Posted by Rainee on April 29, 2004, at 9:44:20
My doc is taking it slow because it appears I have a mood disorder and I'm up too 75mgs of lamicatal a day and I take up too 3mgs of klonopin a day. I see the lamictal has calmed my irritability but I am still so depressed and losing my confidence and don't want to leave the house... In the past Prozac or any SSRI for the matter gave me the confidence to go out into the world.. I'm afraid this doc won't give me back an ssri because he is afraid it makes my bipolar worse .. but hell how am I supposed to live? I see him Monday and I'll see what he has to add I don't lamictal alone is going to do it all. Right now I'm suffering I feel like I'm letting everyone down .. I'm afraid to just go to walmart today. alone. I feel so alone. and I know the more I give into these feelings the more power they have over me.. but I'm just so tired of the fight. I have been doing this just about all my life. My children don't even understand anymore.
I feel so worthless. God I hope things get better.thanks