Posted by snowden on January 31, 2003, at 21:35:43
In reply to Re: Wellbutrin and tantrums » ricardo, posted by jane d on January 31, 2003, at 14:22:14
<<I found that the Prozac seemed to work especially well on the kind of rages you describe and my understanding is that all the SSRIs are alike in that way. Sometimes taking an SSRI and Wellbutrin eliminates the sexual side effects of the SSRI. For me the combination is also a better antidepressant than either one alone.
I was just wondering if you're currently taking both Prozac and Wellbutrin. First I took only Prozac, felt extremely sedated and slept constantly...then Wellbutrin, anger, rages, etc. I almost lost my job!...Now Prozac again, sedation continues...If you're on both, what dosage do you take? Do you still get rages and aggitation while also on an SSRI?
Please, any advice would be helpful, it's either sleep the rest of my life away, isolate myself from everyone through both depression and/or aggression...