Posted by stargazer on August 3, 2006, at 9:17:52
I'm not sure if I have ADD or not. I've been referred to an ADD clinic to verify this based on my own uncertainty. I did take Adderall for awhile and I think it was helpful for energy and focus. It recently was discontinued along with Celexa and Wellbutrin (stopped working), which helped for awhile. I wanted to try Marplan so I had to stop everything else due to interactions. I told my doc I thought the lack of Adderall was causing me to be less focused and more tired. He disagreed and is keeping me on Lamictal and Risperdal with Marplan. I feel tired and unforcused. Can I take Adderall with Marplan or what stimulant might help if I cannot take Adderall?
Thanks for any feedback...SG.
I'm still wondering if the Adderall helped becasue I have ADD or if it works to give you energy adn focus without the diagnosis.