings and HYPER adrenal situations. It seems that a lot of psych meds , esp the newer antipsychotics are designed specificially to low or decrease HPA axis activity.
Thanks :)