Posted by nickguy on August 8, 2006, at 21:18:18
so I've had depression and anxiety for about 4 years, and been on tons of drugs that haven't helped. Right now, I'm taking klonopin 1 mg daily, ativan 1.5 mg as needed, and I've been on zoloft for 2 months now and it hasn't give me much benefit. The ativan and klonopin work o.k for me. Mostly just relieve me of stress and help me to socialize, although they cause me to get black out drunk and into bad circumstances. Anyway, heres my med history:
paxil, zoloft, lexapro (twice), cymbalta, effexor, wellbutrin, lithium, lamictal, gabitril, desipramine, provigil, seroquel- sometimes in combos sometimes not.
My new pysch is awesome and is willing to try many things. I know an MAOI seems logical, but I don't know if I feel like dealing with medical bracelets and only having two drinks. I'm considering the RIMA moclobemide. He mentioned stimulants, but I don't think I'd be comfotable with amphetamines. I'm thinking of considering Mirapex or another dopamine agonist. Remeron combined with effexor is another option I guess. Anybody have any other ideas or similiar situations/experience?