Posted by tensor on November 9, 2003, at 13:01:21
I would like to hear your experiences on dopaminergic drugs such as conerta, ritalin etc.(not adderall or other containing amph. since they are not available where i live). Which do you think is the best?
Background: I've been on remeron for five years and tried SSRI's, TCA's and effexor. Remeron is the only AD i've responded to. I currently take 30mg remeron(for depression) with 2-4mg klonopin(for GAD and social phobia) daily, the problem is that the remeron has stopped working. I've tried adding edronax(rebox.) with no positive effect. I now think i need a dopaminergic drug to lift my mood and help me with my lack of motivation.I'm grateful for any thoughts, ideas, advices and experiences. Thank you.