Posted by dw on July 1, 2004, at 23:31:36
Wow! Just read a million different posts about all the effexsor withdrawal symptoms and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. It confirms that this process is quite normal. I've been having the most intense dizziness ever! Like I'm drunk. "Brain shivers" or whatever they're called--definitely. Also very vivid dreams--more nightmarish and dark than usual. I never remembered my dreams much while I was taking effexsor. Just for the record, I was on effexsor for about 4-5 years before it stopped working for me. But to its credit, effexsor pretty much saved my life and I think it's a great drug for certain people (every SSRI seems to affect everyone very diiferently).
I was extremley depressed with severe panic disorder and within weeks of taking it I felt 100% better. I believe that if a drug works for you, you very well might not need to worry about the withdrawal symptoms because you may never have to stop taking it! Okay--that said, I really appreciate this site!
p.s. My psychiatrist has replaced my Effexsor with Lamictal--a seisure medication that is just now being used to treat manic-depression. So far pretty good.