Posted by up'n'down on April 8, 2005, at 3:23:44
In reply to STRATTERA WORKING, but troubling cardiac symptoms, posted by BLUED251 on April 7, 2005, at 14:18:18
> I am on day 7 of taking 18mg of Strattera for anxiety related ADD. I am happy to say that so far it is working better than any of the SSRI's I have tried in treating the anxiety. I am, however, become growingly concerned with the cardiac symptoms I am experiencing. Every time I stand up from anywhere my heart pounds causing a slight head rush and continues this way for several minutes. It also seems that in other, only slightly stressful situations, my heart rate seems to jump much more easily than it did without the medicine.
> At this point it is tough to tell if the heart rate increase is still being caused by my bodies automatic response to anxiety levels or if this medicine is indeed jacking me up.
> At 26, can this be harmful???? With the way Strattera has helped me in only 7 days I can definitely see myself staying on this med for along time. Has anyone else had this experience with this med? Has the thought entered your mind that yes this med is definitely beneficial but could it be doing more harm than good. At this point I'm terrified at the thought of cardiac damage but feeling extremely positive about the anxiety easing benefits already seen.
> Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
> blued 25
>Dear b251;
Cardiac symptoms are always to be taken very seriously. I'm glad you are getting good effects from your med. I would start with notifying your physician immediately about your symptoms, if possible, or some other healthcare individual. So many of our type of meds do have quite fierce side-effects, at first, but your body can adjust in many situations. Whatever you do, do not increase your dosage until you stop experiencing those kinds of effects because it will certainly make you worse. I am not familiar with your med, so I hope Phillipa and some of the others who are familiar with it can respond to you.
If you are having any heart irregularities that you have not had before, seek medical help quickly. In the meantime, be careful upon arising, and allow your body to adjust before you move away from something to hang on to.
Have you ever had any problems with high blood pressure, or low either, for that matter???
That covers everything I can think of right now; don't let me scare you after all this advice, but I like to cover all the bases I know to cover. My best to you, and please keep us informed about everything. U'n'D