Posted by 1980Monroe on July 2, 2004, at 12:47:53
In reply to Re: how effecitive is Ativan?, posted by paulbwell on June 30, 2004, at 4:15:10
I took Meprobamate generic form 400mg. Same thing as miltown. I tried SSRI's which gave me nothing but side effects. Then went to diazepam, xanax which did opposite anxiety reactions. I asked my doctor about miltown at first, but he wanted to wait and put me on xanax. My grandma took it that why i knew about it when i was kid and drove her crazy when i spent the night, so she shoved miltown down my mouth. It worked somewhat, but tolerance really skyrocketed and eventually came ineffective.
Anyways, right now im not on anything, i take GABA supplements, and Kava, but that really is a placebo. Thanks for the post
Do you take Desoxyn by the way, i read some of your posts that were monsterous on it, i take dexedrine for add.
Anyway Later