Posted by FrequentFryer on June 7, 2006, at 7:37:28
Ive tried almost every man made drug on the planet & to me there kinda all the same... They make ya good for a while but then they just end up screwing you over in the long run with their side effects...... Im about ready to give up.....
(I know what ur thinking) {try some talk therapy...) But I have recieved 100% remission from Chem therapy for a little while... So Naturally I assume its a chemical problem...
& I Know U can adjust your chemicals naturally...But What I wanna know... Has anyone out there had bad depression unaffected by SSRI, SNRI, NRI, TCA, HCA or MAOI & common augmentation {ie Lithium, Pindolol).. & found a "Cocktail" to fast track (avoid) the whole "poop out / tollerance" thing?